- Handbook Archive
- 2016 subjects
- 18th/19th Century Music MUSI30055
- 20th/21st Century Western Music MUSI30056
- 3-D Echocardiography & New Technologies MEDI90046
- A Century of Australian Social Policy SOCI90009
- A History of Nature HPSC20002
- A History of Sexualities HIST30004
- A History of Violence HIST30068
- A Postcolonial International Relations? POLS40014
- A Taste of Europe: Melbourne Intensive EURO20007
- A Taste of Europe: Melbourne Intensive EURO30006
- AA Visiting School Graduate ABPL90386
- AA Visiting School Undergraduate ABPL30063
- AI Planning for Autonomy COMP90054
- AMSI Summer School MAST90079
- AMiLA Workshop: Urban Resilience ABPL90379
- ASEAN and Southeast Asian Regionalism POLS90044
- AUSLAN and Visual Communication EDUC20076
- Abdominal & Urogenital Emergencies VETS90037
- Aboriginal Art in the Northern Territory AHIS40016
- Aboriginal Cultural Studies AIND30010
- Aboriginal Land, Law and Philosophy AIND20005
- Aboriginal Social & Emotional Wellbeing PSYT90063
- Aboriginal Women and Coloniality AIND20008
- Aboriginal Writing AIND30011
- Aboriginalities MULT10001
- Academic English 1 ESLA10003
- Academic English 2 ESLA10004
- Academic English: Economics and Business ESLA10005
- Academic Writing and Communication MECM10005
- Acc.Information and Security Valuation ACCT90008
- Accelerated Mathematics 1 MAST10008
- Accelerated Mathematics 2 MAST10009
- Accompanying - Repetiteuring MUSI30057
- Accounting Processes and Analysis ACCT10003
- Accounting Reports and Analysis ACCT10001
- Accounting Research Report ACCT90003
- Accounting for Commercial Lawyers LAWS70140
- Accounting for Corporate Entities ACCT20004
- Accounting for Decision Making ACCT90004
- Accounting for Managers BUSA90003
- Acoustics AUDI90015
- Acting 1 DRAM10012
- Acting 2 DRAM10014
- Acting Skills 1 DRAM10018
- Acting Skills 2 DRAM10019
- Acting Skills 3 DRAM20013
- Acting Skills 4 DRAM30019
- Acting Studies 1 DRAM10011
- Acting Studies 2 DRAM20012
- Acting Studies 3 DRAM30011
- Acting and Performance Making 1A DRAM10020
- Acting and Performance Making 1B DRAM10023
- Acting and Performance Making 2A DRAM20014
- Acting and Performance Making 2B DRAM20018
- Acting and Performance Making 3A DRAM30012
- Acting and Performance Making 3B DRAM30013
- Acting for Camera DRAM30020
- Acting for Opera Performance 1 MUSI90183
- Acting for Opera Performance 2 MUSI90184
- Acting for Singers 1 MUSI30159
- Acting for Singers 2 MUSI30160
- Activism, Selves and Histories AIND40003
- Actuarial Modelling I ACTL30001
- Actuarial Modelling II ACTL30002
- Actuarial Practice And Control I ACTL90010
- Actuarial Practice and Control I ACTL40006
- Actuarial Practice and Control II ACTL40007
- Actuarial Practice and Control II ACTL90011
- Actuarial Practice and Control III ACTL40009
- Actuarial Practice and Control III ACTL90009
- Actuarial Science Research Report ACTL90012
- Actuarial Statistics ACTL30004
- Actuarial Studies Projects ACTL90013
- Actuarial Studies Projects ACTL40005
- Actuarial Studies Research Essay ACTL40001
- Adaptation and Transgression ENGL20031
- Adapting to Climate Change ENST90034
- Addressing Educational Disadvantage EDUC90737
- Administrative Challenges in Practice PADM90001
- Administrative Law LAWS50032
- Adolescent Health Minor Thesis PAED90015
- Adolescent Health Minor Thesis POPH90268
- Adolescent Health Project POPH90170
- Adolescent Sexuality and Sexual Health POPH90169
- Adult Neuropsychological Disorders PSYC90032
- Adult Palliative Care NURS90047
- Adv Clinical Practice in Specialty 1 DENT90023
- Adv Clinical Practice in Specialty 2 DENT90024
- Adv Clinical Practice in Specialty 3 DENT90029
- Adv Clinical Practice in Specialty 4 DENT90030
- Adv Psychological Assessment & Diagnosis PSYC90011
- Adv Reproduction & Breeding Technology DASC90013
- Adv Topics in Biomechanics ENGR90020
- Adv Topics in Engineering Mathematics ELEN90018
- Adv Topics in Fluid Mechanics ENGR90019
- Adv. Practice in Sex Offender Management CRIM90023
- Advanced Anatomy and Doppler Analysis MEDI90056
- Advanced Arts Management AMGT90007
- Advanced Auditing and Assurance Services ACCT90007
- Advanced Aural Studies MUSI30255
- Advanced Book Publishing PUBL90020
- Advanced Business Analytics BUSA90501
- Advanced Case Studies Practicum MEDI90048
- Advanced Chemical Applications 1 CHEM90010
- Advanced Chemical Applications 2 CHEM90018
- Advanced Chemistry for BioSciences CHEM10009
- Advanced Chinese Translation CHIN20026
- Advanced Chinese Translation CHIN30005
- Advanced Civil Litigation LAWS70202
- Advanced Clinical Practice SCWK90032
- Advanced Clinical Practice 1 PHTY90086
- Advanced Clinical Practice 1 DENT90035
- Advanced Clinical Practice 2 DENT90036
- Advanced Clinical Practice 3 DENT90037
- Advanced Clinical Practice 4 DENT90038
- Advanced Clinical Skills 1 VETS70014
- Advanced Clinical Skills 2 VETS70015
- Advanced Clinical Skills 3 VETS70016
- Advanced Communication Systems ELEN90051
- Advanced Construction Law LAWS70128
- Advanced Construction Technology ABPL90010
- Advanced Consumer Behaviour MKTG90023
- Advanced Control Systems ELEN90064
- Advanced Corporate Finance FNCE40001
- Advanced Cost Management ABPL90129
- Advanced Database Systems COMP90050
- Advanced Dental Study 2 DENT10001
- Advanced Derivative Securities FNCE40009
- Advanced Derivative Securities FNCE90005
- Advanced Design and Data Analysis PSYC40005
- Advanced Discrete Mathematics MAST90030
- Advanced Dynamics MCEN90041
- Advanced Echocardiography Interpretation MEDI90059
- Advanced Econometric Techniques ECOM90005
- Advanced Econometric Techniques 2 ECOM90014
- Advanced Editing for Digital Media PUBL90009
- Advanced English Communication Skills EDUC90081
- Advanced English Communication Skills 2 EDUC90080
- Advanced English Literacies EDUC90377
- Advanced Evidence LAWS70071
- Advanced Field Geology GEOL30009
- Advanced Financial Accounting Research ACCT90036
- Advanced Financial Mathematics I ACTL40004
- Advanced Financial Mathematics II ACTL40008
- Advanced Fluid Dynamics MCEN90018
- Advanced Food Analysis FOOD30008
- Advanced Genetic Research GENE90017
- Advanced Genetic Research GENE90016
- Advanced Genetic Research GENE90013
- Advanced Genetic Research GENE90015
- Advanced Harmonic and Rhythmic Studies MUSI30238
- Advanced Heat & Mass Transport Processes CHEN90019
- Advanced Human Resource Management MGMT90193
- Advanced Hydrogeology ERTH90034
- Advanced Imaging GEOM90038
- Advanced International Business IBUS90006
- Advanced International Tax LAWS70048
- Advanced Investigation of Human Disease PATH30004
- Advanced Investments FNCE40002
- Advanced Legal Research LAWS40081
- Advanced Legal Research (Year) LAWS40001
- Advanced Linguistics Analysis A LING90031
- Advanced Linguistics Analysis B LING90032
- Advanced Macroeconomics ECON40002
- Advanced Magazine Editing and Publishing PUBL90013
- Advanced Management Accounting Research ACCT90037
- Advanced Management Theory MGMT90195
- Advanced Marketing Management MKTG90024
- Advanced Materials MCEN90020
- Advanced Mediation LAWS70467
- Advanced Medical Science 1 MEDS30004
- Advanced Medical Science 2 MEDS40006
- Advanced Mental Health and Ageing PSYT90095
- Advanced Methods: Differential Equations MAST90064
- Advanced Methods: Transforms MAST90067
- Advanced Microbiology and Immunology I MIIM40002
- Advanced Microbiology and Immunology II MIIM40007
- Advanced Microeconomics ECON90063
- Advanced Microeconomics ECON40001
- Advanced Modelling: Case Studies MAST90080
- Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques BTCH90005
- Advanced Motion Control MCEN90017
- Advanced Narrative Skills Development SCWK90060
- Advanced Neural Information Processing BMEN90004
- Advanced Non Fiction Writing JOUR90009
- Advanced Nursing Practice in Context NURS90072
- Advanced Nursing Practice: Primary Care NURS90106
- Advanced Oenology AGRI90041
- Advanced Operations Management MGMT90196
- Advanced Orchestration MUSI30082
- Advanced Organisational Behaviour MGMT90197
- Advanced Performance Seminar 1.1 MUSI60021
- Advanced Performance Seminar 1.2 MUSI60022
- Advanced Performance Seminar B MUSI60013
- Advanced Plant Breeding and Improvement HORT90040
- Advanced Planting Design ABPL90173
- Advanced Practical Chemistry CHEM30015
- Advanced Practice 1 MECM90026
- Advanced Practice 2 MECM90025
- Advanced Practice in Forensic Disability CRIM90013
- Advanced Practice in Pelvic Floor Physio PHTY90003
- Advanced Probability MAST90081
- Advanced Professional Practice 1 PHTY90087
- Advanced Professional Practice 2 PHTY90088
- Advanced Property Analysis ABPL90011
- Advanced Psychological Practice PSYC90017
- Advanced Psychological Theory & Practice PSYC40013
- Advanced Psychopathology PSYC90015
- Advanced Qualitative Methods MULT90055
- Advanced Qualitative Research Methods MGMT90198
- Advanced Quantitative Research Methods MGMT90199
- Advanced Reading in Geography GEOG90008
- Advanced Recording Studio Techniques MUSI30239
- Advanced Recording Studio Techniques MUSI20190
- Advanced Research Methods In Psychology PSYC40014
- Advanced Screenwriting CWRI30014
- Advanced Seminar in Chinese CHIN20022
- Advanced Seminar in Chinese CHIN30007
- Advanced Seminars in Physiology PHYS90008
- Advanced Seminars in Specialty 1 DENT90021
- Advanced Seminars in Specialty 2 DENT90022
- Advanced Seminars in Specialty 3 DENT90027
- Advanced Seminars in Specialty 4 DENT90028
- Advanced Signal Processing ELEN90052
- Advanced Skills in Community Psychiatry PSYT90062
- Advanced Software Engineering Project SWEN40001
- Advanced Solid Mechanics MCEN90029
- Advanced Spectroscopy CHEM90008
- Advanced Strategic Management MGMT90200
- Advanced Structural Mapping GEOL90027
- Advanced Structured Psychotherapies PSYT90084
- Advanced Studies in Biochemistry A BCMB40002
- Advanced Studies in Biochemistry B BCMB40007
- Advanced Studies in Biomedicine MEDI40002
- Advanced Studies in Biomedicine: Surgery SURG40002
- Advanced Studies in Computing 3A COMP30013
- Advanced Studies in Computing 3B COMP30014
- Advanced Studies in Computing 4A COMP40020
- Advanced Studies in Computing 4B COMP40021
- Advanced Studies in Computing 6A COMP90029
- Advanced Studies in Computing 6B COMP90005
- Advanced Studies in Econometrics 1 ECOM90018
- Advanced Studies in Econometrics 2 ECOM90019
- Advanced Studies in Economics 1 ECON90064
- Advanced Studies in Economics 2 ECON90065
- Advanced Studies in Poultry Disease VETS90028
- Advanced Surveying and Mapping GEOM90039
- Advanced Techniques in Molecular Science BCMB30010
- Advanced Theoretical Computer Science COMP90057
- Advanced Thermo & Reactor Engineering CHEN90007
- Advanced Thermodynamics MCEN90019
- Advanced Topics in Chemical Engineering CHEN90035
- Advanced Topics in Economic Design ECON90070
- Advanced Topics in GIScience GEOM90016
- Advanced Topics in Genetics B GENE90018
- Advanced Topics in Mech Engineering 4 MCEN90025
- Advanced Topics in Pharmacology PHRM40002
- Advanced Topics in Taxation LAWS50110
- Advanced Torts LAWS50130
- Advanced Trauma Perspectives SCWK90027
- Advanced Valve and Aortic Pathology MEDI90057
- Advanced Viticulture Techniques AGRI90043
- Advanced Writing MECM30008
- Advanced Writing Project CWRI90011
- Advances in Criminological Research CRIM90019
- Advances in Criminology: Emerging Theory CRIM90018
- Advances in Oral Health Research DENT40003
- Advancing Geography & Environmental Stud GEOG40003
- Advertising MKTG90009
- Advertising and Promotions MKTG30010
- Advocacy LAWS50055
- Africa: Environment, Development, People GEOG30024
- African Music and Dance MUSI10148
- African Music and Dance Ensemble 1 MUSI10021
- African Music and Dance Ensemble 2 MUSI10022
- Afro-American Percussion MUSI30083
- Age of Empires HIST10010
- Age of Empires: Ancient Anatolia ANCW40006
- Ageing Health & Human Services POPH90267
- Ageing in Low & Middle Income Countries POPH90269
- Ageing in Society POPH90256
- Ageing, Society And Social Policy SOCI90006
- Agribusiness Management Economics AGRI90012
- Agricultural Production Systems 1 AGRI10047
- Agricultural Production Systems 2 AGRI10048
- Agricultural Production Systems 3 AGRI10049
- Agricultural Science Research Project AGRI40017
- Agricultural Science Research Project AGRI40018
- Agricultural Systems Analysis AGRI30003
- Agricultural and Resource Economics AGRI20033
- Agricultural and Resource Economics AGRI90074
- Agronomy & Cropping Systems AGRI90058
- Alexander Technique MUSI30059
- Alexander Technique for Daily Function MUSI10215
- Alexander Technique for Musicians MUSI20161
- Alexander Technique for Performance MUSI20194
- Algebra MAST30005
- Algebraic Geometry MAST90097
- Algebraic Topology MAST90023
- Algorithmic Trading FNCE30010
- Algorithms and Complexity COMP90038
- Algorithms and Data Structures COMP20003
- Algorithms for Functional Genomics COMP90014
- Alternative Dispute Resolution LAWS70018
- American Classics ENGL20023
- American Constitutional History & Rights LAWS90061
- American Fiction: The 20th Century ENGL40015
- American History from JFK to Obama HIST20071
- American History: Revolution to WWII HIST20059
- American Politics POLS30030
- An Ecological History of Humanity UNIB10003
- Analog and Digital Electronics Concepts ELEN30014
- Analysing Energy Systems ENGR90029
- Analysing Indonesia: Concepts and Issues INDO20001
- Analysis of Advanced Programmed Music 1 MUSI90108
- Analysis of Advanced Programmed Music 2 MUSI90110
- Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Society CHIN30006
- Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Society CHIN20021
- Analysis of Programmed Music 1 MUSI90104
- Analysis of Programmed Music 2 MUSI90106
- Analytical & Environmental Chemistry CHEM90006
- Analytical & Environmental Chemistry CHEM30012
- Analytical Accounting Research ACCT90038
- Analytical Methods ABPL90135
- Analytical Science in Conservation CUMC90031
- Anatomy & Neuroscience Research Project ANAT40005
- Anatomy & Neuroscience Research Project ANAT40001
- Anatomy and Physiology ANAT90011
- Anatomy and Physiology for Audiology ANAT90004
- Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers BMEN90028
- Anatomy for Dance DNCE60025
- Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia ANCW10001
- Ancient Greece: History and Archaeology ANCW20022
- Ancient Greek 1 CLAS10004
- Ancient Greek 2 CLAS10005
- Ancient Greek 3 CLAS20015
- Ancient Greek 3 CLAS10020
- Ancient Greek 4 CLAS20016
- Ancient Greek 4 CLAS10021
- Ancient Greek 5 CLAS20013
- Ancient Greek 5 CLAS30024
- Ancient Greek 6 CLAS30025
- Ancient Greek 6 CLAS20014
- Ancient Near Eastern Language: Egyptian ANCW20020
- Ancient Near Eastern Language: Egyptian ANCW10005
- Ancient Near Eastern Language: Egyptian ANCW30022
- Ancient Near Eastern Language: Syriac ANCW20018
- Ancient Near Eastern Language: Syriac ANCW30020
- Ancient Near Eastern Language: Syriac ANCW10004
- Ancient World Studies Thesis ANCW40013
- Ancient World Studies Thesis ANCW40011
- Ancient and Contemporary Indigenous Arts AIND10003
- Animal Behaviour ZOOL30006
- Animal Disease Biotechnology 1 VETS30011
- Animal Disease Biotechnology 2 VETS30012
- Animal Health in Production Systems VETS30013
- Animal Law LAWS50122
- Animal Management and Veterinary Health VETS70013
- Animal Performance DASC30014
- Animal Science & Mgt Research Project DASC40004
- Animal Science & Mgt Research Project DASC40005
- Animal Structure and Function ZOOL20005
- Animal Systems DASC10003
- Animal Systems Analysis DASC30013
- Animal Welfare DASC90012
- Animal Welfare and Ethics DASC30015
- Animals and Society 2: Humans & Animals DASC20014
- Animals in Extensive Production Systems VETS10024
- Animals in Society 1: Introduction DASC10002
- Animation Lab 1 FLTV10020
- Animation Lab 3 FLTV30018
- Animation Laboratory 2 FLTV20013
- Animation Projects 1A FLTV70012
- Animation Projects 1B FLTV70013
- Animation Projects 2A FLTV70014
- Animation Projects 2B FLTV70015
- Animation Research 1 FLTV10017
- Animation Research 2 FLTV20014
- Animation Research 3 FLTV30019
- Animation Studio 1A FLTV10016
- Animation Studio 1B FLTV10019
- Animation Studio 2A FLTV20015
- Animation Studio 2B FLTV20016
- Animation Studio 3 FLTV30020
- Anterior Eye Disease and Dry Eye OPTO90006
- Anthropology & Social Theory Thesis ANTH40007
- Anthropology Thesis ANTH40008
- Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality ANTH20008
- Anthropology of Kinship and Family ANTH30004
- Anthropology of Nature ANTH30009
- Anthropology: Studying Human Diversity ANTH10001
- Applications in Animal Health 1 VETS70006
- Applications in Animal Health 2 VETS70008
- Applications in Psychology PSYC30015
- Applications of Clinical Pharmacology NURS90075
- Applications of Echocardiography MEDI90058
- Applications of GIS GEOM20013
- Applications of Music in Therapy A MUSI90041
- Applications of Music in Therapy B MUSI90042
- Applications of Music in Therapy C MUSI90043
- Applications of Positive Psychology EDUC90788
- Applied Analysis of Clinical Trials CLRS90014
- Applied Animal Behaviour DASC30005
- Applied Animal Physiology DASC20010
- Applied Animal Reproduction & Genetics DASC30006
- Applied Clinical Training OPTO90023
- Applied Concepts in Paediatrics NURS90023
- Applied Concepts-Cancer&Palliative Care NURS90030
- Applied Construction ABPL90118
- Applied Directing: Rehearsal PracticeLab DRAM60025
- Applied Dramaturgy DRAM90011
- Applied Ecology ECOL30005
- Applied Ethics Thesis PHIL90031
- Applied Ethics: Directed Research PHIL90005
- Applied Geophysics GEOL30005
- Applied Heritage Conservation Techniques ABPL90385
- Applied High Performance Computing MCEN90031
- Applied Industry Studies AGRI30034
- Applied Instrumental and Vocal Teaching MUSI90149
- Applied Mathematical Modelling MAST30030
- Applied Microeconometric Modelling ECOM30003
- Applied Microeconometric Modelling ECOM90003
- Applied Pathophysiology NURS90076
- Applied Physiology for Musicians MUSI90145
- Applied Project A (Choreography) DNCE60050
- Applied Project A (Dance Animateuring) DNCE60052
- Applied Project A (Design) THTR90006
- Applied Project A (Directing) DRAM60026
- Applied Project A (Lighting Design) THTR60034
- Applied Project A (Sound Design) THTR60036
- Applied Project A (Theatre Animateuring) DRAM60022
- Applied Project B (Choreography) DNCE60051
- Applied Project B (Dance Animateuring) DNCE60053
- Applied Project B (Design) THTR90007
- Applied Project B (Directing) DRAM60027
- Applied Project B (Lighting Design) THTR60040
- Applied Project B (Sound Design) THTR60042
- Applied Project B (Theatre Animateuring) DRAM60023
- Applied Research Essay ACCT90027
- Applied Research Methods MULT30018
- Applied Research Methods in Music MUSI90134
- Applied Research Project FNCE90034
- Applied Research for Evaluation EDUC90848
- Applied Structural Geology GEOL90037
- Applied Syndicate Project MKTG90032
- Applied Syndicate Project PADM90010
- Applied Voice Skills MUSI90163
- Applied Voice and Speech Skills PERF90004
- Applied concepts in Acute&Critical Care NURS90007
- Applying Coaching Science EDUC30070
- Approaches To Medical Research BMSC40004
- Approaches to Comparative Politics POLS90024
- Approaches to Media Research MECM20011
- Approaches to Research - Music Education MUSI90051
- Approximation Algorithms and Heuristics MAST90098
- Arabic 1 ARBC10005
- Arabic 10 ARBC30003
- Arabic 2 ARBC10006
- Arabic 3 ARBC20004
- Arabic 3 ARBC10001
- Arabic 4 ARBC10002
- Arabic 4 ARBC20005
- Arabic 5 ARBC30004
- Arabic 5 ARBC10003
- Arabic 5 ARBC20006
- Arabic 6 ARBC10004
- Arabic 6 ARBC30005
- Arabic 6 ARBC20007
- Arabic 7 ARBC30006
- Arabic 7 ARBC20002
- Arabic 8 ARBC20003
- Arabic 8 ARBC30007
- Arabic 9 ARBC30002
- Arabic Studies Thesis ARBC40006
- Arabic in Context 1 ARBC20001
- Arabic in Context 2 ARBC30001
- Archaeology of Complex Societies ANCW40003
- Architectural Conservation in East Asia ABPL90146
- Architectural Cultures 1: Modernism ABPL90288
- Architectural Cultures 2:After Modernism ABPL90289
- Architectural Finishes ABPL90301
- Architectural Practice ABPL90140
- Architecture Design Studio: Air ABPL30048
- Architecture Design Studio: Earth ABPL20027
- Architecture Design Studio: Fire ABPL30037
- Architecture Design Studio: Sparks ABPL30058
- Architecture Design Studio: Water ABPL20028
- Architecture and Media ABPL90368
- Architecture as Spectacle ABPL90369
- Architecture in the Islamic World ABPL30062
- Arranging for Band MUSI90046
- Arranging for Classical Guitar MUSI20162
- Art Cinema and the Love Story SCRN30001
- Art History Thesis AHIS40021
- Art History Thesis AHIS40017
- Art History: Theory and Controversy AHIS10001
- Art Museums and Curatorship ACUR90002
- Art and Cultural Management in Asia AMGT50001
- Art and Indigenous Voice AIND10004
- Art and Revolution AHIS20016
- Art in Medieval Europe AHIS20019
- Art of Listening MUSI30061
- Art of Piano Teaching MUSI10016
- Art, Market and Methods AHIS20018
- Articulatory and Acoustic Phonetics AUDI90026
- Artificial Intelligence COMP30024
- Artificial Intelligence for Mechatronics MCEN90039
- Artist in Residence Project MUSI20040
- Arts & Communities: Histories & Sites CCDP90007
- Arts & Communities: Values & Methods CCDP90009
- Arts & Community Practice Thesis CCDP90017
- Arts Internship MULT30019
- Arts Internship MULT20010
- Arts Law AMGT90002
- Arts Management MUSI30062
- Arts Management AMGT90001
- Arts Policy and Issues AMGT90004
- Arts and Artistry:Studio to Classroom EDUC90493
- Arts and Community Engagement CCDP90005
- Arts and Project Management INAM60004
- Arts in Florence MULT10019
- Asia Pacific Modernities ABPL30057
- Asia and the World ASIA90008
- Asia-Pacific: Zone of Conflict or Peace? POLS40016
- Asian Arts: Networks and Hubs ASIA20004
- Asian Business and Management IBUS90002
- Asian Capital Markets FNCE30004
- Asian Century: Meaning and Impact ASIA20002
- Asian Cinema and Media CULS30002
- Asian Competition Policy and Law LAWS90067
- Asian Competition Policy and Law LAWS70416
- Asian Religions in Societal Context ASIA30003
- Asian Studies Thesis ASIA40003
- Asian Traditions - Asian Modernities ASIA90009
- Assessing Clinical Learners EDUC90744
- Assessing Risk and Vulnerability SCWK90054
- Assessment & Develop. of Administrators EDUC90138
- Assessment & Reporting for Student Learn EDUC90205
- Assessment & Reporting in the IB Diploma EDUC90331
- Assessment and Evaluation in Surgery MEDS90018
- Assessment and Reporting (IB) EDUC90262
- Assessment for Teaching EDUC90409
- Assessment for Teaching EDUC90370
- Assessment in Mental Health Nursing NURS90078
- Assessment in Youth Mental Health PSYT90042
- Asset Management ABPL90016
- Astronomy in World History HPSC20015
- Astrophysics PHYC30019
- Atmosphere Ocean Interaction ATOC30003
- Atmosphere Ocean Interaction and Climate ATOC90005
- Atmospheric Modelling ATOC90013
- Atmospheric Processes and Composition ATOC30008
- Attachment or Research Project FLTV30016
- Auctions and Bidding ECON30026
- Audiation through Solfège MUSI10204
- Audiences and the Arts AMGT90006
- Audio Journalism JOUR90005
- Audio Visual Preservation CUMC90020
- Audiological Science AUDI90046
- Audiovisual Communication MECM40016
- Auditing Research ACCT90021
- Auditing and Assurance Services ACCT90014
- Auditing and Assurance Services ACCT30004
- Aural Studies 1 MUSI20207
- Aural Studies 1.1 MUSI10126
- Aural Studies 1.2 MUSI10127
- Aural Studies 2 MUSI20160
- Aural Studies 2.1 MUSI20035
- Aural Studies 2.2 MUSI20036
- Australia Now MULT20013
- Australia in the Wine World AGRI10039
- Australia in the Wine World AGRI20030
- Australia in the World 1914 to 2014 HIST20070
- Australian Architecture (PG) ABPL90089
- Australian Art AHIS20002
- Australian Coal Basins GEOL90036
- Australian Consumer Law LAWS70380
- Australian Curriculum Perspectives EDUC90609
- Australian Economic History ECON20008
- Australian Environmental Philosophy AIND20010
- Australian Film and Television SCRN20013
- Australian Foreign Policy POLS30019
- Australian Indigenous Education EDUC90425
- Australian Indigenous Politics MULT20008
- Australian Indigenous Studies Thesis AIND40006
- Australian Indigenous Studies Thesis AIND40002
- Australian Music MUSI30063
- Australian Politics POLS10001
- Australian Politics in the Long Run POLS30007
- Australian Politics:Democracy & Justice POLS40002
- Australian Theatre and Performance ENGL40020
- Australian Wildlife Biology ZOOL20004
- Australian Wine - A World Perspective AGRI90039
- Australians Detained Abroad LAWS70407
- Autism Intervention EDUC90859
- Avant-Garde and Postmodern Art AHIS20020
- Avian Health Online: Research Project VETS60003
- Avoid and Manage Construction Disputes LAWS70245
- B2B Electronic Commerce ISYS90034
- Band Direction MUSI90015
- Bank Lending Practices and Techniques FNCE90036
- Banking and Finance in Asia LAWS70056
- Banking and Secured Finance LAWS70206
- Bargaining at Work LAWS70135
- Baroque Art in Polycentric Europe AHIS30003
- Baroque Ensemble 1 MUSI10041
- Baroque Ensemble 1 MUSI20069
- Baroque Ensemble 1 MUSI30163
- Baroque Ensemble 2 MUSI20070
- Baroque Ensemble 2 MUSI30164
- Baroque Ensemble 2 MUSI10042
- Baroque Music of the German World MUSI30014
- Baroque Music of the German World MUSI40049
- Base Skills 1 DRAM10013
- Base Skills 2 DRAM10015
- Basic Clinical Research Tools CLRS90010
- Basic Econometrics ECOM30001
- Basic Econometrics ECOM90001
- Basic Interventions PSYC90006
- Basic Structured Psychotherapies PSYT90083
- Basso Continuo MUSI90024
- Bayesian Econometrics ECOM90010
- Bayesian Econometrics ECOM40002
- Bayesian Statistical Methods POPH90139
- Behaviour & Leadership in Organisations MGMT90040
- Behaviour of Farm & Companion Animals DASC90009
- Behavioural Accounting Research ACCT40007
- Behavioural Economics ECON30019
- Behavioural Economics:Accounting&Finance ECON90062
- Behavioural Research in Accounting ACCT90039
- Beyond Babylon ANCW30004
- Biennales, Triennales and Documentas AHIS90007
- Big Band MUSI30064
- Big Band 1 MUSI20071
- Big Band 2 MUSI20072
- Big Band 3 MUSI30165
- Big Band 4 MUSI30166
- Bilingualism LING90021
- Bills of Rights LAWS70334
- BioDesign Innovation MGMT90231
- BioDesign Innovation BMEN90030
- BioSciences Honours Research Project BIOL40003
- BioSciences Honours Research Project BIOL40001
- BioSciences Honours Research Project BIOL40002
- BioSciences Research Project Part 1 BIOL90004
- BioSciences Research Project Part 1 BIOL90007
- BioSciences Research Project Part 1 BIOL90005
- BioSciences Research Project Part 1 BIOL90006
- BioSciences Research Project Part 2 BIOL90008
- BioSciences Research Project Part 2 BIOL90011
- BioSciences Research Project Part 2 BIOL90010
- BioSciences Research Project Part 2 BIOL90009
- BioSciences Research Project Part 3 BIOL90013
- BioSciences Research Project Part 3 BIOL90012
- BioSciences Research Project Part 3 BIOL90014
- BioSciences Research Project Part 3 BIOL90015
- BioSciences Research Project Part 4 BIOL90018
- BioSciences Research Project Part 4 BIOL90016
- BioSciences Research Project Part 4 BIOL90019
- BioSciences Research Project Part 4 BIOL90017
- Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Engineering BIEN90004
- Biochemical Engineering Design Project BIEN90002
- Biochemical Engineering Minor Thesis BIEN90003
- Biochemical Engineering Research Project BIEN90001
- Biochemistry Research Project BCMB40001
- Biochemistry Research Project BCMB40006
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BCMB20002
- Biochemistry in Animal Systems VETS20016
- Bioenvironmental Engineering CHEN90011
- Biogeography and Ecology of Fire GEOG90027
- Biogeography and Ecology of Fire GEOG30025
- Biography and Autobiography CWRI30013
- Bioinformatics POPH90124
- Bioinformatics Case Studies BINF90004
- Bioinformatics Research Project-12.5pts BINF90007
- Bioinformatics Research Project-25pts BINF90006
- Bioinformatics Research Project-37.5pts BINF90005
- Bioinformatics Research Project-50pts BINF90003
- Biological Interventions PSYT90043
- Biological Modelling and Simulation MAST30032
- Biological Psychology PSYC20006
- Biological Psychology & Pharmacotherapy PSYC90016
- Biology of Australian Flora & Fauna BIOL10001
- Biology of Cells and Organisms BIOL10004
- Biomaterials BMEN90023
- Biomechanical Physics & Computation BMEN20001
- Biomechanics DNCE60016
- Biomedical Advanced Coursework MEDI40006
- Biomedical Eng Capstone Project A BMEN90025
- Biomedical Engineering Capstone Project BMEN90018
- Biomedical Engineering Design Project BMEN90017
- Biomedical Engineering Management BMEN90019
- Biomedical Engineering Research Project BMEN90014
- Biomedical Science Research Project BIOM30003
- Biomedicine Research Project MEDI40015
- Biomedicine Research Project MEDI40014
- Biomedicine Research Project - SVHM MEDI40013
- Biomedicine Research Project - SVHM MEDI40005
- Biomedicine, Culture and Society ANTH30016
- Biomedicine: Molecule to Malady BIOM30002
- Biometry BIOL90002
- Biomolecules and Cells BIOL10002
- Bioprocess Engineering CHEN90031
- Biostatistics POPH90013
- Biostatistics Research Project - D POPH90151
- Biostatistics Research Project - L POPH90272
- Biostatistics Research Project - S POPH90149
- Biosystems Design BMEN30008
- Biosystems Modelling BMEN90027
- Biotechnology BTCH20002
- Biotechnology Research Project SCIE90016
- Biotechnology in Practice BTCH30003
- Biotransport Processes BMEN30007
- Blue Planet-Intro to Marine Environments EVSC20004
- Body Balance DNCE10020
- Body Balance DNCE20029
- Body Works 1 DNCE10024
- Body and Voice 1A DRAM10021
- Body and Voice 1B DRAM10024
- Body and Voice 2A DRAM20015
- Body and Voice 2B DRAM20019
- Body and Voice 3A DRAM30014
- Body and Voice 3B DRAM30015
- Body of Ageing POPH90257
- Body, Mind and Medicine: A Dissection UNIB20013
- Botany Advanced Coursework BOTA40002
- Botany Research Project BOTA40006
- Botany Research Project BOTA40001
- Botany Research Project BOTA40007
- Botany Research Project Major BOTA90006
- Botany Research Project Major BOTA90009
- Botany Research Project Major BOTA90010
- Botany Research Project Major BOTA90008
- Botany Research Project Minor BOTA90014
- Botany Research Project Minor BOTA90013
- Botany Research Project Minor BOTA90012
- Botany Research Project Minor BOTA90011
- Bower Studio ABPL90356
- Brain Imaging and Neural Networks A NEUR90009
- Brain Imaging and Neural Networks B NEUR90010
- Brand Management BUSA90014
- Brand Management MKTG90006
- Brand Management BUSA90013
- Brand Management MKTG20006
- Brass Ensemble 1 MUSI30167
- Brass Ensemble 1 MUSI10052
- Brass Ensemble 1 MUSI20073
- Brass Ensemble 2 MUSI10053
- Brass Ensemble 2 MUSI20074
- Brass Ensemble 2 MUSI30168
- British Art and Sensibility at the NGV AHIS90010
- Broadband Access Networking and Design ELEN90016
- Broadway and Music of the Theatre MUSI20053
- Brokering Cross-Sectoral Partnerships CCDP60004
- Budgets and Financial Management MGMT90126
- Building Behaviour in Bushfires EVSC90023
- Building Envelopes ABPL90268
- Building Information Modeling CVEN90062
- Building Positive Education Communities EDUC90807
- Building Resilient Settlements ABPL90320
- Building Services and Operations ABPL90032
- Building Sustainability ABPL90120
- Building the Brief: People Process Place ABPL90321
- Bushfire & Biodiversity FRST90026
- Bushfire & Climate FRST90025
- Bushfire Interface Design Workshop ENST90031
- Bushfire Interface Science EVSC90024
- Bushfire Planning & Management FRST90017
- Bushfire Urban Planning EVSC90022
- Business & Economics Internship BUSA90518
- Business Acumen for Entrepreneurs MGMT90226
- Business Analysis & Decision Making MGMT90141
- Business Analysis Modelling and Design ISYS90049
- Business Analytics BUSA90493
- Business Analytics ISYS30008
- Business Analytics Applications BUSA90503
- Business Analytics Foundations BUSA90500
- Business Applications of Economics ECON30014
- Business Case Analysis MGMT20012
- Business Communication MGMT30018
- Business Decision Analysis MGMT20005
- Business Economics and e-Commerce ECON20006
- Business Ethics MKTG30012
- Business Finance FNCE20001
- Business Forensics and Fraud ACCT20006
- Business Law BUSA90360
- Business Negotiations MGMT20011
- Business Negotiations and Deal-Making LAWS90062
- Business Risk Management MULT90014
- Business Strategy BUSA90026
- Business Strategy NRMT90019
- Business Strategy BUSA90025
- Business Strategy BUSA90027
- Business Tools: Money People & Processes BUSA90403
- Business Tools: The Market Environment BUSA90471
- Business and Government POLS90015
- Business and Human Rights LAWS70382
- Business and Professional Communications PUBL90004
- Business in Asia IBUS90005
- Business in Asia IBUS20001
- Business in Complex Environments BUSA90488
- Business in the Global Economy IBUS20002
- Business of Producing 1 FLTV70037
- Business of Producing 2 FLTV70039
- Business of Screenwriting FLTV70045
- Business of Telecommunications ELEN90068
- Business, Governance & Ethics in Asia BUSA90030
- Byromania: Romantic Literary Celebrity ENGL40018
- CPR, Eye Emergencies & Practical ECC VETS90039
- Cadastral Surveying GEOM90041
- Calculus 1 MAST10005
- Calculus 2 MAST10006
- Campaigns and Elections POLS30032
- Cancer Biology MEDI90084
- Cancer Care MEDI90085
- Cancer Care in Young People PAED90026
- Cancer Patients in General Health Care NURS90107
- Cancer Research MEDI90086
- Cancer and Palliative Care Nursing 1 NURS90082
- Cancer and Palliative Care Nursing 2 NURS90090
- Cancer in Society MEDI90087
- Cancer&Palliative Care Nursing Practice NURS90098
- Capital Gains Tax: Problems in Practice LAWS70081
- Capstone Project MCEN90022
- Capstone Project A MCEN90036
- Capstone Project B MCEN90035
- Capstone Project in Global Education EDUC90781
- Capstone Research Project EDUC90073
- Capstone Studies in Finance FNCE90062
- Capstone in Positive Psychology EDUC90790
- Carbon Capture and Storage CHEN90027
- Carbon Capture and Storage Fundamentals CHEN90033
- Cardiorespiratory Clinical Practice PHTY90099
- Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy 1 PHTY90091
- Cardiovascular & Respiratory Emergencies VETS90036
- Cardiovascular Health: Genes & Hormones PHYS30001
- Career Planning DNCE30021
- Career Planning DNCE20026
- Caretaking Rivers for the Community NRMT90031
- Cartels LAWS90064
- Cartels LAWS50087
- Case Studies In Computational Biology BIOL30003
- Case Studies in Finance FNCE90013
- Case Studies in Finance FNCE90023
- Case Studies in Landscape Architecture ABPL30049
- Case Studies in Microeconomic Policy ECON90068
- Cases in Business Modelling BUSA90470
- Casework/Research Report 1 DENT90041
- Casework/Research Report 2 DENT90042
- Catastrophes as Turning Points UNIB10013
- Categorical Data & GLMs POPH90121
- Categorical Data: Models and Methods MAST90099
- Cell Signalling and Neurochemistry BCMB30004
- Censorship: Film, Art and Media SCRN40013
- Chamber Music 1 MUSI20013
- Chamber Music 2 MUSI20014
- Chamber Music 3 MUSI30019
- Chamber Music 4 MUSI30020
- Chamber Music Performance 1 (ANAM) MUSI90138
- Chamber Music Performance 2 (ANAM) MUSI90139
- Chamber Orchestra MUSI30065
- Change in Journalism MECM40007
- Changing Melbourne ENVS10012
- Charity Law for the 21st Century LAWS90055
- Charity and Not-for-Profit Law LAWS70191
- Chemical Engineering Design Project CHEN90022
- Chemical Engineering Management CHEN90020
- Chemical Engineering Minor Research Proj CHEN90026
- Chemical Engineering Minor Thesis CHEN90030
- Chemical Engineering Research Project CHEN90023
- Chemical Process Analysis CHEN20011
- Chemical Research Project CHEM30013
- Chemical Synthesis & Characterisation 1 CHEM90009
- Chemical Synthesis & Characterisation 2 CHEM90017
- Chemistry 1 CHEM10003
- Chemistry 2 CHEM10004
- Chemistry Masters Research Project CHEM90015
- Chemistry Masters Research Project CHEM90016
- Chemistry Masters Research Project CHEM90013
- Chemistry Masters Research Project CHEM90014
- Chemistry Research Project CHEM40009
- Chemistry Research Project CHEM40008
- Chemistry for Biomedicine CHEM10006
- Chemistry: Reactions and Synthesis CHEM20018
- Chemistry: Structure and Properties CHEM20020
- Child & Adolescent Oral Health 1 DENT90067
- Child Clinical Placement 2A PSYC90075
- Child Clinical Placement 2B PSYC90076
- Child Health and Wellbeing EDUC90706
- Child Neuropsychological Disorders PSYC90042
- Child Psychopathology PSYC90023
- Child Public Health PAED90005
- Child and Adolescent Oral Health 2 DENT90076
- Child and Adolescent Oral Health 3 DENT90077
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry PSYT90006
- Child and Family Health NURS90025
- Child and Family Social Work SCWK90039
- Children Rights And The Law LAWS50083
- China & the World: Empire to Great Power HIST30072
- China Field Class GEOG30007
- China Field Class PG GEOG90007
- China Since Mao CHIN20008
- China in Transition GEOG20010
- China's Economic and Social Development ASIA90011
- Chinese 1 CHIN10005
- Chinese 10 CHIN20013
- Chinese 10 CHIN10002
- Chinese 2 CHIN10006
- Chinese 3 Post VCE CHIN10007
- Chinese 3A CHIN20001
- Chinese 3A CHIN10015
- Chinese 3B CHIN20010
- Chinese 4 Post VCE CHIN10008
- Chinese 4A CHIN20002
- Chinese 4A CHIN10016
- Chinese 4B CHIN20011
- Chinese 5 CHIN10017
- Chinese 5 CHIN30008
- Chinese 5 CHIN20003
- Chinese 6 CHIN20004
- Chinese 6 CHIN10018
- Chinese 6 CHIN30009
- Chinese 7 CHIN20027
- Chinese 7 CHIN10003
- Chinese 8 CHIN20028
- Chinese 8 CHIN10004
- Chinese 9 CHIN10001
- Chinese 9 CHIN20012
- Chinese Business and Economy IBUS30004
- Chinese Cinema CHIN10009
- Chinese Cinema CHIN30018
- Chinese Cinema CHIN20016
- Chinese Corporate Law and Securities LAWS70408
- Chinese Economic Documents CHIN30012
- Chinese Economic Documents CHIN20009
- Chinese Law and Commerce LAWS90009
- Chinese Music Ensemble MUSI20135
- Chinese News Analysis CHIN30003
- Chinese Politics and Society POLS30011
- Chinese Studies: Culture and Empire CHIN20007
- Chinese Tax and Investment Law LAWS70352
- Chinese Thesis CHIN40005
- Choir MUSI30066
- Choir 1 MUSI10159
- Choir 2 MUSI10162
- Choral Direction MUSI90014
- Choreographic Process into Performance 1 DNCE10016
- Choreographic Process into Performance 2 DNCE10019
- Choreographic Process into Performance 3 DNCE20014
- Choreographic Process into Performance 4 DNCE20019
- Choreographic Processes 5 Screen Dance DNCE30010
- Choreographic Processes 6 Site Specific DNCE30012
- Chronic Disease Management: Foundations NURS90104
- Chronic Disease Management: In Practice NURS90105
- Chronic Disease and Disability PHTY90102
- Cinema Studies Thesis SCRN40012
- Cinematic Writing FLTV70042
- Circuits and Systems BMEN30006
- Cities Without Slums ABPL90279
- Cities: From Local to Global ABPL20035
- City Cultures CULS30003
- City Futures ABPL20045
- City Lights: Cities, Culture and History ABPL90280
- Civil Hydraulics CVEN90051
- Civil Society, NGOs and the State DEVT90039
- Class Actions LAWS70019
- Classic Chinese Civilisation CHIN30001
- Classical Ballet Pedagogy 1A DNCE60005
- Classical Ballet Pedagogy 1B DNCE60006
- Classical Ballet Pedagogy 2A DNCE60007
- Classical Ballet Pedagogy 2B DNCE60008
- Classical Mythology ANCW20015
- Classical Mythology (Online) ANCW20021
- Classical Social Theory SOTH90007
- Classical Studies and Archaeology Thesis ANCW40010
- Classics Honours Seminar 1 CLAS40034
- Classics Honours Seminar 2 CLAS40035
- Classics Thesis CLAS40020
- Classics Thesis CLAS40032
- Classroom Strategies:Gifted Education EDUC90193
- Clear Speech and Communication THTR10019
- Clear Speech and Communication 2 DRAM20021
- Clients with Acute and Chronic Illness NURS50007
- Clients with Complex Health States NURS90053
- Climate Affairs ATOC90002
- Climate Analysis and Modelling ATOC90006
- Climate Change & Agricultural Adaptation ENST90014
- Climate Change III - Research Project UNIB30003
- Climate Change Law LAWS50056
- Climate Change Law LAWS70293
- Climate Change Mitigation ENST90033
- Climate Change Politics and Policy ENST90004
- Climate Change and Impacts ENST10004
- Climate Change ll UNIB20001
- Climate Change:Agric.Impacts&Adaptation AGRI90057
- Climate Modelling and Climate Change ERTH90026
- Climate Variability and Climate Change ENST90011
- Climate and Economic Strategy ENST90012
- Clinical Anatomy PHTY90016
- Clinical Assessment & Course Evaluation EDUC90804
- Clinical Audiology A AUDI90021
- Clinical Audiology B AUDI90007
- Clinical Biostatistics POPH90118
- Clinical Dental Practice 1 DENT90065
- Clinical Dental Practice 2 DENT90070
- Clinical Dental Practice 3 DENT90073
- Clinical Dental Practice 4 DENT90078
- Clinical Dental Practice 5 DENT90079
- Clinical Education Modules EDUC90801
- Clinical Education Research Proposal EDUC90837
- Clinical Education in Practice EDUC90743
- Clinical Elective MEDS90027
- Clinical Engineering BMEN90003
- Clinical Genetics GENE90002
- Clinical Infant Case Studies PSYT90080
- Clinical Inquiry & Nursing Research NURS50005
- Clinical Leadership in Context NURS90069
- Clinical Neuropsychology Placement 1 PSYC90039
- Clinical Neuroscience Res. & Imaging CLRS90026
- Clinical Neuroscience Research CLRS90016
- Clinical Optometry Practice OPTO90026
- Clinical Paediatric Physiotherapy PHTY90030
- Clinical Physiology PHTY90080
- Clinical Placement 1 PSYC90012
- Clinical Placement 2 PSYC90077
- Clinical Placement 3 PSYC90078
- Clinical Placement 3 PSYC90014
- Clinical Practice PAED90020
- Clinical Practice in Specialty 1 DENT90017
- Clinical Practice in Specialty 2 DENT90018
- Clinical Practicum: Adolescents PSYT90034
- Clinical Practicum: Children PSYT90033
- Clinical Practicum: Families PSYT90040
- Clinical Practicum: Parent&Liaison Work PSYT90041
- Clinical Processes A AUDI90027
- Clinical Processes B AUDI90029
- Clinical Research Thesis (25) CLRS90003
- Clinical Research Thesis (50) CLRS90004
- Clinical Research in Oncology CLRS90020
- Clinical Sexual & Reproductive Health POPH90070
- Clinical Simulation EDUC90805
- Clinical Skills 1 PAED90008
- Clinical Skills in Neuropsychology PSYC90082
- Clinical Teaching and Learning EDUC90828
- Clinical Teaching and Preceptorship NURS90010
- Clinical Training in Music Therapy 1 MUSI90038
- Clinical Training in Music Therapy 2 MUSI90039
- Clinical Training in Music Therapy 3 MUSI90040
- Clinical Training in Music Therapy 4 MUSI90187
- Clinical Trial Site Coordination CLRS90022
- Clinical Trial Site Establishment CLRS90023
- Clinical Trial Site Management CLRS90025
- Clinical Trial Site Monitoring CLRS90024
- Clinical Trials and Regulations BMEN90026
- Cluster and Cloud Computing COMP90024
- Coastal Environmental Geomorphology GEOL90030
- Coastal Landforms & Processes GEOG30001
- Coastal Landforms and Management GEOG90024
- Cochlear Implants AUDI90005
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy PSYT90022
- Cognitive Neuroscience and Disorders PSYC90083
- Cognitive Psychology PSYC20007
- Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy PSYC90007
- Cold War Cultures in Asia HIST30066
- Collaborative Production FLTV30021
- Collection Management ACUR90007
- Comfort of Lightness: Hokkaido Pavilion ABPL90392
- Commercial Applications of Equity LAWS70011
- Commercial Conflict of Laws LAWS70409
- Commercial Construction ABPL90293
- Commercial Law In Asia LAWS50088
- Commercial Law in Asia LAWS70230
- Commercial Law in Practice LAWS90059
- Commercial Law: Issues and Policies LAWS70336
- Commercial Music Arranging Demystified MUSI20165
- Commercial Music Arranging Demystified MUSI10203
- Commercial Unconscionability LAWS70383
- Commercialisation of Science MKTG90022
- Commercialisation of Science (MoE) MKTG90030
- Commissioning Public Services PPMN90041
- Communicating Agricultural Sciences MULT90060
- Communicating Science Effectively (MoE) MECM90027
- Communicating Science and Technology MULT20011
- Communicating the Arts AMGT90017
- Communication Across the Lifespan AUDI90025
- Communication Networks ELEN90061
- Communication Systems ELEN90057
- Communication and Performance 1 AIND10001
- Communication and Performance 2 AIND10002
- Communication for Research Scientists SCIE90013
- Communication in Disease Emergencies VETS50004
- Communications in Government MULT90030
- Community Mental Health NURS90013
- Community Natural Resource Management NRMT40004
- Community Natural Resource Management NRMT90007
- Community Performance and Ritual CCDP70002
- Community Volunteering for Change MULT30020
- Community Volunteering for Change MULT20012
- Community Volunteering for Change-Global MULT30021
- Community Volunteering for Change-Global MULT20014
- Community-Based Participatory Research POPH90201
- Commutative and Multilinear Algebra MAST90025
- Companion Animal Biology DASC20011
- Companion Animal Medicine and Surgery VETS70011
- Company Takeovers LAWS70042
- Comparative Animal Physiology ZOOL20006
- Comparative Charters of Rights LAWS50074
- Comparative Constitutional Law LAWS90011
- Comparative Corporate Governance LAWS70134
- Comparative Corporate Tax LAWS70009
- Comparative Education Policy EDUC90145
- Comparative Education Theory (EC) EDUC90841
- Comparative Federal Constitutional Law LAWS90056
- Comparative Health Law LAWS90057
- Comparative Human Rights Law LAWS90058
- Comparative International Tax LAWS70353
- Comparative Law LAWS70016
- Comparative Law LAWS50123
- Comparative Legal Traditions LAWS20006
- Comparative Nutrition and Digestion DASC20012
- Comparative Politics POLS20023
- Comparative Regional Governance POLS90043
- Comparative Social Policy SOCI90003
- Comparative Superannuation Law LAWS90012
- Comparative Tax Avoidance LAWS70410
- Comparing Media Systems MECM20010
- Competition Law LAWS50063
- Competition Law & Intellectual Property LAWS70208
- Competition and Consumer Law BLAW30004
- Competition and New Technologies LAWS90046
- Competition and Strategy ECON20005
- Competition in a Globalised World LAWS90069
- Complex Analysis MAST30021
- Complex Building Energy Modelling ABPL90153
- Complex Case Models in Speech Pathology AUDI90041
- Composition - Non Specific MUSI30067
- Composition 1 MUSI20055
- Composition 2 MUSI20056
- Composition 3 MUSI30213
- Composition 4 MUSI30214
- Composition Major MUSI90066
- Composition Major (Part Time) MUSI90072
- Composition Seminar MUSI90067
- Composition Strategies A DNCE60034
- Composition Strategies B DNCE60037
- Composition Studies MUSI40073
- Composition Studies MUSI20122
- Composition Studies MUSI90057
- Composition Studies Seminar MUSI90062
- Composition for Film MUSI30068
- Compositional Analysis ABPL90121
- Comprehensive Dental Practice DENT90086
- Computational Biomechanics BMEN90022
- Computational Differential Equations MAST90026
- Computational Economics ECON90055
- Computational Economics and Business ECON30025
- Computational Fluid Dynamics ENGR90024
- Computational Genomics COMP90016
- Computational Physics PHYC30012
- Computational Statistics and Data Mining MAST90083
- Computer Mediated Communication LING30011
- Computer Science Research Project COMP60004
- Computer Science Research Project COMP60003
- Computer Science Research Project COMP60002
- Computer Science Research Project COMP60001
- Computer Systems COMP30023
- Computing Project COMP90055
- Computing for Musicians MUSI10004
- Concept Driven Curriculum (IB) EDUC90261
- Concepts and Creativity DRAM10017
- Concepts and Creativity 2 DRAM20017
- Concepts and Creativity 2 (Production) THTR20032
- Concepts and Creativity 3 (Internship) THTR30021
- Concepts and Creativity 3 (Theatre) DRAM30016
- Concepts in Cell & Developmental Biology CEDB30002
- Concepts in Viticulture and Wine Science AGRI90030
- Concepts of Childhood EDUC20064
- Concerto MUSI40060
- Concrete Design and Technology CVEN90016
- Concrete Structures and Construction ABPL20053
- Condensed Matter Physics PHYC90013
- Conditioning and Somatic Practice DNCE60033
- Conducting MUSI40036
- Conducting Educational Research EDUC90729
- Conflict and Negotiation MGMT90037
- Conflict, Security and Development MULT90058
- Confucianism, Commerce, Capitalism HIST30069
- Congenital,Obsetric& Medical Conditions MEDI90047
- Connecting and Engaging Students EDUC90822
- Conservation Assessment and Treatment 1 CUMC90030
- Conservation Assessment and Treatment 2 CUMC90005
- Conservation Intensive CUMC90003
- Conservation Internship and Projects CUMC90006
- Conservation Professional Practices CUMC90026
- Conservation Research and OBL CUMC90004
- Conservation and Cultural Environments GEOG90021
- Conservation and Object Based Learning CUMC90028
- Conservation of Architectural Materials ABPL90300
- Conservation of Photographs 1 CUMC90009
- Conservatorium Choir 1 MUSI20082
- Conservatorium Choir 1 MUSI10058
- Conservatorium Choir 1 MUSI30174
- Conservatorium Choir 2 MUSI20083
- Conservatorium Choir 2 MUSI30175
- Conservatorium Choir 2 MUSI10059
- Constitution Making LAWS70269
- Constitutional Law LAWS50028
- Constitutional Law in Practice LAWS70222
- Constitutional Problems in Comparison LAWS70411
- Constitutional Rights and Freedoms LAWS90013
- Constraint Programming COMP90046
- Constructed Ecologies ABPL90263
- Constructing Environments ENVS10003
- Construction Analysis ABPL20033
- Construction Contract Administration ABPL30039
- Construction Contract Analysis, Drafting LAWS70270
- Construction Contracting: New Frontiers LAWS90034
- Construction Cost Planning and Economics ABPL30056
- Construction Design ABPL30041
- Construction Dispute Resolution LAWS70133
- Construction Engineering CVEN90058
- Construction Industry Studies - Property ABPL20051
- Construction Industry and Environment ABPL90310
- Construction Law LAWS50084
- Construction Law LAWS70469
- Construction Law LAWS70176
- Construction Law and Projects in Asia LAWS90014
- Construction Management ABPL30055
- Construction Measurement and Estimating ABPL90208
- Construction Methods A ABPL90286
- Construction Methods B ABPL90287
- Construction Policy ABPL90329
- Construction Regulations and Control ABPL90295
- Construction Risk LAWS70149
- Construction Scheduling ABPL90323
- Construction Studies ABPL90029
- Construction of Buildings ABPL90292
- Construction, the Community & Neighbours LAWS90040
- Consultation Liaison Psychiatry PSYT90024
- Consultation in Educational Settings EDUC90221
- Consulting Fundamentals MGMT90148
- Consulting Practice MGMT90192
- Consulting Project MGMT90147
- Consumer Behaviour MKTG90008
- Consumer Behaviour BUSA90042
- Consumer Behaviour MKTG20001
- Consumer Perspective: Theory & Practice NURS90018
- Consumer Protection LAWS90070
- Consumer Protection Law And Policy LAWS50085
- Consumer Redress and Product Defects LAWS90015
- Consumerism and the Growth Economy ENST90019
- Contemporary Aboriginal Art AHIS30005
- Contemporary Approaches in HPS HPSC40016
- Contemporary Approaches to Bereavement NURS90073
- Contemporary Art AHIS30020
- Contemporary Art Practice A FINA60011
- Contemporary Art Practice B FINA60012
- Contemporary Art in China AHIS40013
- Contemporary Chinese Law and Practice LAWS70351
- Contemporary Classroom Research EDUC90736
- Contemporary Composition Uncovered 1 MUSI10185
- Contemporary Composition Uncovered 2 MUSI20166
- Contemporary Cultural Theory & Research CULS90008
- Contemporary Dance Theory DNCE60015
- Contemporary Digital Practice ABPL90149
- Contemporary Environmental Issues EVSC90011
- Contemporary Environmental Issues A ENST90022
- Contemporary Fictions CWRI40010
- Contemporary Film Theory SCRN40002
- Contemporary Film and Cultural Theory CICU30012
- Contemporary Geographical Thought GEOG90018
- Contemporary India POLS30031
- Contemporary Israeli Culture & Identity JEWI30006
- Contemporary Issues and the Young Child EDUC90613
- Contemporary Italy Study Abroad ITAL20004
- Contemporary Italy Study Abroad ITAL30005
- Contemporary Japan JAPN20005
- Contemporary Landscape Theory ABPL90078
- Contemporary Middle East & Central Asia ISLM90007
- Contemporary Music Theatre MUSI30070
- Contemporary Nursing NURS90057
- Contemporary Performance Analysis DRAM10025
- Contemporary Political Theory POLS20006
- Contemporary Political and Social Theory POLS40001
- Contemporary Social Problems SOCI90004
- Contemporary Sociological Theory SOCI30001
- ContemporaryPlantProduction&Establishmt HORT90004
- Content Language Integrated Pedagogy EDUC90481
- Content and Methodology A DNCE60009
- Content and Methodology B DNCE60010
- Content in the Field CUMC90023
- Contested Resources EVSC20005
- Context of Surgical Education MEDS90006
- Contextual Studies 1 MUSI10180
- Contextual Studies 2 MUSI10193
- Contextual Studies 3 MUSI20177
- Contextual Studies 4 MUSI20180
- Contextual Studies 5 MUSI30223
- Contextual Studies 6 MUSI30224
- Contingencies ACTL30003
- Contract Interpretation LAWS70335
- Contract Management ABPL90335
- Contract Termination LAWS70444
- Contracts LAWS50029
- Control Systems ELEN90055
- Controversies in Australian History HIST30064
- Cooking up the Nation SPAN20024
- Cooking up the Nation SPAN30019
- Cooperation and Conflict in World Trade ECON90025
- Copyright Law LAWS70207
- Copyright and Patents LAWS50057
- Core Psychiatry I PSYT90078
- Core Psychiatry II PSYT90079
- Corporate Construction Management ABPL90207
- Corporate Finance BUSA90046
- Corporate Finance FNCE30002
- Corporate Financial Policy FNCE90018
- Corporate Governance BUSA90050
- Corporate Governance & Directors' Duties LAWS70190
- Corporate Governance: Int'l Perspective LAWS50081
- Corporate Insolvency and Reconstruction LAWS70240
- Corporate Law BLAW20001
- Corporate Real Estate Management ABPL90031
- Corporate Reporting ACCT90012
- Corporate Strategy BUSA90053
- Corporate Strategy BUSA90054
- Corporate Strategy BUSA90055
- Corporate Tax LAWS90005
- Corporate Tax A LAWS70024
- Corporate Tax B LAWS70008
- Corporations Law LAWS50035
- Corruption in International Sport LAWS90041
- Corruption in Today's World POLS90037
- Cosmic Pandaemonium in Paradise Lost ENGL40022
- Cost Management ABPL90312
- Cost Management ACCT20001
- Counselling Skills GENE90003
- Counselling Skills for Ed. Psychologists EDUC90224
- Counselling and Interviewing Skills SCWK90053
- Craft in Traditional Asian Architecture ABPL90336
- Creating Music For Advertising MUSI10186
- Creating Music For Advertising MUSI20167
- Creating New Work MUSI20153
- Creating Texts EDUC90680
- Creating Your Own Enterprise MGMT90230
- Creating a Project Vision DRAM90018
- Creating a Successful Business Model MGMT90225
- Creating from the Single Staff Score MUSI30254
- Creating the Learning Organisation EDUC90182
- Creative Collaboration MUSI20154
- Creative Industries in Indonesia INDO30002
- Creative Non Fiction CWRI20005
- Creative Projects-Digital Technologies EDUC10049
- Creative Writing Advanced Workshop CWRI90004
- Creative Writing Thesis - 50 CWRI40008
- Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice CWRI10001
- Creativity and Knowledge Enhancement EDUC30064
- Creativity, Arts Practice and Community EDUC30063
- Creativity, Culture and Community CCDP90004
- Creativity, Genius, Expertise and Talent MUSI30248
- Creativity, Play and the Arts EDUC10048
- Crime Narratives ENGL40025
- Crime Prevention: Critical Approaches CRIM90010
- Crime and Culture CRIM30006
- Crime and Public Policy CRIM30001
- Crime in a Globalised World CRIM30002
- Crimes of the Powerful CRIM30005
- Criminal Jurisdictions LAWS50082
- Criminal Justice: Drugs in Asia LAWS50125
- Criminal Law and Political Justice CRIM20002
- Criminal Law and Procedure LAWS50034
- Criminal Law, Poverty and Justice LAWS70413
- Criminal Law: Business and Organisations LAWS70385
- Criminal Procedure and Human Rights LAWS70337
- Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice LAWS90016
- Criminology Special Topics CRIM90027
- Criminology Thesis CRIM40007
- Criminology Thesis CRIM40006
- Criminology and Sociology Internship CRIM90006
- Crisis & Complexity: 1950s Architecture ABPL90257
- Crisis Zone: Middle Eastern Politics ISLM30015
- Crisis Zone: Middle Eastern Politics ISLM20015
- Critical Analysis of Pathology Research PATH40002
- Critical Analytical Skills MULT20003
- Critical Anthropological Theory ANTH30015
- Critical Approaches to Social Policy POLS90052
- Critical Asian Perspectives ASIA90004
- Critical Care Nursing 1 NURS90081
- Critical Care Nursing 2 NURS90091
- Critical Care Nursing Practice NURS90099
- Critical Criminological Foundations CRIM90026
- Critical Debates ENGL30002
- Critical Debates in Indigenous Studies AIND30007
- Critical Issues in Contemporary Art A FINA60013
- Critical Issues in Contemporary Art B FINA60014
- Critical Readings: The Great Works ENGL90002
- Critical Reflection FLTV30008
- Critical Theories SOTH30001
- Critical Thinking With Data UNIB10006
- Critical Thinking in Research SCIE40001
- Critical and Creative Thinking PHIL90021
- Critical and Theoretical Studies 1 FINA10026
- Critical and Theoretical Studies 2 FINA10032
- Critical and Theoretical Studies 3 FINA20029
- Critical and Theoretical Studies 4 FINA20032
- Critical and Theoretical Studies 5 FINA30017
- Critical and Theoretical Studies 6 FINA30018
- Critical&Curatorial Practices in Design ABPL90367
- Crop Production and Management AGRI30031
- Cross Cultural Management and Teamwork IBUS90004
- Cross Disciplinary Laboratory DNCE60047
- Cross Discipline Lab 1 DNCE90003
- Cross Discipline Lab 2 DNCE90004
- Cross Discipline Studies B DRAM60019
- Cross-Border Litigation LAWS50050
- Cross-Cultural Assessment and Treatment CUMC90025
- Cross-Cultural Management and Teamwork MGMT20007
- Cryptography and Security COMP90043
- Cultural Analysis of Exchange Studies EDUC20071
- Cultural Complexity and Intelligence CULS90004
- Cultural Development Global Partnerships CCDP90015
- Cultural Development: Policy & Planning CCDP90012
- Cultural Festivals and Special Events AMGT90024
- Cultural Management Project (Sem Long) AMGT90015
- Cultural Management Project (Year Long) AMGT90016
- Cultural Materials Conservation Science CUMC90033
- Cultural Policy and Power CULS40001
- Cultural Studies Now CULS40011
- Cultural Studies Thesis CULS40009
- Cultural Studies in Asia CULS40006
- Culture Change and Protest Movements ANTH20006
- Culture and Language in Teaching Chinese EDUC90695
- Culture of Building ABPL90085
- Curating Contemporary Art ACUR90008
- Current Evaluation and Research Topics EDUC90799
- Current Issues In Gender,Sexuality & Law LAWS50079
- Current Issues in Accounting ACCT90034
- Current Issues in Administrative Law LAWS70201
- Current Issues in Applied Linguistics B LING90011
- Current Issues in Dairy Science FOOD90012
- Current Issues in Negligence LAWS70229
- Current Topics In Developmental Genetics GENE90020
- Current Topics in Applied Linguistics LING90029
- Current Topics in Atmospheric Research ATOC90004
- Current Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience PSYC40004
- Current Topics in Developmental Psych. PSYC40001
- Current Topics in Linguistics LING90030
