2015 courses
- Associate Degree in Environmental Horticulture 881AA
- Associate Degree in Urban Horticulture A-URBHORT
- Bachelor of Agriculture 315PD
- Bachelor of Agriculture (Degree with Honours) 629DO
- Bachelor of Agriculture (Degree with Honours) 629AA
- Bachelor of Arts B-ARTS
- Bachelor of Arts 105AA
- Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor Laws 905AA
- Bachelor of Arts (Degree with Honours) 104AA
- Bachelor of Arts (Degree with Honours) BH-ARTS
- Bachelor of Arts (Extended) B-ARTSEXT
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 902BB
- Bachelor of Arts(Media and Communications) 105MC
- Bachelor of Biomedicine B-BMED
- Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) BH-BMED
- Bachelor of Commerce B-COM
- Bachelor of Commerce 205AA
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QC
- Bachelor of Commerce (Degree with Honours) BH-COM
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science 995BB
- Bachelor of Dance (Degree with Honours) 084AA
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education 446AA
- Bachelor of Engineering B-ENG
- Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical)Biocellular 679BC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical)Biosignals 679BS
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Science 985AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering/Bachelor of Science 625SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical &Manufacturing) and Bachelor of Arts 957AM
- Bachelor of Environments B-ENVS
- Bachelor of Environments (Degree with Honours) BH-ENVS
- Bachelor of Fine Art 617AB
- Bachelor of Fine Art (Degree with Honours) 414AA
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Animation) B-FAANIM
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Animation) (Degree with Honours) BH-FAANIM
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Contemporary Music) B-FACONTMU
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Contemporary Music) (Degree with Honours) BH-FACONMU
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) B-FADANCE
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) (Degree with Honours) BH-FADANCE
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Film and Television) B-FAFILMTV
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Film and Television) (Degree with Honours) BH-FAFTV
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre) B-FAMUSTH
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) B-FAPROD
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Screenwriting) B-FASCWRI
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Screenwriting) (Degree with Honours) BH-FASCWRI
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre Practice) B-FATHPRAC
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Art) B-FAVISART
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Art) (Degree with Honours) BH-FAVISAR
- Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering 445EG
- Bachelor of Horticulture 405BH
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 164AA
- Bachelor of Laws 505AA
- Bachelor of Medical Science 565IN
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science 980CC
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science 980AA
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry) 555GC
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry) 555GR
- Bachelor of Music B-MUS
- Bachelor of Music (Degree with Honours) BH-MUS
- Bachelor of Music Performance (Degree with Honours) 734AA
- Bachelor of Music Performance (Improvisation) (VCA) 735IM
- Bachelor of Oral Health 841AC
- Bachelor of Oral Health (Degree with Honours) BH-ORHLTH
- Bachelor of Production 835AA
- Bachelor of Production (Degree with Honours) BH-PRODUC
- Bachelor of Property and Construction 065PC
- Bachelor of Science B-SCI
- Bachelor of Science 755BB
- Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours) BH-SCI
- Bachelor of Science (Extended) B-SCIEXT
- Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) 847PR
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science 875VS
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science(PV) 875PV
- Diploma in General Studies D-GENST
- Diploma in Informatics D-INFO
- Diploma in Languages D-LANG
- Diploma in Mathematical Sciences D-MATHSC
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Chinese) 888CH
- Diploma in Music (Practical) D-MUS
- Doctor of Agricultural Science 010AA
- Doctor of Clinical Dentistry 661AA
- Doctor of Clinical Physiotherapy J02AA
- Doctor of Dental Science 250AA
- Doctor of Dental Surgery MC-DDENSUR
- Doctor of Education 300SS
- Doctor of Education 300AA
- Doctor of Education 300BB
- Doctor of Forest Science 020AA
- Doctor of Medical Science J15TC
- Doctor of Medical Science J15AA
- Doctor of Medicine MC-DMED
- Doctor of Medicine 550AA
- Doctor of Medicine 550TC
- Doctor of Optometry MC-DOPTOM
- Doctor of Philosophy - Agricultural Sciences DR-PHILAGR
- Doctor of Philosophy - Business and Economics 201BE
- Doctor of Philosophy - Institute of Land and Food Resources 011AB
- Doctor of Philosophy - Institute of Land and Food Resources 011EX
- Doctor of Philosophy - Land and Environment V18AA
- Doctor of Philosophy - Victorian College of the Arts 475AA
- Doctor of Physiotherapy MC-DPHYSIO
- Doctor of Science 750AA
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine MC-DVETMED
- Doctor of Veterinary Science 870AA
- Executive Master of Arts MC-EMA
- Graduate Certificate in Adolescent Health and Welfare 135AA
- Graduate Certificate in Adolescent Health and Wellbeing GC-ADOLHW
- Graduate Certificate in Ageing GC-AGEING
- Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness 079AA
- Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Sciences GC-AGSC
- Graduate Certificate in Arboriculture GC-ARBCULT
- Graduate Certificate in Arts GC-ARTS
- Graduate Certificate in Arts (Advanced) GCA-ARTS
- Graduate Certificate in Arts and Community Engagement GC-ARTSCE
- Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics GC-BIOSTAT
- Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Planning and Management GC-BFIREPM
- Graduate Certificate in Business Forensics F02AA
- Graduate Certificate in Cancer Sciences GC-CANCRSC
- Graduate Certificate in Catchment and Waterway Management GC-CWMGT
- Graduate Certificate in Climate Change for Primary Industries GC-CCFPI
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research N12AA
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Teaching GC-CLINTCH
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound GC-CLINUS
- Graduate Certificate in Communication and Customer Strategy GC-COMCUST
- Graduate Certificate in Dental Therapy (Advanced Clinical Practice) GC-DTACP
- Graduate Certificate in Early Literacy Intervention GC-ELI
- Graduate Certificate in Education GC-EDGEN
- Graduate Certificate in Education (CLIL) GC-EDUCLIL
- Graduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate) GC-EDIBPYP
- Graduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate) GC-EDIB
- Graduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate) GC-EDIBMCP
- Graduate Certificate in Education (Specific Learning Difficulties) GC-EDSLD
- Graduate Certificate in Educational Research GC-EDRES
- Graduate Certificate in Environment GC-ENV
- Graduate Certificate in Evaluation GC-EVAL
- Graduate Certificate in Food Science GC-FOODSC
- Graduate Certificate in Forest Systems Management GC-FORSMGT
- Graduate Certificate in Garden Design GC-GARDES
- Graduate Certificate in Global Wine Studies GC-GWINEST
- Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Arts Management 687AA
- Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Research and Leadership GC-IRL
- Graduate Certificate in International Business GC-INTLBUS
- Graduate Certificate in Journalism (Advanced) GCA-JOURN
- Graduate Certificate in Learning Intervention GC-LI
- Graduate Certificate in Management GC-MGMT
- Graduate Certificate in Marketing Management GC-MKTMGT
- Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Teaching (Years 11-12) GC-MATH12
- Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Teaching (Years 7-10) GC-MATH10
- Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Science GC-MHSC
- Graduate Certificate in Modern Languages Education (Stream A) GC-MLEA
- Graduate Certificate in Modern Languages Education (Stream B) GC-MLEB
- Graduate Certificate in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) M02MU
- Graduate Certificate in Music (Practical Music) M02PM
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Cancer and Palliative Care) GC-NPCPC
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Critical Care) GC-NPCC
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Emergency) GC-NPEMERG
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Neonatal Intensive Care) GC-NPNICU
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Paediatric Intensive Care) GC-NPPIC
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Paediatrics) GC-NPPAED
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Rural Critical Care) GC-NPRCC
- Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care GC-PALCARE
- Graduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (Paediatrics) GC-PHTYPAE
- Graduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy) GC-PHTYPFP
- Graduate Certificate in Primary Care Nursing GC-PCN
- Graduate Certificate in Publishing and Communications (Advanced) GCA-PUBCOM
- Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance GC-QA
- Graduate Certificate in Research Management and Policy GC-RESMGPL
- Graduate Certificate in River Health Management N17AA
- Graduate Certificate in Science GC-SCI
- Graduate Certificate in Science GC-SC
- Graduate Certificate in Sexual Health GC-SEXHLTH
- Graduate Certificate in Social Impact GC-SOCIMP
- Graduate Certificate in Surgical Education GC-SURGED
