Subject Overview: |
This subject will be comprised of the following two modules. In both units within this subject a “clinical presentation” approach will be taken to the discussion of diseases of animals, their diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Dogs, cats and miscellaneous companion animals - clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and public health aspects of infectious diseases of dogs and cats
- clinical signs, diagnosis and medical and surgical management of diseases of the neuroendocrine, musculoskeletal, haematopoietic, lymphoreticular, alimentary, cardiovascular, respiratory and urogenital systems, eyes and ears of dogs and cats
- clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of poisonings of dogs and cats
- nutrition of dogs and cats
- dermatology of dogs and cats
- oncology of dogs and cats
- behavioural abnormalities of dogs and cats
- perinatal medicine in dogs and cats
- greyhound medicine.
- diseases of miscellaneous companion animals
Horses - physical examination, clinical signs, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of metabolic and multi-systemic diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal, haematopoietic, lymphoreticular, alimentary, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems, eyes and skin of horses
- injury management in horses
- special considerations in foals and heavy equine breeds
- exotic and recently introduced equine diseases and their associated risk factors
- routine procedures used to optimise Thoroughbred stud reproductive performance
- equine castration
Objectives: |
Students completing the Dogs, cats and miscellaneous companion animals module should: - be familiar with breed and behavioural characteristics of dogs and cats
- possess essential information of the diseases of dogs and cats to approach a diagnosis on the basis of epidemiological data, clinical history, physical examination and clinical signs in an individual animal or group of animals
- be able to select appropriately and interpret and utilise the results of laboratory tests in making a diagnosis in a dog or cat
- be able to devise appropriate forms of therapy or management of disease in dogs and cats and be able to devise strategies for prevention and control of the same
- be aware of the public health implications of zoonoses of dogs and cats.
- be familiar with the principal features of the management and husbandry of miscellaneous companion animals such as rabbits and rodents, and have a thorough understanding of the welfare issues associated with keeping such animals
- have a thorough understanding of the diseases that affect these species and the factors that influence the occurrence of disease in individual animals and in groups of animals
- be able to carry out a thorough and safe physical examination of these species
- be able to reach a probable diagnosis or formulate a list of differential diagnoses in these species based on the history, epidemiological date, physical examination, clinical signs and gross necropsy lesions
- be able to recommend appropriate ancillary tests to reach a definitive diagnosis and accurately prognosticate
- be able to specify appropriate therapy
- be able to recommend appropriate measures for disease control and/or prevention
Students completing the Horses module should have a thorough understanding of: - the common equine diseases and diagnostic procedures
- how to conduct a thorough and logical clinical investigation, based on the presenting signs, interpret the findings and arrive at an accurate diagnosis
- how to provide adequate treatment for all problems commonly encountered in horses and related species
- how to castrate a horse competently
- how to implement appropriate prevention strategies for the common diseases of horses
- the exotic and recently introduced equine infectious diseases and how to deal with a suspected case of the same
- how to complete an appropriate pre-purchase or insurance examination and certificate
- how to discuss cases with professional colleagues using precise and concise veterinary nomenclature.
Assessment: |
The assessment will be based on the following two modules, of which satisfactory completion of each is a hurdle requirement for the successful completion of this subject. - Dogs, cats and miscellaneous companion animals module (60% of total subject assessment)
- Horses module (40% of total subject assessment)
Dogs, cats and miscellaneous companion animals module - A 1-hour written assessment held following the intra-semester break in semester 1 (15% of this module)
- A 2-hour written examination relating to all topics in semester held at the end of semester 1 (30% of this module)
- A 1-hour written assessment relating to semester 2 topics, held following the intra-semester break in semester 2 (15% of this module)
- A 3-hour written examination relating to all of year material, held at the end of semester 2 (40% of this module)
Students are required to achieve an aggregate mark of at least 50% across the assessment components of this module. Horses module - A 2-hour written examination held at the end of semester 1 (45% of this module)
- One practical examination held prior to the intra-semester break in semester 2 (10% of this module)
- A 2-hour written examination held at the end of semester 2 (45% of this module)
Students are required to achieve an aggregate mark of at least 50% for the two written examinations, and must satisfactorily complete the practical examination. |
Prescribed Texts: | None |
Recommended Texts: | A recommended reading list will be provided by the subject coordinator. |
Breadth Options: | This subject is not available as a breadth subject. |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Generic Skills: |
Students completing this subject will have developed: - an in-depth understanding of specific veterinary clinical disciplines
- manual dexterity and technical skills in the practical application of these disciplines
- the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, to trouble-shoot technical difficulties
- the ability to seek accurate solutions to complex biological problems
- the capacity to apply a rigorous, critical and logical approach to problem-solving
- advanced experience in observation, interpretation of complex data, problem-solving, time management, record-keeping and communication in both written and verbal formats
Related Course(s): |
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine