2010 courses
- Advanced Diploma in Agriculture 425DO
- Advanced Diploma in Horticulture 495AA
- Advanced Diploma in Wood Products Management 675AA
- Associate Degree in Agriculture 874DO
- Associate Degree in Environmental Horticulture 881AA
- Associate Degree in Forestry Management 896CR
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science 015AC
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) 631AA
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science/Bachelor of Commerce 567AC
- Bachelor of Agriculture 315DP
- Bachelor of Agriculture 315PD
- Bachelor of Agriculture (Honours) 629DO
- Bachelor of Agriculture (Honours) 629AA
- Bachelor of Animal Science 885AA
- Bachelor of Animal Science and Management 451AA
- Bachelor of Animal Science and Management with Honours 601AA
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture) 694BH
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture)(Articulation) 694BI
- Bachelor of Architectural Studies 869AS
- Bachelor of Arts B-ARTS
- Bachelor of Arts 105AA
- Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Commerce 965AA
- Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Music 895AA
- Bachelor of Arts (Combined Theology) 105TL
- Bachelor of Arts (Degree with Honours) 104AA
- Bachelor of Arts (Extended) B-ARTSEXT
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology 104PY
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours)(Media and Communications) 104MC
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 902BB
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work 547AA
- Bachelor of Arts and Sciences 113BB
- Bachelor of Arts(Media and Communications) 105MC
- Bachelor of Arts(Media and Communications) & Bachelor of Commerce 965MC
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science 064AA
- Bachelor of Biomedicine B-BMED
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QB
- Bachelor of Commerce B-COM
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QH
- Bachelor of Commerce 205AA
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QF
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QC
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QD
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QG
- Bachelor of Commerce 205MP
- Bachelor of Commerce 205QI
- Bachelor of Commerce & Bachelor of Laws 915AA
- Bachelor of Commerce & Bachelor of Science 995AA
- Bachelor of Commerce (Degree with Honours) 204AA
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Systems 269AA
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Property and Construction 820AA
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science 995BB
- Bachelor of Computer Science 385AA
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) 384AA
- Bachelor of Creative Arts 413CA
- Bachelor of Creative Arts and Bachelor of Music 424AA
- Bachelor of Creative Arts(Honours) 819CA
- Bachelor of Dance (Degree with Honours) 084AA
- Bachelor of Dance (VCA) 035AA
- Bachelor of Dental Science 255AA
- Bachelor of Dental Studies 437AA
- Bachelor of Dramatic Art (VCA) 817AA
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education 446AA
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies(Pathways Program) 487PP
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) 177CC
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) - Study Abroad 177SA
- Bachelor of Engineering B-ENG
- Bachelor of Engineering 355AA
- Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) Biomechanics 679BM
- Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical)Biocellular 679BC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical)Bioinformatics 679BI
- Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical)Biosignals 679BS
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) 355AC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) 355AB
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Arts 957AC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Commerce 955AC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Laws 365AC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Science 985AC
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) 355AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Arts 957AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Commerce 955AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Laws 365AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Science 985AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) 355CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)/Bachelor of Science 985CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) and Bachelor of Arts 957CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) 355EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)/Bachelor of Science 985EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and Bachelor of Arts 957EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and Bachelor of Commerce 955EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and Bachelor of Laws 365EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and Bachelor of Science 857EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement) Chemical 680AC
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement) Civil 680AV
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement) Computer 680CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement) Electrical 680EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement) Environmental 680AR
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement) Software 680SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (EngineeringManagement)Mechanical&Manufacturing 680AF
- Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 355AR
- Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) and Bachelor of Arts 957AR
- Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) and Bachelor of Commerce 955AR
- Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) and Bachelor of Laws 365AR
- Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) and Bachelor of Science 985AR
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Computer Engineering 619CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Computer Engineering/Bachelor of Arts 621CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Computer Engineering/Bachelor of Science 625CE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Electrical Engineering 619EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Electrical Engineering/Bachelor of Arts 621EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Electrical Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce 620EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Electrical Engineering/Bachelor of Science 625EE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering 619SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering/Bachelor of Arts 621SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce 620SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering/Bachelor of Science 625SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical &Manufacturing) and Bachelor of Arts 957AM
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical &Manufacturing)& Bachelor of Science 985AM
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical &Manufacturing)/Bachelor of Commerce 955AM
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) 355QB
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) 355AF
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) 355QM
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) and Bachelor of Computer Science 375AA
- Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) 355SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering)/Bachelor of Science 985SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Software) and Bachelor of Commerce 955SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Software) and Bachelor of Laws 365SE
- Bachelor of Engineering (Software) and Bachelor of Science 857SE
- Bachelor of Engineering(Mechanical & Manufacturing) and Bachelor of Laws 365AM
- Bachelor of Environments B-ENVS
- Bachelor of Film and Television (Degree with Honours) 919AA
- Bachelor of Film and Television (VCA) 807AA
- Bachelor of Fine Art 617AB
- Bachelor of Fine Art (Drawing) (VCA) 617DR
- Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) (VCA) 617PA
- Bachelor of Fine Art (Photography) (VCA) 617PH
- Bachelor of Fine Art (Sculpture and Spatial Practice)(VCA) 617SC
- Bachelor of Fine Art(Honours)-Ceramics 414CE
- Bachelor of Fine Art(Honours)-Drawing 414DR
- Bachelor of Fine Art(Honours)-Painting 414PA
- Bachelor of Fine Art(Honours)-Photography 414PH
- Bachelor of Fine Art(Honours)-Printmaking 414PR
- Bachelor of Fine Art(Honours)-Sculpture 414SC
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Printmaking) (VCA) 617PR
- Bachelor of Food Science 450AA
- Bachelor of Food Science (Honours) 297BB
- Bachelor of Forest Science 025AC
- Bachelor of Forest Science (Honours) 719AA
- Bachelor of Forestry and Bachelor of Science 295AA
- Bachelor of Geographic Information Technology 356AA
- Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering 445EG
- Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering & Bach of Planning & Design(Prop&Const) 167EG
- Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering and Bachelor of Arts 967EG
- Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering and Bachelor of Information Systems 834EG
- Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering and Bachelor of Science 945EG
- Bachelor of Horticulture 405BH
- Bachelor of Horticulture (Honours) 609BH
- Bachelor of Information Systems 615AA
- Bachelor of Information Systems (Degree with Honours) 844AA
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 164AA
- Bachelor of Laws 505AA
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science 980AA
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Arts 977AA
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 555AA
- Bachelor of Music 655QA
- Bachelor of Music 655AA
- Bachelor of Music B-MUS
- Bachelor of Music Performance (Degree with Honours) 734AA
- Bachelor of Music Performance (Guitar) (VCA) 735GU
- Bachelor of Music Performance (Improvisation) (VCA) 735IM
- Bachelor of Music Performance (Keyboard) (VCA) 735KE
- Bachelor of Music Performance - Practical Composition-(VCA) 735PC
- Bachelor of Music Performance(Orchestral Instruments) (VCA) 735OI
- Bachelor of Music Theatre B-MUSTH
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Commerce 671AA
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Laws 317AA
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Teaching 597ME
- Bachelor of Natural Resource Management 800AA
- Bachelor of Natural Resource Management 415AA
- Bachelor of Natural Resource Management with Honours 880AA
- Bachelor of Optometry 785BB
- Bachelor of Oral Health 841AC
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy 427AA
- Bachelor of Planning & Design 075AZ
- Bachelor of Planning and Design (Architecture) 075AA
- Bachelor of Planning and Design (Property and Construction) 075PC
- Bachelor of Production 835AA
- Bachelor of Production (Degree with Honours) BH-PRODUC
- Bachelor of Property and Construction 065PC
- Bachelor of Property and Construction (Honours) 065PH
- Bachelor of Public Policy and Management 110AA
- Bachelor of Public Policy and Management(Honours) 110HN
- Bachelor of Rural Business 865DO
- Bachelor of Rural Business (Honours) 866DO
- Bachelor of Science B-SCI
- Bachelor of Science 755BB
- Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours) 754AA
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Information Systems 279BB
- Bachelor of Urban Planning and Development 061AA
- Bachelor of Veterinary Science(PV) 875PV
- Diploma in Arts (Ancient Languages) 319AL
- Diploma in Arts (Ancient and Medieval Studies) 319AN
- Diploma in Arts (Asian Studies) 319AS
- Diploma in Arts (Classical Studies) 319CS
- Diploma in Arts (Creative Writing) 319CW
- Diploma in Arts (Criminology) 319CR
- Diploma in Arts (Cultural Studies) 319CU
- Diploma in Arts (Development Studies) 319OE
- Diploma in Arts (English) 319EN
- Diploma in Arts (Environmental Studies) 319EV
- Diploma in Arts (Gender Studies) 319WS
- Diploma in Arts (History and Philosophy of Science 319HP
- Diploma in Arts (History) 319HS
- Diploma in Arts (Linguistics) 319LG
- Diploma in Arts (Philosophy) 319PH
- Diploma in Arts (Political Science) 319PS
- Diploma in Arts (Social Theory) 319ST
- Diploma in Creative Arts 111CA
- Diploma in Informatics D-INFO
- Diploma in Languages D-LANG
- Diploma in Mathematical Sciences D-MATHSC
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Arabic Studies) 888AR
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Chinese) 888CH
- Diploma in Modern Languages (French) 888FR
- Diploma in Modern Languages (German) 888GE
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Hebrew) 888HE
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Indonesian) 888IN
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian) 888IT
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Japanese) 888JA
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Russian) 888RU
- Diploma in Modern Languages (Spanish) 888SP
- Diploma in Modern Languages - Swedish 888SW
- Diploma in Music (Practical) D-MUS
- Diploma in Music (Practical) 983AA
- Doctor of Clinical Dentistry 661AA
- Doctor of Clinical Physiotherapy J02AA
- Doctor of Education 300CK
- Doctor of Education 300BB
- Doctor of Educational Psychology 316AA
- Doctor of Forest Science 020AA
- Doctor of Music 650AA
- Doctor of Musical Arts 170AB
- Doctor of Philosophy - Business and Economics 201BE
- Doctor of Philosophy - Land and Environment V18AA
- Doctor of Philosophy - Victorian College of the Arts 475AA
- Doctor of Science 750AA
- Doctor of Veterinary Science 870AA
- Executive Master of Arts MC-EMA
- Graduate Certificate in Advanced Learning and Leadership GC-ALL
- Graduate Certificate in Art Authentication N11AA
- Graduate Certificate in Arts GC-ARTS
- Graduate Certificate in Bulk Freight Systems Management N06AA
- Graduate Certificate in Business Forensics F02AA
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry GC-CLINDNT
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research N12AA
- Graduate Certificate in Commercialisation N13AA
- Graduate Certificate in Digital Forensics N07AA
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 988EC
- Graduate Certificate in English as an International Language L03AA
- Graduate Certificate in Enterprise N49AA
- Graduate Certificate in Environment 440AA
- Graduate Certificate in Garden Design GC-GARDES
- Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Arts Management 687AA
- Graduate Certificate in Information Systems GC-INFOSYS
- Graduate Certificate in Integrated Freight Systems Management N15AA
- Graduate Certificate in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) M02MU
- Graduate Certificate in Music (Practical Music) M02PM
- Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance GC-QA
- Graduate Certificate in River Health Management N17AA
- Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice GC-TRNSPRC
- Graduate Certificate in University Management 622AA
- Graduate Certificate in University Teaching 697AA
- Graduate Certificate in Visual Art 842AA
- Graduate Certificate in Wine Technology and Viticulture 449AA
- Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Studies 388AA
- Graduate Diploma in Arts GD-ARTS
- Graduate Diploma in Asian Law 726AA
- Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance Law 968AB
- Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology 786AB
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research N34AA
- Graduate Diploma in Communications Law 518AB
- Graduate Diploma in Competition Law GD-COMPLAW
- Graduate Diploma in Construction Law 189AA
- Graduate Diploma in Corporations and Securities Law 538AA
- Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts 959AA
- Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution 498AB
- Graduate Diploma in Drug Evaluation and Pharmaceutical Sciences 133AB
- Graduate Diploma in Economics F01AA
- Graduate Diploma in English as an International Language L02AA
- Graduate Diploma in Enterprise N48AA
- Graduate Diploma in Environment 440AB
- Graduate Diploma in Environment, Energy and Resources Law L07AA
- Graduate Diploma in Film and Television (Animation) 558AN
- Graduate Diploma in Film and Television (Documentary) 558DO
- Graduate Diploma in Film and Television (Narrative) 558NA
- Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology 033AA
- Graduate Diploma in Government Law 178AA
- Graduate Diploma in Guided Imagery and Music 428AA