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL (Stream A) GC-TESOLA
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL (Stream B) GC-TESOLB
- Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education Management GC-TEM
- Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching GC-TERTCH
- Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice GC-TRNSPRC
- Graduate Certificate in University Management 622AA
- Graduate Certificate in University Teaching 697AA
- Graduate Certificate in Urban and Cultural Heritage GC-UCH
- Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Public Health (EAD) GC-VPHEAD
- Graduate Certificate in Visual Art 842AA
- Graduate Certificate in Wine Technology and Viticulture 449AA
- Graduate Certificate in Youth Mental Health GC-YMH
- Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Shakespeare GC-TSS
- Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Science GD-ACTSC
- Graduate Diploma in Adolescent Health and Welfare 123AH
- Graduate Diploma in Adolescent Health and Wellbeing GD-ADOLHW
- Graduate Diploma in Ageing GD-AGEING
- Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Sciences GD-AGSC
- Graduate Diploma in Arts GD-ARTS
- Graduate Diploma in Arts (Advanced) GDA-ARTS
- Graduate Diploma in Arts and Cultural Management (Advanced) GDA-ACM
- Graduate Diploma in Asian Law 726AA
- Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance Law 968AB
- Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics GD-BIOSTAT
- Graduate Diploma in Built Environments GD-BLTENV
- Graduate Diploma in Built Environments (Advanced) GDA-BLTENV
- Graduate Diploma in Bushfire Planning and Management GD-BFIREPM
- Graduate Diploma in Business Administration GD-BA
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical Education GD-CLINED
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research N34AA
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical Ultrasound GD-CLINUS
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce (Management) GD-COMMGT
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce (Marketing) GD-COMMKTG
- Graduate Diploma in Communications Law 518AB
- Graduate Diploma in Competition and Consumer Law GD-CCLAW
- Graduate Diploma in Construction Law 189AA
- Graduate Diploma in Corporations and Securities Law 538AA
- Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution 498AB
- Graduate Diploma in Economics GD-ECO
- Graduate Diploma in Employment and Labour Relations Law 188AA
- Graduate Diploma in Energy and Resources Law GD-ENRSLAW
- Graduate Diploma in Environment GD-ENV
- Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law GD-ENVLAW
- Graduate Diploma in Finance GD-FIN
- Graduate Diploma in Food Science GD-FOODSC
- Graduate Diploma in Forest Systems Management GD-FORSMGT
- Graduate Diploma in Government Law 178AA
- Graduate Diploma in Guided Imagery and Music 428AA
- Graduate Diploma in Health and Medical Law 343AA
- Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law 636AA
- Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law 276AA
- Graduate Diploma in International Business GD-INTLBUS
- Graduate Diploma in International Economic Law 891AA
- Graduate Diploma in International Law 323AA
- Graduate Diploma in International Tax 191AA
- Graduate Diploma in Journalism (Advanced) GDA-JOURN
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies GD-LEGSTU
- Graduate Diploma in Management GD-MGMT
- Graduate Diploma in Management Studies 267AA
- Graduate Diploma in Marketing GD-MKTG
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Science GD-MHSC
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences(Young People's Mental Health) 208YP
- Graduate Diploma in Music (Composition) M01CO
- Graduate Diploma in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) M01MU
- Graduate Diploma in Music (Practical Music) M01PM
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Mental Health) GD-NPMH
- Graduate Diploma in Planning and Design 373AA
- Graduate Diploma in Primary Care Nursing GD-PCN
- Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting 709AA
- Graduate Diploma in Property Valuation 702PA
- Graduate Diploma in Psychology 340AA
- Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) GDA-PSYCH
- Graduate Diploma in Publishing and Communications (Advanced) GDA-PUBCOM
- Graduate Diploma in Science GD-SCI
- Graduate Diploma in Science GD-SC
- Graduate Diploma in Science (Advanced) GDA-SCI
- Graduate Diploma in Sports Law 893AA
- Graduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy GD-SURGANT
- Graduate Diploma in Surgical Education GD-SURGED
- Graduate Diploma in Tax 187AA
- Graduate Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene GD-TROPMH
- Graduate Diploma in Urban Horticulture GD-URBHORT
- Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Public Health (EAD) GD-VPHEAD
- Graduate Diploma in Youth Mental Health GD-YMH
- Juris Doctor MC-JURISD
- M.A.Cultural Studies (Thesis) 102EE
