Master of Food Science
Course 439FS (2010)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2010.
Year and Campus: | 2010 - Parkville |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Graduate/Postgraduate |
Duration & Credit Points: | 200 credit points taken over 24 months full time. This course is available as full or part time. |
To Be Advised
Postgraduate Studies Office, Melbourne School of Land and Environment, The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia Tel: + 61 3 8344 7834 Fax: + 61 3 9348 2156 Email:
Course Overview: |
The Melbourne School of Land and Enviroment at the University of Melbourne is proud to introduce you to its Master of Food Science. The Master of Food Science has been developed for graduates holding a science or engineering degree seeking specialist training for a career in the food and associated industries. Each student completes a tailored program of coursework subjects incorporating core study areas and electives in addition to a research project in an approved area of food science. As a graduate you will be well prepared to play a key role in research and technical divisions within food companies and associated organisations, as well as in managing food production across the entire food supply chain.
Objectives: |
Course Structure & Available Subjects: |
A diverse range of elective subjects is offered enabling students to develop sufficient familiarity with knowledge areas relevant to their research thesis, supplementing existing academic qualifications and industrial experience. |
Majors/ Minors/ Specialisations | Master of Food ScienceCore subjects The Research Projects may be taken on a full time basis over one semester (202-502 Project A 25 points and 202-603 Project B 50 points) or on a part time basis over one year (202-508 Project A & 202-608 Project B). |
Subject Options: | Core SubjectsSubject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: Selective Subjects 1You must choose one of the following subjects.Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: Selective Subjects 2You must choose one of the following subjects.Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: Selective Subjects 3You must choose one of the following subjects.Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: Elective SubjectsThe following subjects are delivered online and may have non-standard commencement dates. Contact the Postgraduate Administrator for further details. Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: |
Entry Requirements: |
1. The Selection Committee will evaluate the applicant’s ability to pursue the course successfully using the following criteria:
2. The Selection Committee may conduct interviews and tests and call for referee reports and employer references to elucidate any of the matters referred to above. |
Core Participation Requirements: | It is University policy to take all steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. This course requires all students to enrol in subjects where they must actively and safely contribute to laboratory activities and field trips. Students who feel their disability will impact on meeting this requirement are encouraged to discuss this matter with the Subject Coordinator and Disability Liaison Unit. |
Graduate Attributes: |
The Melbourne Experience enables our Graduates to become: Academically excellent
Knowledgeable across disciplines Our graduates will be expected to:
Leaders in communities Our graduates will be expected to:
Attuned to cultural diversity
Active global citizens
Generic Skills: |
Notes: | Exit with Postgraduate Diploma of Food Science is possible on the completion of the first year of the Masters. |
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