- Graduate Diploma in Health and Medical Law 343AA
- Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law 636AA
- Graduate Diploma in Integrated Freight Systems Management N19AA
- Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law 276AA
- Graduate Diploma in International Economic Law 891AA
- Graduate Diploma in International Law 323AA
- Graduate Diploma in International Tax 191AA
- Graduate Diploma in Labour Relations Law 188AA
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies GD-LEGSTU
- Graduate Diploma in Management Studies 267AA
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences (Ch.Adol.&Fam.Ment.Health) 208CA
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences (Infant and Parent Ment.Hlth) 208IP
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences(Young People's Mental Health) 208YP
- Graduate Diploma in Music (Composition) M01CO
- Graduate Diploma in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) M01MU
- Graduate Diploma in Music (Practical Music) M01PM
- Graduate Diploma in Planning and Design 373AA
- Graduate Diploma in Property Valuation 702PA
- Graduate Diploma in Sports Law 893AA
- Graduate Diploma in Taxation Law 187AA
- Graduate Diploma in Urban Horticulture GD-URBHORT
- Graduate Diploma in Wine Technology and Viticulture 447AA
- Juris Doctor MC-JURISD
- M.A Jewish Studies (Thesis) 102JT
- M.A.Applied Linguistics (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102AE
- M.A.Australian Studies (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102BD
- M.A.Cultural Studies (Thesis) 102EE
- M.A.History & Philosophy of Science (Advanced Seminars & Shorter Thesis) 102KE
- M.A.International Politics (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102IP
- Master Of Applied Commerce (Management) F03ML
- Master of Accounting 261AL
- Master of Accounting 261AA
- Master of Actuarial Science MC-ACTSCI
- Master of Adolescent Health & Welfare MC-AHW
- Master of Advanced Nursing Practice J01AB
- Master of Advanced Social Work J16AB
- Master of Agribusiness 704AA
- Master of Agribusiness (Coursework) 704CC
- Master of Agribusiness (Coursework) 704BB
- Master of Agricultural Science MC-AGSCI
- Master of Agriculture 860AA
- Master of Animal Science MC-ANISCI
- Master of Animateuring (Cross-Modal Performance) 910AA
- Master of Applied Commerce 257AL
- Master of Applied Commerce 257AA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Accounting) 307AA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Accounting) 307AL
- Master of Applied Commerce (Business Analysis and Systems) 496AL
- Master of Applied Commerce (Business Analysis and Systems) 496AA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Human Resource Management) 257HL
- Master of Applied Commerce (Human Resource Management) 257HA
- Master of Applied Commerce (International) 257IL
- Master of Applied Commerce (International) 257IA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Management) F03MA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Marketing) 286AA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Marketing) 286AL
- Master of Applied Commerce (Operations Management) 257OL
- Master of Applied Commerce (Operations Management) 257OA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Organisational Change) 311AA
- Master of Applied Commerce (Organisational Change) 311AL
- Master of Applied Finance 837AA
- Master of Applied Linguistics (English Language) 044EL
- Master of Applied Linguistics (Language Test&Language Program Evaluation 044LT
- Master of Applied Linguistics (Technology in Language Learning) 044TL
- Master of Applied Linguistics(TESOL) 044AE
- Master of Applied Science (Civil) 462AV
- Master of Applied Science (Electrical and Electronic) 462EE
- Master of Applied Science (Geographic Information Systems) 462GS
- Master of Applied Science (Geographic Information Systems) 462SG
- Master of Applied Science (Geomatics) 462GM
- Master of Architecture MC-ARCH3Y
- Master of Architecture MC-ARCH2Y
- Master of Art Curatorship (Coursework and Minor Thesis) 038AB
- Master of Arts (Applied Philosophy) (Thesis) 102PA
- Master of Arts (Art History)(Thesis) 102FC
- Master of Arts (Asian Societies) 102AS
- Master of Arts (Cinema Studies) Thesis only 102CD
- Master of Arts (Creative Writing) (Research/Creative) 102CW
- Master of Arts (Cultural Material Conservation) 102CS
- Master of Arts (Indonesian Studies) by Thesis 102IN
- Master of Arts (Islamic Studies) by Research 102IS
- Master of Arts (Media and Communication) Adv.Seminar & Shorter Thesis 102MM
- Master of Arts (Media and Communication) Thesis 102MT
- Master of Arts (Policy Studies)(Advanced Seminars & Shorter Thesis) 102PS
- Master of Arts (Professional and Applied Ethics) 102EU
- Master of Arts (Public History & Heritage) Adv.Seminars & Shorter Thesis 102PL
- Master of Arts (Science, Communication and Society) 102SC
- Master of Arts (Socio-Legal Studies) 102SL
- Master of Arts (Sociology) by Research 102SR
- Master of Arts (Theatre Studies) MR-ARTSTS
- Master of Arts - Environmental Studies (Thesis) 102HF
- Master of Arts Management 175AA
- Master of Arts in Anthropology (Thesis) 102KB
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (Thesis) 102AD
- Master of Arts in Arabic Language and Literature (Thesis) 102AH
- Master of Arts in Art History (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102FD
- Master of Arts in Australian Studies(Thesis) 102BA
- Master of Arts in Chinese Language &Literature (Thesis) 102LC
- Master of Arts in Classics and Archaeology (Thesis) 102CE
- Master of Arts in Criminology (Thesis) 102DB