- M.A.History & Philosophy of Science (Advanced Seminars & Shorter Thesis) 102KE
- M.A.International Politics (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102IP
- Master of Accounting 261AL
- Master of Accounting 261AA
- Master of Actuarial Science MC-ACTSCI
- Master of Adolescent Health & Welfare MC-AHW
- Master of Adolescent Health & Wellbeing MC-ADOLHW
- Master of Advanced Nursing MC-AN
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice MC-ANP
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice J01AB
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Cancer Nursing) J01AL
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Critical Care) J01AR
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Emergency Care) J01AS
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Mental Health) MC-ANPMH
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Mental Health) J01AE
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Neonatal Intensive Care) MC-ANPNICU
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner) MC-ANPNP
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Paediatrics) J01AP
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Palliative Care) J01AF
- Master of Advanced Social Work J17RE
- Master of Advanced Social Work (Research) 802RE
- Master of Ageing MC-AGEING
- Master of Agribusiness 704CC
- Master of Agribusiness (Coursework) 704BB
- Master of Agricultural Science MC-AGSCI
- Master of Agricultural Science 012AA
- Master of Agricultural Sciences MC-AGSC
- Master of Agriculture 860AA
- Master of Animal Science MC-ANISCI
- Master of Applied Commerce (Accounting) 307AL
- Master of Applied Commerce (Accounting) 307AA
- Master of Applied Finance 837AA
- Master of Applied Linguistics MC-APPLING
- Master of Applied Linguistics MC-APLING
- Master of Applied Positive Psychology MC-APP
- Master of Architecture MC-ARCH
- Master of Architecture 052AT
- Master of Architecture MC-ARCH3Y
- Master of Architecture MC-ARCH2Y
- Master of Architecture - (Design) 052AD
- Master of Art Curatorship 038AB
- Master of Arts (Advanced Seminar & Shorter Thesis) MR-ARTSAST
- Master of Arts (Art History)(Thesis) 102FC
- Master of Arts (Australian Indigenous Studies) MR-ARTSIS
- Master of Arts (Creative Writing) (Research/Creative) 102CW
- Master of Arts (Cultural Material Conservation) 102CS
- Master of Arts (Media and Communication) Thesis 102MT
- Master of Arts (Policy Studies)(Advanced Seminars & Shorter Thesis) 102PS
- Master of Arts (Professional and Applied Ethics) 102EU
- Master of Arts (Professional and Applied Ethics) MC-ARTPAE
- Master of Arts (Screen Studies) 102CD
- Master of Arts (Sociology) by Research 102SR
- Master of Arts (Thesis only) MR-ARTSTHS
- Master of Arts and Cultural Management 175AA
- Master of Arts in Anthropology (Thesis) 102KB
- Master of Arts in Australian Studies(Thesis) 102BA
- Master of Arts in Classics and Archaeology (Thesis) 102CE
- Master of Arts in Criminology (Thesis) 102DB
- Master of Arts in Development Studies(Thesis only) 102DS
- Master of Arts in English Language and Literature (Thesis) 102EA
- Master of Arts in French Language and Literature (Thesis) 102GB
- Master of Arts in Germanic Studies (Thesis) 102IB
- Master of Arts in History (Thesis) 102JB
- Master of Arts in History and Philosophy of Science (Thesis) 102KD
- Master of Arts in Linguistics (Thesis) 102MA
- Master of Arts in Philosophy (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102NC
- Master of Arts in Philosophy (Thesis) 102NB
- Master of Arts in Philosophy(Adv Seminars and Shorter Thesis)(CAPPE) 102CP
- Master of Arts in Political Science (Thesis) 102OB
- Master of Arts in Social Theory (Thesis) 102KG
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation (Stream 150A) Coursework & Thesis A 666BB
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation(Stream 150)Coursework & Major Thesis 666BA
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation(Stream 1A) 666AT
- Master of Avian Health & Medicine MC-AVHMGA
- Master of Banking and Finance Law 526AA
- Master of Biomedical Engineering 745BM
- Master of Biomedical Science MC-BMEDSC
- Master of Biostatistics 991AA
- Master of Biotechnology MC-SCIBIT
- Master of Building 062AA
- Master of Building (Thesis) 062AT
- Master of Business Administration MC-BA
- Master of Business Administration MC-BAEV
- Master of Business Administration MC-BAPT
- Master of Business Administration MC-BAPTME
- Master of Business Administration 212PN
- Master of Business Administration (Executive) MC-BAEXEC
- Master of Business Administration (Professional) MC-BAPROF
- Master of Business Analytics MC-BUSANA
- Master of Business and Information Technology 490AA
- Master of Choreography 254CW
- Master of Choreography (VCA) 254AA
- Master of Clinical Audiology 305BB
- Master of Clinical Education MC-CLINED
- Master of Clinical Optometry MC-CLINOPT
- Master of Clinical Research N01AA
- Master of Clinical Teaching MC-CLINTCH
- Master of Clinical Ultrasound MC-CU
- Master of Commerce 202AT
- Master of Commerce (Accounting) MC-COMACCT
- Master of Commerce (Actuarial Science) MC-COMACSC
- Master of Commerce (Finance) 202AF
- Master of Commerce (Management) MC-COMMGT
- Master of Commerce (Management) 202AM
- Master of Commerce (Marketing) MC-COMMKT
- Master of Commercial Law 504AA
- Master of Community Cultural Development MC-CCULDEV
- Master of Competition and Consumer Law MC-CMCNLAW
- Master of Construction Law 195AA
- Master of Construction Management MC-CONMG2Y
- Master of Construction Management MC-CM
- Master of Construction Management MC-CONMG3Y
- Master of Contemporary Art MC-CTPYART
- Master of Creative Arts 474CA
- Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing D01LF
- Master of Criminology 274AB
- Master of Cultural Materials Conservation MC-CULMC
- Master of Dance MC-DANCE
- Master of Dental Science 252AA
- Master of Dental Science (Clinical-Thesis) 252CT
- Master of Dental Science (Para Clinical-Thesis) 252PT
- Master of Design 234AA
- Master of Design (Urban Design) MC-DESURBD
- Master of Design for Performance MC-DSNPERF
- Master of Development Studies 097AB
- Master of Development Studies (Gender & Development) 097GD
- Master of Directing for Performance MC-DIRPERF
- Master of Dramatic Art (Direction) 917AA
- Master of Dramaturgy MC-DRAMAT
- Master of Early Childhood Studies 321AT
- Master of Economics MC-ECO
- Master of Education 960AC
- Master of Education 960BA
- Master of Education (By Publication) 013AP
- Master of Education (CLIL) MC-EDCLIL
- Master of Education (Educational Management) MC-EDEDMGT
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960EB
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960MC
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960EC
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960IA
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960ID
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960IB
- Master of Education (Language Intervention and Hearing Impairment) 960LH
- Master of Education (Special Education Inclusion and Early Intervention) 960SE
- Master of Education (Special Education, Inclusion & Early Intervention) 960NE
- Master of Education (Specific Learning Difficulties) 960SL
- Master of Education (Specific Learning Difficulties) 960NL
- Master of Education (Stream 1) 013AR
- Master of Education (Stream 100) Major Thesis 960AA
- Master of Education (Stream 100A) Coursework and Thesis A 960AB
- Master of Education (Stream 1A) 013AT
- Master of Education (Stream 1A) 013HA
- Master of Education (Stream 2) 013TH
- Master of Education (Student Wellbeing) G01SW
- Master of Education (Three Strand) 013AS
- Master of Education Policy (International) 695AA
- Master of Educational Psychology 312AA
- Master of Educational Psychology/Doctor of Philosophy G02AA
- Master of Employment and Labour Relations Law 510AA
- Master of Energy Systems MC-ENGYSYS
- Master of Energy and Resources Law MC-ENRSLAW
- Master of Engineering MC-ENG
- Master of Engineering Management 761EM
- Master of Engineering Project Management 532PM
- Master of Engineering Structures 746ST
- Master of English in a Global Context MC-ENGGC
- Master of Enterprise MC-ENT
- Master of Enterprise (Executive) N20AA
- Master of Enterprise (Science) MC-ENTSC
- Master of Environment 441MS
- Master of Environment 441ME
- Master of Environmental Engineering 206EC
- Master of Environmental Law MC-ENVLAW
- Master of Environmental Studies 482AA
- Master of Environmental Studies 482AT
- Master of Epidemiology 570AA
- Master of Evaluation MR-EVAL
- Master of Evaluation MC-EVAL
- Master of Film and Television 074AA
- Master of Film and Television MC-FILMTV
- Master of Film and Television (Producing) 681AA
- Master of Finance MC-FIN
- Master of Fine Art (Research) (VCA) 952AA
- Master of Fine Arts (Community Cultural Development) MR-FACCD
- Master of Fine Arts (Contemporary Music) MR-FACMUS
- Master of Fine Arts (Dance) MR-FADANCE
- Master of Fine Arts (Film and Television) MR-FAFTV
- Master of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary Arts Practice) MR-FAIAP
- Master of Fine Arts (Production) MR-FAPROD
- Master of Fine Arts (Theatre) MR-FATHTR
- Master of Fine Arts (Visual Art) MR-FAVISAR
- Master of Food Science 439FS
- Master of Food Technology 861AA
- Master of Food and Packaging Innovation MC-FOODPI
- Master of Forest Ecosystem Science MC-FRSTES
- Master of Forest Science 022AA
- Master of Genetic Counselling MC-GENCOUN
- Master of Geographic Information Technology 536AA
- Master of Global Media Communication MC-GMCOM
- Master of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 562AA
- Master of Health Sciences 370AB
- Master of Health Sciences (Transcultural Mental Health) 370TM
- Master of Health and Medical Law 507AA
- Master of Horticultural Science 028AA
- Master of Horticulture 862AA
- Master of Human Resource Management 494AA
- Master of Information Systems 864BB
