Aboriginal Cultural Studies

Subject AIND30010 (2016)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2016.

Credit Points: 12.5
Level: 3 (Undergraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2016:

Semester 1, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 29-Feb-2016 to 29-May-2016
Assessment Period End 24-Jun-2016
Last date to Self-Enrol 11-Mar-2016
Census Date 31-Mar-2016
Last date to Withdraw without fail 06-May-2016

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 30 hours: a 1.5-hour lecture and a 1-hour tutorial per week.
Total Time Commitment:

Total expected time commitment is 170 hours across the semester, including class time.





Recommended Background Knowledge:


Non Allowed Subjects:

106-372 Aboriginal Cultural Studies

Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison Unit website: http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/disability/


Mr Philip Morrissey



Subject Overview:

This subject studies Aboriginal dance, theatre and popular music, cultural and sporting festivals; governmental arts funding agencies; and Aboriginal arts organisations. It focuses on theoretical and political issues which arise from Aboriginal culture being both a commodity and a vehicle of Indigenous identity and resistance. It uncovers the diverse and transitional nature of contemporary Aboriginal cultural production and the social and political contexts which frame the creation and use of contemporary Aboriginal cultural production. Students undertaking this subject should develop an understanding of the politics of consumption and appreciation of Aboriginal cultural productions as well as the politics of content.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the subject students should have:

  • an ability to appreciate (for non-Aboriginal students especially) the politics of reading positions in relation to Aboriginal cultural production;
  • an appreciation of the diversity of Aboriginal cultural production, in terms of form, content, voice and place;
  • an understanding of the problematics of Aboriginal cultural production in the context of postcolonial Australia, and its relation to everyday life;
  • a developed an understanding of relevant critical theories and appropriation methodologies in relation to contemporary Aboriginal cultural production;
  • an ability to undertake independent research and produce high quality written material that uses rigorous methods of inquiry and encompasses the complexities and sensitivities of Australian Indigenous Studies.

Tutorial participation and a 10-minute class presentation (done throughout the semester) 10%, an essay of 1500 words 30% (due mid-semester), and an essay of 2500 words 60% (due in the examination period). This subject has a minimum hurdle requirement of 80% attendance and regular participation in tutorials. Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject.

Prescribed Texts:

A subject reader will be available.

  • Jindabyne, dr. Ray Lawrence
Breadth Options:

This subject potentially can be taken as a breadth subject component for the following courses:

You should visit learn more about breadth subjects and read the breadth requirements for your degree, and should discuss your choice with your student adviser, before deciding on your subjects.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

Students who successfully complete this subject will:

  • have a developed understanding of relevant critical theories and methods;
  • be able to work effectively as an individual and member of class;
  • be competent in the use of a wide range of research applications and resources;
  • communicate complex ideas clearly and comprehensively;
  • produce high quality written material in a timely manner.

This subject is available to Bachelor of Arts continuing students at either level 2 or 3 in order to complete a major in Australian Indigenous Studies or Cultural Studies.

Related Majors/Minors/Specialisations: Australian Indigenous Studies
Australian Studies
Graduate Certificate in Arts - Australian Indigenous Studies
Graduate Diploma in Arts - Australian Indigenous Studies

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