- Current Topics in Social Psychology PSYC40002
- Curriculum Design and Evaluation EDUC90610
- Curriculum Design in Surgical Education MEDS90009
- Curriculum Frameworks in the IB Diploma EDUC90332
- Curriculum Leadership and Management EDUC90140
- Curriculum Pedagogy and Assessment EDUC90611
- Curriculum Pedagogy and Assessment EC 1 EDUC90702
- Curriculum Pedagogy and Assessment EC 2 EDUC90704
- Curriculum Provision for Gifted Students EDUC90208
- Cyberlaw LAWS50066
- Dairy Systems DASC90010
- Dance 1 DNCE10012
- Dance 2 DNCE10013
- Dance Anatomy DNCE60031
- Dance Industry Project DNCE30019
- Dance Kinesiology DNCE60032
- Dance Lineages 1 DNCE10021
- Dance Lineages 2 DNCE20017
- Dance Psychology DNCE60054
- Dance Skills 1 DNCE10014
- Dance Skills 2 DNCE10015
- Dance Skills 3 DNCE20022
- Dance Skills 4 DNCE30017
- Dance Skills 5 DNCE30018
- Dance Studies 1 DNCE10011
- Dance Studies 3 DNCE30009
- Dance Technique 1 DNCE10017
- Dance Technique 2 DNCE10022
- Dance Technique 3 DNCE20013
- Dance Technique 4 DNCE20018
- Dance Technique 5 DNCE30011
- Dance Technique 6 DNCE30025
- Dance Technique Extension 1 DNCE10023
- Dance Technique Extension 2 DNCE20015
- Dance Technique Extension 3 DNCE20024
- Dance Technique Extension 4 DNCE30020
- Dance Technique Extension 5 DNCE30022
- Dance on Screen: Converging Disciplines DNCE20030
- Dancing the Dance 1 DNCE10027
- Dancing the Dance 2 DNCE20031
- Dangerous Earth ERTH20001
- Darwinism: history of a very big idea HPSC20001
- Data & Decisions MAST10002
- Data Analysis BUSA90060
- Data Analysis BUSA90061
- Data Analysis 1 MAST10010
- Data Analysis in Practice-Based Research PSYT90077
- Data Journalism JOUR90011
- Data Management & Statistical Computing POPH90018
- Data Warehousing ISYS90086
- Data and Decision Making MAST90072
- Data and Decision Making (MoE) MAST90086
- Data and Decisions BUSA90059
- Database Systems INFO20003
- Database Systems & Information Modelling INFO90002
- Deafness and Communication EDUC20069
- Deals LAWS50051
- Deals In Asia Pacific LAWS50080
- Deals with China LAWS70414
- Debates in Evaluation EDUC90715
- Debating Development DEVT90052
- Debating Science in Society HPSC10003
- Debt Capital Markets LAWS70111
- Decadent Literature ENGL30016
- Decision Analysis and Project Management MGMT90121
- Decision Making BUSA90489
- Decision Making MAST30022
- Decision Making for Leaders BUSA90515
- Declarative Programming COMP90048
- Declarative Programming COMP30020
- Defamation Law LAWS70181
- Democracy and its Dilemmas POLS30033
- Democracy, Law and Civil Liberties LAWS50118
- Democracy, Terrorism and Violence POLS30025
- Dental Medicine and Surgery 1 DENT90069
- Dental Medicine and Surgery 2 DENT90072
- Dental Practice 5 DENT50001
- Dental Research Project 1 DENT90063
- Dental Research Project 2 DENT90074
- Dental Research Project 3 DENT90080
- Depression and Anxiety SCWK90034
- Derivative Securities FNCE30007
- Derivative Securities FNCE90020
- Derivative Securities FNCE90011
- Derivatives Law and Practice LAWS70023
- Design Activism ABPL90371
- Design Approaches and Methods (PG) ABPL90236
- Design Communications Workshop (P/G) ABPL90167
- Design Documentation and Communication A FLTV90005
- Design Documentation and Communication B FLTV90009
- Design Management ABPL90370
- Design Max ABPL90351
- Design Processes and Principles A FLTV90003
- Design Processes and Principles B FLTV90007
- Design Projects 1 THTR70014
- Design Realisation 1B THTR10013
- Design Realisation 2A THTR20029
- Design Realisation 2B THTR20033
- Design Realisation 3A THTR30022
- Design Realisation 3B THTR30023
- Design Realisation and Collaboration A FLTV90004
- Design Realisation and Collaboration B FLTV90008
- Design Research ABPL90305
- Design Thesis ABPL90169
- Design Thinking MGMT90223
- Design Workshop ABPL20050
- Design and Analysis for Neurosciences A NEUR90007
- Design and Analysis for Neurosciences B NEUR90008
- Design and the Moving Image THTR20043
- Design for Ageing ABPL90377
- Design for Integration MCEN90013
- Design for Manufacture MCEN90012
- Design of Algorithms COMP20007
- Design of Randomised Controlled Trials POPH90119
- Designing Environments ENVS10004
- Designing Green Roofs and Walls HORT90046
- Designing Green Roofs and Walls HORT50001
- Designing Personalised Learning EDUC90775
- Designing Personalised Learning EDUC90379
- Designing a Curriculum EDUC90516
- Designing a Tertiary Curriculum EDUC90734
- Designing for Heat in the Public Domain ABPL90380
- Designing the Sustainable Landscape ABPL40024
- Designing with Plants HORT20026
- Designs Law and Practice LAWS70261
- Determinants of Good Health POPH90233
- Developing Clinical Practice 1 EDUC90593
- Developing Clinical Practice 2 EDUC90594
- Developing Countries and the WTO LAWS70169
- Developing Evaluation Capacity EDUC90719
- Developing Literacy Skills in Chinese EDUC90697
- Developing Oral Skills in Chinese EDUC90696
- Development Economics ECON40012
- Development Economics ECON90023
- Development Strategies DEVT90047
- Development Studies Special Topics A DEVT90007
- Development Studies Special Topics B DEVT90005
- Development Studies Thesis DEVT40008
- Development Theories DEVT90009
- Development and Differences EDUC90228
- Development in the 21st Century DEVT20001
- Development of the Thinking Child PSYC30019
- Development, Culture and Conflict DEVT50001
- Development, Environment and Int'l Law LAWS90042
- Development, Labour and Human Rights LAWS90018
- Developmental Biology CEDB30003
- Developmental Neurobiology NEUR30005
- Developmental Psychology PSYC20008
- Differential Equations MAST20030
- Differential Topology and Geometry MAST90029
- Digital Cities Studio ABPL90342
- Digital Cities Thesis ABPL90343
- Digital Cultural Conservation CUMC90022
- Digital Design Applications ABPL90123
- Digital Design and Fabrication ENVS20001
- Digital Humanities:Working with Archives MULT90056
- Digital Marketing MKTG90019
- Digital Media Research MECM30016
- Digital Methods MECM90028
- Digital System Design ELEN30010
- Digital Techniques for Urban Designers 1 ABPL90345
- Digital Techniques for Urban Designers 2 ABPL90346
- Digital Technologies in the Curriculum EDUC90590
- Digital Technology and Social Change SOCI30012
- Digital: Craft, Design and Make ABPL90373
- Dilemmas in Journalism: Law and Ethics JOUR90006
- Diplomacy: Theory and Practice POLS90047
- Directed Reading Project LING40001
- Directed Reading in Cultural Management AMGT90014
- Directed Studies ELEN90011
- Directed Study HPSC40002
- Directing Methodologies DRAM60024
- Disability Human Rights Clinic LAWS90004
- Disability and International Development POPH90088
- Discipline Skills A DNCE60048
- Discipline Skills A (Design) THTR60031
- Discipline Skills A (Lighting Design) THTR60033
- Discipline Skills A (Sound Design) THTR60035
- Discipline Skills B DRAM60020
- Discipline Skills B (Design) THTR60037
- Discipline Skills B (Lighting Design) THTR60039
- Discipline Skills B (Sound Design) THTR60041
- Discipline Skills F DNCE60049
- Discipline Skills G DRAM60021
- Discipline-Specific Pedagogy A EDUC90483
- Discipline-Specific Pedagogy B EDUC90484
- Discourse & Pragmatics LING30004
- Discourse Analysis and Representation LING40003
- Discourse and Interaction LING90028
- Discovering Music MUSI10037
- Discrete Mathematics MAST30012
- Discrete Maths and Operations Research MAST20018
- Disease Investigation at Farm Level VETS50012
- Disorders of Fluency AUDI90036
- Dispute Resolution LAWS50027
- Dissertation MUSI40025
- Distributed Algorithms COMP90020
- Distributed Computing Project COMP90019
- Distributed Systems COMP90015
- Distributed Systems and Game Theory ELEN90078
- Diversity Inclusion and Transitions EDUC90640
- Diversity: Identities in Indonesia INDO10011
- Diversity: Identities in Indonesia INDO30018
- Diversity: Identities in Indonesia INDO20014
- Do It: Translating Languages ACUR70001
- Do You Hear The People Sing? MUSI10199
- Doctor of Education Thesis EDUC90317
- Doctor of Education Thesis Proposal EDUC90319
- Doctoral Research Seminar EDUC90320
- Documentary Projects 1A FLTV70018
- Documentary Projects 1B FLTV70022
- Documentary Projects 2A FLTV70028
- Documentary Projects 2B FLTV70029
- Documentation and Display CUMC90021
- Doing Business in Asia BUSA90476
- Doing Business in Australia BUSA90478
- Doing Business in the Asia-Pacific IBUS20006
- Domestic Courts and International Law LAWS90019
- Don Quijote Against the Universe SPAN30013
- Don Quijote Against the Universe SPAN20017
- Doppler Echocardiography MEDI90050
- Dramaturgy and Live Performance DRAM90012
- Dramaturgy, Text and Performance THTR70007
- Drawing with Anatomy FINA20035
- Drawing, Painting and Sensory Knowing EDUC10054
- Dream Screen: Film and Psychoanalysis SCRN40010
- Drug Issues POPH90171
- Drug Treatment of Disease PHRM30003
- Drugs Affecting the Nervous System PHRM30002
- Drugs That Shape Society UNIB20008
- Drugs and Justice CRIM40003
- Drugs and the Death Penalty in Asia LAWS70415
- Drugs in Biomedical Experiments PHRM30009
- Drugs: From Discovery to Market PHRM30008
- Dry Needling for Physiotherapists PHTY90053
- Dwelling: Architectures of Space ABPL70001
- Dynamical Meteorology and Oceanography ATOC30004
- Dynamics MCEN90038
- E-Science SCIE90007
- EC Leadership and Communities EDUC90708
- ECommerce ISYS20007
- EHealth Applications and Solutions ISYS90077
- EMA Career Project MGMT90209
- EMA Special Project MGMT90164
- ESL Across the Curriculum EDUC90427
- Early Language and Literacy EDUC90705
- Early Modern Philosophy PHIL40017
- Early Music Ensemble MUSI30071
- Early Voices 1 MUSI30172
- Early Voices 1 MUSI10056
- Early Voices 1 MUSI20080
- Early Voices 2 MUSI20081
- Early Voices 2 MUSI30173
- Early Voices 2 MUSI10057
- Early Voices Ensemble 1 MUSI20140
- Early Voices Ensemble 2 MUSI20141
- Early Years Pedagogy and Practice EDUC90710
- Earth Composition, Minerals and Magmas GEOL20003
- Earth Processes for Engineering ENEN20002
- Earth Sciences Research Project ERTH40006
- Earth Sciences Research Project ERTH40003
- Earth Sciences Research Project ERTH40001
- Earth's Biogeochemical Cycles GEOL90021
- Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings CVEN90017
- East Timor Field Class GEOG30026
- East Timor Field Class GEOG90025
- East/West: Space, Time, Body ASIA70001
- Ecological Economics ECON30012
- Ecological Restoration FRST90034
- Ecology ECOL20003
- Ecology & Management of Grazing Systems AGRI30029
- Ecology in Changing Environments ECOL30006
- Ecology of Urban Landscapes EVSC30006
- Econometric Techniques ECOM90013
- Econometric Techniques ECOM40006
- Econometrics ECOM30002
- Econometrics ECOM90002
- Econometrics of Markets and Competition ECOM40007
- Econometrics of Markets and Competition ECOM90017
- Economic Analysis and Policy ECON30013
- Economic Analysis for Engineers ENGM90011
- Economic Design ECON40006
- Economic Design ECON90028
- Economic Development ECON30002
- Economic Evaluation 1 POPH90093
- Economic Evaluation 2 POPH90095
- Economic Geology GEOL30006
- Economic Regulators LAWS70445
- Economic and Business Law in Asia LAWS90037
- Economics & Public Policy BUSA90073
- Economics For Public Policy ECON90029
- Economics Research Essay ECON40016
- Economics Research Report ECON90007
- Economics Thesis Workshop ECON90059
- Economics for Competition Lawyers LAWS70010
- Economics of Ageing POPH90258
- Economics of Building ABPL90330
- Economics of Finance ECON90034
- Economics of Financial Markets ECON30024
- Economics of Food Markets ECON30007
- Economics of Innovation ECON30027
- Economics of the Environment ECON20004
- Economics of the Law ECON30018
- Ecosystem & Forest Science Research Proj NRMT40010
- Ecosystem & Forest Science Research Proj NRMT40009
- Ecosystem & Forest Science Research Proj NRMT40011
- Ed Psych Practicum 1 EDUC90229
- Ed Psych Practicum 2 EDUC90218
- Ed Psych Practicum 3 EDUC90217
- Ed Psych Practicum 4 EDUC90216
- Editing Masterclass PUBL90021
- Editorial English PUBL90002
- Educating for Creativity and Innovation EDUC90636
- Educating for Knowledge & Understanding EDUC90638
- Educating for Thinking EDUC90642
- Educating for Thinking as Practice EDUC90637
- Education Capstone Research Proj (EC/EY) EDUC90749
- Education Capstone Research Proj. (Prim) EDUC90769
- Education Capstone Research Proj. (SEC) EDUC90759
- Education Policy and Reform in Australia EDUC90146
- Education Policy: International Study EDUC90163
- Education Policy: Negotiated Project EDUC90150
- Education Reform in Asia-Pacific EDUC90780
- Education Research Methodology EDUC90419
- Education and State Power in China INTS90008
- Education, Practice and Place EDUC90722
- Educational Intervention Internship EDUC90791
- Educational Leadership in Surgery MEDS90017
- Educational Theory for Surgical Training MEDS90008
- Effective Clinical Supervision EDUC90742
- Effective Clinical Teaching EDUC90741
- Effective Senior Mathematics Teaching EDUC90664
- Effective University Teaching EDUC90002
- Egypt Under the Pharaohs ANCW20003
- Egyptian and Near Eastern Mythology ANCW20013
- Electrical Device Modelling ELEN30011
- Electrical Engineering Capstone Project ELEN90067
- Electrical Engineering Capstone ProjectA ELEN90070
- Electrical Network Analysis and Design ELEN30009
- Electrical Power Systems ELEN90069
- Electricity: An Experimental History HPSC20022
- Electro-Acoustic Music MUSI30031
- Electrodynamics PHYC30016
- Electromagnetism and Optics PHYC20011
- Electronic Arts: Inventing Technologies VISM70001
- Electronic Circuit Design ELEN90056
- Electronic System Design ELEN90053
- Electronic System Implementation ELEN30013
- Electrophysiological Assessment A AUDI90012
- Electrophysiological Assessment B AUDI90001
- Elements of Bioinformatics BINF90002
- Elements of Data Processing COMP20008
- Elements of Legislation LAWS70417
- Elements of Probability MAST90057
- Elements of Statistics MAST90058
- Embedded System Design ELEN90066
- Emergency Animal Diseases 1 VETS50007
- Emergency Animal Diseases 2 VETS50008
- Emergency Animal Diseases 3 VETS50009
- Emergency Animal Diseases 4 VETS50010
- Emergency Nursing 1 NURS90080
- Emergency Nursing 2 NURS90092
- Emergency Nursing Practice NURS90100
- Emerging Markets Finance FNCE90064
- Emerging Technologies and Issues ISYS90032
- Emerging Topics in SCM MGMT90124
- Employment Contract Law LAWS70200
- Employment Law LAWS50064
- Encounters with Writing CWRI30004
- Encounters: Indigenous Peoples and Law LAWS50070
- End of Life Issues POPH90259
- Energy Efficiency Technology ENEN90011
- Energy Regulation and the Law LAWS70141
- Energy Resources in Emerging Markets LAWS90020
- Energy Supply and Value Chains ENGR90032
- Energy Systems Project ENGR90031
- Energy for Sustainable Development ENEN90027
- Engaging Middle Yr Learners Through ICT EDUC90712
- Engaging Students with Writing EDUC90339
- Engaging the World in Theory & Practice ANTH20012
- Engaging with Families SCWK90059
- Engaging youth:art/media/performance EDUC30066
- Engineering Computation COMP20005
- Engineering Contracts and Procurement ENGM90006
- Engineering Entrepreneurship ENGR90026
- Engineering Investment Strategy ENGM90016
- Engineering Materials ENGR20003
- Engineering Mathematics MAST20029
- Engineering Mechanics ENGR20004
- Engineering Practice ENGR90022
- Engineering Practice and Communication ENGR90021
- Engineering Project ENGR90027
- Engineering Project Implementation CVEN90045
- Engineering Risk Analysis CVEN30008
- Engineering Site Characterisation CVEN90044
- Engineering Systems Design 1 ENGR10004
- Engineering Systems Design 2 ENGR10003
- Engineering for Internet Applications SWEN90002
- English & Theatre Studies Thesis ENGL40023
- English Diction for Opera MUSI90167
- English Phonetics and Phonology LING90015
- English Thesis ENGL40019
- English as an Additional Learning Area EDUC90422
- English as an International Language EDUC90078
- English for Academic Purposes ENGL10005
- English in a Globalised World LING90019
- Ensemble MUSI90148
- Ensemble 1.1 MUSI60017
- Ensemble 1.1 MUSI10124
- Ensemble 1.2 MUSI10125
- Ensemble 1.2 MUSI60018
- Ensemble 2.1 MUSI20033
- Ensemble 2.2 MUSI20034
- Ensemble 3.1 MUSI30089
- Ensemble 3.2 MUSI30090
- Ensemble 4.1 MUSI40041
- Ensemble 4.2 MUSI40045
- Ensemble A MUSI90093
- Ensemble B MUSI90094
- Ensemble B MUSI60012
- Ensemble Studies 1 MUSI10181
- Ensemble Studies 2 MUSI10192
- Ensemble Studies 3 MUSI20176
- Ensemble Studies 4 MUSI20179
- Ensemble Studies 5 MUSI30225
- Ensemble Studies 6 MUSI30226
- Enterprise Applications & Architectures ISYS90043
- Enterprise Performance Management ACCT30002
- Enterprise Systems ISYS90036
- Entertainment Law LAWS70273
- Entrepreneur Within MGMT90229
- Entrepreneurial Finance FNCE30006
- Entrepreneurial Marketing MKTG20007
- Entrepreneurial Organisation Foundations MGMT90227
- Enumerative Combinatorics MAST90031
- Environment and Knowledge HPSC90010
- Environment and Story ENST10001
- Environmental Analysis Tools ENEN90032
- Environmental Applied Hydrology ENEN90034
- Environmental Building Systems ABPL20036
- Environmental Challenges & Global Health POPH90230
- Environmental Change Field Class ENST20002
- Environmental Chemistry CHEM20011
- Environmental Chemistry CHEM90007
- Environmental Economics ECON30011
- Environmental Economics and Strategy ECON90016
- Environmental Education EDUC90006
- Environmental Geochemistry ERTH90029
- Environmental Geosciences ERTH20002
- Environmental Impact Assessment EVSC90015
- Environmental Industry Research (25) ENST90025
- Environmental Industry Research (50) ENST90020
- Environmental Industry Research: 25 Long ENST90026
- Environmental Industry Research: 50 Long ENST70002
- Environmental Law LAWS50078
- Environmental Law LAWS70100
- Environmental Law LAWS70068
- Environmental Management ISO 14000 ENEN90005
- Environmental Modelling EVSC90020
- Environmental Plant Physiology BOTA30003
- Environmental Policy ENST90005
- Environmental Policy Instruments ENST90017
- Environmental Politics and Management GEOG20003
- Environmental Research Proj (50 Long) ENST70001
- Environmental Research Project (25) ENST90007
- Environmental Research Project (50) ENST90016
- Environmental Research Project - 25 Long ENST90024
- Environmental Research Review (12.5) ENST90006
- Environmental Research Topic ENST90018
- Environmental Research Topic (Ind) ENST90021
- Environmental Rights LAWS70386
- Environmental Rights & Responsibilities LAWS20009
- Environmental Risk Assessment EVSC30003
- Environmental Risk Assessment EVSC90014
- Environmental Systems ABPL90086
- Epidemiology POPH90016
- Epidemiology 1 POPH90014
- Epidemiology 2 POPH90242
- Epidemiology 3 POPH90243
- Epidemiology Research Project POPH90216
- Epidemiology Research Project POPH90215
- Epidemiology Research Project POPH90214
- Epidemiology of Epidemics VETS50006
- Equality Law Internationally LAWS70446
- Equality and Discrimination Law LAWS50068
- Equality and Discrimination at Work LAWS70025
- Espaces Francophones FREN40004
- Ethical Leadership MULT90016
- Ethical Theory PHIL20008
- Ethical Theory and Practice PHIL90004
- Ethical Traditions in Islam ISLM30003
- Ethics In Finance FNCE90057
- Ethics and International Relations POLS90048
- Ethics and Professional Issues PSYC90008
- Ethics and Responsibility in Science SCIE90005
- Ethics in Finance FNCE30009
- Ethics in Public Health POPH90270
- Ethics of Ageing POPH90260
- Ethics of Psychiatry PSYT90023
- Ethics, gender and the family EDUC30065
- Ethnic Nationalism and the Modern World ANTH20011
- Ethnographic and Documentary Cinema SCRN40003
- Euripides, Seneca, and Mythmaking ANCW40001
- Europe and Asia: Competing Hegemons? POLS90017
- Europe: Making and Breaking of Nations EURO20006
- Europe: Making and Breaking of Nations EURO30005
- European Civil Law LAWS50067
- European Integration: Politics of the EU POLS30018
- European Intellectual Property Law LAWS70418
- European Modernism EURO20002
- European Modernism EURO30003
- Eurovisions EURO10002
- Evaluation Capstone EDUC90747
- Evaluation Capstone EDUC90825
- Evaluation Project EDUC90720
- Evaluation and Value for Money EDUC90851
- Evaluation of Rehabilitation Practice REHB90003
- Event Management Law LAWS70065
- Evidence Based Learning and Teaching 1 EDUC90580
- Evidence Based Learning and Teaching 2 EDUC90582
- Evidence and Proof LAWS50037
- Evidence for Learning and Teaching EDUC90755
- Evidence for Practice NURS90009
- Evidence-Based Performance Teaching MUSI90179
- Evidence-based Practice EDUC90862
- Evolution and the Human Condition ZOOL30004
- Evolution: Making Sense Of Life BIOL20001
- Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics GENE30001
- Ex-Lab: Digital Furniture Fabrication ABPL90361
- Exactly Solvable Models MAST90065
- Exceptionality:Assessment & Intervention EDUC90223
- Executive Internship PPMN90039
- Executive Management 1 BUSA90505
- Executive Management 2 BUSA90506
- Executive Management 3 BUSA90507
- Executive Management 4 BUSA90508
- Executive Management 5 BUSA90509
- Executive Management 6 BUSA90510
- Executive Management 7 BUSA90511
- Executive Power in Australia LAWS70447
- Exercise Sports and Manual Therapy PHTY90105
- Exercise for Women PHTY90004
- Exhibition Management ACUR90006
- Experiences in Industry ABPL90308
- Experimental Animal Behaviour ZOOL30007
- Experimental Design and Data Analysis MAST10011
- Experimental Economics ECON30022
- Experimental Marine Biology ZOOL30008
- Experimental Mathematics MAST90053
- Experimental Pathology PATH20003
- Experimental Phonetics LING40008
- Experimental Physiology PHYS30009
- Experimental Reproductive Physiology BIOL30002
- Experiments in Genetics GENE20003
- Expert Evidence LAWS70073
- Exploration Skills Mapping GEOL90045
- Explorations (Landscape Studio 1) ABPL20038
- Exploring French Wine, Food and Culture AGRI50001
- Exploring Human Disease - Science PATH20001
- Exploring Linguistic Diversity LING30001
- Exploring Musical Engagement MUSI90146
- External Quality Assurance MGMT90117
- Extreme Loading of Structures CVEN90026
- Facilities for Social Sustainability ABPL90303
- Family Law LAWS50047
- Family in Psychiatry: Theory & Practice PSYT90009
- Family, Community and Development DEVT90046
- Famine: The Geography of Scarcity GEOG10001
- Famous Opera Choruses 1 MUSI20084
- Farm Management Economics AGRI30033
- Farm Trees & Agroforestry FRST90033
- Field Based Project A CCDP70003
- Field Based Project B CCDP70004
- Field Biology of Australian Wildlife ZOOL30009
- Field Botany BOTA30006
- Field Mapping and Sedimentary Geology GEOL20004
- Fieldwork in Complex and Hostile Places DEVT90042
- Fieldwork: Engagement & Collaboration CCDP90010
- Fieldwork: Identity & Difference CCDP90013
- Fieldwork: Improvisation & Exchange CCDP90016
- Fieldwork: Publics & Places CCDP90008
- Film Craft FLTV70035
- Film Festival Cultures SCRN90006
- Film Genres and Auteurs SCRN20014
- Film Noir: History and Sexuality SCRN30004
- Film Production: From Script to Screen SCRN90002
- Film and Television Law LAWS70080
- Film, Art and Exhibition SCRN40006
- Final Capstone Project EDUC90604
- Finance 1 FNCE10001
- Finance Law FNCE90028
- Finance Research Essay FNCE40006
- Finance Theory - Corporate Finance FNCE90042
- Finance Theory - Investments FNCE90041
- Finance Thesis Workshop FNCE90059
- Finance and Budgeting AMGT90013
- Financial & Performance Management MGMT90041
- Financial Accounting BUSA90001
- Financial Accounting ACCT90013
- Financial Accounting BUSA90002
- Financial Accounting Research ACCT90019
- Financial Accounting Theory ACCT30001
- Financial Analysis and Valuation BUSA90492
- Financial Analysis and Valuation ACCT30006
- Financial Crises: A Critical Analysis FNCE90063
- Financial Econometrics ECOM90011
- Financial Econometrics ECOM40004
- Financial Economics ECON40015
- Financial Economics ECON90024
- Financial Engineering FNCE90033
- Financial Institutions BUSA90090
- Financial Institutions Management FNCE40008
- Financial Management BUSA90094
- Financial Management BUSA90095
- Financial Management BUSA90093
- Financial Management FNCE90060
- Financial Management for Agribusiness AGRI90013
- Financial Markets and Instruments FNCE90047
- Financial Mathematics I ACTL20001
- Financial Mathematics II ACTL20002
- Financial Mathematics III ACTL30006
- Financial Planning and Advising FNCE90038
- Financial Services Law LAWS70106
- Financial Spreadsheeting FNCE90026
- Financial Spreadsheeting FNCE90045
- Financial Statement Analysis ACCT90002
- Fire in the Australian Landscape EVSC30005
- First Language Acquisition LING30003
- First Principles AIND40001
- Fiscal Reform and Development LAWS70162
- Fixed Income FNCE90015
- Flexible Urban Modelling ABPL90304
- Flora of Victoria BOTA90005
- Flora of Victoria BOTA20004
- Fluid Dynamics MCEN90008
- Fluid Mechanics ENGR30002
- Fluvial Geomorphology and Hydrology ERTH90027
- Food & Water:Global Issues Local Impacts AGRI30012
- Food Biotechnology FOOD90011
- Food Chemistry FOOD90022
- Food Chemistry, Biology and Nutrition FOOD20003
- Food Engineering FOOD90029
- Food For a Healthy Planet II UNIB20014
- Food Microbiology FOOD90023
- Food Microbiology and Safety FOOD20006
- Food Packaging Design FOOD90032
- Food Packaging Materials and Processes FOOD90031
- Food Processing FOOD90007
- Food Processing & Preservation FOOD30007
- Food Production for Urban Landscapes HORT90038
- Food Research & Development FOOD30009
- Food Safety and Quality FOOD90008
- Food Science Research Project FOOD40002
- Food Science Research Project FOOD40001
- Food for a Healthy Planet UNIB10009
- Food for a Healthy Planet III UNIB30010
- Food, Culture and Identity EURO90001
- Forecasting in Economics and Business ECOM20002
- Forensic Business Processes ACCT90026
- Forensic Odontology 1 DENT90039
- Forensic Odontology 2 DENT90040
- Forensic Psychiatry PSYT90016
- Forensic Science & the Law: A Case Study HPSC30036
- Forest Assessment and Monitoring FRST90019
- Forest Ecosystems FRST90015
- Forest Health FRST90023
- Forest Internship Project FRST90035
- Forest Operations FRST90041
- Forest Planning and Business Management FRST90073
- Forest Systems FRST30001
- Forests and Water FRST90022
- Forests in a Global Context EVSC20003
- Forests in the Asia Pacific Region FRST90030
- Forests, Carbon and Climate Change FRST90032
- Form and Politics in Architecture ABPL90357
- Formative Ideas in Architecture ABPL30053
- Foundation Mathematics 1 MAST10014
- Foundation Mathematics 2 MAST10015
- Foundation Physiotherapy Sciences PHTY90096
- Foundation Studies in Chemistry CHEM10008
- Foundational English Literacy EDUC90367
- Foundations in Cancer & Palliative Care2 NURS90028
- Foundations in Politics and Policy PPMN90042
- Foundations in Qualitative Methods MGMT90202
- Foundations in Quantitative Methods MGMT90203
- Foundations of Agricultural Sciences 1 AGRI10045
- Foundations of Agricultural Sciences 2 AGRI10046
- Foundations of Algorithms COMP10002
- Foundations of Animal Health 1 VETS20014
- Foundations of Animal Health 2 VETS20015
- Foundations of Architecture ABPL20030
- Foundations of Biomedical Science MEDS90001
- Foundations of Computing COMP10001
- Foundations of Educational Leadership EDUC90344
- Foundations of Electrical Networks ELEN20005
- Foundations of Entrepreneurial Practice MGMT90201
- Foundations of Entrepreneurship Practice MGMT90222
- Foundations of Evaluation EDUC90850
- Foundations of Finance FNCE90002
- Foundations of Informatics INFO20002
- Foundations of Information Systems ISYS10001
- Foundations of Leadership MGMT90232
- Foundations of Marketing & Communication MKTG90027
- Foundations of Mathematics Teaching EDUC90426
- Foundations of Medical Law LAWS70223
- Foundations of Nursing NURS90066
- Foundations of Parent and Liaison Work PSYT90039
- Foundations of Physical Education EDUC90711
- Foundations of Psychiatry PSYT90005
- Foundations of Public Health POPH90217
- Foundations of Rehabilitation REHB90001
- Foundations of Social Policy SOCI90002
- Foundations of Social Policy SOCI90011
- Foundations of Spatial Information GEOM90008
- Foundations of Student Advising EDUC90765
- Foundations of Supply Chain Management MGMT90119
- Foundations of Tax Law LAWS70323
- Foundations of Translation TRAN90001
- Foundations of Tropical & Global Health POPH90249
- Foundations of Working with Adolescents PSYT90032
- Foundations of Working with Children PSYT90031
- Foundations of Working with Families PSYT90038
- Foundations: Competition Law & Economics LAWS90065
- Framing Crime CRIM90020
- Free Play New Music Improvisation Ensem MUSI10201
- Free Play New Music Improvisation Ensem MUSI30240
- Free Play New Music Improvisation Ensem MUSI20164
- Free Speech and Media Law BLAW10002
- Free Speech, Contempt and the Media LAWS70184
- Freedom of Information LAWS70372
- Freedom of Speech LAWS70390
- Freight Systems CVEN90061
- French 1 FREN10004
- French 2 FREN10005
- French 3 FREN20015
- French 3 FREN10001
- French 4 FREN10003
- French 4 FREN20017
- French 5 FREN20001
- French 5 FREN10006
- French 5 FREN30003
- French 6 FREN30004
- French 6 FREN20002
- French 6 FREN10007
- French 7 FREN30001
- French 7 FREN20019
- French Cinema Research Seminar FREN40001
- French Cinema: The New Wave and Beyond FREN30013
- French Cinema: The New Wave and Beyond FREN20011
- French Cultural Studies FREN20016
- French IV: Honours Language I FREN40005
- French Language for Opera 1 MUSI90166
