Principles of Clinical Practice 2

Subject MEDS90004 (2016)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2016.

Credit Points: 93.75
Level: 9 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2016:

Year Long, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 01-Feb-2016 to 23-Oct-2016
Assessment Period End 18-Nov-2016
Last date to Self-Enrol 12-Feb-2016
Census Date 31-May-2016
Last date to Withdraw without fail 23-Sep-2016

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: Three hundred and sixty hours of formal teaching comprised of problem or topic orientated classroom-based tutorials, structured professional and procedural skills sessions and bedside tutorials. Students will also participate in clinical activities such as ward rounds, outpatient clinics, operating theatre sessions and team meetings as well as independently clerking patients on medical and surgical wards. Estimated non-contact time commitment: an average of at least 30 hours per week.
Total Time Commitment:

40 hrs per week for 36 weeks

Study Period Commencement:
Credit Points:




Recommended Background Knowledge:

Covered by prerequisities

Non Allowed Subjects:


Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements of this entry.
The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Student Equity and Disability Support website:


Dr Lisa Cheshire


Administrative Contact:

Subject Overview:

The overall aim of Principles of Clinical Practice 2 is to further develop key clinical skills in a fulltime clinical environment. The subject will be delivered in four terms of nine weeks. In the Foundation term students will consolidate their medical interviewing and physical examination skills in the context of the hospital and community environment. In the Medicine term students will focus on the student becoming part of hospital based medical teams to help them develop their diagnostic and therapeutic skills in the context of patients presenting with acute medical problems. In the Surgical term students will focus on the diagnostic and therapeutic issues of patients with acute and chronic surgical problems. Students will also learn the principles and basic practice of anaesthetics. In the Ambulatory Care term students will focus their attention on patients with chronic diseases followed in an ambulatory setting.

Learning Outcomes:

In line with the graduate attributes of the MD, by the end of the subject students should have developed the following objectives to a level appropriate for the second year of the course:

1. Learn from patients, health professionals and the community in relevant clinical settings
2. Respect the rights of patients including patient choice, dignity and privacy in relevant clinical settings
3. Communicate effectively with patients from diverse backgrounds including listening to, responding to, and understanding the patient’s perspective in relevant clinical settings
4. Apply the principles of rehabilitation in the amelioration of suffering from acute or chronic disability in relevant clinical settings
5. Understand chronic illness and disability and its impact on the patient, their carers and communities
6. Construct with an adult patient an accurate, thorough, organised, medical history and perform an accurate physical examination
7. Integrate and interpret clinical findings and apply rigorous reasoning to arrive at an appropriate diagnosis or differential diagnosis with adult patients
8. Select and interpret the most appropriate and cost effective diagnostic procedures in adult patients
9. Formulate a simple evidence‐based management plan in collaboration with an adult patient
10. Recognise serious illness in relevant clinical settings
11. Perform relevant medical procedures effectively and safely, with due regard for the patient’s comfort including important emergency and life‐saving procedures

1. Understand the aetiology, pathology, symptoms and signs, natural history and prognosis of important physical illnesses in adults
2. Understand the management (pharmacological, physical, nutritional, behavioural and psychological) of important medical conditions in adults
3. Demonstrate the ability to access new knowledge from all sources and to analyse and interpret it in a critical manner

1. Demonstrate empathy, compassion, honesty and integrity in relevant clinical interactions
2. Apply the principles of reflective practice in relevant clinical settings
3. Recognise when clinical problems exceed your knowledge in relevant clinical settings and know when to ask for help
4. Identify and address your learning needs in relevant clinical settings
5. Respond constructively to assessment and appraisal in a clinical setting
6. Manage clinical uncertainty in relevant clinical settings
7. Apply effective time‐management and organisational skills to relevant clinical settings
8. Recognise your own emotion and emotion in others in relevant clinical settings
9. Maintain your own physical, emotional, social and spiritual health and understand the importance of professional support in this process
10. Understand how your own spiritual, cultural or religious beliefs should not prevent the provision of adequate and appropriate health care to a patient

Medical profession
1. Understand the continuum of medical training and the diverse roles and expertise of doctors
2. Understand the potential conflicts of interest that may confront doctors
3. Apply the principles of ethics in the provision of health care
4. Provide effective feedback to colleagues in a clinical setting

Systems of Health Care
1. Understand the roles, responsibilities and expertise of all health professionals, and how they work in teams to deliver health care
2. Understand the principles of team work and the ability to work effectively in a team
3. Understand the principles of quality and safety in health care systems
4. Understand the principles of effective record keeping

1. Understand the interactions between humans and their social and physical environment
2. Understand the principles of health promotion including primary and secondary prevention
3. Understand the health of indigenous Australians including their history, cultural development and the impact of colonisation and the ongoing health disparities of indigenous people in this country and globally
4. Respect community values and appreciate a diversity of backgrounds and cultural values
5. Understand the principles of health literacy
6. Contribute to the community
7. Contribute to the resolution of health inequities locally and globally
8. Practise medicine in an environmentally responsible way

  • Written examination of 4 hours duration (an MCQ paper and an SAQ paper) (end of year): 35%
  • Multi-station Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) (end of year): 35%
  • Mini-Clinical Encounters throughout the year (6, all to contribute to final mark) (throughout year): 10%
  • Presentation of three Long Cases, 20% broken down to:
    Term 1 Semester 1: 5%
    Term 2 Semester 2: 5%
    Term 3 Semester 2: 10%

Hurdle requirements (pass/fail, throughout year):

  • Satisfactory standard in Professional Behaviour Checklist;
  • Satisfactory standard in presentation of ePortfolio of case notes and other tasks as required;
  • 75% attendance at lectures, tutorials and practical classes;
  • 100% attendance at clinical placements and field visits;
  • Satisfactory completion of the Rural Health Practice module (approx. 3 hours): 100% participation in cases that require free text responses, and greater than 50% in the three graded quizzes (End of Foundation Term Semester 1);
  • Satisfactory performance in at least one of OSCE and final Long Case;
  • Satisfactory performance in at least one component (i.e. MCQ paper or SAQ paper) of the written examination.

Prescribed Texts:

Students will be advised about prescribed texts in the Subject Guide on MD Connect.

Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

Extensive knowledge of a particular professional area, including relevant professional knowledge and skills, and informed respect for the principles, disciplines, values and ethics of a chosen profession;

  • Highly developed cognitive, analytic and problem-solving skills;
  • Capacity for independent critical thought, rational inquiry and self-directed learning;
  • Ability and self-confidence to comprehend complex concepts to express them lucidly, whether orally or in writing, and to confront unfamiliar problems;
  • Leadership capacity, including a willingness to engage in constructive public discourse, to accept social and civic responsibilities;
  • Ability and confidence to participate effectively in collaborative learning as a team-member, while respecting individual differences; and
  • Ability to plan work and to use time effectively.
Related Course(s): Doctor of Medicine

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