Audiological Science

Subject AUDI90046 (2016)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2016.

Credit Points: 25
Level: 9 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2016:

January, Parkville - Taught online/distance.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 11-Jan-2016 to 25-Mar-2016
Assessment Period End 01-Apr-2016
Last date to Self-Enrol 26-Jan-2016
Census Date 29-Jan-2016
Last date to Withdraw without fail 04-Mar-2016

In addition to the 36 contact hours, students should expect the following;

  • 4 independent activities – 10 hours
  • Discussion board Q&A – 2 hours
  • Practice MCQ’s – 1.5 hours
  • Readings/online video resources – 6 hours
  • 30 hours clinical observation

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 36 hours (online lectures)
Total Time Commitment:

290 hours


To enrol in this subject, you must be admitted in the Specialist Certificate in Hearing Science. This subject is not available for students admitted in any other courses.

Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering requests for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Overview, Objectives, Assessment and Generic Skills sections of this entry.

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability may impact on meeting the requirements of this course are encouraged to discuss this matter with the Student Equity and Disability Support Team:


Dr Jessica Vitkovic


School of Melbourne Custom Programs

Subject Overview:

The first part of the subject is designed to provide the theoretical foundation underpinning the functions and limitations of normal and abnormal auditory function respectively. Students will first be introduced to the physical properties of sound and its ability to influence perception of sound. The anatomical and physiological structures involved in normal auditory function across the lifespan will be analysed with a focus on forming explanations for the impacts on normal speech and language development and the normal changes associated with aging. This will lead us into the incidence, risk factors, pathophysiology and biopsychosocial impacts of auditory dysfunction in the population utilising the World Health Organisations (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Framework. We will apply these concepts to the common tools for detection and screening of auditory function.

The latter part of the subject is designed to provide the theoretical foundation underpinning audiological practice. Students will extend on their knowledge from their own profession to better facilitate the detection and management of auditory impairment and functional limitations addressed in the re/habilitation process. Orientation to the role of audiology in the health care context and common tools and pathways to intervention will be explored in both the national and international context. A range of assessment tools and their adaptations to paediatric populations will be acquired. Prior knowledge of common pathophysiology will be consolidated and applied to the identification and interpretation of various assessments of auditory function. Students will be guided to identify and justify common pathways for intervention and be able to evaluate the individuals own barriers and facilitators to intervention success using patient profiles. Students will focus on developing knowledge on the technical and measurement processes involved in the selection and implementation of devices as one option involved in aural rehabilitation programs. Students will be introduced to a variety of outcome measures commonly used in audiological practice. A three day clinical observation experience, organised by the student, is utilised to contextualise the application of the principles and skills underpinning audiological practice.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the subject students will demonstrate theoretical knowledge and application in foundations in hearing science by:

  • Analysing auditory function and applying knowledge of acoustics and anatomy and physiology and the ICF framework to interpret normal auditory function and to recognise variations from normal.
  • Apply an understanding of acoustics, psychoacoustics, anatomy, physiology and normal auditory development and function across the lifespan, to common mechanisms of injury and pathology leading to impairment and dysfunction.
  • Outline the theoretical principles that underpin assessment procedures in audiology to identify functional limitations and impairments.
  • Apply and integrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, acoustics and pathophysiology to identify and interpret a selection of assessments of auditory function.
  • Integrate prior knowledge of the audiological conditions and information specific to the individual, to effectively interpret auditory function and to recognise variations form normal.
  • Develop, apply and transmit effective communication strategies to and for the hearing impaired population.
  • Evaluate the functions of adaptations to hearing assessment techniques and management pathways unique to the paediatric population.
  • Identify and justify the use of intervention options and processes utilised in the re/habilitation process.
  • Describe the elements of various amplification technologies and provide appropriate amplification options for selective cases.
  • Critically evaluate the known barriers and facilitators that contribute to an individual’s intervention success.
  • 9 x Online tests (15 minutes per test) - due Weekly - total 25%
  • 4 x individual activity reports (4 X 300 words) - due Week 1,3,5,7 - total 10%
  • Written assignment (1500 words) - due Week 4 - 15%
  • Film a 5 minute interaction/written assignment (1500 words) - due Week 10 - 20%
  • Written assignment (2500 words) - due Week 12 - 30%
  • Hurdle Requirement - Three-day clinical observation experience – can be undertaken at any point throughout the subject. 300 word reflective report is to be submitted by the final week of the subject.

Note: Clinical observation experience is organised by the student, is utilised to contextualise the application of the principles and skills underpinning audiological practice. Week 12 Hurdle

Prescribed Texts: None
Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

On completion of the subject students should

  • Be able to articulate their knowledge and understanding in written modes of communication.
  • Demonstrate skills in practical thinking, clinical reasoning and decision making.
  • Be able to seek, retrieve and evaluate information.
  • Be able to communicate scientific knowledge through oral, written web based media.
  • Demonstrate empathy and a shared understanding of the needs of other individuals concerns and priorities.
  • Demonstrate the critical use of decision-making skills with an awareness of the factors that inform their decisions.
  • Demonstrate construction and expression of logical arguments in the application of evidence.
  • Construct and express logical arguments in the application of evidence.
  • Be able to apply self-directed learning as the basis of lifelong learning skills.
  • Demonstrate communication repair strategies.
Links to further information:
Related Course(s): Specialist Certificate in Hearing Science

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