- French Language for Opera 2 MUSI90178
- French Thesis FREN40009
- French Translation FREN20004
- French Translation FREN30006
- French Travel Writing FREN20012
- French Travel Writing FREN30014
- French for Musicians MUSI30072
- French in a Global World FREN90002
- From Graffiti to Terrorism CRIM10001
- From Lab to Life SCIE90011
- From Page to Stage: French Theatre FREN20022
- From Page to Stage: French Theatre FREN30020
- From Plato to Einstein HPSC10001
- From the Solar System to the Cosmos PHYC10008
- Frontiers in Biomedicine BIOM30001
- Frontiers in Human Disease PATH30003
- Frontiers in Physiology PHYS30008
- Functional Analysis MAST90020
- Functional Foods FOOD30010
- Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics BCMB30002
- Fundamentals of Built Environment Law ABPL90290
- Fundamentals of Catchment Management NRMT90029
- Fundamentals of Cell Biology CEDB20003
- Fundamentals of Chemistry CHEM10007
- Fundamentals of Finance FNCE90065
- Fundamentals of Geological CO2 Storage GEOL90043
- Fundamentals of Information Systems ISYS90026
- Fundamentals of Mathematics MAST10017
- Fundamentals of Palliative Care NURS90046
- Fundamentals of Patent Drafting LAWS70387
- Fundamentals of Portfolio Management FNCE90051
- Fundamentals of Transfusion Practice NURS90063
- Fundamentals of the Common Law LAWS70217
- Funds Management FNCE90031
- Future Cities ABPL90344
- GIS In Planning, Design & Development ABPL90319
- GSHSS Advanced Special Study MULT90028
- Gambling Law LAWS70388
- Game Theory ECON90022
- Game Theory ECON40010
- Game Theory for Business Strategy BUSA90491
- Gamelan 1 MUSI20087
- Gamelan 1 MUSI10062
- Gamelan 2 MUSI20088
- Gamelan Ensemble MUSI30073
- Gamelan in Modern Indonesia MUSI20138
- Games & Playfulness CCDP10001
- Gaming and the Writer FLTV20011
- Garage Project MGMT90224
- Garden Design and Graphics HORT90045
- Garden History & Design HORT90006
- Gastrointestinal Tract Pancreas Adrenals VETS90043
- Gender Issues in Development DEVT90040
- Gender Studies Reading Course GEND40002
- Gender Studies Research Methods GEND40005
- Gender Studies Thesis GEND40001
- Gender Studies Thesis GEND40004
- Gender and Health POPH90199
- Gender and Sexuality in Greece and Rome ANCW40015
- Gender at Work in The World GEND30003
- Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective GEND40003
- Gender in Hispanic Cultures SPAN30001
- Gender, Culture and Psychoanalysis GEND30004
- Gender, Globalisation and Development GEND90006
- Genders and Desires in Asia ASIA20003
- Genders, Bodies, Borders GEND20003
- Genealogies of Anthropological Thought ANTH90006
- Genealogies of Place CWRI40009
- General Management 1 BUSA90482
- General Management 2 BUSA90483
- General Management 3 BUSA90487
- General Principles and FAST Techniques VETS90040
- General Relativity PHYC90012
- Generating the Wealth of Nations UNIB10010
- Genes Molecules and Cells GENE90019
- Genes and Environment BIOL10003
- Genes and Genomes GENE20002
- Genes: Organisation and Function GENE30002
- Genetic Analysis GENE30004
- Genetic Counselling Practice PAED90021
- Genetic Counselling and the Community GENE90005
- Genetic Epidemiology POPH90111
- Genetically Modified Organisms BTCH90010
- Genetics & The Evolution of Life BIOL10005
- Genetics and Animal Breeding DASC90011
- Genetics in the Media GENE10001
- Genetics, Health, and Society POPH20001
- Genocide, State Crime and the Law CRIM90007
- Genomics and Bioinformatics BTCH90009
- Genre Fiction/Popular Fiction ENGL30007
- GeoDesign Models & Applications ABPL90374
- Geobiology and Palaeobiology GEOL30007
- Geochemistry & Petrogenesis GEOL30004
- Geochronology and Thermochronology GEOL90028
- Geodynamics GEOL90035
- Geographic Information Systems GEOG90023
- Geography - Environmental Studies Thesis GEOG40008
- Geography - Environmental Studies Thesis GEOG40007
- Geography - Environmental Studies Thesis GEOG40002
- Geography Research Project GEOG90013
- Geography Research Project GEOG90015
- Geography Research Project GEOG90012
- Geography Research Project GEOG90011
- Geography Research Project GEOG90010
- Geology For Engineers ERTH10003
- Geology from Geophysics ERTH90033
- Geology of Gold GEOL90029
- Geology of Southeast Australia GEOL20001
- Geometry MAST30024
- Geopolitics & Development DEVT20003
- Geoscience Information Systems GEOM90044
- Geotechnical Applications CVEN90027
- Geotechnical Engineering CVEN90050
- German 1 GERM10004
- German 10 GERM30004
- German 10 GERM20010
- German 2 GERM10005
- German 3 GERM20004
- German 3 GERM10001
- German 4 GERM10002
- German 4 GERM20005
- German 4: Research Project GERM40002
- German 5 GERM30005
- German 5 GERM10006
- German 5 GERM20007
- German 6 GERM10007
- German 6 GERM20008
- German 6 GERM30006
- German 7 GERM30021
- German 7 GERM10008
- German 7 GERM20001
- German 8 GERM20002
- German 8 GERM10009
- German 8 GERM30022
- German 9 GERM20009
- German 9 GERM30003
- German Cultural Studies A GERM20006
- German Cultural Studies B GERM20003
- German Cultural Studies B GERM30001
- German Cultural Studies C GERM30002
- German Honours Language GERM40010
- German Language for Opera 1 MUSI90164
- German Language for Opera 2 MUSI90186
- German Thesis GERM40015
- German for Musicians MUSI30074
- German in a Global World GERM90002
- Glaucoma and Retinal Disease OPTO90016
- Glee Singing MUSI10209
- Glee Singing MUSI30233
- Glee Singing MUSI20168
- Global Business Economics BUSA90072
- Global Business Economics BUSA90074
- Global Business Practicum BUSA90485
- Global Campaigning: NGOs and Movements POLS90041
- Global Cartel Law and Enforcement LAWS70050
- Global Change and Education Policy EDUC90782
- Global Climate Change In Context GEOG90026
- Global Climate Change in Context GEOG30023
- Global Commercial Contract Law LAWS70389
- Global Constitutionalism LAWS70448
- Global Corporate Governance MGMT90038
- Global Corporate Strategy IBUS90001
- Global Crisis Reporting MECM90009
- Global Cultural Policy and Practice AMGT90011
- Global Environment and Sustainability EVSC90001
- Global Environmental Change EVSC90017
- Global Environmental Politics POLS30022
- Global Financial Order LAWS70013
- Global Foundations of Architecture ABPL10004
- Global Governance LAWS90063
- Global Health POPH90250
- Global Health Law LAWS50077
- Global Health Program Planning & Design POPH90189
- Global Health and Human Rights POPH90244
- Global Health, Security & Sustainability UNIB30002
- Global Inequalities In The Anthropocene GEOG20011
- Global Justice PHIL90010
- Global Lawyer LAWS50071
- Global Literature and Postcolonialism ENGL30006
- Global Management Consulting MGMT30017
- Global Marketing MKTG20009
- Global Media Policy & Governance MECM90002
- Global Media: Theory and Research MECM90020
- Global Movements: Protest and the Planet POLS30027
- Global Perspectives on Construction Law LAWS70450
- Global Population Ageing POPH90264
- Global Reconstructions of Justice CRIM90016
- Globalisation and Leadership EDUC90644
- Globalisation and the World Economy ECON20007
- God and the Natural Sciences HPSC20020
- Going Places - Travelling Smarter UNIB20018
- Goods and Services Tax Principles LAWS70031
- Gothic Fictions ENGL30013
- Governance PPMN90037
- Governance and Social Policy PPMN90044
- Governing Challenges 1 PADM90011
- Governing Challenges 2 PADM90012
- Governing Environments ENVS10005
- Governing Money and Finance POLS90045
- Government Today 1 PPMN90045
- Government Today 2 PPMN90046
- GradDip Composition 1 MUSI40012
- GradDip Composition 2 MUSI40013
- Graduate Arabic A ARBC90003
- Graduate Arabic B ARBC90002
- Graduate Chinese A CHIN90005
- Graduate Chinese B CHIN90006
- Graduate French A FREN90003
- Graduate French B FREN90004
- Graduate German A GERM90003
- Graduate German B GERM90004
- Graduate Indonesian A INDO90002
- Graduate Indonesian B INDO90003
- Graduate Italian A ITAL90003
- Graduate Italian B ITAL90004
- Graduate Japanese A JAPN90002
- Graduate Japanese B JAPN90003
- Graduate Research Methods PSYC90029
- Graduate Seminar in Ecology & Evolution ZOOL90007
- Graduate Seminar in Vision Science OPTO90017
- Graduate Seminar: Environmental Science EVSC90019
- Graduate Spanish A SPAN90003
- Graduate Spanish B SPAN90004
- Grammar for Language Teachers EDUC90587
- Grammar in Use LING90016
- Grammar of English LING20011
- Graph Theory MAST30011
- Graphic Narratives CWRI40011
- Graphics and Interaction COMP30019
- Graphics for Stage and Screen FLTV90011
- Great Chinese Classics CHIN30011
- Great Chinese Classics CHIN20006
- Great Power Rivalry: Peace & War in 21C POLS90035
- Greco-Roman Governance and Public Policy MULT90052
- Greek Philosophy PHIL20040
- Green Infrastructure for Liveable Cities HORT90039
- Green Planet: Plants and the Environment BOTA20001
- Green Technology Law and Policy LAWS90010
- Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture ENST90013
- Greening Landscapes HORT20027
- Grid Integration of Renewables ELEN90077
- Groundwater Hydrology ENEN90030
- Group Devised-Demonstration Program DNCE40003
- Group Project MGMT90129
- Group Theory and Linear Algebra MAST20022
- Groups, Categories & Homological Algebra MAST90068
- Guided Imagery and Music Practice 1 MUSI90103
- Guitar Ensemble MUSI30075
- Guitar Ensemble 1 MUSI10066
- Guitar Ensemble 2 MUSI10067
- Guitar Ensemble 3 MUSI20089
- Guitar Ensemble 4 MUSI20090
- Guitar Ensemble 5 MUSI30181
- Guitar Ensemble 6 MUSI30182
- Guitar Group 1 MUSI10173
- Guitar Group 2 MUSI10174
- HIV and AIDS:An Evolving Global Response POPH90190
- HPS Thesis HPSC40010
- HPS Thesis HPSC40015
- HR Consulting MGMT90017
- Haemato, Neurologic & Global Conditions VETS90038
- Harmonic and Contrapuntal Devices MUSI30076
- Hashtag Cyberstar THTR30042
- Hashtag Cyberstardom THTR30040
- Health And Human Rights LAWS50107
- Health Aspects in Functional Foods FOOD90025
- Health Assessment for Adv. Practice 2 NURS90068
- Health Assessment for Advanced Practice1 NURS90067
- Health Behaviour Change HLTH90001
- Health Communication Skills 1 GENE90004
- Health Communication Skills 2 PAED90016
- Health Data, Information and Knowledge ISYS90078
- Health Economics ECON30023
- Health Economics 1 POPH90094
- Health Economics 2 POPH90229
- Health IT Project ISYS90079
- Health Illness and Society POPH90245
- Health Indicators and Health Surveys POPH90117
- Health Inequalities POPH90205
- Health Informatics Research Project 1 BINF40002
- Health Informatics Research Project 2 BINF40003
- Health Information Management & Systems ISYS30011
- Health Law and Emerging Technologies LAWS70421
- Health Law and Human Rights LAWS70451
- Health Law: Patient Protection LAWS70348
- Health Policy POPH90206
- Health Program Evaluation 1 POPH90058
- Health Program Evaluation 2 POPH90090
- Health Promotion POPH90020
- Health Promotion 2A ORAL20001
- Health Promotion 2B ORAL20002
- Health Promotion and Young People POPH90173
- Health Systems POPH90209
- Health and Biomedical Informatics INFO30007
- Health and Development DEVT40007
- Health and Physical Education EDUC90378
- Health in Resource-constrained Settings POPH90252
- Healthcare Research-Principles & Designs PAED90027
- Healthcare in Context 1 PHTY90093
- Healthcare in Context 2 PHTY90106
- Healthcare in Context 3 PHTY90110
- Healthy Communities ABPL90022
- Healthy Employment Centres Studio ABPL90088
- Hearing Devices and Rehabilitation A AUDI90023
- Hearing Devices and Rehabilitation B AUDI90024
- Heat and Mass Transport Processes CHEN30005
- Hebrew 1 HEBR10001
- Hebrew 2 HEBR10002
- Hebrew 3 HEBR20005
- Hebrew 3 HEBR10005
- Hebrew 4 HEBR20006
- Hebrew 4 HEBR10006
- Hebrew 5 HEBR20007
- Hebrew 5 HEBR10011
- Hebrew 5 HEBR30003
- Hebrew 6 HEBR20008
- Hebrew 6 HEBR10012
- Hebrew 6 HEBR30004
- Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds LAWS70420
- Hidden Histories: Gender and Testimony GEND20007
- High Integrity Systems Engineering SWEN90010
- High Rise Structures CVEN90024
- High Speed Electronics ELEN90062
- Hispanic Cultural Studies 1 SPAN20001
- Hispanic Film Today SPAN30017
- Historical Inquiry EDUC90739
- Historical Performance Practice MUSI30116
- Historical Performance Practice MUSI40032
- Historical Themes in Australian Politics HIST90032
- Historical Thinking EDUC90740
- Historicising the Colonial Mythscape AIND30008
- Histories and Theories of Conservation AHIS40015
- History & Philosophy of Psychiatry PSYT90088
- History 4A HIST40001
- History Thesis HIST40028
- History Thesis HIST40036
- History and Aesthetics of Jazz 1.1 MUSI10134
- History and Aesthetics of Jazz 1.2 MUSI10135
- History and Philosophy of Museums AHIS90005
- History for Historians HIST40030
- History of Books and Reading PUBL90007
- History of Designed Landscapes ABPL20039
- History of Early Modern Philosophy PHIL20043
- History of Economic Thought ECON30008
- History of Landscape Architecture ABPL90265
- History of Landscape Design ABPL10006
- History of Network Media MECM90015
- History, Memory and Violence in Asia HIST90026
- Hitler's Germany HIST30010
- Hollywood and Entertainment SCRN20011
- Honours (Production Placement) THTR40003
- Honours (Screen Production) FLTV40001
- Honours Arabic A ARBC40001
- Honours Arabic B ARBC40002
- Honours Chamber Music 1 MUSI40062
- Honours Chamber Music 2 MUSI40081
- Honours Chinese A CHIN90001
- Honours Chinese B CHIN90002
- Honours Composition 1 MUSI40067
- Honours Composition 2 MUSI40068
- Honours Ensemble 1 MUSI40063
- Honours Ensemble 2 MUSI40080
- Honours Fieldwork Project DNCE40001
- Honours Indonesian A INDO40001
- Honours Indonesian B INDO40002
- Honours Japanese A JAPN40001
- Honours Japanese B JAPN40002
- Honours Research Essay ACCT40005
- Honours Research Essay Accounting ACCT40006
- Honours Research Methods ACCT40004
- Honours Thesis MUSI40086
- Horticultural Plant Science HORT90008
- Horticultural Plants HORT10009
- Horticultural Principles HORT90036
- Horticulture Industry Internship HORT90049
- Horticulture for Sustainable Communities HORT20013
- Housing Markets, Policy and Planning ABPL90281
- Human Behaviour and Environment ENST20001
- Human Environments Relations ABPL90322
- Human Genetics and Genetic Counselling 1 GENE90001
- Human Locomotor Systems ANAT30007
- Human Physiology PHYS20008
- Human Resource Management NRMT90018
- Human Resource Management in Education EDUC90180
- Human Rights POLS90038
- Human Rights Beyond Borders LAWS70360
- Human Rights Lawyering LAWS50069
- Human Rights Litigation and Advocacy LAWS70186
- Human Rights and Armed Conflict LAWS70422
- Human Rights and Climate Change LAWS70452
- Human Rights and Culture LAWS70453
- Human Rights and Economic Globalisation LAWS90044
- Human Rights and Global Justice UNIB20009
- Human Rights and Islam ISLM90013
- Human Rights and Terrorism LAWS70091
- Human Rights and Universality LAWS90045
- Human Rights at Work LAWS70391
- Human Rights in Administrative Law LAWS70196
- Human Rights in China & East Asia CHIN20025
- Human Rights in Southeast Asia ASIA90001
- Human Rights of Groups LAWS70114
- Human Rights on Screen CICU50001
- Human Rights, Women and Development LAWS70171
- Human Rights: From Morality to Law LAWS70454
- Human Sciences: From Cells to Societies SCIE10004
- Human Structure and Function BIOM20002
- Human and Medical Genetics GENE30005
- Humanitarian Construction ABPL90277
- Humanitarian Design Internship ABPL30064
- Hydrogeology/Environmental Geochemistry ERTH30001
- Hydrogeology/Environmental Geochemistry GEOL90005
- IB Diploma Subject Specific Content EDUC90330
- IB Primary Years Programme Advanced EDUC90260
- IB Primary Years Programme Introduced EDUC90263
- ICT & 21st Century Learning Communities EDUC90591
- ICT in Building ABPL90331
- ICT in Primary Education EDUC90366
- ICT in Secondary Education EDUC90410
- IE Research Project 1 CVEN90022
- IE Research Project 2 CVEN90047
- IE Research Project 3 CVEN90056
- IS Strategy and Governance ISYS90038
- IT Industry Placement ISYS90080
- IT Infrastructure for eHealth ISYS90076
- IT Project COMP30022
- IT Project and Change Management ISYS90050
- Ideas and Society PHIL10004
- Identifying EAL Students' Needs EDUC90679
- Identity MULT10014
- Identity, Culture and Global Education EDUC90779
- Identity, Equity and Change EDUC90641
- Identity, Ideology & Nationalism in Asia ASIA30002
- Igneous Geodynamics and Ore Deposits GEOL90038
- Imagined Societies SOTH40002
- Imaging Italy ITAL30010
- Imaging the Environment GEOM30009
- Immigration in France FREN30017
- Immigration in France FREN20007
- Immunisation and Travel Health GENP90017
- Impact Evaluation EDUC90849
- Impact Evaluation: Principles & Practice EDUC90714
- Impact of Digitisation ISYS90051
- Imperial Rome: Mediterranean Superpower ANCW30021
- Implementation Science in Practice SCWK90068
- Implementation Science in Theory SCWK90067
- Implementation of Strategy BUSA90124
- Implementation of Strategy BUSA90126
- Implementing Clinical Teaching EDUC90829
- Implementing Dramatic Processes EDUC90497
- Implementing Evidence for Practice NURS90070
- Improvisation Pedagogy in World Music MUSI90142
- Improvisation Techniques MUSI30078
- Improvisation Vocal Ensemble MUSI30091
- Improvisation and Duo DNCE20027
- Improvisation and Duo DNCE10026
- Improvisation-African American Jazz MUSI30077
- Improvisation: Text, Space and Action THTR20022
- In the Heart of the Loire Valley FREN20020
- In the Heart of the Loire Valley FREN30018
- Including Learners with Disabilities EDUC90766
- Inclusive Cities ABPL90266
- Independent Dance Contract A DNCE20023
- Independent Dance Contract B DNCE30013
- Independent Dance Contract C DNCE30014
- Independent Directing Project DRAM90017
- Independent Dramaturgy Project DRAM90013
- Independent Project DNCE60042
- Independent Project PHTY90029
- Independent Project (Certification) B DNCE60056
- Independent Project (Certification)A DNCE60026
- Independent Project (Research) A DNCE60044
- Independent Project (Research) B DNCE60055
- Independent Research MULT30015
- Independent Studies in Audiology AUDI90004
- Independent Studies in Speech Pathology AUDI90040
- Independent Study NURS90002
- Independent Study Unit NURS90026
- Indie Music: Exploring Alternative Pop MUSI10216
- Indigenous Art and Changing the Nation AIND20011
- Indigenous Arts Industry and Marketing INAM60002
- Indigenous Arts Protocol, Policy and Law INAM60003
- Indigenous Arts and Cultural Identity INAM60001
- Indigenous Ensemble MUSI30092
- Indigenous Health and History POPH90071
- Indigenous Health: From Data to Practice POPH90232
- Indigenous Health: Is the Past Present? POPH30001
- Indigenous Land Management GEOG90019
- Indigenous Music and Culture MUSI30093
- Indigenous People and Social Control MULT30017
- Indigenous Peoples in Global Context MULT50002
- Indigenous Peoples, Land & Resource Law LAWS70236
- Indigenous Photography, New Media, Film AHIS40002
- Indigenous Research MULT90022
- Indigenous Research and Leadership MULT90024
- Individual Performance Studies 1 MUSI10182
- Individual Performance Studies 2 MUSI10197
- Individual Performance Studies 3 MUSI20175
- Individual Performance Studies 4 MUSI20178
- Individual Performance Studies 5 MUSI30227
- Individual Performance Studies 6 MUSI30228
- Individual Research Project BUSA90504
- Indonesia Rising? POLS90049
- Indonesia in the World INDO10014
- Indonesia in the World INDO30020
- Indonesia in the World INDO20017
- Indonesian 1 INDO10005
- Indonesian 2 INDO10006
- Indonesian 3 INDO20006
- Indonesian 3 INDO10001
- Indonesian 4 INDO20007
- Indonesian 4 INDO10002
- Indonesian 5 INDO10003
- Indonesian 5 INDO20008
- Indonesian 5 INDO30011
- Indonesian 6 INDO30007
- Indonesian 6 INDO20009
- Indonesian 6 INDO10004
- Indonesian Languages in Social Context INDO30017
- Indonesian Politics and Society ASIA20005
- Indonesian Thesis INDO40007
- Industrial Economics ECON30003
- Industrial Organisation ECON90005
- Industrial Organisation ECON40007
- Industry Based IT Experience Project ISYS90082
- Industry Internship AGRI20024
- Industry Internship AGRI90076
- Industry Internships and Placements DRAM90016
- Industry Investigation Project A FLTV90015
- Industry Investigation Project B FLTV90012
- Industry Perspectives FLTV10013
- Industry Placement AGRI10005
- Industry Practicum BUSA90502
- Industry Project AGRI30005
- Industry Project AGRI30002
- Industry Project AGRI30001
- Industry Project CHEN90028
- Industry Project ARTS30001
- Industry Project AGRI30006
- Industry Project Part 1 AGRI30035
- Industry Project in Biotechnology SCIE90015
- Industry Project in Science MULT90012
- Industry Studies in America BUSA90513
- Industry Studies in Asia BUSA90132
- Industry Studies in Asia BUSA90512
- Industry Studies in Asia BUSA90133
- Industry Studies in Europe BUSA90514
- Inequality and Public Policy PHIL90032
- Infancy: Family and Social Context PSYT90030
- Infant Observation 1 PSYT90028
- Infant Observation 2 PSYT90029
- Infant Observation and Assessment Skills PSYT90081
- Infant and Parent Relationship PSYT90027
- Infections Population and Public Health VETS70005
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology POPH90112
- Infectious Diseases Modelling POPH90271
- Inference Methods in Biostatistics MAST90100
- Influence and Negotiation Strategies BUSA90474
- Information Processes & Control ACCT90030
- Information Processing and Perception EDUC90505
- Information Security Consulting ISYS90070
- Information Security and Privacy INFO30006
- Information Systems Research Proj Major ISYS90064
- Information Systems Research Proj Major ISYS90063
- Information Systems Research Proj Major ISYS90062
- Information Systems Research Proj Major ISYS90065
- Information Systems Research Proj Minor ISYS90061
- Information Systems Research Proj Minor ISYS90060
- Information Systems Research Proj Minor ISYS90056
- Information Systems Research Proj Minor ISYS90059
- Information Technology Contracting Law LAWS70362
- Information Technology Research Project COMP90028
- Innovation BUSA90218
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship in IT ISYS90039
- Innovation Change & Knowledge Transfer AGRI30011
- Innovation and Enterprise Project MGMT90175
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy MGMT90182
- Innovations in Property ABPL90395
- Innovative New Work CCDP60003
- Innovative Spaces and Pedagogy EDUC90728
- Inorganic Chemistry III CHEM30009
- Inside the City of Diversity GEOG20008
- Insolvency Law LAWS50093
- Institutional Governance in Tert Ed MGMT90169
- Institutional Research in Tert Ed MGMT90170
- Institutions LAWS90071
- Institutions in International Law LAWS50045
- Instrumental Pedagogy MUSI90194
- Insurance Risk Models ACTL90004
- Insurance Risk Models II ACTL90014
- Integrated Accounting Studies ACCT90033
- Integrated Body Mind Practices 1 DNCE10018
- Integrated Body Mind Practices 2 DNCE20016
- Integrated Body Mind Practices 3 DNCE20020
- Integrated Curriculum (Early Years) EDUC90402
- Integrated Design - Civil CVEN90060
- Integrated Design - Infrastructure CVEN90059
- Integrated Landscape Analysis EVSC30007
- Integrated Management Plans NRMT90032
- Integrated Marketing Communications MKTG90028
- Integrated Musical Practice 1 MUSI40088
- Integrated Musical Practice 2 MUSI40089
- Integrated Ophthalmic Sciences OPTO90027
- Integrated Professional Practice PHTY90108
- Integrated River & Catchment Management GEOG90003
- Integrated Spatial Systems GEOM30012
- Integrating the Curriculum: Middle Years EDUC90421
- Integration and Implementation BUSA90139
- Integrative Business Capstone BUSA90490
- Intellectual Property & Popular Culture LAWS50128
- Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities PSYT90060
- Intensive Ancient Greek 1 CLAS10022
- Intensive Ancient Greek 1 CLAS30045
- Intensive Ancient Greek 1 CLAS20035
- Intensive Beginners Latin CLAS20021
- Intensive Beginners Latin CLAS30004
- Intensive Beginners Latin CLAS10003
- Intensive French 3 and 4 FREN20018
- Interaction Design and Usability ISYS90085
- Interactive Art Media 1 FLTV10021
- Interactive Art Media 2 FLTV10022
- Interactive Composition 1 MUSI10191
- Interactive Composition 2 MUSI10194
- Interactive Composition 3 MUSI20181
- Interactive Composition 4 MUSI20183
- Interactive Composition 5 MUSI30229
- Interactive Composition 6 MUSI30230
- Interactive Technology 1 MUSI10205
- Intercultural Communication EDUC90077
- Intercultural Communication LING10002
- Intercultural Dispute Resolution LAWS90021
- Intercultural Effectiveness UNIB10012
- Interdisciplinarity and the Environment MULT90005
- Intermediate Financial Accounting ACCT20002
- Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON20001
- Intermediate Microeconomics ECON20002
- Internat Investment Law and Arbitration LAWS70304
- Internat and Comparative Competition Law LAWS70301
- Internat.Issues in Intellectual Property LAWS70242
- International Accounting Study Program ACCT30011
- International Adolescent Health POPH90087
- International Business Experience IBUS20007
- International Business Experience IBUS90007
- International Business Transactions LAWS70392
- International Capital Markets LAWS50073
- International Child Health POPH90086
- International Commercial Arbitration LAWS70121
- International Commercial Law & Disputes LAWS50094
- International Construction Law LAWS70139
- International Corporate Governance IBUS30002
- International Corporate Insolvency LAWS70343
- International Criminal Justice Clinic LAWS90060
- International Criminal Law LAWS70033
- International Criminal Law LAWS50052
- International Criminal Law and Justice LAWS70303
- International Dispute Resolution LAWS90022
- International Dispute Settlement LAWS70393
- International Economic Law LAWS70308
- International Employment Law LAWS70218
- International Environmental Law LAWS70219
- International Environmental Law LAWS50133
- International Finance FNCE30003
- International Finance FNCE90025
- International Financial Management FNCE90016
- International Financial System LAWS70110
- International Financial Transactions LAWS70125
- International Forest Policy FRST90029
- International Gender Politics POLS30015
- International Governance and Law POLS90023
- International Health Law LAWS70151
- International History HIST90024
- International Human Resource Management MGMT30004
- International Human Resources MGMT90027
- International Human Rights Law LAWS70264
- International Human Rights Law LAWS50049
- International Humanitarian Law LAWS70234
- International Internship in Development DEVT90008
- International Internship in Environment GEOG90022
- International Investment Law LAWS50091
- International Law and Children's Rights LAWS70120
- International Law and Development LAWS70093
- International Law and Ethics LAWS70369
- International Law and Israel-Palestine LAWS70344
- International Law and Politics LAWS90023
- International Law and Relations LAWS70455
- International Law and the Use of Force LAWS70078
- International Law, Culture and Identity LAWS70310
- International Legal Internship LAWS70067
- International Maritime Law LAWS70144
- International Marketing Management MKTG90012
- International Migration SOCI90010
- International Migration Law LAWS70365
- International Mineral Law LAWS70423
- International Petroleum Transactions LAWS70161
- International Policymaking in Practice POLS90034
- International Political Economy POLS90026
- International Politics INTS10001
- International Politics Thesis POLS40012
- International Project POLS90036
- International Property Development A ABPL90038
- International Property Development B ABPL90040
- International Public Management PPMN90036
- International Publishing Project PUBL90016
- International Real Estate Economics ABPL90339
- International Refugee Law LAWS70366
- International Refugee Law:Refugee Rights LAWS70394
- International Relations Internship POLS90009
- International Relations Minor Thesis POLS90027
- International Relations Minor Thesis ASIA90010
- International Relations Minor Thesis HIST90031
- International Relations Theory POLS90028
- International Relations: Key Questions POLS20025
- International Resources Law LAWS70395
- International River Basin Management ENEN90037
- International Sale of Goods LAWS70069
- International Securities Regulation LAWS70027
- International Security POLS90022
- International Sports Employment Law LAWS70117
- International Tax: Anti-avoidance LAWS90017
- International Tax: Principles, Structure LAWS70006
- International Trade ECON90019
- International Trade ECON40003
- International Trade Law LAWS70028
- International Trade Policy ECON30001
- International Trade and Policy ECON90009
- Internet Engineering ELEN90006
- Internet Law LAWS70396
- Internet Marketing MKTG30009
- Internet Marketing MKTG90017
- Internet Meets Society UNIB10005
- Internet Technologies COMP90007
- Internship ENGR90033
- Internship (Secondary) EDUC90418
- Internship I MGMT90130
- Internship I (Placement Only) MULT90018
- Internship II MGMT90131
- Internship II (Semester Long) MULT90019
- Internship II (Year Long) MULT90025
- Internship for Agricultural Sciences AGRI90078
- Internship in Development DEVT90002
- Interpersonal and Group Processes EDUC90579
- Interpretation and Validity of Patents LAWS70061
- Interpretation of Satellite Images ERTH90032
- Interpreting Exhibitions ACUR90005
- Interpreting the Ancient World ANCW30017
- Intervening in Development DEVT90053
- Intervention in Problems of Young People EDUC90222
