Bachelor of Veterinary Science(PV)

Course 875PV (2016)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2016.

Year and Campus: 2016
CRICOS Code: 009750M
Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Level: Undergraduate
Duration & Credit Points: 400 credit points taken over 48 months


Associate Professor Wayne Kimpton


Currently enrolled students:

Contact Stop 1

Course Overview:

The BVSc is currently in the process of being discontinued. New students will not be admitted to the BVSc. Students interested in studying veterinary science should refer to the information for our new Doctor of Veterinary Medicine course.

The BVSc course requires five years of university study. There are two routes of entry. Some students will be admitted on the basis of Year 12 studies into a pre-veterinary year of science at this University. Others will be admitted after completing at least one year of an approved science course at a university. The BVSc degree is required for registration to practise as a veterinary surgeon. Part-time study is not available.

The veterinary science course curriculum is arranged within several frameworks which allow lateral and vertical integration of subject matter. Key among these is the animal framework. The central focus in this framework is the management of animal health and disease. The work covers subjects which lead to the understanding of the normal and abnormal animal, how disease is produced, and how animals and their welfare are managed in the agricultural and companion animal industries. Other frameworks are herd and flock (management of groups of animals), production systems (for example, piggeries and vaccine laboratories), community (dealing with the two-way interaction of professionals with the community), and personal development (providing opportunities for personal development as scientist, veterinarian, environmentalist and community leader). These frameworks also link to particular subjects of the BVSc course or are a synthesis of skills acquired across the whole course. First- and second-year subjects are discipline based. Subjects of the clinical years are based first on body systems (for example, the cardiovascular system), then on animal species, and throughout on practical clinical experience.

Lectures and practical work are required in almost all subjects. Laboratory experiments, demonstrations, clinical work and vacation work on farms and with veterinarians reinforce the theoretical content of lectures. Students work under supervision in the Veterinary Clinic and Hospital at Werribee in conditions similar to those they will encounter after graduating.

Study of Veterinary Science involves the use of animals in teaching. Students should be aware that the use of animals is an essential part of the course. Exemptions are not available. All practical classes where animals or animal tissue are used have been approved by the University's Animal Ethics Committee.

Professional Recognition:
A veterinary science graduate from the University of Melbourne qualifies for registration as a veterinarian in Australia. Graduates may also register to practise as veterinarians in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The University of Melbourne BVSc degree has been accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Graduates are eligible to sit the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination along with graduates from accredited veterinary colleges in the United States and Canada. Further information on specific requirements for licensure should be obtained from the respective bodies in each country and state or province. For registration in Singapore and Hong Kong the applicant must hold a recognised degree in veterinary medicine. As a guide, degrees recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, United Kingdom, are generally acceptable. Graduates with the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Melbourne may register with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Learning Outcomes:

The aim of the BVSc course, in acknowledgement of the aims, guiding values and objectives of the University of Melbourne, is to educate students of veterinary science to the best international standards and to prepare them for careers in professional work, research and public service.

This course has as its objectives that graduates:

  • Have acquired the essential information and understand the principles appropriate to each level of achievement
  • Can relate the scientific knowledge gained to the technical and vocational aspects of veterinary practices
  • Have acquired academic and technical competence with animals and animal production systems, their pathogens, diseases, welfare and management
  • Can organise knowledge and ideas systematically, discriminate amongst relevant data, and generalise safely
  • Have developed skills in problem definition and solution, in decision-making and in program design and implementation
  • Can design and conduct scientific enquiries
  • Have developed leadership skills and an ability to interact effectively and communicate with professional colleagues, individuals and the general communitY, and
  • Understand the rights, privileges and responsibilities of membership of learned societies and professional associations
Course Structure & Available Subjects:

See below.

Subject Options:

Pre-Veterinary Year

The pre-veterinary year is no longer being offered.

First Year

The first year of the course is no longer being offered.

Second Year

The second year of the course is no longer being offered.

Third Year

Continues clinical medicine and surgery and develops the systematic study of diseases of various organs and body systems. The study of animal health, welfare and production commences according to species.

Study Period Commencement:
Credit Points:
Not offered in 2016
Year Long
Year Long
Year Long
Year Long

Fourth Year

The Fourth year is a lecture-free clinical immersion year. It is undertaken as a series of rotations, internally within the University Veterinary Hospital and extramurally in external placements, and concludes with a capstone 'transition to the workplace' lecture and workshop series.

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)

The BVSc(Hons) may be awarded to students who achieve a high standard throughout the four years of the BVSc course.

Study Period Commencement:
Credit Points:
Entry Requirements:

The BVSc is in the process of being discontinued. New students will not be admitted to the BVSc.

