Minor Research Thesis

Subject THTR40004 (2016)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2016.

Credit Points: 25
Level: 4 (Undergraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject is not offered in 2016.

Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 2 hours per week
Total Time Commitment:

10 hours per week including private study





Recommended Background Knowledge:

None additional to entry requirements

Non Allowed Subjects:


Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering requests for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, this subject requires all students to actively and safely participate in theatre production acitivites. Students who feel their disability may impact upon their participation are encouraged to discuss this with the Subject Coordinator and the Disability Liaison Unit http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/disability/


Faculty of the VCA and Music Student Centre
Ground Floor, Elisabeth Murdoch Building (Bldg 860)
Southbank Campus
234 St Kilda Road, Southbank, 3006

Phone: 13 MELB (13 6352)
Email: 13MELB@unimelb.edu.au

Subject Overview:

Each student will nominate an area of enquiry pertaining to their chosen field of study. In consultation with their supervisor and through a number of research methods classes, the student will develop a research question or hypothesis, conduct a literature review in relation to this question and then research and submit a paper interrogating this hypothesis.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this subject, students should be able to

  • exhibit a specialist area of knowledge in the performing arts industries, at a high level
  • exhbiti a capacity to design, conduct and present original research
  • communicate effectively both orally and in writing


Honours Research Thesis 8,000 - 10,000 words. Mid year draft (20%); Final Draft (60%); Presentation of Thesis (20%).

Prescribed Texts:


Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

On completion of this subject, students should be able to

  • exhibit strong theoretical and practical knowledge of the performing arts industries, including relevant professional knowledge, skills, discipline and ethics as they relate to these industries
  • demonstrate capacities for artistic imagination, creativity, transformation and interpretation
  • demonstrate advanced skills in respect of critical analysis, problem solving, report writing, team work and oral and written communication
  • work at various levels, both as an individual and as a team member, in a wide variety of environments
  • contribute at a high level as collaborators and leaders
  • demonstrate an open, independent and inquiring attitude towards contemporary cultural developments and new ideas
  • understand and appreciate how the performing arts connect with the broader society and contribute to its social and economic development
  • understand their relationship with and responsibility to their cultural environment and society.
Links to further information: http://www.vca.unimelb.edu.au/

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