- Intimate Acts: Inside The 'Fourth Wall' MUSI20169
- Intro to Practice-Based Research Methods PSYT90072
- Intro to Professional Dental Practice DENT90060
- Intro. to Mathematical Psychology 3 PSYC30011
- Introduction To Biomedical Research BIOM40001
- Introduction to Accents and Dialects PERF90002
- Introduction to Accounting ACCT10004
- Introduction to Action Research ARTS90003
- Introduction to Actuarial Studies ACTL10001
- Introduction to Application Development ISYS90088
- Introduction to Biomechanics BMEN30005
- Introduction to Business Problems BUSA90499
- Introduction to Cinema Studies SCRN10001
- Introduction to Climate Change UNIB10007
- Introduction to Data Analytics MGMT90215
- Introduction to Economic Design ECON90069
- Introduction to Energy Systems ENGR90028
- Introduction to European Critical Theory EURO40001
- Introduction to Forensic Disability CRIM90012
- Introduction to Indigenous Literature ENGL10004
- Introduction to Japanese Communication JAPN20002
- Introduction to Life, Earth and Universe MULT10011
- Introduction to Mathematics MAST10012
- Introduction to Media Writing MECM10006
- Introduction to Mineralogy GEOL90032
- Introduction to Music Research MUSI90116
- Introduction to Optimisation ELEN90026
- Introduction to Political Ideas POLS10003
- Introduction to Positive Education EDUC90806
- Introduction to Positive Psychology PSYC90093
- Introduction to Power Engineering ELEN90074
- Introduction to Primary Care Research GENP40002
- Introduction to Printmaking Processes FINA20033
- Introduction to Production Processes THTR10008
- Introduction to Psychopathology PSYC90031
- Introduction to Python COMP90059
- Introduction to Real Estate Analysis FNCE20004
- Introduction to Sex Offender Management CRIM90022
- Introduction to Statistical Computing MAST90101
- Introduction to String Theory MAST90069
- Introduction to Teaching and Learning DNCE60040
- Introduction to Urban Design & Planning ABPL20049
- Introduction to the IB Diploma Programme EDUC90333
- Introductory Econometrics ECOM20001
- Introductory Economics ECON10006
- Introductory Financial Accounting ACCT10002
- Introductory Macroeconomics ECON10003
- Introductory Microeconomics ECON10004
- Introductory Personal Finance FNCE20003
- Investigating Practice (Induction) EDUC90417
- Investigating Practice (Internship) EDUC90416
- Investigative Journalism JOUR90013
- Investment Management FNCE90056
- Investment and Finance for Property ABPL20052
- Investment and Risk in Southeast Asia LAWS70457
- Investments BUSA90167
- Investments FNCE30001
- Irrigation and Water Management AGRI30016
- Islam and Politics ISLM90008
- Islam and the Making of Europe ISLM30010
- Islam in the Modern World ISLM10002
- Islam in the West ISLM30001
- Islam, Media and Conflict ISLM20009
- Islamic Law and Politics in Asia LAWS70105
- Islamic Law in a Changing World ISLM20011
- Islamic Studies Thesis ISLM40010
- Israelis & Palestinians: Conflict, Peace JEWI20006
- Issues and Techniques in Global Heritage ABPL90355
- Issues in Art Conservation ACUR90001
- Issues in Bioethics PHIL90025
- Issues in Corporate Reporting ACCT90005
- Issues in Cross-Cultural Preservation CUMC90024
- Issues in Higher Education Management EDUC90577
- Issues in Linguistic Research LING40002
- Issues in Managing the Multinational IBUS90003
- Issues in Professional & Applied Ethics PHIL90015
- Issues in Technology ABPL90328
- Italian 1 ITAL10004
- Italian 1 (Mid-Year Intensive) ITAL10008
- Italian 2 ITAL10005
- Italian 3 ITAL20007
- Italian 3 ITAL10001
- Italian 4 ITAL20008
- Italian 4 ITAL10002
- Italian 5 ITAL10006
- Italian 5 ITAL30013
- Italian 5 ITAL20011
- Italian 5A ITAL30003
- Italian 6 ITAL10007
- Italian 6 ITAL20010
- Italian 6 ITAL30014
- Italian 7 ITAL20002
- Italian 7 ITAL30015
- Italian 8 ITAL30016
- Italian 8 ITAL20003
- Italian 9 ITAL30001
- Italian Cultural Studies A ITAL20009
- Italian Cultural Studies B ITAL20001
- Italian Fictions ITAL30006
- Italian Honours Language Seminar 1 ITAL40001
- Italian Honours Language Seminar 2 ITAL40002
- Italian Language for Opera 1 MUSI90165
- Italian Language for Opera 2 MUSI90168
- Italian Language for Opera 3 MUSI90170
- Italian Language in Focus ITAL30004
- Italian Thesis ITAL40014
- Italian for Musicians MUSI30094
- Italian in a Global World ITAL90002
- Japanese 1 JAPN10001
- Japanese 2 JAPN10002
- Japanese 3 JAPN20007
- Japanese 3 JAPN10007
- Japanese 4 JAPN20008
- Japanese 4 JAPN10008
- Japanese 5 JAPN30007
- Japanese 5 JAPN20013
- Japanese 5 JAPN10003
- Japanese 6 JAPN30008
- Japanese 6 JAPN20014
- Japanese 6 JAPN10004
- Japanese 7 JAPN30005
- Japanese 7 JAPN20003
- Japanese 7 JAPN10005
- Japanese 8 JAPN10006
- Japanese 8 JAPN20004
- Japanese 8 JAPN30006
- Japanese Grammar in Action JAPN20010
- Japanese Grammar in Action JAPN30013
- Japanese Thesis JAPN40007
- Japanese Through Translation JAPN30003
- Japanese Through Translation JAPN20016
- Japanese Through the Media JAPN20018
- Japanese through the Media JAPN30004
- Jazz: The Improvisatory Spirit MUSI10202
- Jazz: The Improvisatory Spirit MUSI20170
- Jessup Moot LAWS50042
- Journalism Entrepreneurship in New Media JOUR90004
- Journalism Internship JOUR90003
- Journalism Project JOUR90012
- Journalism Thesis JOUR90002
- Judging Crime CRIM90009
- Judicial Power in Australia LAWS70424
- Judicial Reasoning LAWS70379
- Jurisprudence LAWS50090
- Justice, Democracy and Difference POLS40004
- Justice, Freedom and Equality PHIL30051
- Keeping the Body in Mind ANTH20001
- Key Thinkers and Concepts AIND20007
- Keyboard Accompaniment 1 MUSI90030
- Keyboard Accompaniment 2 MUSI90031
- Keyboard Repertoire and the Teacher MUSI90190
- Keyboard Skills (Advanced) MUSI30105
- Keyboard Skills (Beginner) MUSI30095
- Keyboard Skills (Intermediate) MUSI30104
- Keyboard Skills 1.1 MUSI10130
- Keyboard Skills 1.2 MUSI10131
- Knowledge Management Systems ISYS90035
- Knowledge Technologies COMP90049
- Knowledge Technologies COMP30018
- Knowledge and Learning in Professions EDUC30071
- Knowledge and Reality PHIL30016
- Knowledge in the Making HPSC30035
- Knowledge, Learning and Culture EDUC20065
- LOTE in the Primary Classroom EDUC90543
- Laboratory Work A PHYC30014
- Laboratory Work B PHYC30015
- Laboratory and Computational Physics 2 PHYC20013
- Labour Economics ECON90013
- Labour Economics ECON40008
- Labour Economics ECON30006
- Labour Standards under the Fair Work Act LAWS70197
- Labour in Construction ABPL90332
- Land Administration Systems GEOM30013
- Land And Environment Research Project ENST30002
- Land Resources and Management NRMT10007
- Land Use and Urban Design ABPL90132
- Land and Environment Research Project AGRI40002
- Landscape Architecture Design Thesis ABPL90375
- Landscape Construction and Graphics HORT90035
- Landscape Design HORT90034
- Landscape Design 1 HORT20014
- Landscape Design 2 HORT20017
- Landscape Detail Design ABPL90074
- Landscape Information Systems GEOG10002
- Landscape Materialities ABPL90340
- Landscape Plants HORT90033
- Landscape Practice ABPL90048
- Landscape Studio 1: Design Techniques ABPL90107
- Landscape Studio 2: Site Plan & Design ABPL20040
- Landscape Studio 2: Site and Design ABPL90176
- Landscape Studio 3 Speculations ABPL90172
- Landscape Studio 3: Urban Open Space ABPL30042
- Landscape Studio 4 Strategies ABPL90170
- Landscape Studio 4: Designed Ecologies ABPL30061
- Landscape Studio 5:Sustainable Urbanism ABPL90072
- Landscape Technology HORT20028
- Landscapes and Diversity GEOG20009
- Language MULT10015
- Language & Literacy Development EDUC90506
- Language & Literacy Intervention EDUC90508
- Language & Literacy Intervention 1 EDUC90507
- Language Communication and Society EDUC90075
- Language Curriculum Design LING90007
- Language Disorders Across the Lifespan AUDI90030
- Language Planning in Education EDUC90111
- Language Program Evaluation LING90008
- Language Testing LING90009
- Language Use in Context EDUC90061
- Language Use in Teaching & Learning (EC) EDUC90840
- Language and Computation UNIB20005
- Language and Diction French MUSI20045
- Language and Diction German MUSI10001
- Language and Diction: Italian MUSI10002
- Language and Identity LING30012
- Language and Media LING20012
- Language and Power in Asian Societies ASIA10001
- Language and Society in Europe EURO20001
- Language and Society in Europe EURO30001
- Language and Teaching EDUC90592
- Language and Teaching EDUC90407
- Language in Aboriginal Australia LING20009
- Language, Learning and Reading Recovery EDUC90677
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy EDUC90823
- Language, Self and Other PHIL20042
- Language, Society and Culture LING20010
- Language/Deaf Education Internship 1 EDUC90509
- Language/Deaf Education Internship 2 EDUC90510
- Languages in Context LANG90001
- Languages of Music 1.1 MUSI10106
- Languages of Music 1.2 MUSI10107
- Languages of Music 2.1 MUSI20037
- Languages of Music 2.2 MUSI20038
- Languages of Venice: Study Abroad ITAL20006
- Languages of Venice: Study Abroad ITAL30012
- Languages of the Screen 1 FLTV10005
- Languages of the Screen 2 FLTV20007
- Languages of the Screen 3 FLTV30009
- Latin 1 CLAS10006
- Latin 2 CLAS10007
- Latin 3 CLAS20029
- Latin 3 CLAS10012
- Latin 4 CLAS10014
- Latin 4 CLAS20031
- Latin 5 CLAS20030
- Latin 5 CLAS30013
- Latin 6 CLAS20026
- Latin 6 CLAS30009
- Latin America in the World POLS90042
- Latin American Constitutionalisms LAWS70397
- Latin American Music and Culture MUSI40090
- Latin American Music and Culture MUSI20155
- Latin Ensemble MUSI30096
- Law & Ethics Of Death And Dying LAWS50100
- Law Apps LAWS90033
- Law Enforcement and Public Health POPH90246
- Law Reform LAWS50098
- Law and Indigenous Peoples LAWS90008
- Law and Legal Practice in Asia LAWS90006
- Law and Literature LAWS50121
- Law in Social Theory SOLS30001
- Law in Society SOLS10001
- Law of Commercial Reputation and Brands LAWS50075
- Law of Democracy LAWS70367
- Law of Elections LAWS90038
- Law of Intergovernmental Relations LAWS70368
- Law of International Organisations LAWS90047
- Law of Treaties LAWS70456
- Law of the Sea LAWS70398
- Law on the Beginning and End of Life LAWS70346
- Law, Justice & Human Rights in China LAWS50117
- Law, Justice and Social Change SOLS20001
- Law,Justice&Human Rights in Asia-Pacific LAWS50097
- Law-making: Legislatures and Courts LAWS90024
- Leadership BUSA90480
- Leadership EDUC90144
- Leadership NRMT90017
- Leadership & Management MGMT90107
- Leadership Theory & Practice MGMT90127
- Leadership and Change BUSA90172
- Leadership and Management PHTY90107
- Leadership and School Development EDUC90686
- Leadership and Team Dynamics MGMT90013
- Leadership for an Ageing Workforce POPH90266
- Leadership in Clinical Education EDUC90836
- Leadership in Practice MGMT90233
- Leadership in Professional Practice PHTY90111
- Leadership in Schools EDUC90504
- Leadership in Science MGMT90171
- Leading Assessment EDUC90754
- Leading Change for Student Wellbeing EDUC90629
- Leading Change in a Complex World MULT30014
- Leading Educational Ideas EDUC90619
- Leading Educational Research EDUC90786
- Leading Educational Transformation EDUC90345
- Leading High Performance Teams MGMT90219
- Leading Learning and Teaching EDUC90753
- Leading Mathematics in Primary Schools EDUC90861
- Leading Professional Learning EDUC90329
- Leading Professional Learning 1 EDUC90826
- Leading Professional Learning 2 EDUC90827
- Leading Schools Through Leading Self EDUC90750
- Leading a Learning Community EDUC90139
- Leading and Managing Research MGMT90166
- Leading and Managing in a University EDUC90142
- Leading for Strategic Advantage MGMT90204
- Leading in Transformational Times BUSA90498
- Learners, Teachers and Pedagogy (Prim) EDUC90365
- Learners, Teachers and Pedagogy (Sec) EDUC90405
- Learning & Teaching in Surgical Practice MEDS90007
- Learning Area A1 EDUC90596
- Learning Area A2 EDUC90843
- Learning Area B1 EDUC90597
- Learning Area B2 EDUC90844
- Learning Area Biology 1 EDUC90429
- Learning Area Biology 2 EDUC90430
- Learning Area Business Studies 1 EDUC90431
- Learning Area Business Studies 2 EDUC90432
- Learning Area Chemistry 1 EDUC90433
- Learning Area Chemistry 2 EDUC90434
- Learning Area Digital Technologies 1 EDUC90449
- Learning Area Digital Technologies 2 EDUC90450
- Learning Area Drama 1 EDUC90435
- Learning Area Drama 2 EDUC90436
- Learning Area English 1 EDUC90437
- Learning Area English 2 EDUC90438
- Learning Area Geography 1 EDUC90439
- Learning Area Geography 2 EDUC90440
- Learning Area Health Education 1 EDUC90441
- Learning Area Health Education 2 EDUC90442
- Learning Area History 1 EDUC90443
- Learning Area History 2 EDUC90444
- Learning Area Humanities (Additional) 1 EDUC90447
- Learning Area Humanities (Additional) 2 EDUC90448
- Learning Area Humanities 1 EDUC90445
- Learning Area Humanities 2 EDUC90446
- Learning Area LOTE 1 EDUC90453
- Learning Area LOTE 2 EDUC90454
- Learning Area Mathematics (Additional) 1 EDUC90459
- Learning Area Mathematics (Additional) 2 EDUC90460
- Learning Area Mathematics 1 EDUC90457
- Learning Area Mathematics 2 EDUC90458
- Learning Area Media Studies 1 EDUC90461
- Learning Area Media Studies 2 EDUC90462
- Learning Area Music A (Classroom) 1 EDUC90463
- Learning Area Music A (Classroom) 2 EDUC90464
- Learning Area Music B CoCurricular 1 EDUC90465
- Learning Area Music B CoCurricular 2 EDUC90466
- Learning Area Physical Education 1 EDUC90467
- Learning Area Physical Education 2 EDUC90468
- Learning Area Physics 1 EDUC90469
- Learning Area Physics 2 EDUC90470
- Learning Area Psychology 1 EDUC90471
- Learning Area Psychology 2 EDUC90472
- Learning Area Science 1 EDUC90473
- Learning Area Science 2 EDUC90474
- Learning Area TESOL 1 EDUC90475
- Learning Area TESOL 2 EDUC90476
- Learning Area Visual Art (Additional) 1 EDUC90479
- Learning Area Visual Art (Additional) 2 EDUC90480
- Learning Area Visual Art 1 EDUC90477
- Learning Area Visual Art 2 EDUC90478
- Learning Disabilities: Literacy EDUC90195
- Learning Disabilities: Numeracy EDUC90194
- Learning From Evidence EDUC90832
- Learning Intervention Internship 1 EDUC90845
- Learning Intervention Internship 2 EDUC90846
- Learning Processes and Problems EDUC90226
- Learning and Teaching Contexts 1 EDUC90583
- Learning and Teaching Contexts 2 EDUC90584
- Learning and the Digital Generations EDUC10056
- Learning via Sport and Outdoor Education EDUC20070
- Learning with Interactive Devices EDUC90588
- Leaves to Landscape EVSC20001
- Legal Drafting LAWS90036
- Legal Ethics LAWS50038
- Legal Histories LAWS50095
- Legal Internship LAWS50059
- Legal Issues for Accountants ACCT90015
- Legal Issues in Media and Publishing PUBL90014
- Legal Language LAWS20008
- Legal Method and Reasoning LAWS50023
- Legal Research LAWS50039
- Legal Theory LAWS50031
- Legal and Ethical Contexts of Practice SCWK90055
- Liability Insurance Law LAWS90025
- Licensing Law and Technology Transfer LAWS70209
- Life Contingencies ACTL90005
- Life Cycle Analysis and Sustainability ABPL90027
- Life Drawing: The Body FINA10036
- Life Insurance Models 2 ACTL90007
- Life Insurance Models I ACTL90006
- Lifespan Health PHTY90104
- Lifespan Risk and Resilience SCWK90064
- Lifespan and Chronic Disease Practice PHTY90103
- Lightwave Systems ELEN90059
- Linear & Logistic Regression POPH90144
- Linear Algebra MAST10007
- Linear Models POPH90120
- Linear Regression MAST90102
- Linear Statistical Models MAST30025
- Linear Systems Theory ELEN90027
- Linguistic Field Methods LING40006
- Linguistics & Applied Linguistics Thesis LING40014
- Linguistics and Phonetics LING90033
- Linguistics and Sociolinguistics of CLIL EDUC90482
- Linking Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC90595
- Linking School and Community EDUC90578
- Literacy Assessment and Learning EDUC90777
- Literacy Intervention Strategies EDUC90247
- Literacy Leadership Research Project EDUC90682
- Literacy Planning and Diversity EDUC90685
- Literacy Planning for Diverse Learners EDUC90338
- Literacy and Literacy Development EDUC90684
- Literacy and Numeracy Intervention EDUC90423
- Literacy from Birth to Adulthood EDUC90831
- Literacy in the Early Years EDUC90400
- Literacy, Assessment and Learning EDUC90381
- Literary Pleasure ENGL40010
- Literature Review PHIL90007
- Literature and Performance ENGL10002
- Literature in Second Language Education EDUC90694
- Literature, Ecology, Catastrophe ENGL30047
- Literature: Reading Indonesian Lives INDO10012
- Literature: Reading Indonesian Lives INDO30006
- Literature: Reading Indonesian Lives INDO20015
- Liver, Spleen and Sampling VETS90042
- Livestock Production Systems AGRI30030
- Living Longer: A Global Diagnosis UNIB30005
- Living in a Risk Society SOCI30009
- Local Sites, Global Connections GEOG30027
- Logic: Language and Information UNIB10002
- Long Research Project FRST90075
- Long Research Project B FRST90036
- Long Research Project B FRST90077
- Long-Run Economic Change ECON40004
- Longer Applied Ethics Thesis PHIL90017
- Longitudinal and Correlated Data POPH90123
- LundU: Globalisation and Culture CULS20013
- LundU: Globalisation and Social Change SOCI20010
- LundU: Globalisation and Social Policy SOTH20006
- LundU:Globalisation and Gender Relations GEND20005
- MBA Internship BUSA90479
- MCM Chinese Music Ensemble 1 MUSI20108
- MFPI Internship FOOD90030
- MFPI Internship FOOD90036
- MPhil Research EDUC90515
- MSD Minor Thesis ABPL90217
- MSD Research Project Short (12.5 Points) ABPL90066
- MSD Thesis -Semester Long (25 Points) ABPL90067
- MSD Vocational Placement ABPL90307
- MUCH Heritage Industry Internship ABPL90360
- MUP Independent Study ABPL90306
- MUP Studio ABPL90384
- MVSc (Clinical) Practicum # FT VETS70001
- MVSc (Clinical) Practicum # PT VETS70002
- Macroeconometrics ECOM40003
- Macroeconometrics ECOM90007
- Macroeconomic Techniques ECON40005
- Macroeconomic Techniques ECON90021
- Macroeconomics ECON30009
- Macroeconomics ECON90003
- Macroeconomics 2 ECON90047
- Macroeconomics II ECON90014
- Macroeconomics for Managers ECON90032
- Magic, Reason, New Worlds, 1450-1750 HPSC30034
- Maintaining Quality within Institutions EDUC90602
- Major Design Project ELEN90046
- Major Project (Animation) FLTV40004
- Major Project (Dance) DNCE40004
- Major Project (Film and Television) FLTV40007
- Major Project (Interactive Composition) MUSI40097
- Major Project (Jazz & Improvisation) MUSI40082
- Major Project (Music Theatre) THTR40008
- Major Project (Production) THTR40011
- Major Project (Screenwriting) FLTV40010
- Major Project (Theatre Practice) DRAM40003
- Major Project (Visual Art) FINA40003
- Major Research Project AGRI90065
- Major Research Project AGRI90072
- Major Screenwriting Project FLTV70047
- Major Thesis MUSI90053
- Major Thesis - Education EDUC90356
- Major Thesis - Education (RM) EDUC90321
- Making History HIST30060
- Making Movies 1 FLTV10010
- Making Movies 2 FLTV20005
- Making Movies 3 FLTV30013
- Making Movies 3 Practical Production FLTV30022
- Making Music For Film And Animation 1 MUSI10179
- Making Music for Film and Animation 2 MUSI20171
- Managed Investments Law LAWS70238
- Management & Marketing Special Topics 1 MGMT90206
- Management & Marketing Special Topics 2 MGMT90207
- Management Accounting Research ACCT90020
- Management Competencies MGMT90140
- Management Consulting MGMT30012
- Management and Business Communication MGMT90111
- Management and Leadership for Engineers ENGM90015
- Management for Professionals LAWS70350
- Management in Development A DEVT90044
- Management in Development B DEVT90043
- Management in Disease Emergencies VETS50005
- Management of Construction ABPL90313
- Management of Contact Lens Patients OPTO90009
- Management of Financial Institutions FNCE20002
- Management of Low Vision Patients OPTO90007
- Management of Neuro-ophthalmic Disorders OPTO90015
- Management of Paediatric Patients OPTO90010
- Management of Plant and Animal Invasions NRMT90002
- Management of Technological Enterprises ENGM90010
- Management of Tropical Disease POPH90251
- Managerial Economics BUSA90194
- Managerial Economics ECON90015
- Managerial Economics BUSA90193
- Managerial Economics MGMT90043
- Managerial Economics BUSA90195
- Managerial Judgement BUSA90458
- Managerial Project BUSA90201
- Managerial Psychology MGMT90018
- Managing Change and Leading Innovation PPMN90032
- Managing Change for IS Professionals ISYS90040
- Managing Conflict at Work MGMT90172
- Managing Conflict in Global Workplaces IBUS30003
- Managing Creative Content AMGT90012
- Managing Customers for Competitive Advtg MGMT90162
- Managing Diversity MGMT90012
- Managing Effectively PADM90002
- Managing Employee Relations MGMT20009
- Managing Entrepreneurship and Innovation MGMT30006
- Managing Global City Regions ABPL90065
- Managing Grapevine Physiology AGRI90040
- Managing Green Roofs and Walls HORT50002
- Managing Groundwater Environments ERTH90010
- Managing Growth and Pathways to Market MGMT90228
- Managing Human Resources MGMT20004
- Managing ICT Infrastructure ISYS90048
- Managing IS Projects: People & Politics ISYS90037
- Managing IT Outsourcing ISYS90055
- Managing Information Technology BISY90009
- Managing Innovation BUSA90495
- Managing Innovation and Change ENST90023
- Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship MGMT90030
- Managing International Tert Ed MGMT90168
- Managing Justice: Agencies and the State CRIM30010
- Managing Large Projects ISYS90052
- Managing Legal Risk in Construction LAWS70441
- Managing Markets AGRI90014
- Managing Operations MGMT20002
- Managing Organisational Change MGMT90022
- Managing People MGMT90015
- Managing People BUSA90226
- Managing People BUSA90224
- Managing People for High Performance BUSA90225
- Managing People for High Performance BUSA90395
- Managing Processes BUSA90229
- Managing Projects and Teams CLRS90012
- Managing Public Finances PADM90003
- Managing Public and Native Title Lands LAWS90026
- Managing Risk AGRI90016
- Managing Stakeholders MGMT90011
- Managing Strategic Change MGMT30005
- Managing Tert Ed Teaching and Learning MGMT90167
- Managing Trees in Urban Landscapes HORT90007
- Managing Underperforming Trainees MEDS90014
- Managing Urban Landscapes ABPL90337
- Managing Urban Trees HORT90042
- Managing Work and Your Career MGMT30015
- Managing Youth Mental Health Services PSYT90076
- Managing for Value Creation MGMT90144
- Managing in Contemporary Organisations MGMT30002
- Managing the Multinational MGMT20006
- Mapping Environments ENVS10006
- Marine Botany BOTA30001
- Marine Ecosystems: Ecology & Management ECOL30007
- Market Leadership & Strategic Marketing MKTG90020
- Market Power and Competition Law LAWS70029
- Market and Business Research MKTG20004
- Marketing BUSA90244
- Marketing BUSA90243
- Marketing BUSA90246
- Marketing BUSA90245
- Marketing & Media in a Global Context MKTG90029
- Marketing Communications BUSA90248
- Marketing Communications MECM30013
- Marketing Financial Analysis and Control FNCE90035
- Marketing Management MKTG90004
- Marketing Management for Engineers ENGM90012
- Marketing Metrics MKTG90026
- Marketing Research BUSA90258
- Marketing Research MKTG90011
- Marketing Strategy MKTG90005
- Marketing Strategy BUSA90261
- Marketing and Society MKTG30007
- Marketing for Entrepreneurs MKTG90025
- Marketing for Managers MGMT90045
- Marketing in Education EDUC90141
- Master Thesis in Vet Science (Clinical) VETS90027
- Master of Architecture Studio A ABPL90284
- Master of Architecture Studio B ABPL90285
- Master of Architecture Studio C ABPL90142
- Master of Architecture Studio D ABPL90143
- Master of Architecture Studio E ABPL90115
- Masters Advanced Software Project SWEN90013
- Masters Software Engineering Project SWEN90014
- Material and Energy Balances CHEN20010
- Materials MCEN90014
- Materials & Structures 4 MUSI40042
- Materials Development and Review EDUC90498
- Materials and Structures ABPL90324
- Mathematical Biology MAST90011
- Mathematical Economics ECON30020
- Mathematical Statistical Mechanics MAST90060
- Mathematical Statistics MAST90082
- Mathematics Curriculum & Assessment EDUC90665
- Mathematics for Biomedicine MAST10016
- Mathematics for Economists ECON90053
- Mathematics for Economists ECON40017
- Mathematics of Finance I ACTL90001
- Mathematics of Finance II ACTL90002
- Mathematics of Finance III ACTL90003
- Mathematics of Finance IV ACTL90015
- Mathematics of Risk MAST90051
- Mathematics of Spatial Information GEOM90040
- Mathematics, Assessment and Learning EDUC90380
- Mathematics: Problem Solving & Reasoning EDUC90618
- Mathematics: Quality Teaching EDUC90691
- Mathematics: Teaching with Technology EDUC90615
- Maths: Reasoning & Problem Solving(F-12) EDUC90866
- Maths: Understanding & Fluency (11-12) EDUC90865
- Maths: Understanding & Fluency (7-10) EDUC90864
- Maths: Understanding & Fluency (F-6) EDUC90863
- Matters of Life and Death PHIL20018
- Matters of Taste: French Eating Cultures FREN30015
- Matters of Taste: French Eating Cultures FREN20013
- Meaning, Possibility and Paradox PHIL20030
- Means and Methods in Construction ABPL90334
- Measure Theory MAST90012
- Measured Drawings & Digital Heritage ABPL90020
- Measurement of Building Works ABPL30040
- Meat and Meat Products FOOD90010
- Mechanical Design MCEN30014
- Mechanical Dynamics MCEN30016
- Mechanics & Materials MCEN30017
- Mechanisms of Human Disease PATH30001
- Mechatronic Systems Design MCEN30019
- Mechatronics Capstone Project MCEN90040
- Media & Communications Thesis MECM40017
- Media Convergence and Digital Culture MECM90007
- Media Futures and New Technologies MECM30004
- Media Histories CULS20016
- Media Law LAWS50096
- Media Regulation and Freedom of Speech LAWS90007
- Media Writing: Rhetoric and Practice MECM90017
- Media and Communications Project MECM30015
- Media and Communications Thesis MECM90012
- Media and Society MECM10003
- Media and Urban Culture in Asia ASIA20001
- Media, Identity and Everyday Life CULS10005
- Media, Politics and Cultural Diaspora CULS40004
- Mediation LAWS90039
- Mediation in Commerce LAWS90048
- Medical Biology Research Project BMSC40003
- Medical Biology Research Project BMSC40008
- Medical Ethics LAWS70259
- Medical Imaging BMEN90021
- Medical Law LAWS50072
- Medical Litigation LAWS70225
- Medical Microbiology: Bacteriology MIIM30011
- Medical Microbiology: Virology MIIM30014
- Medical and Applied Immunology MIIM30003
- Medieval Passions ENGL40003
- Medieval Plague, War and Heresy HIST10007
- Medieval and Renaissance Ensemble 1 MUSI10207
- Medieval and Renaissance Ensemble 2 MUSI10206
- Medieval and Renaissance French FREN40003
- Melancholy and the Sweetness of Sorrow ARTS90001
- Melbourne Big Band 1 MUSI20134
- Melbourne Big Band 2 MUSI20132
- Melbourne Business Practicum BUSA90473
- Melbourne Journal of International Law LAWS50060
- Melbourne University Law Review LAWS50058
- Melodrama, Class and the Cinema SCRN40005
- Memory & Memoirs of 20th Century Europe EURO30002
- Memory & Memoirs of 20th Century Europe EURO20003
- Memory Cultures CULS40002
- Mental Health & Recovery NURS50008
- Mental Health Disorders in Infancy PSYT90082
- Mental Health Issues Across the Lifespan PSYC90010
- Mental Health Law LAWS70458
- Mental Health Nursing 1 NURS90077
- Mental Health Nursing 2 NURS90093
- Mental Health Nursing Practice NURS90101
- Mental Health Practice PSYT90091
- Mental Health Science Research Project 1 PSYT90086
- Mental Health Science Research Project 2 PSYT90087
- Mental Health and Ageing PSYT90092
- Mental Health and Substance Use PSYT90085
- Mental Health and Young People PSYC90062
- Mental Health in Primary Care GENP90011
- Mental Illness in Young People I PSYT90037
- Mental Illness in Young People II PSYT90057
- Merger Regulation Under Competition Law LAWS70347
- Mergers LAWS90072
- Mergers and Acquisitions BUSA90270
- Mergers and Acquisitions BUSA90271
- Mergers and Value Enhancing Strategies FNCE90021
- Mergers and Value Enhancing Strategies FNCE90012
- Mergers, Acquisitions & Capital Markets LAWS50108
- Mesoscale Atmospheric Dynamics ATOC90007
- Metabolism and Nutrition BCMB30011
- Metabolomics and Proteomics SCIE90002
- Methods in Agrifood Biotechnology BTCH30001
- Methods in Sociolinguistic Research LING40013
- Methods of Mathematical Physics MAST30031
- Metric and Hilbert Spaces MAST30026
- Microbes, Infections and Responses MIIM20002
- Microbiology & Immunology Research Proj MIIM40005
- Microbiology & Immunology Research Proj MIIM40006
- Microbiology & Serology: disease control VETS60001
- Microeconometrics ECOM90008
- Microeconometrics ECOM40001
- Microeconomics ECON90002
- Microeconomics ECON30010
- Microeconomics 2 ECON90045
- Microeconomics II ECON90012
- Microscopy for Biological Sciences BIOL90001
- Middle Eastern Wars: Jihad & Resistance HIST90027
- Migrant Nation: Culture and Identity HIST20075
- Migration and Development ANTH90004
- Migration and People Movement AUST90008
- Mind, Brain & Behaviour 1 PSYC10003
- Mind, Brain & Behaviour 1 PSYC80001
- Mind, Brain & Behaviour 2 PSYC80002
- Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2 PSYC10004
- Minds and Madness HPSC30019
- Mine Safety and Engineering GEOL90033
- Mineral Exploration Through Cover ERTH90030
- Mineral Law LAWS70268
- Mineral and Petroleum Tax LAWS70399
- Minerals, Materials and Recycling CHEN90010
- Minor Music Performance 1 MUSI20025
- Minor Music Performance 2 MUSI20026
- Minor Music Performance 3 MUSI30050
- Minor Music Performance 4 MUSI30051
- Minor Project in Education EDUC90335
- Minor Project in Education 2 EDUC90334
- Minor Research Project AGRI90070
- Minor Research Project AGRI90064
- Minor Research Project COMP90030
- Minor Research Project Part A MAST90073
- Minor Research Project Part B MAST90074
- Minor Research Project in IS ISYS90044
- Minor Research Thesis FLTV40003
- Minor Research Thesis THTR40004
- Minor Thesis MUSI90137
- Minor Thesis MUSI90181
- Minor Thesis NURS70003
- Minor Thesis (LLM) # P/T LAWS70003
- Minor Thesis (Music Therapy) 1 MUSI90044
- Minor Thesis (Music Therapy) 2 MUSI90045
- Minor Thesis (Radiology) RADI90003
- Minor Thesis - Applied Linguistics LING90010
- Minor Thesis - Art Curatorship ACUR90004
- Minor Thesis - Arts Management AMGT90019
- Minor Thesis - Conservation CUMC90007
- Minor Thesis - Creative Writing CWRI90008
- Minor Thesis - Criminology CRIM90005
- Minor Thesis - Development Studies DEVT90011
- Minor Thesis - Education EDUC90355
- Minor Thesis - Education (RM) EDUC90323
- Minor Thesis - Gender and Development GEND90004
- Minor Thesis - Marketing Communications MKTG90031
- Minor Thesis - Public /Social Policy PPMN90002
- Minor Thesis - Public Administration PADM90004
- Minor Thesis - Surgical Education MEDS90010
- Minor Thesis - Translation Studies TRAN90002
- Minor Thesis 1 DENT90019
- Minor Thesis 2 DENT90020
- Minor Thesis 3 DENT90025
- Minor Thesis 4 DENT90026
- Minor Thesis F/T LLM LAWS70015
- Minor Thesis in Health Social Sciences POPH90202
- Mixed Methods Research & Evaluation EDUC90717
- Mobile Computing Systems Programming COMP90018
- Mobile and Wireless Networks and Design ELEN90013
- Mobility, Culture and Communication MECM90003
- Modelling Complex Software Systems SWEN90004
- Modelling Species Distributions & Niches EVSC90026
- Modelling the Australian Macroeconomy ECOM40005
- Modelling the Australian Macroeconomy ECOM90012
- Models for Insurance and Finance ACTL30005
- Models of Computation COMP30026
- Models of Psychological Processes PSYC40012
- Modern & Contemporary Ireland Since 1790 HIST20035
- Modern Applied Statistics MAST30027
- Modern Architecture: MoMo to PoMo ABPL30050
- Modern Art: The Politics of the New AHIS10002
- Modern Chinese Literature CHIN20005
- Modern Chinese Literature CHIN30010
- Modern Dance Techniques DNCE60013
- Modern European History 1789 to 1914 HIST20069
- Modern Israel: Good Bad and Disputed JEWI20007
- Modern Southeast Asia HIST20034
- Modern and Contemporary Drama ENGL20030
- Modern and Contemporary Literature ENGL10001
- Modern and Future Climate ATOC30006
- Modernism and Avant Garde ENGL20022
- Modernity: Foundations of Sociology SOTH20002
- Molecular Analysis of Cell Function BCMB20003
- Molecular Aspects of Cell Biology BCMB30003
- Molecular and Cellular Biomedicine BIOM20001
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience A NEUR90011
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience B NEUR90012
- Monetary Economics ECON40013
- Monetary Economics ECON90011
- Money and Banking ECON30005
- Money, Law and Politics LAWS70425
- Money, Politics & The Law LAWS50105
- Monitoring Environmental Impacts ENEN90028
- Monitoring and Evaluation in Development DEVT90035
- Monogastric Science DASC90008
- Morphological Mapping ABPL30051
- Morphology LING30013
- Motivating & Managing Performance BUSA90477
- Motor Learning DNCE60043
- Moving Image Thesis SCRN50001
- Multiculturalism Religion and the Law LAWS50132
- Multimedia Content Delivery ELEN90014
- Multivariate Statistical Techniques MAST90085
- Murder LAWS50106
- Muscle and Exercise Physiology PHYS30005
- Musculoskeletal Clinical Practice PHTY90098
- Musculoskeletal Disorders in Women PHTY90097
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 1 PHTY90090
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy A PHTY90084
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy B PHTY90085
- Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation REHB90007
- Museology in Florence AHIS40020
- Music Analysis MUSI30047
- Music Analysis MUSI40055
- Music Cultures of Asia MUSI30024
- Music History 1: Monteverdi to Mozart MUSI10047
- Music History 2: C19th Music and Ideas MUSI20198
- Music History 3:Impressionism to Present MUSI30249
- Music Internship MUSI40091
- Music Language 1: the Diatonic World MUSI10023
- Music Language 2: Chromaticism & Beyond MUSI20061
- Music Language 3: Modern Directions MUSI30046
- Music Learning, Teaching and Research MUSI90150
- Music Making Laboratory 1 MUSI10195
- Music Making Laboratory 2 MUSI10196
- Music Making Laboratory 3 MUSI20182
- Music Making Laboratory 4 MUSI20184
- Music Making Laboratory 5 MUSI30231
- Music Making Laboratory 6 MUSI30232
- Music Management and Enterprise MUSI40092
- Music Performance 1D MUSI10011
- Music Performance 2D MUSI10012
- Music Performance 3 MUSI20057
- Music Performance 3D MUSI20058
- Music Performance 4 MUSI20059
- Music Performance 4D MUSI20060
- Music Performance 5 MUSI30217
- Music Performance 5D MUSI30215
- Music Performance 6 MUSI30218
- Music Performance 6D MUSI30216
- Music Performance Curriculum& Assessment MUSI90151
- Music Psychology MUSI40075
- Music Psychology MUSI20149
- Music Psychology Research MUSI90036
- Music Research MUSI30032
- Music Research (Honours) MUSI40078
- Music Technology MUSI20008
- Music Theatre Combination Class 1 MUSI10190
- Music Theatre Combination Class 2 THTR20026
- Music Theatre Combination Class 3 THTR20028
- Music Theatre Combination Class 4 THTR30032
- Music Theatre Combination Class 5A THTR30033
- Music Theatre Combination Class 5B THTR30034
- Music Theatre Contextual Studies MUSI10188
- Music Theatre: Singing Rock Musicals MUSI10211
- Music Theatre: Singing Rock Musicals MUSI30237
- Music Theatre: Singing Rock Musicals MUSI20188
- Music Theatre: Singing Sondheim MUSI30234
- Music Theatre: Singing Sondheim MUSI10210
- Music Theatre: Singing Sondheim MUSI20186
- Music Theatre: Singing the Golden Age MUSI20187
- Music Theatre: Singing the Golden Age MUSI10214
- Music Theatre: Singing the Golden Age MUSI30235
- Music Therapy Skills 1 MUSI90032
- Music Therapy Skills 2 MUSI90033
- Music Therapy Skills 3 MUSI90034
- Music Therapy Skills 4 MUSI90035
- Music and Film since 1900 MUSI30004
- Music and Health MUSI20150
- Music and Health MUSI40074
- Music and Health Research MUSI90188
- Music and Narrative Workshop EDUC10055
- Music and Politics MUSI20204
- Music and Spirituality MUSI30247
- Music as Noise: Making Sound Art MUSI30246
- Music as Noise: Making Sound Art MUSI40094
- Music for Dance DNCE60024
- Music in France, c.1600-1789 MUSI20205
- Music in the Culture of the Renaissance MUSI30011
- Music in the Culture of the Renaissance MUSI40047
- Musical Futures MUSI90174
- Musicianship 1.1 MUSI10128
- Musicianship 1.2 MUSI10129
- Musics of the World MUSI20125
- Musics of the World MUSI40076
- Myth, Art and Empire: Greece and Rome ANCW10002
- Nagoya Host Studio ABPL90338
- Narrative Practice & Research Synthesis SCWK90061
- Narrative Projects 1A FLTV70020
- Narrative Projects 1B FLTV70023
- Narrative Projects 2A FLTV70030
- Narrative Projects 2B FLTV70031
- Natural Environments ENVS10001
- Navigating Professional Contexts EDUC40020
- Negotiated Capstone Project EDUC90057
- Negotiated Project (International) EDUC90490
- Negotiated Project in Education EDUC90337
- Negotiated Project in Education 2 EDUC90336
- Negotiated Project in Student Wellbeing EDUC90254
- Negotiation Skills LAWS70468
- Negotiations BUSA90273
- Negotiations LAWS50131
- Negotiations BUSA90274
- Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing 1 NURS90079
- Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing 2 NURS90094
- Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Practice NURS90102
- Net Communications MECM20003
- Network Design and Optimisation ELEN90003
- Network Optimisation MAST90013
- Neural Information Processing BMEN90002
- Neuroanatomy for Neuropsychologists PSYC90084
- Neuroimaging for Clinical Research CLRS90017
- Neurological Clinical Practice PHTY90100
- Neurological Physiotherapy 1 PHTY90089
- Neuromarketing MKTG30008
- Neuromarketing MKTG90033
- Neurophysiology: Neurons and Circuits NEUR30002
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation PSYC90033
- Neuropsychology Placement 2A PSYC90079
- Neuropsychology Placement 2B PSYC90080
- Neuroscience and the Mind PSYC30018
- Neuroscience of Behaviour & Cognition A NEUR90013
- Neuroscience of Behaviour & Cognition B NEUR90014
- Neurosciences of Psychiatry PSYT90058
- New Caledonia in the 21st Century FREN20021
- New Caledonia in the 21st Century FREN30019
- New Ideas in Legal Scholarship LAWS50114
- New Music Ensemble MUSI30097
- New Script CWRI40013
- New Thinking in Early Childhood Pedagogy EDUC90614
- New Value Creation MGMT90174
- New Work THTR30035
- Newsgathering LAWS70428
- Newsroom-Applied Professional Practice JOUR90010
- Ngarrangarni: Gija Art and Country CUMC90034
- Nietzsche and Critics PHIL20038
- Non Communicable Disease & Global Health POPH90247
- Non-Renewable Energy ENGR90030
- Not For Profit Orgs: Law, Tax & Policy LAWS50104
- Novels CWRI30001
- Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament POLS90030
- Numeracy Action Research Project EDUC90692
- Numeracy in the Early Years EDUC90401
- Numeracy: Building Teacher Capacity EDUC90690
- Numeracy: Differentiating Teaching EDUC90689
- Numeracy: Improving Learning EDUC90688
- Numeracy: Life, School and Work EDUC90687
- Numerical Programming for Engineers ENGR30003
- Numerical Techniques in Finance FNCE40003
- Numerical and Symbolic Mathematics MAST30028
- Nursing Assessment & Care NURS50004
- Nursing Research NURS90059
- Nursing Science 1 NURS50003
- Nursing Science 2 NURS50006
- Nursing Science 3 NURS90052
- Nursing as Practice NURS90055
- Nutrition & Physiology DNCE60023
- Nutrition Politics and Policy FOOD90027
- Nutrition and Feed Science DASC90006
- OMS Clinical Practice 1 DENT90047
- OMS Clinical Practice 2 DENT90048
- Object Oriented Software Development SWEN20003
- Objectivity and Value PHIL30047
- Obligations LAWS50026
- On Country Learning: Indigenous Studies POLS30028
- On-ground River Protection & Restoration NRMT90030
- Open Art FINA10033
- Operating an External Quality Agency EDUC90605
- Operations BUSA90227
- Operations BUSA90228
- Operations Management MGMT90047
- Operations and General Management MGMT90118
- Operations and Process Management MGMT90032
- Optical Networking and Design ELEN90034
- Optics: From Rainbows to Digital Imaging OPTO10002
- Optimisation MCEN90033
- Optimisation for Industry MAST90014
- Optometry Internship OPTO90028
- Oral Health Practice 1 ORAL10005
- Oral Health Practice 2 ORAL20005
- Oral Health Practice 3 ORAL30002
- Oral Health Practice 4 ORAL90001
- Oral Health Research Project 4A ORAL40001
- Oral Health Research Project 4B ORAL40002
- Oral Health Sciences 1A ORAL10003
- Oral Health Sciences 1B ORAL10004
- Oral Health Sciences 2A ORAL20003
- Oral Health Sciences 2B ORAL20004
- Oral Health Sciences 4 ORAL90003
- Oral Health Sciences Research Project DENT40002
- Oral Health Therapy Research ORAL30001
- Oral Language Learning:The Primary Years EDUC90564
- Oral Language for Literacy and Learning EDUC90340
- Oral Medicine & Special Needs Dentistry DENT90081
- Oral Pathology and Adult Oral Function ORAL90002
- Oral Structure and Function 1 DENT90058
- Oral Structure and Function 2 DENT90066
- Oral Surgery and Special Needs Dentistry DENT90082
- Orchestra 1 MUSI30141
- Orchestra 2 MUSI30158
- Orchestral Conducting MUSI90003
- Orchestral Conducting 2 MUSI90050
- Orchestral Conducting 3 MUSI90133
- Orchestral Performance Project 1 (ANAM) MUSI90140
- Orchestral Performance Project 2 (ANAM) MUSI90141
- Orchestration MUSI30025
- Orchestration MUSI30060
- Orchestration MUSI90196
- Order, Disorder, Crime, Deviance CRIM20004
- Ore Deposit Models GEOL90044
- Ore Reserve Estimation GEOL90031
- Ore Textures & Breccias GEOL90042
- Organic Chemistry III CHEM30004
- Organisation Research Decisions & Design MGMT90205
- Organisation and Management MGMT10003
- Organisational Behaviour MGMT20001
- Organisational Change BUSA90279
- Organisational Processes ISYS90081
- Organisations, Economics and Incentives ECON30017
- Organisations, Ethics and Society MGMT30008
- Organised Crime and Human Trafficking CRIM90025
- Otolaryngology Advanced Coursework OTOL40002
- Otolaryngology Research Project OTOL40003
- Otolaryngology Research Project OTOL40001
- Outbreak Assessment at Population Level VETS50013
- Outbreak Response VETS50014
- Owning Ideas: Creation, Innovation & Law LAWS30017
- PA and MIDI Perspective MUSI30079
- Paediatric Audiology A AUDI90022
- Paediatric Audiology B AUDI90006
- Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing 1 NURS90085
- Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing 2 NURS90087
- Paediatric Intensive Care Practice NURS90096
- Paediatric Nursing 1 NURS90084
- Paediatric Nursing 2 NURS90088
- Paediatric Nursing Practice NURS90097
- Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapy 1 PHTY90082
- Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapy 2 PHTY90083
- Paediatric Palliative Care NURS90065
- Paediatric Physiotherapy Theory PHTY90013
- Paediatrics Research Project PAED40005
- Paediatrics Research Project PAED40001
- Painting Techniques FINA20026
- Parallel and Multicore Computing COMP90025
- Paris! Berlioz to the Ballets Russes MUSI40027
- Paris! Berlioz to the Ballets Russes MUSI20120
- Parliamentary Internship POLS30001
- Participation and Negotiation ABPL90009
- Particle Mechanics and Processing CHEN90018
- Particle Physics PHYC90011
- Past Climates: Icehouse to Greenhouse ERTH20003
- Patent Law LAWS70021
- Patent Practice LAWS70060
- Pathologies of the Auditory System AUDI90016
- Pathology Research Project PATH40005
- Pathology Research Project PATH40001
- Payment Matters in Construction Projects LAWS70239
- Peak Performance Under Pressure MUSI20203
- Pedagogue Recital MUSI90157
- Pedagogy into Practice EDUC90803
- People and Capability MGMT90176
- People and Change MGMT90025
- Perception Of Sound & Speech AUDI90017
- Perception, Memory and Cognition PSYC30017
- Performance 3 MUSI20201
- Performance 4 MUSI20202
- Performance 5 MUSI30252
- Performance 6 MUSI30253
- Performance Approaches A THTR60003
- Performance Approaches B THTR60004
- Performance Class MUSI90091
- Performance Design Technology THTR10009
- Performance Management & Reward Systems MGMT90016
- Performance Metrics BUSA90494
- Performance Pedagogy MUSI90135
- Performance Pedagogy Seminar 1 MUSI90004
- Performance Pedagogy Seminar 2 MUSI90005
- Performance Practice 1A DRAM10022
- Performance Practice 1B DRAM10016
- Performance Practice 2A DRAM20016
- Performance Practice 2B DRAM20020
- Performance Practice 3A DRAM30017
- Performance Practice 3B DRAM30018
- Performance Practicum 1 MUSI90160
- Performance Practicum 2 MUSI90169
- Performance Practicum 3 MUSI90171
- Performance Practicum 4 MUSI90172
- Performance Project A THTR30036
- Performance Project A DNCE30015
- Performance Project B THTR30037
- Performance Project B DNCE30016
- Performance Projects A THTR60005
- Performance Projects B THTR60006
- Performance Projects C THTR60029
- Performance Psychology MUSI30098
- Performance Studies MUSI90097
- Performance Studies Seminar MUSI90002
- Performance Study 5 MUSI30009
- Performance Study 6 MUSI30008
- Performance Techniques C THTR60030
- Performance Technology 1B THTR10014
- Performance Technology 2A THTR20031
- Performance Technology 2B THTR20035
- Performance Technology 3A THTR30024
- Performance Technology 3B THTR30025
- Performance Theory and Organisation A DNCE60045
- Performance Theory and Organisation B DNCE60046
- Performance Workshop 4.1 MUSI40043
- Performance Workshop 4.2 MUSI40046
- Performance and Research Approaches DNCE70004
- Performance and Research Approaches 1 DNCE90005
- Performance and Research Approaches 2 DNCE90006
- Performance and the World ENGL30048
- Performative Ecologies ABPL90283
- Performing Arts Practice 1 (PT) THTR10011
- Performing Arts Practice 1A (DR) THTR10010
- Performing Arts Practice 1A (SM) THTR10012
- Performing Arts Practice 1B (DR) THTR10015
- Performing Arts Practice 1B (PT) THTR10016
- Performing Arts Practice 1B (SM) THTR10017
- Performing Arts Practice 2A (DR) THTR20039
- Performing Arts Practice 2A (PT) THTR20040
- Performing Arts Practice 2A (SM) THTR20041
- Performing Arts Practice 2B (DR) THTR20036
- Performing Arts Practice 2B (PT) THTR20037
- Performing Arts Practice 2B (SM) THTR20038
- Performing Arts Practice 3 (PT) THTR30026
- Performing Arts Practice 3 (SM) THTR30027
- Performing Arts Practice 3A (DR) THTR30028
- Performing Arts Practice 3B (DR) THTR30029
- Performing Arts Research Methodologies DRAM90010
- Performing to Teach 1 MUSI90147
- Performing to Teach 2 MUSI90156
- Perinatal Psychiatry PSYT90068
- Personal and Interpersonal Processes EDUC90137
- Personality Theory & Human Behaviour PSYT90007
- Personality and Social Psychology PSYC20009
- Perspectives in Art & Cultural Theory 1 FINA70007
- Perspectives in Art & Cultural Theory 2 FINA70010
- Perspectives in Art & Cultural Theory 3 FINA70012
- Perspectives in Art & Cultural Theory 4 FINA70013
- Perspectives in Global Media Cultures MECM30002
- Pervasive Computing SINF90007
- Petroleum Law LAWS70041
- Ph.D.- Accounting Thesis Workshop ACCT90017
- PhD Research ASIA80001
- PhD Research COMP80001
- PhD Research ENGL80001
- PhD Research POLS80001
- PhD Research PSYC80003
- PhD Research LING80001
- PhD Research HIST80001
- Pharmacology Research Project PHRM40001
- Pharmacology Research Project PHRM40006
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1 PHRM90001
- Pharmacology for Health Professionals PHRM90002
- Pharmacology: How Drugs Work PHRM20001
- Phenomenology and Existentialism PHIL20041
- Philosophical Foundations of Law LAWS50127
- Philosophical Methodology PHIL90034
- Philosophy Methods PHIL90024
- Philosophy Thesis PHIL40019
- Philosophy Thesis PHIL40015
- Philosophy and Cultural Translation PHIL70002
- Philosophy and Scope of Anthropology ANTH40001
- Philosophy of International Law LAWS70429
- Philosophy of Language and Mind PHIL40007
- Philosophy of Performance 1 MUSI10110
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics UNIB10014
- Philosophy: Ideas for Artists PHIL70001
- Philosophy: The Big Questions PHIL10002
- Philosophy: The Great Thinkers PHIL10003
- Phonetics LING20005
- Phonology LING30002
- Physical Activity and Exercise PHTY90113
- Physical Chemistry III CHEM30001
- Physical Cosmology PHYC90009
- Physical Systems PHYC20014
- Physics 1 PHYC10003
- Physics 1: Advanced PHYC10001
- Physics 1: Fundamentals PHYC10005
- Physics 2: Advanced PHYC10002
- Physics 2: Life Sciences & Environment PHYC10006
- Physics 2: Physical Science & Technology PHYC10004
- Physics Research Project PHYC40007
- Physics Research Project PHYC40008
- Physics Research Project PHYC40002
- Physics Research Project PHYC40004
- Physics for Biomedicine PHYC10007
- Physiology Research Project PHYS40005
- Physiology Research Project PHYS40006
- Physiotherapy Professional Portfolio PHTY90040
- Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 1 PHTY90095
- Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2 PHTY90092
- Piano Duo and Duet 1 MUSI30193
- Piano Duo and Duet 1 MUSI20099
- Piano Duo and Duet 1 MUSI90028
- Piano Duo and Duet 1 MUSI10076
- Piano Duo and Duet 2 MUSI30194
- Piano Duo and Duet 2 MUSI90029
- Piano Duo and Duet 2 MUSI10077
- Piano Duo and Duet 2 MUSI20100
- Piano Pedagogy MUSI90027
- Pictures, Sounds, Words FLTV10014
- Pirates and their Enemies HIST20072
- Place, Power and Identity ABPL90185
- Planning Asia Pacific Cities Studio ABPL90055
- Planning Law & Statutory Planning ABPL90130
- Planning Theory and History ABPL90134
- Planning Urban Sustainability ABPL90064
- Planning and Development Law LAWS70349
- Planning and Integrating Intervention AUDI90034
- Plant Biodiversity BOTA20002
- Plant Biology 1 HORT10007
- Plant Biology 2 HORT10016
- Plant Ecology HORT10013
- Plant Evolution BOTA30002
- Plant Food Products FOOD90035
- Plant Growth Processes AGRI20026
- Plant Health and Improvement AGRI30032
- Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology BOTA30005
- Plant Production and Culture HORT10012
- Plant Protection NRMT20016
- Plant Systems AGRI10044
- Plants and the Urban Environment HORT90003
- Plants for Designed Landscapes HORT90037
- Plaque Related Diseases 1 DENT90061
- Plaque Related Diseases 2 DENT90064
- Poetics of the Body 1 UNIB10011
- Poetry CWRI20007
- Poetry and Poetics CWRI30006
- Poetry and Prose Research Seminar FREN40007
- Poetry, Love, and Death ENGL20032
- Polemic Design in China Japan Korea ABPL90388
- Policies and Issues in HRM and ER MGMT90014
- Policing CRIM20003
- Policy Design and Implementation PPMN90007
- Policy Design: From Theory to Practice POLS30035
- Political Economy POLS20031
- Political Economy of the Network Society MECM50001
- Political Economy ofDevelopment in India DEVT90051
- Political Psychology POLS30034
- Political Science Thesis POLS40011
- Politics & International Studies Thesis POLS40020
- Politics and Business in post-Mao China POLS90013
- Politics and the Media POLS20026
- Politics of Development in Africa DEVT90049
- Pop Song Writing MUSI30080
- Pop Song Writing 1 MUSI10184
- Pop Song Writing 2 MUSI20172
- Pop-up Theatre: Performance in Community EDUC20078
- Popular Architecture and Design ABPL90151
- Popular Culture in Anthropology ANTH30014
- Popular Cultures in Indonesia INDO30003
- Portfolio Management FNCE90050
- Positive Communities and Organisations EDUC20074
- Positive Leadership Development MGMT90173
- Positive Leadership and Careers EDUC30072
- Positive Pedagogy: Science of Teaching EDUC90793
- Positive Political Economics ECON90037
- Positive Political Economics ECON40009
- Positive Psychology and Organisations EDUC90789
- Positive Psychology in Practice PSYC90094
- Post & VFX Projects 1A FLTV70021
- Post & VFX Projects 1B FLTV70024
- Post & VFX Projects 2A FLTV70032
- Post & VFX Projects 2B FLTV70033
- Post-Conflict Development and Difference GEOG20012
- Post-Conflict State-Building LAWS70313
- Postcolonial Identities in Asian Arts ASIA70002
- Postcolonial Visual Art AHIS40006
- Postcompulsory Pathways EDUC90424
- Postgraduate Lectures in Medical Biology BMSC40007
- Postgraduate Seminar MUSI90055
- Postgraduate Seminar MUSI90092
- Poverty, Human Rights and Development LAWS70430
- Poverty, Microfinance and Development DEVT50002
- Power MULT10018
- Power Electronics ELEN90075
- Power System Analysis ELEN90060
- Power, Ideology and Inequality ANTH30005
- Practical Anatomy for Classical Voice MUSI20156
- Practical Archaeology ANCW30023
- Practical Chemistry 2 CHEM20019
- Practical Earth Science A GEOL90022
- Practical Earth Science B GEOL90023
- Practical Igneous Petrology GEOL90034
- Practical Music 1 MUSI10220
- Practical Music 2 MUSI10221
- Practical Music 3 MUSI20199
- Practical Music 4 MUSI20200
- Practical Music 5 MUSI30250
- Practical Music 6 MUSI30251
- Practical Study 1 MUSI40016
- Practical Study 2 MUSI40017
- Practice of Evaluation EDUC90847
- Practice of Public Health Leadership POPH90191
- Practice of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene POPH90253
- Practicum PUBL90012
- Praxis in Community Cultural Development CCDP60005
- Preclinical Dental Practice 1 DENT90059
- Preclinical Dental Practice 2 DENT90062
- Preclinical Dental Practice 3 DENT90068
- Preclinical Dental Practice 4 DENT90071
- Preclinical Optometry OPTO90024
- Preclinical Optometry Refresher OPTO90029
- Precontractual Liability LAWS90027
- Predictive Analytics MGMT90216
- Prefabrication in Building ABPL90325
- Presentation and Marketing FLTV30010
- Presenting Academic Discourse LING90002
- Preventative Youth Psychiatry PSYT90035
- Preventive Conservation CUMC90029
- Preventive Health Care GENP60002
- Primary Arts Education EDUC90372
- Primary Health Care Research Project GENP40001
- Primary Health Care Research Project GENP40000
- Primary Health Care and Global Health POPH90131
- Primary Health Care, Jamkhed, India POPH90137
- Primary Humanities Education EDUC90373
- Primary Mathematics Education 1 EDUC90368
- Primary Mathematics Education 1 EDUC90778
- Primary Mathematics Education 2 EDUC90773
- Primary Mathematics Education 2 EDUC90371
- Primary Mathematics Education 3 EDUC90776
- Primary Mathematics Education2 Extension EDUC90834
- Primary Mathematics Education3 Extension EDUC90835
- Prin. & Practices Int'l Humanitarian Law LAWS50103
- Principal Study 1.1 MUSI10098
- Principal Study 1.1 MUSI60015
- Principal Study 1.1 (Improvisation) MUSI10137
- Principal Study 1.2 MUSI10099
- Principal Study 1.2 MUSI60016
- Principal Study 1.2 ( Improvisation ) MUSI10120
- Principal Study 2.1 MUSI20029
- Principal Study 2.2 MUSI20030
- Principal Study 3.1 MUSI30085
- Principal Study 3.2 MUSI30086
- Principal Study 4.1 MUSI40040
- Principal Study 4.2 MUSI40044
- Principal Study B MUSI60011
- Principles of Business Law BLAW10001
- Principles of Clinical Practice 1 MEDS90002
- Principles of Clinical Practice 2 MEDS90004
- Principles of Clinical Practice 3 MEDS90020
- Principles of Clinical Practice 3 (Oslo) MEDS90028
- Principles of Construction Law LAWS70314
- Principles of Corporate Law LAWS70107
- Principles of Employment Law LAWS70371
- Principles of Finance FNCE90019
- Principles of Genetics GENE20001
- Principles of Heritage and Conservation ABPL90282
- Principles of Human Structure ANAT20006
- Principles of Immunology MIIM30002
- Principles of International Law LAWS70173
- Principles of Management MGMT10002
- Principles of Marketing MKTG10001
- Principles of Medicine & Surgery 1 VETS70017
- Principles of Medicine & Surgery 2 VETS70018
- Principles of Medicine & Surgery 3 VETS70019
- Principles of Microbiology & Immunology MIIM20001
- Principles of Natural Resources Law LAWS90043
- Principles of Neuroscience NEUR30003
- Principles of Physiology PHYS90007
- Principles of Positive Psychology EDUC90787
- Principles of Production Animal Health 1 VETS20017
- Principles of Production Animal Health 2 VETS20018
- Principles of Professional Practice VETS70007
- Principles of Property ABPL20031
- Principles of Property Valuation ABPL20004
- Principles of Psychological Assessment PSYC90030
- Principles of Public Law LAWS50024
- Principles of Social Research Design POPH90200
- Principles of Specialty 1 DENT90015
- Principles of Specialty 2 DENT90016
- Principles of Statistical Inference POPH90017
- Principles of Ultrasound Heart Scan MEDI90049
- Principles of Veterinary Bioscience 1 VETS70012
- Print Markets: Structures and Strategies PUBL90019
- Print Production and Design PUBL90010
- Printing, Collage and Social Engagement EDUC20077
- Privacy Law LAWS70082
- Privacy Law and Social Networks BLAW20002
- Privacy and Regulation of Surveillance LAWS90028
- Private Law: Theoretical Perspectives LAWS50124
- Private Studio Teaching MUSI30099
- Pro Tools MUSI30084
- Probability MAST20004
- Probability and Distribution Theory POPH90148
- Probability and Random Models ELEN90054
- Probability for Inference MAST30020
- Probability for Statistics MAST20006
- Problem Solving in Environmental Science EVSC90009
- Problem Solving in Environmental Science EVSC30002
- Problems in Greek Prehistory ANCW40007
- Process Dynamics And Control CHEN90032
- Process Engineering CHEN90013
- Process Engineering Case Studies CHEN30015
- Process Equipment Design CHEN90012
- Process and Practice DNCE70003
- Process and Practice 1 DNCE90007
- Process and Practice 2 DNCE90008
- Process and Practice 3 DNCE90009
- Procurement Methods ABPL90327
- Procurement and Logistics MGMT90123
- Prod & Public Safety, Trade & Economics VETS60002
- Producing and Creative Development FLTV70049
- Producing and the Creative Process FLTV70034
- Producing and the Industry FLTV70040
- Product Management MKTG90002
- Product Management MKTG30011
- Product Management BUSA90299
- Production DNCE60028
- Production Animal Health Applications VETS30028
- Production Animal Medicine and Surgery VETS70010
- Production Collaboration FLTV70038
- Productive Environments ENVS10011
- Prof Practice - Specific Learng Diff 1 EDUC90277
- Prof Practice Specific Learng Diff 2 EDUC90276
- Professional & Applied Ethics Internship PHIL90030
- Professional Communication MGMT90132
- Professional Communication MECM20012
- Professional Contexts (Early Years) EDUC90403
- Professional Ethics Thesis PHIL90018
- Professional IS Consulting ISYS90045
- Professional Issues and Practice AUDI90038
- Professional Pathway Investigation A THTR30030
- Professional Pathway Investigation B THTR30031
- Professional Perspectives FINA70008
- Professional Portfolio VETS90035
- Professional Portfolio EDUC90792
- Professional Portfolio EDUC90415
- Professional Practice FLTV90013
- Professional Practice & Seminar Prim 4 EDUC90771
- Professional Practice & Seminar Sec 1 EDUC90404
- Professional Practice & Seminar Sec 1a EDUC90411
- Professional Practice & Seminar Sec 2 EDUC90408
- Professional Practice & Seminar Sec 2a EDUC90412
- Professional Practice & Seminar Sec 3a EDUC90413
- Professional Practice & Seminar Sec 4a EDUC90414
- Professional Practice - S POPH90239
- Professional Practice 1 MUSI90154
- Professional Practice 2 MUSI90153
- Professional Practice 3 MUSI90195