- Master of Information Systems MC-IS
- Master of Information Systems 864AL
- Master of Information Systems 864AS
- Master of Information Technology MC-IT100
- Master of Information Technology 499AA
- Master of Information Technology MC-IT150
- Master of Information Technology MC-IT
- Master of Information Technology in Education(Stream 1A) 327AT
- Master of Instructional Leadership MC-INSLEAD
- Master of Intellectual Property Law 277AA
- Master of International Business 324BA
- Master of International Business MC-IB
- Master of International Relations MC-IR
- Master of International Tax 192AA
- Master of Islamic Studies MC-ISLMSTU
- Master of Journalism MC-JOURN
- Master of Landscape Architecture MC-LARCH2Y
- Master of Landscape Architecture MC-LARCH
- Master of Landscape Architecture 042AA
- Master of Landscape Architecture MC-LARCH3Y
- Master of Landscape Architecture (Thesis) 042AC
- Master of Law and Development 635AA
- Master of Laws 502NT
- Master of Laws 502CW
- Master of Learning Intervention MC-LI
- Master of Literacy MC-LIT
- Master of Management MC-MGMT
- Master of Management MC-MGTS
- Master of Management (Accounting and Finance) MC-MGMTAFN
- Master of Management (Accounting) MC-MGMTACT
- Master of Management (Accounting) MC-MGTACTS
- Master of Management (Finance) MC-MGMTFIN
- Master of Management (Finance) MC-MGTFINS
- Master of Management (Human Resources) MC-MGMTHRE
- Master of Management (Human Resources) MC-MGTHRES
- Master of Management (Marketing) MC-MGTMKTS
- Master of Management (Marketing) MC-MGMTMKT
- Master of Marketing 294PN
- Master of Marketing 294FN
- Master of Marketing Communications MC-MKTCOMM
- Master of Medicine 572AT
- Master of Medicine (Radiology) 572RC
- Master of Mental Health Science MC-MHSC
- Master of Modern Languages Education (Stream A) MC-MLEA
- Master of Modern Languages Education (Stream B) MC-MLEB
- Master of Modern Languages Education(Stream 100A) Coursework and ThesisA 332AB
- Master of Modern Languages Education(Stream 1A) 332AT
- Master of Music (Composition) 652CO
- Master of Music (Music Performance) 652MP
- Master of Music (Music Therapy) 652MT
- Master of Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) 652MU
- Master of Music (Opera Performance) MC-MUSOP
- Master of Music (Performance Teaching) MC-MUSPT
- Master of Music Performance(VCA) 987AA
- Master of Music Studies 161IN
- Master of Music Therapy M04AA
- Master of Nanoelectronic Engineering MC-NE
- Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work MC-NTCW
- Master of Natural Resource Management 863AA
- Master of Numeracy MC-NUM
- Master of Nursing 814AA
- Master of Nursing Science MC-NURSCI
- Master of Nursing Science MC-NURSC
- Master of Operations Research and Management Science MC-SCIMAN
- Master of Philosophy - Agricultural Sciences MR-PHILAGR
- Master of Philosophy - Architecture, Building and Planning MR-PHILABP
- Master of Philosophy - Education MR-PHILEDU
- Master of Philosophy - Engineering MR-PHILENG
- Master of Philosophy - Land and Environment MR-PHILLE
- Master of Philosophy - Law MR-PHILLAW
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Behavioural Science) MR-PHILBVS
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Dental Science) MR-PHILDSC
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Medicine) MR-PHILMED
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Nursing) MR-PHILNUR
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Physiotherapy) MR-PHILPHY
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Population Health) MR-PHILPOP
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Rural Health) MR-PHILRUR
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Social Work) MR-PHILSWK
- Master of Philosophy - Science MR-PHILSCI
- Master of Philosophy - Veterinary Science MR-PHILVET
- Master of Physiotherapy 672AA
- Master of Physiotherapy 534GN
- Master of Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) 534MP
- Master of Planning & Design(Facility Planning & Management) by Research 234PR
- Master of Primary Health Care 546AA
- Master of Private Law MC-PRIVLAW
- Master of Producing MC-PROD
- Master of Production Design for Screen MC-PRODDFS
- Master of Property MC-PROP
- Master of Property MC-PROP3Y
- Master of Property MC-PROP2Y
- Master of Psychiatry 342AA
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Child Psychology)/Doctor of Philosophy 080CC
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) 527CN
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology)/Doctor of Philosophy 080CN
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) 527CL
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)/Doctor of Philosophy 080CL
- Master of Psychology (Organisational/Industrial Psychology)/PhD 080OI
- Master of Public Administration MC-PA
- Master of Public Administration (Enhanced) MC-PAENH
- Master of Public Health 244CW
- Master of Public Policy and Management 344AB
- Master of Public and International Law 511AA