Core Participation Requirements:

Students should familiarise themselves with the Faculty's Academic Requirements Statement

Further Study:


  • Master of Veterinary Science MVSc
  • Master of Veterinary Studies MVS
  • Doctor of Philosophy PhD
  • Doctor of Veterinary Science DVSc

Veterinary Science offers opportunities for further study at the Masters or PhD level. The coursework higher degree of Master of Veterinary Studies provides training to achieve an advanced professional competence in selected veterinary science disciplines. Research training at PhD or Masters level is available to veterinary science, science or agricultural science graduates in a number of areas where the faculty has research strengths. However some clinically-oriented projects would only be suitable for veterinary graduates.

Graduate Attributes:

The University of Melbourne is a research-intensive university that attaches the very highest priority to undergraduate education and seeks to stimulate, nurture and develop graduates of the finest international calibre.

The University expects its graduates to be educated and well-informed, and able to contribute effectively to their communities wherever in the world they choose to live and work. It expects Melbourne graduates to have the following qualities and skills:

  • Profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity and for the ethics of scholarship
  • Highly developed cognitive, analytic and problem-solving skills
  • Capacity for independent critical though, rational inquiry and self-directed learning
  • Intellectual curiosity and creativity, including understanding of the philosophical and methodological bases of research activity
  • Openness to new ideas and unconventional critiques of received wisdom; and
  • Extensive knowledge of a particular discipline or professional area, including relevant professional knowledge and skills and informed respect for the principles, disciplines, values and ethics of a chosen profession
  • Ability and self-confidence to comprehend complex concepts, to express them lucidly, whether orally or in writing and to confront unfamiliar problems
  • Awareness of advanced communications technologies and modalities, sound working skills in the application of computer systems and software, and receptiveness to the expanding opportunities of the ‘information revolution’
  • International awareness and openness to the world, based on understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity and respect for individual human rights and dignity
  • Lleadership capacity, including a willingness to engage in constructive public discourse, to accept social and civic responsibilities and to speak out against prejudice, injustice and the abuse of power
  • Ability and confidence to participate effectively in collaborative learning as a team-member, while respecting individual differences
  • Ability to plan work and to use time effectively
Generic Skills:

Refer to 'Objectives' and 'Graduate Attributes'.

Links to further information:

Use of animals in practical classes

Study in Veterinary Science involves the use of animals, or animal tissue, in practical work. Use of animals in teaching is an essential part of the course and is essential for the development of the skills and attributes required of a veterinarian. For this reason there can be no exemption from teaching that involves the use of animals.The University’s Animal Welfare Committee has approved all practical classes where animals or animal tissues are used. This committee includes community members with a non-professional (non-veterinary) interest in animals.

Attendance requirements

Attendance at practical classes, tutorials and clinical rotations is compulsory. Teaching staff may take a roll to record attendance. Students failing to comply with this requirement may be excluded from examinations. Alternatively, their results may be withheld and additional examinations or assignments given to demonstrate that the required level of competence in the subject has been attained.

Dean's Honours List

The Dean's Honours List recognises the achievements of the Faculty's outstanding students each year. Students are selected on academic merit and receive a letter from the Dean and official acknowledgement on their academic transcripts.

Late submission of assessment

There will be a penalty applied for late submission of work for assessment. Details are provided in the Course and Subject Guide which is available for each student for each year of the course.

Plagiarism and collusion

The University policy on plagiarism and collusion will be applied to work submitted for assessment. Details are provided in the Course and Subject Guide issued to each student for each year of the course. The web site for the University of Melbourne's Policy on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism is .

Are additional studies available?

Generally the schedule of classes for veterinary science within the academic semester does not allow time for additional studies such as the Diploma of Modern Languages or the Diploma of Music (Practical) or single subjects offered by other faculties. Students should discuss their requests with staff in the Faculty Office, and arrangements will be made to facilitate these studies where possible.

Is study overseas possible?

While the University has formal exchange agreements with a number of overseas universities, a few of which have a veterinary school, course structure and academic year differences have made it difficult to achieve any student exchanges. Often students have done an additional year to participate in a study abroad program. Students who consider undertaking any of the practical farm work or extramural veterinary work overseas should apply to the Extramural Coordinator for permission.

Taking leave of absence

Application for leave of absence should be made through the Faculty Office. Normally students take leave for a whole year for a variety of reasons, but if leave is not taken for medical reasons there is an expectation that such leave will assist their personal development.

Discontinuing your enrolment

If you wish to withdraw from the course altogether, you should request to discontinue your enrolment in the course by informing the Faculty Office at Parkville in writing. If you discontinue your course you may be eligible for a refund of fees depending on when the discontinuation take place. It is important to note that if you do not formally discontinue your studies by the census dates you will be liable for fees for those subjects in which you are still enrolled.