- Professional Practice Investigation ABPL90264
- Professional Practice and Seminar (EC) 1 EDUC90703
- Professional Practice and Seminar (EC) 2 EDUC90707
- Professional Practice and Seminar (EC) 3 EDUC90709
- Professional Practice and Seminar (EY) EDUC90399
- Professional Practice and Seminar EC 4r EDUC90398
- Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 1 EDUC90364
- Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 1 EDUC90772
- Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 2 EDUC90369
- Professional Practice and Seminar Prim 3 EDUC90489
- Professional Practice for School Change EDUC90343
- Professional Practice in Ageing POPH90261
- Professional Practice in Context PAED90007
- Professional Practice in GIM MUSI90109
- Professional Practice in Policy PPMN90010
- Professional Practice in Tropical Health POPH90254
- Professional Practice-L POPH90228
- Professional Project (Composition) MUSI40069
- Professional Project (Ethnomusicology) MUSI40070
- Professional Project (Musicology) MUSI40071
- Professional Project (Performance) MUSI40066
- Professional Research Project MUSI90052
- Professional Transition MUSI30212
- Professional Veterinary Practice VETS40019
- Professional Veterinary Practice VETS40018
- Professional Veterinary Practice Part 1 VETS40022
- Professional Veterinary Practice Part 2 VETS40023
- Professional and Academic Communication EDUC90071
- Profile Building for Creatives THTR30041
- Program Analysis and Transformation COMP90053
- Program Planning and Evaluation SCWK90056
- Programming Language Implementation COMP90045
- Programming and Software Development COMP90041
- Project 1 DNCE90010
- Project 1: Image/Sound/Text/Performance MULT70001
- Project 2 DNCE90011
- Project 2: Journey to the Surface MULT70002
- Project 3 DNCE90012
- Project A DNCE70006
- Project A CCDP90011
- Project B DNCE70007
- Project B CCDP90014
- Project Evaluation ABPL90030
- Project Finance FNCE90048
- Project Finance LAWS70205
- Project Finance FNCE90030
- Project In Geoscience GEOL90024
- Project Management MGMT90128
- Project Management NRMT90021
- Project Management MGMT20003
- Project Management MGMT90031
- Project Management & Design DEVT90001
- Project Management Fundamentals MGMT90211
- Project Management Practices ENGM90007
- Project Management in Practice ABPL90025
- Project Management in Science SKIL90004
- Project Management in Science (MoE) MGMT90210
- Project Management in Theory ABPL90028
- Project Planning Studio ABPL30044
- Project Report EDUC40050
- Project in Anatomy ANAT90015
- Project in Anatomy ANAT90013
- Project in Anatomy ANAT90014
- Project in Anatomy ANAT90012
- Project in Biomedical & Health Sciences BIOM90003
- Project in Biomedical & Health Sciences BIOM90005
- Project in Biomedical & Health Sciences BIOM90004
- Project in Biomedical & Health Sciences BIOM90001
- Project in Biomedical Science BIOM90015
- Project in Biomedical Science BIOM90012
- Project in Biomedical Science BIOM90013
- Project in Biomedical Science BIOM90014
- Project in Clinical Education EDUC90838
- Project in Educational Leadership EDUC90148
- Project in Literacy Intervention EDUC90204
- Project in Neuroscience NEUR90017
- Project in Neuroscience NEUR90015
- Project in Neuroscience NEUR90018
- Project in Neuroscience NEUR90016
- Project on Teaching and Learning EDUC90517
- Project on Tertiary Teaching & Learning EDUC90735
- Project-based Policy Analysis PPMN90043
- Promoting Positive Behaviour EDUC90290
- Promoting Positive Learning EDUC90287
- Promoting Student Wellbeing EDUC90428
- Proof in Litigation LAWS70178
- Property LAWS50030
- Property Agency and Marketing (PG) ABPL90314
- Property Analysis Studio ABPL30045
- Property Case Studies ABPL30059
- Property Development ABPL90026
- Property Environments ENVS10010
- Property Industry Internship ABPL90364
- Property Investment ABPL90036
- Property Investment, Development Finance FNCE90049
- Property Law (PG) ABPL90041
- Property Management ABPL30012
- Property Markets and Valuations ABPL90274
- Property Research and Analysis ABPL90363
- Property Resource Analysis ABPL30006
- Property Resources and Management ABPL90275
- Property Securitisation ABPL90034
- Propulsion Systems MCEN90034
- Prosecuting the War on Terror LAWS70327
- Protected Area Management FRST20011
- Protein Structure and Function BCMB30001
- Psychiatric Research Project PSYT90093
- Psychiatry Research Project PSYT40005
- Psychiatry Research Project PSYT40006
- Psychiatry of Old Age PSYT90004
- Psychoanalysis and Social Theory SOTH30004
- Psychodynamic Therapy in Psychiatry PSYT90090
- Psychological Science: Theory & Practice PSYC30021
- Psychological Tests EDUC90225
- Psychology and Childhood Development DNCE60027
- Psychology of Health Problems PSYC90027
- Psychopharmacology NURS90012
- Psychopharmacology PSYT90061
- Psychopharmacology Coursework - AH/NH PSYT40007
- Psychosocial Aspects of Palliative Care NURS90074
- Psychosocial Interventions with Youth PSYT90044
- Psychosocial Perspectives on disorders PSYC90009
- Public Affairs Internship POLS30003
- Public Affairs Internship (Int.Students) POLS30002
- Public Budgets and Financial Management PPMN90033
- Public Economics ECON90027
- Public Economics ECON40011
- Public Health Genomics POPH90226
- Public Health Leadership and Management POPH90218
- Public Health in Practice POPH90227
- Public Interest Law Clinic LAWS50116
- Public International Law LAWS50041
- Public Management PPMN90006
- Public Policy & Management Thesis PPMN40005
- Public Policy Lobbying Strategies PPMN90031
- Public Policy Making POLS20008
- Public Policy in the Asian Century PPMN90030
- Public Private Partnerships Law LAWS70113
- Public Relations Management MKTG90003
- Public Relations and Communications MECM40006
- Public Sector Accounting and Reporting ACCT90035
- Public Sector Financial Management FNCE90014
- Public Transport Network Planning ABPL90090
- Public Trials LAWS30024
- Publics, Policy and Public Services PPMN90035
- Publishing Research Project PUBL90015
- Publishing and Communications Thesis PUBL90017
- Punishment and Social Control CRIM20006
- Puppets as Storytellers THTR20042
- Qualitative Methods for Evaluation EDUC90716
- Qualitative Research Methods CRIM40002
- Qualitative Research in Public Health POPH90231
- Quality Tertiary Teaching EDUC90732
- Quality Use of Medicines NURS90071
- Quality Within Transfusion Practice NURS90062
- Quality and Reliability MCEN90023
- Quality and Safety in Healthcare NURS90086
- Quant Analysis for Managerial Decisions MGMT90048
- Quantitative Analysis of Finance I ECON90033
- Quantitative Analysis of Finance II ECON90010
- Quantitative Environmental Modelling ENEN90031
- Quantitative Methods MULT90054
- Quantitative Methods 1 ECON10005
- Quantitative Methods 2 ECON20003
- Quantitative Methods for Business ECOM90009
- Quantitative Methods for Evaluation MAST90078
- Quantitative Methods for Psychology 2 PSYC20001
- Quantitative Methods in Language Studies LING90005
- Quantum Field Theory PHYC90008
- Quantum Mechanics PHYC90007
- Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity PHYC20010
- Quantum Physics PHYC30018
- Quantum Systems PHYC30020
- Quantum and Advanced Optics PHYC90006
- Quantum and Thermal Physics PHYC20012
- R&B, Soul & Gospel Choir MUSI20192
- R&B, Soul & Gospel Choir MUSI10198
- R&B, Soul & Gospel Choir MUSI30241
- Race and Gender: Philosophical Issues PHIL30052
- Race in America HIST30059
- Racial Literacy: Indigeneity & Whiteness AIND20009
- Racing Industry Law and Regulation LAWS70164
- Radiology RADI90004
- Radiology for Physiotherapists RADI90001
- Ragtime to Rap: Popular Music Since 1900 MUSI10119
- Ragtime to Rap: Popular Music since 1900 MUSI40093
- Random Matrix Theory MAST90103
- Random Processes MAST90019
- Reactivity and Mechanism CHEM30016
- Reactor Engineering CHEN30001
- Reading Anthropology ANTH40003
- Reading Educational Research EDUC90620
- Reading Japanese Literature JAPN10009
- Reading Japanese Literature JAPN20011
- Reading Japanese Literature JAPN30011
- Reading Texts in Social Theory SOTH90004
- Reading Texts: Selection to Response EDUC90683
- Reading Western Literature ENST10002
- Reading and Writing Philosophy PHIL40020
- Reading for Engagement and Comprehension EDUC90341
- Reading the Text MUSI90161
- Real Analysis MAST20026
- Real Estate Finance FNCE30005
- Realities and Fictions in Argentina SPAN20025
- Realities and Fictions in Argentina SPAN30020
- Reason MULT10016
- Reason and Revelation in Islam ISLM90011
- Rebels and Revolutionaries HIST20065
- Recent Advances in Separation Processes CHEN90036
- Recent European Philosophy PHIL40002
- Recital MUSI40061
- Recital 1 MUSI90100
- Recital 2 MUSI90101
- Recital 2 MUSI70014
- Recital 2 P/T MUSI90102
- Recorder Ensemble 1 MUSI20101
- Recorder Ensemble 1 MUSI30195
- Recruitment and Selection in Surgery MEDS90012
- Reflective Youth Mental Health Practice PSYT90071
- Refugee Law LAWS50101
- Regenerating Sustainability ABPL90272
- Regional Economics ECON30021
- Regional Integration: The Case of the EU LAWS70433
- Regolith Geoscience ERTH90031
- Regulating Infrastructure & Utilities LAWS70104
- Regulation of Biotechnology LAWS90003
- Regulation of Communications LAWS70182
- Regulation of Health Practitioners LAWS70401
- Regulation of Securities Markets LAWS70328
- Regulation of Securities Offerings LAWS70194
- Regulatory Policy and Practice LAWS70460
- Rehabilitation Activity and Exercise REHB90002
- Rehabilitation for Paediatrics REHB90005
- Rehabilitation for Women's Health REHB90006
- Rehabilitation in the Acute Setting REHB90004
- Reimagining Human Rights Law LAWS90049
- Related Studies Drawing & Printmedia FINA10039
- Related Studies Painting FINA10028
- Related Studies Photography FINA10030
- Related Studies Sculpture & Spatial Prac FINA10031
- Relating Health and Learning EDUC20073
- Relationship Skills for Educators 1 EDUC90628
- Relationship Skills for Educators 2 EDUC90630
- Remaking the Body UNIB20015
- Remedies LAWS50036
- Remedies in Commercial Law LAWS70402
- Remedies in the Construction Context LAWS70112
- Remote Sensing GEOM90005
- Renaissance Art in Florence and Venice AHIS20011
- Renaissance Drama ENGL40024
- Renewable Energy SCIE90014
- Representation MULT10017
- Representation Theory MAST90017
- Representation and Advocacy MECM90016
- Representing and Remembering Place (PG) ABPL90241
- Reproductive Physiology BIOL30001
- Research Design 1 DENT90011
- Research Design 1 DENT90031
- Research Design 2 DENT90012
- Research Design 2 DENT90032
- Research Dissertation: Minor Thesis PAED90023
- Research Essay MUSI90185
- Research Evaluation MGMT90183
- Research Methodology CLRS90001
- Research Methodology EDUC90070
- Research Methodology in L2 Education EDUC90745
- Research Methods MUSI40083
- Research Methods CHEN90034
- Research Methods EDUC90220
- Research Methods FINA90002
- Research Methods ACCT90022
- Research Methods COMP90044
- Research Methods & Ultrasound Literature MEDI90083
- Research Methods (Animation) FLTV40005
- Research Methods (Dance) DNCE40005
- Research Methods (Film and Television) FLTV40008
- Research Methods (Music Theatre) THTR40006
- Research Methods (Production) THTR40009
- Research Methods (Screenwriting) FLTV40011
- Research Methods (Theatre Practice) DRAM40001
- Research Methods (Visual Art) FINA40004
- Research Methods 1 DNCE60030
- Research Methods 2 DNCE70005
- Research Methods For Life Sciences AGRI90075
- Research Methods for Development DEVT90041
- Research Methods for Human Inquiry PSYC30013
- Research Methods for Life Science AGRI20028
- Research Methods in Finance FNCE40004
- Research Methods in Information Systems ISYS90031
- Research Methods in Mgmt & Mktg MGMT90035
- Research Methods in Psychiatry PSYT90010
- Research Methods in Surgical Education MEDS90011
- Research Paper MUSI90119
- Research Paper MUSI40084
- Research Paper (Animation) FLTV40006
- Research Paper (Dance) DNCE40006
- Research Paper (Film and Television) FLTV40009
- Research Paper (Music Theatre) THTR40007
- Research Paper (Production) THTR40010
- Research Paper (Screenwriting) FLTV40012
- Research Paper (Theatre Practice) DRAM40002
- Research Paper (Visual Art) FINA40005
- Research Philosophies & Statistics MAST90008
- Research Philosophies and Statistics MAST40001
- Research Practicum in Construction ABPL90359
- Research Principles and Practices MULT50001
- Research Project ERTH90023
- Research Project EDUC90738
- Research Project EDUC90219
- Research Project ERTH90025
- Research Project ERTH90024
- Research Project MAST90048
- Research Project CCDP70006
- Research Project ERTH90022
- Research Project EDUC90558
- Research Project MGMT90101
- Research Project CCDP60007
- Research Project MAST90047
- Research Project MAST90046
- Research Project MAST90042
- Research Project MEDI40003
- Research Project MEDI90019
- Research Project PHYC90021
- Research Project PHYC90022
- Research Project EDUC90420
- Research Project DNCE40002
- Research Project DENT40009
- Research Project MEDI40012
- Research Project PHYC90023
- Research Project PHYC90024
- Research Project PSYC40010
- Research Project (GCCL) A LAWS90068
- Research Project (GCCL) B LAWS90073
- Research Project (Music Theatre) PERF70001
- Research Project (Study Abroad) PSYC40008
- Research Project - Master Epidemiology POPH90113
- Research Project 1 DENT90033
- Research Project 1 DENT90045
- Research Project 2 DENT90046
- Research Project 2 DENT90034
- Research Project CCD CCDP90001
- Research Project Dance DNCE90002
- Research Project FTV FLTV90002
- Research Project IAP MULT90029
- Research Project In Geoscience GEOL90025
- Research Project In Public Health - L POPH90265
- Research Project J&I / IC MUSI90180
- Research Project Part A MAST90075
- Research Project Part B MAST90076
- Research Project Part C MAST90077
- Research Project Prod THTR90004
- Research Project Thtr THTR90003
- Research Project VisAr FINA90005
- Research Project in Ageing POPH90262
- Research Project in Ecosystem Sci Part 1 EVSC90027
- Research Project in Ecosystem Sci Part 2 EVSC90028
- Research Project in Ecosystem Sci Part 3 EVSC90029
- Research Project in Ecosystem Sci Part 4 EVSC90030
- Research Project in L2 Education EDUC90746
- Research Project in Primary Health Care GENP90001
- Research Project in Public Health - S POPH90255
- Research Proposal PSYC90003
- Research Proposal EDUC90253
- Research Proposal 1 DENT90013
- Research Proposal 2 DENT90014
- Research Report MGMT90133
- Research Report (Finance) FNCE90009
- Research Seminar FINA90003
- Research Studies in Optometry OPTO90031
- Research Studies in Vision and Optometry OPTO90025
- Research Thesis - Property ABPL90362
- Research and Criminal Justice Governance CRIM90011
- Research and Design Practices THTR70012
- Research and Evidence 1 PHTY90094
- Research and Evidence 2 PHTY90101
- Research and Evidence 3 PHTY90109
- Research and New Performance Writing THTR70006
- Research for Hearing and Speech Sciences AUDI90002
- Research in Ancient World Studies ANCW40014
- Research in Applied Linguistics LING90003
- Research in Auditing ACCT40003
- Research in Classics CLAS40033
- Research in Clinical Education EDUC90802
- Research in Construction ABPL90358
- Research in Contemporary Jewish Studies JEWI30005
- Research in Development DEVT90048
- Research in Financial Accounting ACCT40001
- Research in Italian Studies ITAL40009
- Research in Management Accounting ACCT40002
- Research in Music Therapy MUSI90037
- Research in Practice NURS90103
- Research, Evidence and Ethics in Health PHTY90075
- Research-Based Physiology PHYS20009
- Researching Audiences and Reception MECM40003
- Researching Education Practice (Primary) EDUC90833
- Researching Education Practice (SEC) EDUC90758
- Researching Education Practice EC/EY EDUC90748
- Researching Education Practice Prim A EDUC90768
- Researching Education Practice Prim B EDUC90770
- Researching Ideas MULT90036
- Researching Images MULT90035
- Researching Language MULT90039
- Researching Leadership Practice EDUC90752
- Researching Media and Culture MULT90037
- Researching Politics and Policy MULT90038
- Researching Social Work Practice 1 SCWK50001
- Researching Social Work Practice 2 SCWK90058
- Researching Society and Culture MULT90034
- Researching Texts MULT90033
- Researching the Past MULT90032
- Researching/Writing Stories JOUR90001
- Reshaping Environments ENVS10002
- Residential Construction Law LAWS70329
- Residential Construction and Structures ABPL20042
- Resilient Leadership BUSA90516
- Resources Joint Ventures LAWS70210
- Responsibilities and Ethics CLRS90013
- Restitution LAWS70148
- Retail Management MKTG30006
- Retail Management MKTG90001
- Rethinking Rights and Global Development GEND90007
- Rethinking the Body UNIB20010
- Rethinking the Creative City CCDP70005
- Reverberations of Terror: 1789-1900 ENGL20025
- Rhythmic Devices - Non Specific Genres MUSI30100
- Riemann Surfaces and Complex Analysis MAST90056
- Riffs: Guitar Cultures & Practice 1 MUSI10017
- Riffs: Guitar Cultures & Practice 2 MUSI20196
- Rising China in the Globalised World INTS90007
- Risk Management BUSA90315
- Risk Management and Public Participation GEOG90020
- Risk Management and Regulation FNCE90022
- Risk Management in Tertiary Education MGMT90220
- Risk Strategies FNCE40005
- Risk Theory I ACTL40002
- Risk Theory II ACTL40003
- Risk in Construction ABPL90035
- River Ecology & Ecosystem Management GEOG30022
- Robin Boyd Studio ABPL90354
- Robotics and Automation Systems MCEN90028
- Rock Music: From Roots to Retro MUSI10219
- Rock to Rave CULS20015
- Rock, Pop & Resistance SPAN30012
- Rock, Pop & Resistance SPAN20016
- Roles and Processes in Art Department FLTV90010
- Romancing the Medieval ENGL30046
- Romanticism and Modernity ENGL40007
- Romanticism to Decadence: French Novels FREN30005
- Romanticism to Decadence: French Novels FREN20003
- Romanticism, Feminism, Revolution ENGL20020
- Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries LAWS70037
- Rule of Law in Asia LAWS70434
- Rural Critical Care Nursing 1 NURS90083
- Rural Critical Care Nursing 2 NURS90089
- Rural Critical Care Nursing Practice NURS90095
- Rural Paediatric Practice PAED90025
- Rural Paediatric Theory and Context PAED90024
- Russian 1 RUSS10001
- Russian 2 RUSS10002
- Russian 3 RUSS20004
- Russian 4 RUSS20005
- Russian 5 RUSS30001
- Russian 5 RUSS20006
- Russian 6 RUSS20007
- Russian 6 RUSS30002
- Russian Culture Through Film RUSS30005
- Russian Language & Culture 4A RUSS40006
- Russian Language & Culture 4B RUSS40007
- Russian Thesis RUSS40008
- Safety, Environment and Design CHEN90037
- Samba Band MUSI30242
- Samba Band MUSI20163
- Samba Band MUSI10200
- Same-Sex Desire: From God to Genes UNIB20016
- Satellite Positioning Systems GEOM90033
- Say What: Reading Dialogue CWRI40012
- Scheduling and Optimisation MAST90050
- Schemes of Arrangement LAWS70316
- Scholarly Selective 1 MEDS90021
- Scholarly Selective 2 MEDS90026
- School Effectiveness and Improvement EDUC90126
- School Experience as Breadth EDUC20080
- School Experience: International EDUC10043
- School of Rock and Informal Education EDUC10058
- Science Communication SCIE90012
- Science Informatics in Practice SINF30008
- Science Research Project SCIE30001
- Science and Mathematics in EC EDUC90391
- Science and Pseudoscience HPSC10002
- Science and Society HPSC30023
- Science and Technology Education EDUC90376
- Science and Technology Internship SCIE30002
- Science and Technology Internship SCIE90017
- Science and Technology in Practice EDUC90860
- Science in Context SCIE90004
- Science in Schools EDUC90839
- Science in the Integrated Curriculum EDUC90794
- Science, Controversy and Public Policy HPSC90013
- Science, Reason and Reality PHIL20001
- Science, Technology & Innovation Policy MGMT90184
- Science: A Study of Life and Environment SCIE10001
- Science: Supporting Health and Wellbeing SCIE10003
- Science: Systems, Technology and Design SCIE10002
- Scientists,Communication & the Workplace SCIE90006
- Screen & Cultural Studies Thesis SCRN40016
- Screen Adaptation FLTV30015
- Screen Culture and Aesthetics 1 FLTV10009
- Screen Culture and Aesthetics 2 FLTV20010
- Screen Culture and Aesthetics 3 FLTV30011
- Screen Design Projects A FLTV90014
- Screen Design Projects B FLTV90016
- Screen Language 1A FLTV70016
- Screen Language 1B FLTV70019
- Screen Language 2 FLTV90017
- Screen Language 2B FLTV70027
- Screen Media and Mediated Experiences SCRN40009
- Screen Practice 1A FLTV10006
- Screen Practice 1B FLTV10008
- Screen Practice 2A FLTV20006
- Screen Practice 2B FLTV20009
- Screen Practice 3 FLTV30012
- Screen Studies Thesis SCRN40015
- Screen Theory SCRN90009
- Screen and Cultural Studies Thesis SCRN40014
- Screening Europe: Image and Identity EURO30004
- Screening Europe: Image and Identity EURO20005
- Screenwriting 1 FLTV10007
- Screenwriting 2 FLTV20008
- Screenwriting 2 FLTV20001
- Screenwriting Business FLTV30017
- Screenwriting Practices 1A FLTV10012
- Screenwriting Practices 1B FLTV10015
- Screenwriting Practices 2A FLTV20012
- Screenwriting Practices 2B FLTV20017
- Screenwriting Practices 3 FLTV30014
- Screenwriting and Creative Development FLTV70036
- Script Development Hothouse FLTV70046
- Scripts for Contemporary Theatre CWRI20010
- Scriptwriting 1 FLTV70017
- Scriptwriting 2 FLTV70026
- Second Instrument / Vocal Study 1 MUSI90155
- Second Instrument / Vocal Study 2 MUSI90152
- Second Language Acquisition LING90012
- Second Language Acquisition and Teaching EDUC90631
- Second Language Assessment EDUC90104
- Second Language Learning and Teaching LING20003
- Second Language Pragmatics LING90034
- Second Language Teaching Methodology EDUC90048
- Second Language Writing LING90020
- Securing Sufficient and Healthy Food FOOD90024
- Sedimentary Geology GEOL30003
- Seeing: The Whole Picture UNIB10004
- Selection & Interpretation of Lab Tests VETS50003
- Semantics LING30007
- Seminar in Economics and Commerce A ECON10002
- Seminar in Languages 1 LANG40003
- Seminar in Languages 2 LANG40004
- Seminars in Anatomy and Neuroscience ANAT40002
- Seminars in Descriptive Linguistics LING40009
- Seminars in Languages and Linguistics A EURO40002
- Seminars in Languages and Linguistics B EURO40003
- Seminars in Theoretical Linguistics LING40004
- Seminars in Translational Medicine MEDI40004
- Sensation Movement and Complex Functions NEUR30004
- Sensor Networks and Applications COMP90017
- Sensor Systems MCEN90032
- Sensorium: Perceptual Ecologies PHIL70003
- Sensory Analysis and Practice FOOD90028
- Service Management MKTG90007
- Service Management and Innovation ISYS90087
- Service and Relationship Marketing MKTG30003
- Sex and Gender Present and Future GEND20008
- Sex, Death and the Ecstatic in Music MUSI30015
- Sex, Death and the Ecstatic in Music MUSI40058
- Sex, Gender and Culture: An Introduction GEND10001
- Sex, Gender and Power GEND20001
- Sex, Gender and the Case Study GEND90010
- Sex, Race, Species and Social Justice UNIB30007
- Sex: Science and the Community UNIB30004
- Sexing the Canvas: Art and Gender GEND20006
- Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict LAWS70461
- Sexual and Reproductive Health POPH90069
- Sexually Transmissible Infections POPH90068
- Shakespeare and Dramatic Pedagogy EDUC90496
- Shakespeare in Classroom and Community EDUC90495
- Shakespeare in Performance ENGL20033
- Shakuhachi 1 MUSI20104
- Shakuhachi 2 MUSI20105
- Shakuhachi Ensemble 1 MUSI30139
- Shaping the Enterprise with ICT ISYS20006
- Shaping the Landscape ABPL90271
- Shareholders' Rights and Remedies LAWS70193
- Shenzen/Hong Kong Biennale ABPL90391
- Shifting Paradigms in Ageing POPH90273
- Short Fiction CWRI20002
- Short Research Project HORT90047
- Short Research Project B FRST90076
- Shorter Applied Ethics Thesis PHIL90016
- Shorter Thesis - Applied Linguistics LING70002
- Shorter Thesis - Applied Philosophy PHIL70004
- Shorter Thesis - Art History AHIS70001
- Shorter Thesis - Australian Studies AUST70001
- Shorter Thesis - Gender Studies GEND70001
- Shorter Thesis - HPS HPSC70001
- Shorter Thesis - History HIST70002
- Shorter Thesis - International Justice INTS70001
- Shorter Thesis - International Politics POLS70002
- Shorter Thesis - Linguistics LING70003
- Shorter Thesis - Media & Communications MECM70001
- Shorter Thesis - Philosophy PHIL70005
- Shorter Thesis - Policy Studies PPMN70001
- Shorter Thesis - Social Theory SOTH70002
- Sign and Symbols in Japanese JAPN30010
- Sign and Symbols in Japanese JAPN20009
- Signal Processing ELEN90058
- Signalling and Network Management ELEN90008
- Signals and Systems ELEN30012
- Significant Issues in Women's Health GENP60001
- Silviculture & Forest Dynamics FRST90020
- Simulation Exercise VETS50015
- Simulation Of Mechatronic Systems MCEN90027
- Simulation in Surgical Education MEDS90015
- Singing 1 MUSI10177
- Singing 2 MUSI10178
- Site Tectonics ABPL20047
- Small Business Management DNCE60041
- Social & Professional Contexts (Prim) EDUC90375
- Social Differences and Inequalities SOCI30010
- Social Enterprise Incubator MULT90059
- Social Entrepreneur Consulting Practicum BUSA90517
- Social Entrepreneurship MGMT90165
- Social Impact Assessment and Evaluation ENST90002
- Social Inclusion Policy and Practice SOTH90006
- Social Inclusion, Politics, Recognition SOTH90005
- Social Media and Change MECM90019
- Social Policy and Development POLS40017
- Social Policy for Social Work Practice SCWK90065
- Social Policy: Special Topics PPMN90003
- Social Problems in Japan JAPN30002
- Social Research Design and Evaluation SOCI90005
- Social Research Methods NRMT40005
- Social Research Methods NRMT90003
- Social Research and Reflexive Writing ARTS90002
- Social Responsibility and Ethics BUSA90481
- Social Science Research Seminar POLS40013
- Social Technologies HPSC20010
- Social Theory Thesis SOLS90002
- Social Theory Thesis SOTH40004
- Social Theory and Political Analysis SOTH20003
- Social Work Practice: Health SCWK90031
- Social Work Practice: Indigenous Peoples SCWK90063
- Social Work Practice: Mental Health SCWK90038
- Social Work Theory and Practice SCWK90066
- Social Work Thesis SCWK90052
- Social and Emotional Development PSYC30016
- Social and Professional Contexts EDUC90774
- Social and Professional Contexts (Sec) EDUC90406
- Societal Issues and Personal Genomics POPH30002
- Society and Environments GEOG20001
- Society and Health 1A ORAL10001
- Society and Health 1B ORAL10002
- Society, Politics, and the Sacred ANTH30003
- Socio-Economic Development DEVT90045
- Socio-Legal Studies Thesis SOLS40001
- SocioEnvironmentalContext of Adolescents POPH90172
- Sociolinguistics and Language Learning LING90018
- Sociology Internship SOCI30005
- Sociology Thesis SOCI40002
- Sociology Thesis SOCI40005
- Sociology of Childhood (EC) EDUC90842
- Sociology of Culture SOCI20016
- Sociology of Science and Technology HPSC40017
- Sociology of Work and Occupations SOCI10002
- Sociology of Youth SOCI20014
- Soft Matter Engineering BMEN90012
- Soft Tissue and Cellular Biomechanics BMEN90029
- Software Design and Architecture SWEN90007
- Software Engineering Project SWEN30004
- Software Modelling and Design SWEN30006
- Software Requirements Analysis SWEN90009
- Software Systems Project SWEN30007
- Software Testing and Reliability SWEN90006
- Soil Science and Management AGRI90066
- Soil and Water Resources EVSC20002
- Soils and Growing Media HORT10014
- Solar Energy ENEN90033
- Solid Mechanics MCEN90026
- Solid Wastes to Sustainable Resources ENEN90006
- Sovereignty, Justice, Indigenous Peoples CRIM90008
- Spanish & Latin American Studies Thesis SPAN40006
- Spanish 1 SPAN10001
- Spanish 2 SPAN10002
- Spanish 3 SPAN10003
- Spanish 3 SPAN20002
- Spanish 4 SPAN20003
- Spanish 4 SPAN10004
- Spanish 5 SPAN30014
- Spanish 5 SPAN10007
- Spanish 5 SPAN20018
- Spanish 6 SPAN10008
- Spanish 6 SPAN30015
- Spanish 6 SPAN20019
- Spanish 7 SPAN20022
- Spanish 7 SPAN30016
- Spanish Honours Language Seminar 1 SPAN40002
- Spanish Honours Language Seminar 2 SPAN40003
- Spanish in a Global World SPAN90002
- Spatial Analysis GEOM90006
- Spatial Data Infrastructure GEOM90015
- Spatial Databases GEOM90018
- Spatial IT Project GEOM90043
- Spatial Industry Internship GEOM90017
- Spatial Information Programming GEOM90042
- Spatial Information Research Project GEOM90020
- Spatial Information Research Project A GEOM90010
- Spatial Information Research Project B GEOM90023
- Spatial Information Research Project C GEOM90013
- Spatial Information Research Project D GEOM90031
- Spatial Visualisation GEOM90007
- Spatial& Political Architectures of Asia ABPL90276
- Special Internship (Primary) EDUC90693
- Special Issues in Tax Treaties LAWS90050
- Special Reading Topics in Economics ECON90052
- Special Reading Topics in Economics 2 ECON90054
- Special Relativity and Electromagnetism PHYC20015
- Special Research Subject A MULT40008
- Special Research Topics MULT40007
- Special Studies AGRI30022
- Special Studies CVEN90041
- Special Studies in Viticulture/Oenology AGRI90034
- Special Study DNCE30002
- Special Study MUSI40056
- Special Study Research Project ANCW30001
- Special Study in Journalism JOUR90007
- Special Topics B International Relations POLS90046
- Special Topics in Accounting ACCT90011
- Special Topics in Accounting ACCT30007
- Special Topics in Adv. Econometrics 2 ECOM90015