- Master of Publishing and Communications MC-PUBCOM
- Master of Research MR-RESMED
- Master of Science (Bioinformatics) MC-SCIBIF
- Master of Science (Biomedical and Health Sciences) MC-SCIBHS
- Master of Science (Botany) MC-SCIBOT
- Master of Science (Chemistry) MC-SCICHE
- Master of Science (Computer Science) MC-SCICMP
- Master of Science (Earth Sciences) MC-SCIEAR
- Master of Science (Epidemiology) MC-SCIEPI
- Master of Science (Genetics) MC-SCIGEN
- Master of Science (Geography) MC-SCIGEO
- Master of Science (Information Systems) MC-SCIINF
- Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) MC-SCIMAT
- Master of Science (Physics) MC-SCIPHY
- Master of Science (Vision Science) MC-SCIVIS
- Master of Science (Zoology) MC-SCIZOO
- Master of Screenwriting MC-SCWR
- Master of Social Policy 706AA
- Master of Social Work 802AA
- Master of Social Work MC-SOCW
- Master of Social Work (Thesis) 802AT
- Master of Software Systems Engineering 361AA
- Master of Sound Design 717AA
- Master of Spatial Information Science MC-SISC
- Master of Speech Pathology MC-SPCHPTH
- Master of Supply Chain Management MC-SCM
- Master of Supply Chain Management MC-SCM150
- Master of Surgery 552AA
- Master of Surgical Education MC-SURGED
- Master of TESOL (Stream A) MC-TESOLA
- Master of TESOL (Stream B) MC-TESOLB
- Master of Tax 742AB
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) MC-TEACHEC
- Master of Teaching (Early Years) MC-TEACHYA
- Master of Teaching (Primary) MC-TEACHPR
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) MC-TEACHSA
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) MC-TEACHSR
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) Internship MC-TEACHSI
- Master of Telecommunications Engineering 364AA
- Master of Tertiary Education Management MC-TEM
- Master of Theatre Design 911AA
- Master of Town & Regional Planning 082AA
- Master of Town & Regional Planning 852AA
- Master of Translation MC-TRANS
- Master of Translation (Extended) MC-TRANEXT
- Master of Transnational Arts MC-TRANART
- Master of Urban Design MC-URBDES
- Master of Urban Horticulture MC-URBHORT
- Master of Urban Planning MC-URPL
- Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage MC-UCH
- Master of Veterinary Public Health (Emergency Animal Diseases) MC-VPHEAD
- Master of Veterinary Science 872BB
- Master of Veterinary Science 872AA
- Master of Veterinary Studies MC-VETSTDR
- Master of Wine Technology and Viticulture MC-WTVIT
- Master of Wood Science 517AA
- Master of Writing for Performance MC-WRIPERF
- Master of Youth Mental Health MC-YMH
- Ph.D.- Architecture & Planning 051AA
- Ph.D.- Arts 101AA
- Ph.D.- Dental Science 251AA
- Ph.D.- Education 301AA
- Ph.D.- Engineering 351AA
- Ph.D.- Law 501AA
- Ph.D.- Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences 551AA
- Ph.D.- Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences 551AC
- Ph.D.- Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences 551AB
- Ph.D.- Music 651AA
- Ph.D.- Science 751AA
- Ph.D.- Veterinary Science 871AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Arts PC-ARTS
- Postgraduate Certificate in Arts (Editing and Communications) 377EC
- Postgraduate Certificate in Biostatistics 642AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Bushfire Planning and Management PC-BFIREPM
- Postgraduate Certificate in Climate Change for Primary Industries PC-CCPI
- Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound PC-CU
- Postgraduate Certificate in Dental Therapy (Advanced Clinical Practice) PC-DENTHRP
- Postgraduate Certificate in Early Literacy Intervention 610AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Generalist) 568GN
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate) 981PY
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate) 981DP
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate) 981DO
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (LI&HI) 981LH
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (SE,I&EI) 981SI
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Specific Learning Difficulties) 981SL
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Research PC-EDRES
- Postgraduate Certificate in Environment 441AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Evaluation PC-EVAL
- Postgraduate Certificate in Modern Languages Education (Stream A) PC-MLEA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Neonatal Intensive Care) PC-NPNICU
- Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (Exercise and Women's Health) PC-PHTYEWH
- Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy) 580PF
- Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Care Nursing PC-PCNURS
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Ethics 469AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in TESOL (Stream A) PC-TESOLA
- Postgraduate Certificate in TESOL (Stream B) PC-TESOLB
- Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Public Health (EAD) PC-VPHEAD