Progression in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science course: Standing Rules for the Third Year of the course

Progression in the third year of the Bachelor of Veterinary Science is by year rather than by semester. A student may not proceed into the fourth year without having satisfied completely the requirements of the third year.

1. Supplementary Examinations

Supplementary examinations will be granted:

  • for a maximum of two subjects, and only
  • if a mark of between 40 and 49% inclusive or a grade of NH (failure to satisfactorily complete all prescribed (hurdle) requirements) has been achieved in these subjects.

A supplementary examination will not be granted if a student fails a repeated subject.

A supplementary examination is a complete examination in a subject and alone determines the final mark for that subject.No earlier assessment components of the subject will contribute to the final mark in the supplementary examination.The format of the supplementary examination may differ from that of the primary examination(s) in that subject.The usual format is a single, written examination paper.This format may be modified for students who have failed subjects due to failure to satisfactorily complete all prescribed (hurdle) requirements.The maximum mark recorded for a supplementary examination is 50%.

2. Repeat

Students will be permitted to repeat third year if they do not fall into the Termination of Enrolment category.Repeating the year will be recommended if a student:

  • fails more than two subjects in third year
  • fails a supplementary examination for a third year subject.

Repeating students are required to undertake only those subjects that they have failed.

Students repeating subjects must pass all of those subjects outright and are not eligible for supplementary examinations.

3. Termination of Enrolment

A student will be placed in the Termination of Enrolment category if he or she:

  • fails all subjects in third year
  • fails any subject in the third year at the first attempt with a mark of less than 40%
  • fails any repeated subject.

4. Convening of the Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee (CUPC)

The Faculty's Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee will convene after the second semester examination period to review the progress of any third year student in the Repeat or Termination of Enrolment category. Students in these categories will be invited to make an oral and/or written submission to the CUPC. The CUPC is authorised to make decisions on behalf of the Faculty with regard to the progress of individual students and to vary the Standing Rules if it deems that progression of a student can be facilitated without adversely affecting academic standards.


Progression in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science course: Standing Rules for the Final Year of the course

Progression into and out from the Fourth year of the Bachelor of Veterinary Science is by year.

The subjects undertaken each year are prerequisites for those of the following year. A student may not proceed to the next year of the program without having satisfied completely the requirements of the preceding year.

1. Satisfying hurdle requirements
• Assessment hurdles

Students will be allowed one or two additional assessments if they fail up to two of the examination components of assessment. The format of the additional examination may differ from that of the primary assessment/examination(s).

Failure of more than two examination components of assessment or failure of the research assignment or failure of any additional assessment will result in a supplementary examination.

• Rotation hurdles

Students will be permitted to repeat up to 2 failed rotations, i.e. clinical rotations, electives or extramural placements (or an approved alternative elective or extramural rotation). These hurdle requirements can be repeated during the year or after the examination period.

Failure of three rotations or of a repeated rotation will result in a supplementary examination.

2. Supplementary Examinations

Students will be allowed a supplementary examination if they do not fall into the Repeat category.

Supplementary examinations may be granted for students who fail any assessment provided that they have passed all five themes of VETS40018 Professional Veterinary Practice and have an overall mark of more than 40%.

A supplementary examination will not be granted if a student is repeating the year.

The format of the supplementary examination may differ from that of the primary examination(s). A supplementary examination is a complete examination and alone determines the final mark for the overall subject. The maximum mark that may be recorded for the subject is 50%.

3. Repeating the year

Students will be permitted to repeat the year if they do not fall into the Termination of Enrolment category. Repeating the year will be recommended if a student:

• fails four or more rotations, i.e. clinical rotations, electives or extramural placements
• fails a supplementary examination
• fails any one of the five themes of VETS40018 Professional Veterinary Practice with a mark between 40 and 49%
• fails the subject with a mark between 40 and 49 %

Repeating students are required to undertake and complete all components of VETS40018 Professional Veterinary Practice.

4. Termination of Enrolment

A student will be placed in the Termination of Enrolment category if he or she:

• fails VETS40018 Professional Veterinary Practice at the first attempt with a mark of less than 40%
• fails any of the five themes of VETS40018 Professional Veterinary Practice with a mark of less than 40%
• fails two or more of the five themes of VETS40018 Professional Veterinary Practice each with a mark of less than 50%
• fails any examination or a theme in a repeated year

5. Convening of the Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee (CUPC)

The Faculty's Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee will convene after the examination period to review the progress of any student in the Repeat or Termination of Enrolment category. Students in these categories will be invited to make an oral and/or written submission to the CUPC. The CUPC is authorised to make decisions on behalf of the Faculty with regard to the progress of individual students and to vary the Standing Rules if it deems that progression of a student can be facilitated without adversely affecting academic standards.

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