Sex: Science and the Community

Subject UNIB30004 (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Credit Points: 12.5
Level: 3 (Undergraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2015:

Semester 2, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 27-Jul-2015 to 25-Oct-2015
Assessment Period End 20-Nov-2015
Last date to Self-Enrol 07-Aug-2015
Census Date 31-Aug-2015
Last date to Withdraw without fail 25-Sep-2015

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 36 hours
Total Time Commitment:

Estimated total time commitment of 170 hours


At least 50 points of subjects at Level 2 or above.

Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Student Support and Engagement Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Overview, Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Generic Skills sections of this entry.

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability may impact on meeting the requirements of this subject are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and Student Equity and Disability Support:


Prof Geoff Shaw



Subject Overview:

Sex is a topic that pervades lives, but seldom is it studied from broad, multidisciplinary perspectives. Students taking this subject will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the sociological, ethical, educational and legal issues informed by a firm understanding of the biology underlying these issues. Major themes will include:

  • Evolution of sex and sexual behaviour;
  • Manipulating reproduction, including contraception and assisted reproduction, and the attendant psychosocial, legal and political issues;
  • Reproductive health and its past and present implications
  • Sex education - how do people learn about sex.
  • Sex, sexuality and society, will investigate issues relating to sex, sexuality and gender using a multidisciplinary approach; and
  • Sex, and population, including world population growth, fertility rates, demographic change, and related social, religious and political issues.

Students will be expected to integrate material from a range of academic disciplines to arrive at a new understanding of these complex issues.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this subject, students should have a broad understanding of sex and sexuality from a broad range of perspectives, and have the breadth of knowledge and understanding to be able to contribute to topical debates on these issues.


Computer based exercises during the semester (24%); tutorial participation during the semester (16%); an assignment totalling up to 1500 words due during the semester (15%); a written examination in the examination period (45%).

Prescribed Texts:

No specific text prescribed. Selected readings and course manuals will be provided.

Breadth Options:

This subject potentially can be taken as a breadth subject component for the following courses:

You should visit learn more about breadth subjects and read the breadth requirements for your degree, and should discuss your choice with your student adviser, before deciding on your subjects.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

On completion of this subject, students should have further developed the following skills:

  • Integration of material from diverse disciplines.
  • Rational discussion of multidisciplinary/ interdisciplinary issues.
  • Ability to present a broad-based and reasoned argument on a set topic.
  • Ability to locate and use academic resources from a range of disciplines.
Related Breadth Track(s): Debating Diversity in Society

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