Master of Community Cultural Development

Course MC-CCULDEV (2012)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2012.

Year and Campus: 2012 - Southbank
CRICOS Code: 075493J
Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Level: Graduate/Postgraduate
Duration & Credit Points: 200 credit points taken over 24 months full time. This course is available as full or part time.


Dean Merlino


Faculty of the VCA and Music Student Centre
Ground Floor, Elisabeth Murdoch Building (Bldg 860)
Southbank Campus
234 St Kilda Road, Southbank, 3006

Phone: 13 MELB (13 6352)

Course Overview:

The proposed Master of Community Cultural Development (CCD) is an upgrading of the current CCD Course structure which began in 2005. The current 100 point Masters and 100 Point Postgraduate Diploma will be merged into one 200 point Masters Program with exit points for Graduate Certificate (after 50 points) and Graduate Diploma (after 100 points). The aim of this curriculum development is to end duplication between the current Postgraduate Diploma and Masters Course, merge some current 12.5-point subjects with similar content into 25-point subjects, add a significant (50-point) research component to the second year of the course, and simplify progression into the second year of study.


Community Cultural Development is the intersection between the arts and community based practices. Applicants into the CCD program at the VCA and Music come from several areas. First they are current CCD practitioners wishing to further their intellectual and critical engagement with the practice. Others come from fields related to CCD such as the arts or humanities who desire to share their knowledge within the global community. There is also a growing cohort of both interstate and international students who recognise the CCD program at the VCA and MUSIC as leading the world in critical enquiry in the field. Students in the course already have a strong commitment to cultural diversity and social and civic responsibility. The course provides an opportunity to blend those beliefs with critical enquiry. The MCCD graduate will be able to engage in high levels of scholarship and research, and develop the future direction of the practice. They will both lead the field of community engaged arts and understand the need to be responsive to leaders within communities and cross cultural contexts. CCD is a practice that values cultural diversity and community understanding. Graduates will further develop their capacity for leadership within diverse cultural contexts, rights discourse and community sustainability.

Course Structure & Available Subjects:

Qualification for the award requires completion of all subjects listed below.

Subject Options:

Master of Community Cultural Development

Study Period Commencement:
Credit Points:
Semester 1, Semester 2
Semester 1, Semester 2
Semester 1, Semester 2
July, Semester 1
Entry Requirements:

1. The Selection Committee will evaluate the applicant’s ability to pursue the course successfully
using the following criteria.
• one of
– an undergraduate degree with a major relevant to community cultural development or equivalent,
– an undergraduate degree in any discipline together with at least two years of documented
relevant work experience related to community cultural development, or
– at least five years of documented relevant work experience related to community cultural
development, together with evidence of ability in academic writing and research or scholarship
appropriate for postgraduate study; and
• an interview.

2. The Selection Committee may conduct further interviews or tests and may call for referee reports
and employer references to elucidate any of the matters referred to above.
Note. A performance hurdle of an average of 65% (H3) over the first 100 points applies for
continuation of enrolment in the Master of Community Cultural Development. Enrolled students
who do not meet this hurdle requirement but have successfully completed sufficient subjects are
eligible to receive one of the Graduate Certificate in Community Cultural Development or the
Graduate Diploma in Community Cultural Development as an exit award.

Core Participation Requirements:

Communication: Students must be able to participate in and produce performances and exhibitions as required; they will also need to communicate effectively and efficiently in oral and written forms. Communication with fellow students, professional and academic staff, and the wider public about their knowledge and application of practising Arts disciplines is essential.

Creative, Intellectual and Organisational Abilities: Students require the capacity for high-level creative performance or production. They are also expected to have the ability to develop problem-solving skills and to comprehend disciplinary and cross-disciplinary information. Students must have the ability to establish study plans and prioritise training objectives and outcomes.

Behavioural and Social Attributes: Students must possess behavioural and social attributes that enable them to participate in a complex learning environment. They must take full responsibility for their own participation and learning. Students also contribute to the learning of other students in collaborative environments and must therefore demonstrate a wide range of interpersonal skills which consider the needs of other students. Assessment may include the outcomes of tasks completed in collaboration with other students.

Disability: Students who have a disability which may prevent them from participating in tasks involving these inherent academic requirements are encouraged to contact the Disability Liaison Unit:
Adjustments can be provided to minimise the impact of a disability; however, students will need to participate in the course in an independent manner.

Graduate Attributes: None
Generic Skills:

On completion of this course students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of community cultural development theory, philosophy, history and practice;
• confidently articulate their professional practice through both written and oral methods;
• apply creative and innovative skills to problem solve within the broader practice;
• demonstrate research principles and methods pertinent to CCD practice;
• present a developed knowledge of the creative processes within community based arts practice;
• express community cultural development theory and practice in an accessible form at community level;
• demonstrate leadership and mentoring skills.

Links to further information:

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