- Master of Arts in Development Studies(Thesis only) 102DS
- Master of Arts in English Language and Literature (Thesis) 102EA
- Master of Arts in French Language and Literature (Thesis) 102GB
- Master of Arts in Gender Studies (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102JE
- Master of Arts in Gender Studies (Thesis) 102JD
- Master of Arts in Geography (Thesis) 102HB
- Master of Arts in Germanic Studies (Thesis) 102IB
- Master of Arts in History (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102JC
- Master of Arts in History (Thesis) 102JB
- Master of Arts in History and Philosophy of Science (Thesis) 102KD
- Master of Arts in Italian (Thesis) 102GE
- Master of Arts in Japanese Language (Thesis) 102LE
- Master of Arts in Linguistics (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102MB
- Master of Arts in Linguistics (Thesis) 102MA
- Master of Arts in Philosophy (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102NC
- Master of Arts in Philosophy (International Justice)(Adv.Seminars&ShTh) 102IJ
- Master of Arts in Philosophy (Thesis) 102NB
- Master of Arts in Philosophy(Adv Seminars and Shorter Thesis)(CAPPE) 102CP
- Master of Arts in Political Science (Thesis) 102OB
- Master of Arts in Psychology (Thesis) 102PB
- Master of Arts in Russian (Thesis) 102ID
- Master of Arts in Social Theory (Advanced Seminars and Shorter Thesis) 102KH
- Master of Arts in Social Theory (Thesis) 102KG
- Master of Arts in Spanish (Thesis) MR-ARTSSPA
- Master of Arts in Swedish Studies -(Thesis) 102SS
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation (Stream 100A) Coursework and ThesisA 666AB
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation (Stream 100B) Coursework 666AC
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation (Stream 150A) Coursework & Thesis A 666BB
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation (Stream 150B) Coursework 666BC
- Master of Assessment and Evaluation(Stream 150)Coursework & Major Thesis 666BA
- Master of Avian Health & Medicine 882AM
- Master of Banking and Financial Services Law 526AA
- Master of Biomedical Engineering 745BM
- Master of Biostatistics 991AA
- Master of Business and Information Technology 490AA
- Master of Business and Information Technology 490AL
- Master of Choreography 254CW
- Master of Choreography (VCA) 254AA
- Master of Cinema Management MC-CINMG
- Master of Clinical Audiology 305BB
- Master of Clinical Research N01AA
- Master of Clinical Ultrasound MC-CU
- Master of Commerce 202AT
- Master of Commerce (Management) 202AM
- Master of Commerce (Management) MC-COMMG
- Master of Commerce (Marketing) MC-COMMK
- Master of Commerce - Economics 202AE
- Master of Commerce - Finance 202AF
- Master of Commercial Law 504AA
- Master of Community Cultural Development Practice (By Coursework) 683AA
- Master of Computer Science (Computing) 360AA
- Master of Construction Law 195AA
- Master of Construction Management MC-CONMG2Y
- Master of Construction Management MC-CONMG3Y
- Master of Creative Arts 474CA
- Master of Creative Writing (Coursework and Minor Thesis) 421AA
- Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing D01LF
- Master of Criminology (CWT) 274AB
- Master of Cultural Material Conservation MC-CULMC
- Master of Dance (Performance) 165AA
- Master of Dental Science (Para Clinical-Thesis) 252PT
- Master of Development Studies (Gender & Development) 097GD
- Master of Development Studies(CWT) 097AB
- Master of Dramatic Art (Direction) - School of Drama 917AA
- Master of Economics MC-ECO
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960MC
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960EC
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960MB
- Master of Education (Educational Management) 960EB
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960IC
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960IA
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960ID
- Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) 960IB
- Master of Education (Language Intervention and Hearing Impairment) 960LH
- Master of Education (Reading Recovery) 960RR
- Master of Education (Special Education, Inclusion & Early Intervention) 960SE
- Master of Education (Specific Learning Difficulties) 960SL
- Master of Education (Stream 100B)Coursework 960AC
- Master of Education (Stream 150) 960BA
- Master of Education (Student Wellbeing) G01SW
- Master of Education Policy (International) 695AA
- Master of Educational Psychology 312AA
- Master of Educational Psychology/Doctor of Philosophy G02AA
- Master of Energy Studies 214BU
- Master of Engineering MC-ENG
- Master of Engineering Management 761EM
- Master of Engineering Management 761BU
- Master of Engineering Project Management 532BU
- Master of Engineering Project Management 532PM
- Master of Engineering Science (Civil) 352AV
- Master of Engineering Science (Computer) 352CE
- Master of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronic) 352EE
- Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical and Manufacturing) 352AF
- Master of Engineering Structures 746ST
- Master of Engineering Structures 746BU
- Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing 781AA
- Master of English as an International Language L01AA
- Master of Enterprise N20AC
- Master of Enterprise (Executive) N20AA
- Master of Enterprise (Executive) N20AD
- Master of Environment 441ME
- Master of Environment 441MS
- Master of Environmental Engineering 206BU
- Master of Environmental Engineering 206EC
- Master of Epidemiology 570AA
- Master of Film and Television 074AA
- Master of Film and Television (Animation) 949AN
- Master of Film and Television (Documentary) 949DO
- Master of Film and Television (Narrative) 949NA
- Master of Film and Television (Producing) 681AA
- Master of Film and Television (Visual Effects) 949VE
- Master of Finance MC-FIN
- Master of Financial Management 839AA
- Master of Fine Art (Research) (VCA) 952AA
- Master of Food Science 439FS
- Master of Food Technology 861AA
- Master of Forest Ecosystem Science MC-FRSTES
- Master of Forest Science 022AA
- Master of Genetic Counselling MC-GENCOUN
- Master of Geographic Information Technology 536BU
- Master of Geographic Information Technology 536AA
- Master of Geomatic Engineering 612AA
- Master of Global Media Communication MC-GMCOM
- Master of Health Sciences (Infant and Parent Mental Health)(Coursework) 370IP
- Master of Health Social Sciences MC-HSS
- Master of Health and Medical Law 507AA
- Master of Horticulture 862AA
- Master of Human Resource Management 494AA
- Master of Information Systems 864AS
- Master of Information Systems 864AL
- Master of Information Systems 864BB
- Master of Information Systems/Postgraduate Diploma in Management ML-ISMGT
- Master of Information Technology 499BU
- Master of Information Technology 499AA
- Master of Information Technology in Education(Stream 1) 327AR
- Master of Information Technology in Education(Stream 1A) 327AT
- Master of Information Technology in Education(Stream 1B) 327BW
- Master of Integrated Freight Systems Management N21AA
- Master of Intellectual Property Law 277AA
- Master of International Business 324BA
- Master of International Business 324AA
- Master of International Business 324AL
- Master of International Business 324BL
- Master of International Politics 927AB
- Master of International Relations MC-IR
- Master of International Studies 722IN
- Master of International Tax 192AA
- Master of Islamic Studies MC-ISLMSTU
- Master of Labour Relations Law 510AA
- Master of Landscape Architecture MC-LARCH3Y
- Master of Landscape Architecture MC-LARCH2Y
- Master of Law and Development 635AA
- Master of Laws 502CW
- Master of Management MC-MGMT
- Master of Management (Accounting) MC-MGMTACT
- Master of Management (Business Analysis and Systems) MC-MGMTBAS
- Master of Management (Economics) MC-MGMTECO
- Master of Management (Finance) MC-MGMTFIN
- Master of Management (Marketing) MC-MGMTMKT
- Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) 572PC
- Master of Medicine (Radiology) 572RC
- Master of Mining Engineering MC-MINENG
- Master of Modern Languages Education(Stream 100A) Coursework and ThesisA 332AB
- Master of Modern Languages in Education (Stream 100B) Coursework 332AC
- Master of Modern Languages in Education (Stream 150B) Coursework 332BC
- Master of Modern Languages in Education(Stream 150A)Coursework & ThesisA 332BB
- Master of Music (Composition) 652CO
- Master of Music (Music Performance) 652MP
- Master of Music (Music Therapy) 652MT
- Master of Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) 652MU
- Master of Music Performance(VCA) 987AA
- Master of Music Studies 161IN
- Master of Music Studies by Coursework(Composition) 161CO
- Master of Music Studies by Coursework(Musicology/Ethnomusicology) 161MU
- Master of Music Studies by Coursework(Performance/Teaching) 161MP
- Master of Music Therapy M04AA
- Master of Nanoelectronic Engineering MC-NE
- Master of Natural Resource Management 863AA
- Master of Nursing Science MC-NURSCI
- Master of Philosophy - Architecture, Building and Planning MR-PHILABP
- Master of Philosophy - Business and Economics MR-PHILBE
- Master of Philosophy - Economics and Commerce MR-PHILECO
- Master of Philosophy - Education MR-PHILEDU
- Master of Philosophy - Engineering MR-PHILENG
- Master of Philosophy - Land and Environment MR-PHILLE
- Master of Philosophy - Law MR-PHILLAW
- Master of Philosophy - MDHS (Medicine) MR-PHILMED
- Master of Philosophy - Music MR-PHILMUS
- Master of Philosophy - Science MR-PHILSCI
- Master of Philosophy - Veterinary Science MR-PHILVET
- Master of Planning and Design (Architectural History & Conservation)CW 234AH
- Master of Planning and Design (Coursework) 234AA
- Master of Production MC-PRODUC
- Master of Professional Accounting MC-PROFACT
- Master of Property MC-PROP3Y
- Master of Property MC-PROP2Y
- Master of Psychiatry 342AA
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Child Psychology)/Doctor of Philosophy 080CC
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Child) 527CC
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) 527CN
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology)/Doctor of Philosophy 080CN
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) 527CL
- Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)/Doctor of Philosophy 080CL
- Master of Public Health 244CW
- Master of Public Infrastructure (Coursework) N22AA
- Master of Public Infrastructure (Research) N22AB
- Master of Public Policy and Management (Coursework) 344AB
- Master of Public and International Law 511AA
- Master of Publishing and Communications MC-PUBCOM
- Master of School Leadership 676BB
- Master of School Leadership 676AA
- Master of Science (Bioinformatics) MC-SCIBIF
- Master of Science (Biomedical and Health Sciences) MC-SCIBHS
- Master of Science (Biotechnology) MC-SCIBIT
- Master of Science (Botany) MC-SCIBOT
- Master of Science (Chemistry) MC-SCICHE
- Master of Science (Earth Sciences) MC-SCIEAR
- Master of Science (Environmental Science) MC-SCIENV
- Master of Science (Epidemiology) MC-SCIEPI
- Master of Science (Genetics) MC-SCIGEN
- Master of Science (Geography) MC-SCIGEO