- Special Topics in Advanced Econometrics ECOM90006
- Special Topics in Economics 1 ECON90066
- Special Topics in Economics 2 ECON90067
- Special Topics in Finance A FNCE90043
- Special Topics in Finance B FNCE90044
- Special Topics in Finance C FNCE90066
- Special Topics in Finance D FNCE90067
- Special Topics in Management BUSA90322
- Special Topics in Psychiatry PSYT90094
- Special Topics: International Relations POLS90031
- Specialised Construction Procurement Law LAWS70436
- Specialised Topics in Chemistry A CHEM30017
- Specialised Topics in Chemistry B CHEM30014
- Specialised Translation TRAN90003
- Specialist Contracting ABPL90333
- Specialist Dental Practice 1 DENT90083
- Specialist Dental Practice 2 DENT90075
- Specialist Related Studies 1.1 MUSI10100
- Specialist Related Studies 1.2 MUSI10101
- Specialist Related Studies 2.1 MUSI20031
- Specialist Related Studies 2.2 MUSI20032
- Specialist Related Studies 3.1 MUSI30087
- Specialist Related Studies 3.2 MUSI30088
- Speculative Systems ABPL90147
- Speech Disorders Across the Lifespan AUDI90031
- Speech Pathology Practice 1 AUDI90032
- Speech Pathology Practice 2 AUDI90033
- Speech Pathology Practice 3 AUDI90039
- Speech and Language Disorders - Advanced AUDI90035
- Spontaneous Drama:Improv and Communities EDUC10053
- Sport and Taxation LAWS70332
- Sport, Commerce and the Law LAWS70059
- Sport, Education and the Media EDUC20068
- Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice EDUC10051
- Sports Dispute Resolution LAWS70376
- Sports Economics ECON20011
- Sports Integrity and Investigations LAWS70462
- Sports Law LAWS50119
- Sports Law: Entities and Governance LAWS70166
- Sports Marketing and Media Law LAWS70275
- Sports Medical and Anti-Doping Law LAWS70163
- Sports and Competition Law LAWS70437
- Sports and Manual Therapy PHTY90112
- Stage Management Techniques 1 THTR10018
- Stage Management Techniques 2A THTR20030
- Stage Management Techniques 2B THTR20034
- Stagecraft for Singers MUSI30120
- Stakeholders and Internal Influence MGMT90218
- Standards in Commercial Dealings LAWS70438
- State Taxes and Duties LAWS70130
- Statehood in International Law LAWS70403
- Statistical Genomics MAST30033
- Statistical Machine Learning COMP90051
- Statistical Mechanics PHYC90010
- Statistical Modelling MAST90084
- Statistical Physics PHYC30017
- Statistical Signal Processing ELEN90079
- Statistical Techniques in Insurance ACTL90008
- Statistics MAST20005
- Statistics for Bioinformatics BINF90001
- Statistics for Research Workers MAST90007
- Statistics in Climate Dynamics ATOC90010
- Statutes in the 21st Century LAWS70404
- Statutory Valuation (PG) ABPL90045
- Stem Cells in Development & Regeneration CEDB30004
- Still Life: Nature Morte FINA10035
- Stochastic Calculus with Applications MAST90059
- Stochastic Modelling MAST30001
- Story and the Arts EDUC20063
- Storytelling Workshop FLTV70041
- Strategic Awareness and Business Acumen MGMT90212
- Strategic Brand Leadership MKTG90021
- Strategic Communications and Engagement MULT90031
- Strategic Cost Management BUSA90184
- Strategic Cost Management ACCT90009
- Strategic Financial Analysis BUSA90475
- Strategic Human Resource Management MGMT90213
- Strategic Human Resources MGMT90010
- Strategic Management MGMT90146
- Strategic Management MGMT30013
- Strategic Management Accounting ACCT90006
- Strategic Marketing MKTG20008
- Strategic Performance Management ACCT90010
- Strategic Plan Making ABPL90131
- Strategic Political Communication MECM90010
- Strategies for Teaching Balinese Music MUSI90143
- Strategy & Planning in Higher Education EDUC90519
- Strategy Execution for Engineers ENGM90013
- Strategy, Ethics & Governance MGMT90049
- Stravinsky and Music of the 20th Century MUSI40021
- Stravinsky and Music of the 20th Century MUSI20158
- Stream Computing and Applications COMP90056
- Street Art CCDP20001
- Street Finance FNCE30008
- Street Law LAWS50102
- Stress Physiology DASC90007
- String Ensemble 1 MUSI20091
- String Ensemble 1 MUSI30183
- String Ensemble 1 MUSI10068
- String Ensemble 2 MUSI20092
- String Ensemble 2 MUSI10069
- String Ensemble 2 MUSI30184
- Structural Dynamics and Modelling CVEN90018
- Structural Editing PUBL90001
- Structural Environments ENVS10009
- Structural Theory and Design CVEN30009
- Structural Theory and Design 2 CVEN90049
- Structural Theory and Design 3 CVEN90035
- Structural and Metamorphic Geology GEOL20002
- Structure & Function of Control Centres VETS50011
- Structure and Agency in Everyday Life ANTH90005
- Structure of Aboriginal Languages LING40005
- Structures and Construction Systems ABPL30046
- Student Conference 1 MEDS90003
- Student Conference 2 MEDS90005
- Student Conference 3 MEDS90022
- Student Conference 4 MEDS90024
- Student Wellbeing: Current Approaches EDUC90258
- Studies In Opera MUSI40054
- Studies In Opera MUSI30045
- Studies in Building Cultures and Markets ABPL90311
- Studies in Business Information Systems BISY40002
- Studies in Empirical Finance FNCE90007
- Studies in Ethnomusicology 1 MUSI90006
- Studies in Ethnomusicology 2 MUSI90026
- Studies in Musicology 1 MUSI90018
- Studies in Musicology 2 MUSI90019
- Studies in Screen FLTV90006
- Studio Materials and Methods A FINA60008
- Studio Materials and Methods B FINA60010
- Studio Options 1 FINA20028
- Studio Options 2 FINA20031
- Studio Practice 1 FINA70006
- Studio Practice 2 FINA70009
- Studio Project FINA70011
- Studio Project and Research Paper FINA40001
- Studio Recording and Technology MUSI30101
- Studio Studies 1 FINA10025
- Studio Studies 2 FINA10034
- Studio Studies 3 FINA20027
- Studio Studies 4 FINA20030
- Studio Studies 5 FINA30001
- Studio Studies 6 FINA30002
- Studio Teaching 1 MUSI90192
- Studio Teaching 2 MUSI90193
- Study Design in Clinical Research CLRS90011
- Studying Contemporary Art Abroad AHIS30002
- Studying Contemporary Art Overseas AHIS40022
- Sub-atomic Physics PHYC30011
- Substance Use Disorders PSYT90059
- Success and Failure at School EDUC90634
- Sufism: The Spiritual Dimension of Islam ISLM20016
- Superannuation Law LAWS70036
- Supervised Field Placement 1A SCWK90048
- Supervised Field Placement 1B SCWK90049
- Supervised Field Placement 2A SCWK90050
- Supervised Field Placement 2B SCWK90051
- Supervised Observation (Second Language) EDUC90096
- Supervised Reading (Asia Institute) MULT90002
- Supervised Teaching (Second Language) EDUC90050
- Supply Chain Analysis MGMT90122
- Supply Chain Management MGMT30011
- Supply Chain Management MGMT90026
- Supply Chain Management BUSA90341
- Supply Chain Management Project MGMT90177
- Supply Chain Strategy MGMT90125
- Supply Chains in Construction ABPL90309
- Supporting EAL Students EDUC90678
- Surgery and Biomedicine Research Project SURG40001
- Surgery and Biomedicine Research Project SURG40005
- Surgical Anatomy ANAT90008
- Surveying and Mapping GEOM20015
- Survival Analysis POPH90122
- Survival Analysis & Regression for Rates POPH90145
- Sustainability Accounting ACCT90031
- Sustainability Business Clinic LAWS50126
- Sustainability Governance and Leadership MULT90004
- Sustainability and Behaviour Change ENST90032
- Sustainability and Environmental Ethics PHIL90029
- Sustainability in Developing Communities MULT10013
- Sustainable Buildings ENEN90014
- Sustainable Business Practices MGMT90208
- Sustainable Development GEOG30019
- Sustainable Food Production FOOD90034
- Sustainable Food Systems AGRI20003
- Sustainable Food: Policy and Practice FOOD90033
- Sustainable Forest Management FRST90021
- Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering CVEN90043
- Sustainable Landscapes NRMT90014
- Sustainable TE Leadership and Governance MGMT90221
- Sustainable Transport and Public Policy ABPL90056
- Sustainable Tropical Housing ABPL90152
- Sustainable Urban Construction Law LAWS90029
- Sustainable Water Resources Systems CVEN90019
- Suzuki Practicum MUSI90158
- Swallowing and Voice AUDI90028
- Symbolism in Guided Imagery and Music MUSI90107
- Symphonic Wind Ensemble MUSI30102
- Symphonic Wind Ensemble 1 MUSI20124
- Symphonic Wind Ensemble 2 MUSI20123
- Symphony Orchestra 1 MUSI30185
- Symphony Orchestra 1 MUSI10060
- Symphony Orchestra 1 MUSI20093
- Symphony Orchestra 2 MUSI30186
- Symphony Orchestra 2 MUSI20094
- Symphony Orchestra 2 MUSI10061
- Syntax LING20006
- Systems Biology BIOL10006
- Systems Modelling and Analysis MCEN30020
- Systems Modelling and Design CVEN30010
- Systems Modelling and Simulation MAST90045
- Systems for Global Health POPH90238
- TDM International Negotiation ECON20010
- TDM: Enterprise & Business in the World IBUS20005
- TESOL in the Primary Classroom EDUC90503
- Taiwan & Beyond: Chinese Settler Culture CHIN30002
- Taming Business? Crime, Law and Politics CRIM90004
- Tax Avoidance and Planning LAWS70005
- Tax Law Research LAWS70440
- Tax Litigation LAWS70266
- Tax Policy LAWS70319
- Tax Practice: Writing Effectively LAWS70318
- Tax Treaties LAWS70146
- Tax and Crime LAWS90030
- Tax of Business and Investment Income LAWS70002
- Taxation Law I BLAW30002
- Taxation Law II BLAW30003
- Taxation Law and Policy LAWS50046
- Taxation for Business Decision Making ACCT90016
- Taxation of Financial Investments LAWS70212
- Taxation of Major Projects LAWS90031
- Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions LAWS70331
- Taxation of Small and Medium Enterprises LAWS70049
- Taxation of Superannuation LAWS70267
- Taxation of Trusts LAWS70333
- Teaching Algebra EDUC90669
- Teaching Aural Musicianship MUSI90012
- Teaching Chinese in Primary School EDUC90699
- Teaching English Internationally EDUC90101
- Teaching Functions and Calculus EDUC90666
- Teaching Global Perspectives EDUC90727
- Teaching Measurement and Geometry EDUC90667
- Teaching Number EDUC90670
- Teaching Observation and Practice DNCE60012
- Teaching Popular Music MUSI90048
- Teaching Professionalism in Surgery MEDS90013
- Teaching Shakespeare EDUC90494
- Teaching Statistics and Probability EDUC90668
- Teaching Statistics and Probability EDUC90663
- Teaching Surgical Science MEDS90016
- Teaching and Artistic Practice EDUC90607
- Teaching and Professional Practice 4b EDUC40054
- Teaching both Student and Curriculum EDUC90612
- Teaching for a Sustainable World EDUC90492
- Teaching in Practice EDUC90001
- Technical Analysis and Trading FNCE90032
- Technical Art History and Fraud UNIB20004
- Technical Examination and Documentation CUMC90032
- Technical Writing and Editing PUBL90005
- Techniques A (Design) THTR60009
- Techniques A (Lighting) THTR60015
- Techniques A (Production Management) THTR60013
- Techniques A (Puppetry) THTR60007
- Techniques A (Sound) THTR60011
- Techniques B (Design) THTR60010
- Techniques B (Lighting) THTR60016
- Techniques B (Production Management) THTR60014
- Techniques B (Puppetry) THTR60008
- Techniques B (Sound) THTR60012
- Techniques for Investigation of Disease PATH30002
- Techniques in Immunology MIIM30015
- Techniques in Microbiology MIIM30016
- Techniques in Molecular Science BCMB20005
- Techniques in Operations Research MAST30013
- Technological Innovation ABPL90326
- Technology & Contemporary Life HPSC20009
- Technology Culture Education Online EDUC90589
- Technology and Ageing POPH90263
- Technology and Language Learning LING90006
- Tectonic Grounds ABPL90378
- Tectonics & Geodynamics GEOL30002
- Television, Lifestyle & Consumer Culture CULS20014
- Terror, Law and War CRIM90015
- Terrorism and Insurgency POLS90050
- Terrorism: Shifting Paradigms SOCI20007
- Tertiary Education Policy and Management MGMT90113
- Tertiary Teaching in Practice EDUC90733
- Text in Action PERF90003
- Text, Time and Space VISM90001
- Textual Resources Across the Curriculum EDUC90681
- Textual Revelations AIND40005
- The Actors Process THTR10007
- The Age of Alexander the Great ANCW30016
- The Architecture of Wishful Thinking ABPL90124
- The Art & Practice of the Personal Essay MULT90044
- The Art of Game Music MUSI20173
- The Art of Narrative Practice SCWK90062
- The Artist as Cultural Entrepreneur CCDP90003
- The Artist's Body AHIS40007
- The Artist's Toolbox THTR20023
- The Arts Engagement and Learning EDUC90606
- The Australian Imaginary ENGL20009
- The Biology of Human Health and Disease PAED40002
- The Book: Late Antiquity to Renaissance AHIS40019
- The Business of Music MUSI20206
- The Challenge of Islamic Law LAWS50089
- The Child 0-8 EDUC90701
- The Construction Context ABPL20041
- The Contemporary Publishing Industry PUBL90003
- The Creative City FINA10038
- The Creative Songwriter 1 MUSI10213
- The Creative Songwriter 2 MUSI20193
- The Creative Songwriter 3 MUSI30243
- The Creative and Expressive Child EDUC90563
- The Critical Imagination SOTH40003
- The Cultural Animateur in the Arts CCDP90002
- The Developing World DEVT10001
- The Digital Screenscape SCRN30005
- The Disaster Resilient City GEOG30021
- The EU in International Affairs POLS90011
- The Early Childhood Profession EDUC90700
- The Economics of Culture AMGT90018
- The Economics of Taxation ECON30016
- The Economies of Cities and Regions ABPL90246
- The Ethics of Capitalism PHIL20044
- The Ethnography of Music MUSI30053
- The Ethnography of Music (Honours) MUSI40079
- The Evolution of Dance in History DNCE60029
- The Eye and Vision: A Window to Disease OPTO90018
- The First Centuries of Islam HIST20010
- The Foundations of Interpretation PHIL30024
- The French Revolution HIST20068
- The Future of Health in a Data Storm BINF20001
- The Future of Leadership MGMT90217
- The Future of Work MGMT30019
- The Futures Project MULT90015
- The Global Environment EVSC10001
- The Global Governance of Technology POLS90051
- The Great War 1914 to 1918 HIST10014
- The Holocaust & Genocide HIST20013
- The Integrated Brain PSYC30020
- The Integrated Curriculum 4B EDUC40018
- The Judicialisation of Politics LAWS70463
- The Laptop Recording Studio MUSI20174
- The Laptop Recording Studio MUSI10183
- The Long History of Globalisation HIST40037
- The Medieval Image: Art and Culture AHIS30021
- The Modern Middle East HIST30015
- The Moral Limits of Markets PHIL90027
- The Music Of Spain MUSI30030
- The Music Producer: From Brass to Beats MUSI30236
- The Music of Spain MUSI40095
- The Nature of Governing PADM90005
- The Nature of Reality PHIL20039
- The New Punitiveness? CRIM40005
- The Origins of the Novel FREN20010
- The Origins of the Novel FREN30012
- The Pelvic Floor:Function&Dysfunction PHTY90002
- The Performer in the 21st Century MUSI60014
- The Performer in the 21st Century 1.1 MUSI60019
- The Performer in the 21st Century 1.2 MUSI60020
- The Philosophy of Mind PHIL20033
- The Philosophy of Philosophy PHIL30007
- The Pianist as Associate Artist MUSI90189
- The Political Ecology of Development DEVT90003
- The Politics of Art As Social Activism SOTH70001
- The Politics of Food FOOD90026
- The Politics of Sex POLS20011
- The Power and Limits of Logic PHIL30043
- The Power of Ideas: Ten Great Books ARTS90004
- The Practice of Commercial Arbitration LAWS90051
- The Practice of Statistics MAST90027
- The Print Room AHIS90004
- The Psychology of Exceptional Learning EDUC90278
- The Psychopathology of Everyday Life PSYC30014
- The Qur'an: An Introduction ISLM20003
- The Renaissance in Italy HIST30006
- The Research Process For Musicians (RHD) MUSI90191
- The Research Process for Musicians MUSI40064
- The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic ANCW20019
- The Roman Way of Life ANCW40012
- The Rule of Law PADM90006
- The Rule of Law in Theory & in Practice LAWS50120
- The Second Language Curriculum EDUC90109
- The Secret Life of Language LING10001
- The Secret Life of Organisations MGMT90160
- The Shaping of Urban Design ABPL90316
- The Student as Learner EDUC90830
- The Tax Commissioner as Administrator LAWS70439
- The Teacher as Conductor MUSI90144
- The Theatre Experience ENGL20034
- The Unconscious Mind PSYC30012
- The United Nations Security Council LAWS70435
- The United Nations: Review and Reform POLS90016
- The World Since World War II HIST10012
- The World of Building ABPL10005
- The World of Engineering Management ENGM90014
- The World of Public Administration PADM90007
- The Writing of Australian History HIST90023
- Theories and Professional Practice PSYC40006
- Theories of Adolescent Development PSYT90036
- Theories of Art AHIS90009
- Theories of Modernity SOTH40001
- Theory & the Anthropological Imagination ANTH30013
- Theory For Writing CWRI40004
- Theory and Practice of Art History AHIS30019
- Theory of Guided Imagery and Music MUSI90105
- Therapeutic Landscapes HORT90011
- Thermal and Classical Physics PHYC20009
- Thermodynamics MCEN90015
- Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics MCEN30018
- Thesis PHTY90050
- Thesis (Masters/coursework) PSYC90005
- Thesis(FT) SCWK90045
- Thesis(PT) SCWK90046
- Thinking Scientifically SCIE20001
- Thinking Sex CULS30004
- Thinking and Acting Ethically PHIL90022
- Thinking and Reasoning with Data MAST90044
- Thinking like an Entrepreneur BUSA90086
- Timber Furniture Workshop (PG) ABPL90222
- Timber, Sustainable & Renewable Material FRST90031
- Time MULT90040
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting ECOM30004
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting ECOM90004
- Tissue Engineering & Stem Cells BMEN90011
- To Hell with Dante ITAL30007
- Tools & Methods for Documenting Language LANG90002
- Topics in Advanced Economic Analysis ECON90004
- Topics in Animal Health DASC20013
- Topics in Arabic & Islamic Studies ISLM40001
- Topics in Asian Philosophy PHIL40014
- Topics in Chinese Studies CHIN90003
- Topics in Contemporary Epistemology PHIL40018
- Topics in Indonesian Studies INDO40003
- Topics in Japanese Studies JAPN40003
- Topics in Metaphysics PHIL40005
- Topics in Moral Psychology PHIL40003
- Torts LAWS50025
- Total War: World War II HIST20060
- Town and Country in China and the West HIST20073
- Town and Country in China and the West HIST30070
- Toxics, Waste and Contamination Law LAWS70464
- Trade Mark Practice LAWS90035
- Trade Marks and Unfair Competition LAWS70046
- Trade Policy Politics & Governance POLS90012
- Trade and Investment Law in China LAWS90052
- Trade and Tax Policy LAWS70465
- Trade, Human Rights and Development LAWS70122
- Trade, Intellectual Property and Health LAWS70377
- Traditions: 'Real', Hyper & Virtual ABPL90372
- Transcultural Communication at Work LING90026
- Transcultural Mental Health PSYT90014
- Transfer Pricing: Practice and Problems LAWS70203
- Transforming Sustainability Education EDUC90626
- Transfusion Practice - Advanced Concepts NURS90061
- Transfusion Speciality Practice NURS90064
- Transition to Practice MEDS90025
- Translating Chinese Economic Documents TRAN90004
- Translating Chinese Legal Documents TRAN90005
- Translating From English 1 TRAN90006
- Translating From English 2 TRAN90007
- Translating Into English 1 TRAN90008
- Translating Into English 2 TRAN90009
- Translating Language and Culture EDUC90067
- Translation Internship TRAN90010
- Translation Studies Workshop TRAN90011
- Translation in Research MULT90041
- Translation: Intercultural Indonesian INDO20016
- Translation: Intercultural Indonesian INDO30019
- Translation: Intercultural Indonesian INDO10013
- Transnat'l Corporations: Rights & Duties LAWS90053
- Transnational Democratic Education EDUC90572
- Transport Processes CHEN20009
- Transport System Modelling CVEN90063
- Transport Systems CVEN90048
- Transportation, Land Use and Urban Form ABPL90077
- Trauma & Spectacle: Postwar European Art AHIS40005
- Travelling Dance Studio - Europe DNCE30024
- Travelling Dance Studio - Europe DNCE20028
- Travelling Studio (Brazil) ABPL90114
- Travelling Studio (Galapagos) ABPL90296
- Travelling Studio (India) ABPL90261
- Travelling Studio (Indonesia) ABPL90260
- Travelling Studio (Netherlands) ABPL90111
- Travelling Studio (Unlivable Berlin) ABPL90297
- Treasury Management FNCE90029
- Treasury Management FNCE90046
- Treatment of Early Psychosis in Youth PSYT90073
- Tree Identification and Selection HORT90043
- Trees in a Changing Climate FRST90016
- Trends & Issues in Agrifood Biotechnolog BTCH30002
- Trends in Health Informatics BINF40001
- Trends in Personality& Social Psychology PSYC30022
- Trust, Credibility and Expertise HPSC90012
- Trusts LAWS50033
- Twentieth-Century Italian Art: 1909-1969 AHIS40008
- Twenty-first Century Architecture ABPL90117
- U21 Advanced International Study PPMN50001
- UB: Global Educ: Issues & Opportunities EDUC20079
- UB: Global Environmental Issues ENVS20002
- UBC:Global Citizenship SOCI20009
- UK International Tax LAWS90054
- UM-NUS Advanced Psychological Practice PSYC90091
- UM-NUS Clinical Health Psychology PSYC90086
- UM-NUS Clinical Placement 2 PSYC90087
- UM-NUS Clinical Placement 3 PSYC90088
- UM-NUS Ethics and Professional Issues PSYC90090
- UM-NUS Mental Health Across the Lifespan PSYC90089
- UM-NUS Research Project PSYC90092
- UNott:Global Citizenship - Global Issues POLS20028
- UNott:The Contemporary World Since 1945 HIST20062
- UQ: Conceptions of World Politics POLS20030
- UQ: Global Security POLS20032
- UQ:Human Rights & International Politics POLS20029
- UQLD:International Peacekeeping XNTS20035
- US Competition Law and Policy LAWS70320
- US Contract Law LAWS90032
- US Corporate and International Tax LAWS70124
- US Foreign Policy POLS90007
- US Intellectual Property Law LAWS70406
- USA and the World HIST30065
- Ultrasound Guided Procedures MEDI90054
- Uncertainty, Vagueness and Disagreement PHIL40013
- Under Camera Animation FINA10037
- Understanding & Identifying Gifted Lrng EDUC90192
- Understanding & Teaching for Creativity EDUC90267
- Understanding Australian Media MECM20006
- Understanding Global Landforms GEOG20002
- Understanding H.R.M:People Leadership EDUC90522
- Understanding Higher Education EDUC90518
- Understanding Islam and Muslim Societies ISLM10001
- Understanding Knowing and Learning EDUC10050
- Understanding Masks THTR30039
- Understanding Planet Earth ERTH10002
- Understanding Schools EDUC90751
- Understanding Society SOCI10001
- Understanding The Life Course SOCI40003
- Understanding the New Media in China CHIN30024
- Understanding the New Media in China CHIN20029
- Underworld and Afterlife ANCW30011
- Unilateral Conduct LAWS90066
- United States Sports Law LAWS70165
- University of Melbourne Chamber Choir 1 MUSI30244
- Unjust Enrichment & Restitution Law LAWS50115
- Urban & Cultural Heritage Research Proj ABPL90383
- Urban Design Studies ABPL20037
- Urban Design Studio A ABPL90061
- Urban Design Studio B ABPL90273
- Urban Design Studio C ABPL90389
- Urban Design Theory ABPL90017
- Urban Design Thesis ABPL90376
- Urban Environmental Policy and Planning ABPL90341
- Urban Environments ENVS10007
- Urban Governance ABPL90315
- Urban History ABPL20034
- Urban Horticulture Internship HORT20029
- Urban Horticulture Issues & Perspectives HORT90048
- Urban Informatics ABPL90366
- Urban Legends: Melbourne Intensive HIST30071
- Urban Precinct Studio ABPL30060
- Urban Precinct Studio ABPL30052
- Urban Soils, Substrates and Water ERTH90028
- Urban Tree Growth and Function HORT90041
- Urban Tree Health HORT90044
- Urban Tree Management HORT20019
- Urban Water Management HORT10015
- Urban and Cultural Heritage Internship ABPL90381
- Urban and Cultural Heritage Minor Thesis ABPL90382
- Urban and Landscape Heritage ABPL90075
- Urinary Reproductive Tracts Lymph Nodes VETS90041
- Usability Engineering INFO30004
- Using Data To Build Learning Pathways EDUC90756
- Using Evidence PADM90008
- Using ICT in Chinese Language Teaching EDUC90698
- Value Chain Analysis AGRI90077
- Value Theory PHIL40004
- Variation in Japanese Language JAPN20012
- Variation in Japanese Language JAPN30012
- Variation in Japanese Language JAPN10010
- Vector Calculus MAST20009
- Vegetation Establishment and Maintenance HORT10011
- Vegetation Management and Conservation BOTA30004
- Venice and Cultures of Consumption HIST20052
- Venice and Cultures of Consumption HIST30051
- Ventricular Function MEDI90051
- Vet Public Health Research Project VETS90030
- Vet Public Health Research Project VETS90029
- Veterinary Bioscience 1 VETS70003
- Veterinary Bioscience 2 VETS70004
- Veterinary Bioscience Research Project VETS40021
- Veterinary Bioscience Research Project VETS40020
- Veterinary Bioscience: Cardiovasc System VETS30014
- Veterinary Bioscience: Cells to Systems VETS30015
- Veterinary Bioscience: Digestive System VETS30016
- Veterinary Bioscience: Metab & Excretion VETS30017
- Veterinary Bioscience:Respiratory System VETS30018
- Veterinary Clinical Skills VETS40017
- Veterinary Industry Internship VETS90031
- Veterinary Industry Project VETS90032
- Veterinary Medicine and Surgery VETS90033
- Veterinary Professional Practice VETS70009
- Veterinary Research Project VETS90034
- Video Journalism JOUR90008
- Violence, Trauma and Reconciliation CRIM90017
- Violence, War and Terrorism PHIL90009
- Viscera and Visceral Systems ANAT30008
- Vision Science Project A OPTO90019
- Vision Science Project B OPTO90020
- Vision Science Project C OPTO90021
- Vision Science Project D OPTO90022
- Vision Science Research Project OPTO40012
- Vision Science Research Project OPTO40013
- Visiting Scholar - Classics & Arch B ANCW90004
- Visiting Scholar - Classics & Arch C ANCW90005
- Visiting Scholar Subject: C and A ANCW90003
- Visiting Scholar Subject: History HIST90033
- Visiting Scholar Subject: Philosophy PHIL90035
- Visual Communications ABPL20048
- Visual Culture Industries SCRN90004
- Visual Media: Experimental Projects VISM40009
- Visual Neuroscience OPTO30007
- Visualising Environments ABPL10003
- Vocal Ensemble 1 MUSI10092
- Vocal Ensemble 1 MUSI20112
- Vocal Ensemble 1 MUSI30206
- Vocal Ensemble 2 MUSI20113
- Vocal Ensemble 2 MUSI30207
- Vocal Ensemble 2 MUSI10093
- Voice DNCE20025
- Voice DNCE10025
- Voice Pedagogy MUSI90162
- Voice Skills MUSI90159
- Voice Skills 1 MUSI10187
- Voice Skills 2 MUSI10189
- Voice Skills 3 THTR20024
- Voice Skills 4 THTR20027
- Voice Skills 5 THTR30038
- Voice Studies 1 MUSI10108
- Voice and Speech Skills PERF90001
- WTO Law and Dispute Settlement LAWS70322
- WTO: Moot Court Competition LAWS50044
- Water Law & Natural Resources Management LAWS70185
- Water Sensitive Urban Design EVSC90025
- Water and Waste Water Management ENEN90029
- Water for Sustainable Futures UNIB20012
- Weather and Climate Systems ATOC20001
- Web Information Technologies INFO30005
- Web Search and Text Analysis COMP90042
- Wellbeing, Motivation and Performance EDUC10057
- Wildlife Management VETS90016
- Wind Symphony 1 MUSI10094
- Wind Symphony 1 MUSI30208
- Wind Symphony 1 MUSI20114
- Wind Symphony 2 MUSI30209
- Wind Symphony 2 MUSI10095
- Wind Symphony 2 MUSI20115
- Wine Science AGRI90042
- Wine Technology AGRI90033
- Winegrowing AGRI90031
- Winegrowing Operations AGRI90032
- Wines of the World UNIB30008
- Wireless Communication Systems ELEN90007
- Womb to Tomb: Life Course Public Health POPH90248
- Women and Global Health POPH90066
- Women in Global Politics POLS40015
- Women in Music MUSI30115
- Women in Music MUSI40028
- Women's Health Screening GENP90008
- Women, War and Peacebuilding LAWS70118
- Wonders Of The Weather ATOC10001
- Wooden Furniture Workshop ABPL90387
- Work and the Law LAWS30029
- Working Ethically PADM90009
- Working in Human Service Organisations SCWK50010
- Working in Indigenous Cultural Contexts AIND90002
- Working in the Indigenous Health Sector POPH90234
- Working with Groups EDUC90227
- Working with Groups and Communities SCWK90057
- Working with Value ANTH20007
- Workplace Health and Safety LAWS70053
- Workplace Project Portfolio - L (WPP) POPH90125
- World Economic History ECON90056
- World Music Choir 1 MUSI20143
- World Music Ensemble MUSI30103
- World Trade Organisation Law LAWS50109
- Writing About Art and the Moving Image AHIS90008
- Writing Animation 1 FLTV10018
- Writing Animation 2 FLTV20019
- Writing Australia CWRI40014
- Writing Journalism MECM30010
- Writing Radical Performance CWRI30015
- Writing and Editing for Digital Media PUBL90006
- Writing and Rewriting FLTV70044
- Writing for Children CWRI90010
- Writing for Marketing Communication MECM90024
- Writing for Performance 1 (Solo) THTR70008
- Writing for Performance 2 (Collab) THTR70009
- Writing for Performance 3 (Portfolio) THTR70010
- Writing for Screen CWRI20009
- Writing for Television FLTV70043
- Writing for the Media MECM40011
- Writing for the Youth Screen Market FLTV20018
- Writing from Performance THTR70011
- Writing: Inside and Outside the Text CWRI70001
- Written Advocacy LAWS70052
- Young Adult Fiction CWRI90009
- Young People and Culture EDUC90608
- Young People at Risk POPH90168
- Young People in Context POPH90167
- Young People, Crime and Justice CRIM30011
- Youth Arts: Expressing Cultural Identity EDUC20062
- Youth Citizenship and Change EDUC10052
- Youth Health in Primary Care GENP90015
- Youth Leading Change EDUC20075
- Youth Mental Health Minor Thesis 1 PSYT90074
- Youth Mental Health Minor Thesis 2 PSYT90075
- Youth Mental Health Service Innovation PSYT90045
- Youth and Popular Culture EDUC30067
- ZEMCH Engineering Design Workshop ABPL90394
- Zoology Research Project ZOOL90006
- Zoology Research Project ZOOL90011
- Zoology Research Project ZOOL90009
- Zoology Research Project ZOOL90010
- eBusiness and Supply Chain Information MGMT90120
- eHealth & Biomedical Informatics Methods INFO90001
- eHealth & Biomedical Informatics Systems ISYS90069