- Postgraduate Certificate in Voice Studies PC-VOICEST
- Postgraduate Certificate in the Teaching of Shakespeare PC-TSS
- Postgraduate Diploma in Actuarial Science PD-ACTSCI
- Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Science 026AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts PD-ARTS
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Editing and Communications) 095EC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts and Cultural Management 822AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Biostatistics 645AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Bushfire Planning and Management PD-BFIREPM
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry 031AB
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Ultrasound PD-CU
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environment 441AB
- Postgraduate Diploma in Food Science 391BB
- Postgraduate Diploma in Management 216AP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Marketing) 216MP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health Theory) J05MH
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Cancer & Palliative Care) J04CP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Critical Care) J04CC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Emergency) J04EM
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Mental Health) J04MH
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Neonatal Intensive Care) PD-NPNICU
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Paediatrics) J04PA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation Q02AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Nursing J06AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Ethics 467AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology 443AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Science 290AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy N26AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Public Health (EAD) PD-VPHEAD
- Postgraduate Diploma in Voice Studies PD-VOICEST
- Professional Certificate in Arts Education PR-ARTSED
- Professional Certificate in Chinese Language Teaching PR-CLT
- Professional Certificate in Clinical Research N28AA
- Professional Certificate in Education (CLIL) GC-EDCLIL
- Professional Certificate in Education (Positive Behaviour and Learning) GC-PEDPBL
- Professional Certificate in Education (Positive Education) PR-EDPOSED
- Professional Certificate in Education (TFA Mentoring) GC-EDTFA
- Professional Certificate in Global Wine Studies PR-GWINEST
- Professional Certificate in Health Systems Management GC-HLTHSM
- Professional Certificate in History Education GC-HISTED
- Professional Certificate in Indigenous Research GC-IRPRO
- Professional Certificate in Instructional Leadership GC-INSLEAD
- Professional Certificate in Mental Health Practice PR-MHPRAC
- Professional Certificate in Teaching (Clinical) PR-TCHCLIN
- Specialist Certificate in Ageing SC-AGEING
- Specialist Certificate in Chinese Language Teaching GC-CLT
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Biomedical Research Mgmt) N05BR
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Neuroscience) N05NS
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Oncology) N05ON
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research-Clinical Trials Coordination GC-CRCOORD
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research-Clinical Trials Monitoring GC-CRMONIT
- Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability) GC-CRIMFD
- Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Sexual Offender Management) GC-CRIMSOM
- Specialist Certificate in Cross-Cultural Conservation and Heritage SC-CCCONS
- Specialist Certificate in Executive Leadership GC-EXECLDS
- Specialist Certificate in Green Roofs and Walls SC-GREEN
- Specialist Certificate in Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapy GC-PAEDOP
- Specialist Certificate in Palliative Care GC-PALLC
- Specialist Certificate in Practice of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene SC-PRACTMH
- Specialist Certificate in Rural Paediatric Practice GC-RPP
- Specialist Certificate in Social Policy (Social Inclusion) GC-SOCPOL
- Specialist Certificate in Strategic Marketing GC-STRATMK
- Specialist Certificate in Teaching for Graduate Researchers SC-TGR
- Specialist Certificate in Travel Medicine SC-TRAVMED
- Specialist Certificate in Urban and Cultural Heritage SC-UCH
- Specialist Certificate in the Management of Anterior Eye Disease GC-MAED
- Specialist Certificate in the Management of Contact Lens Patients GC-MCLP
- Specialist Certificate in the Management of Low Vision Patients GC-MLVP
- Specialist Certificate in the Management of Neural Disorders of Vision GC-MNDV
- Specialist Certificate in the Management of Paediatric Patients GC-MPP
- Specialist Certificate in the Management of Posterior Eye Disease GC-MPED
- U21 Diploma in Global Issues D-GLOBISS