- Master of Science (Information Systems) MC-SCIINF
- Master of Science (Management Science) MC-SCIMAN
- Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) MC-SCIMAT
- Master of Science (Physics) MC-SCIPHY
- Master of Science (Zoology) MC-SCIZOO
- Master of Social Policy 706AA
- Master of Social Work MC-SOCW
- Master of Software Systems Engineering 361AA
- Master of Sound Design 717AA
- Master of Spatial Information Science MC-SISC
- Master of Supply Chain Management MC-SCM
- Master of T.E.S.O.L. (Stream 100B) Coursework 489AC
- Master of T.E.S.O.L.(Stream 100A)Coursework and Thesis A 489AB
- Master of T.E.S.O.L.(Stream 150A) Coursework and Thesis A 489BA
- Master of T.E.S.O.L.(Stream 150B)Coursework 489BC
- Master of Tax 742AB
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) MC-TEACHCA
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) MC-TEACHCR
- Master of Teaching (Early Years) MC-TEACHYA
- Master of Teaching (Early Years) MC-TEACHYR
- Master of Teaching (Primary) MC-TEACHPR
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) MC-TEACHSR
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) MC-TEACHSA
- Master of Telecommunications Engineering 364AA
- Master of Telecommunications Engineering 364BU
- Master of Tertiary Education Management MC-TEM
- Master of Theatre Design 911AA
- Master of Theatre Practice MC-THRPR
- Master of Urban Design 314AB
- Master of Urban Horticulture MC-URBHORT
- Master of Urban Planning MC-URPL
- Master of Veterinary Science 872AA
- Master of Veterinary Science (Clinical) 872BB
- Master of Visual Art 912AA
- Master of Water Resource Management 217WR
- Master of Water Resource Management 217BU
- Master of Wine Technology and Viticulture MC-WTVIT
- Master of Women's Health N23AA
- Master of Wood Science 517AA
- Master of Youth Health and Education Management 587AA
- Master of e-Forensics and Enterprise Security N38AA
- Ph.D.- Architecture & Planning 051AA
- Ph.D.- Arts 101AA
- Ph.D.- Education 301AA
- Ph.D.- Engineering 351AA
- Ph.D.- Law 501AA
- Ph.D.- Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences 551AA
- Ph.D.- Music 651AA
- Ph.D.- Science 751AA
- Ph.D.- Veterinary Science 871AA
- Ph.D.-Economics and Commerce 201AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Arts PC-ARTS
- Postgraduate Certificate in Arts (Editing and Communications) 377EC
- Postgraduate Certificate in Arts (Photographic Materials Conservation) 377PC
- Postgraduate Certificate in Assessment and Evaluation 962AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Avian Health V01AV
- Postgraduate Certificate in Biostatistics 642AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Ultrasound PC-CU
- Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Education 685AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Early Literacy Intervention 610AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Teaching Content through English) PC-EDTCE
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Research PC-EDRES
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Stud.(Internat. Baccalaureate) 981DP
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Generalist) 568GN
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Intern.Baccalaureate) 981PY
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Lang Intv Hearing Impt) 981LH
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Sp Ed, Inc & Erly Intv) 981SI
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies (TESOL) 568TB
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies(Middle Years Literacies) 981MY
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies(Modern Languages Educat) 568LB
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Studies(Specific Learning Diff.) 981SL
- Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering PC-ENG
- Postgraduate Certificate in Environment 441AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Food Science 394BB
- Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics Teaching (Years 11-12) PC-MATH12
- Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics Teaching (Years 7-10) PC-MATH10
- Postgraduate Certificate in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) M03MU
- Postgraduate Certificate in Music (Practical Music) M03PM
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Anaesthetics) J03AN
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Cancer & Palliative Care) J03CP
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Critical Care) J03CC
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Emergency) J03EM
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Mental Health) J03MH
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Paediatrics) J03PA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Perioperative) J03PE
- Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Practice (Rural Critical Care) J03RC
- Postgraduate Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics 281AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Care Nursing PC-PCNURS
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Ethics 469AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Sexual Health) 641SH
- Postgraduate Certificate in Public and Private Partnerships N24AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Science 737AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in Women's Health N25AA
- Postgraduate Certificate in the Teaching of Shakespeare PC-TSS
- Postgraduate Diploma In Economics 246AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Clinical Optometry 280AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Science 026AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Science and Management PD-ANSCMAN
