Keyboard Accompaniment

Subject MUSI40065 (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Credit Points: 12.5
Level: 4 (Undergraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject is not offered in 2015.

Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 1 one-hour class and 1 two-hour ensemble rehearsal per week.
Total Time Commitment:

120 hours.


Current enrolment in chief study piano.

Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability will impact on meeting the requirements of this subject are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and the Disability Liaison Unit.


Contact Centre
T: 13 MELB (6352)

Melbourne Conservatorium of Music
VCA and MCM Student Centre

Subject Overview:

Students will develop their techniques as an accompanist and study selected repertoire, drawing from a range of the more advanced repertoire of the vocal and instrumental ensemble literature from the 18th century to the present day.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the subject students should be able to:

  • prepare and perform an accompanied program with technical confidence and musical skill
  • exhibit a wider knowledge and expertise of the conventional accompanist’s role with the development of transposition, figured bass and repetiteur skills
  • demonstrate rehearsal and communication skills in the preparation of advanced and diverse repertoire with fellow performers in the fields of both vocal and instrumental accompaniment.

Two in-class performances during weeks 6 and 10 of the semester (20% each); end-of-semester practical examination (60%): consisting of own choice piece (20%); one piece from scheduled works (20%); one unprepared sight reading (5%); one prepared sight reading (5%).

Prescribed Texts: None
Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

Students who study this subject should develop and enhance:

  • skills in problem solving and decision making
  • skills in communication and cooperative artistic interchange.

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