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts PD-ARTS
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Cultural Material Conservation) 095CM
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Editing and Communications) 095EC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Media and Communication) 095MC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Management 822AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Biostatistics 645AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry 031AB
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Ultrasound PD-CU
- Postgraduate Diploma in Community Cultural Development Practice 682AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Studies (Generalist) 138GN
- Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Studies (TESOL) 138TE
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environment 441AB
- Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Television (Producing) 937PC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Finance 256AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Food Science 391BB
- Postgraduate Diploma in Health Social Sciences PD-HSS
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Studies 721IN
- Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Studies PD-ISLMSTU
- Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Composition) 889CO
- Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Early Music) 889EM
- Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Instrumental/Vocal Teaching) 889TE
- Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Musicology/Ethnomusicology) 889MU
- Postgraduate Diploma in Music (Performance) 889MP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Music Performance (VCA) 464AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing J05AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Anaesthetics Theory) J05AN
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Cancer & Palliative Care Theory) J05CP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care Theory) J05CC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency Theory) J05EM
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health Theory) J05MH
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Paediatric Critical Care Theory) J05PC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Paediatrics Theory) J05PA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Perioperative Theory) J05PE
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Rural Critical Care Theory) J05RC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice J04AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Anaesthetics) J04AN
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Cancer & Palliative Care) J04CP
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Critical Care) J04CC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Emergency) J04EM
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Mental Health) J04MH
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Paediatric Critical Care) J04PC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Paediatrics) J04PA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Perioperative) J04PE
- Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Practice (Rural Critical Care) J04RC
- Postgraduate Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 779AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation Q02AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Perioperative and Critical Care Echocardiography N51AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Planning and Design 963AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Nursing J06AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Production Q01AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Ethics 467AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Science 290AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy N26AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design 831AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Art 845AA
- Postgraduate Diploma in Women's Health N27AA
- Professional Certificate in Auto Dealership Management N42AA
- Professional Certificate in Clinical Research N28AA
- Professional Certificate in Education (Teaching Content through English) GC-EDTCE
- Professional Certificate in Organisational Improvement N31AA
- Specialist Cert.Clinical Research (Immunisation & Infectious Diseases) N05ID
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Biomedical Research Mgmt) N05BR
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Neuroscience) N05NS
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research (Oncology) N05ON
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research-Clinical Trials Coordination GC-CRCOORD
- Specialist Certificate in Clinical Research-Clinical Trials Monitoring GC-CRMONIT
- Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability) GC-CRIMFD
- Specialist Certificate in Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapy GC-PAEDOP
- Specialist Certificate in Palliative Care GC-PALLC
- Specialist Certificate in Physiotherapy (Exercise for Women) N45AF
- Specialist Certificate in Preservation of Photographs GC-PRPHOTO
- Specialist Certificate in Public Infrastructure N47AA
- Specialist Certificate in Rural Paediatric Practice GC-RPP
- Specialist Certificate in Social Policy (Social Inclusion) GC-SOCPOL
- U21 Certificate in Global Issues 777CC
- U21 Diploma in Global Issues D-GLOBISS