Independent Project

Subject DNCE60042 (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Credit Points: 6.25
Level: 6 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject is not offered in 2015.

Time Commitment: Contact Hours: Equivalent to 1 hour per week (Semester 2)
Total Time Commitment: Not available


Classical Ballet Pedagogy I, Introduction to Teaching and Learning or Content and Methodology A, Introduction to Teaching and Learning

Recommended Background Knowledge:

Non Allowed Subjects:

Core Participation Requirements:


Faculty of the VCA and Music Student Centre
Ground Floor, Elisabeth Murdoch Building (Bldg 860)
Southbank Campus
234 St Kilda Road, Southbank, 3006

Phone: 13 MELB (13 6352)

Subject Overview:

This subject will provide students with the opportunity to devise and implement a teaching, choreographic or research project within the VCA or in an external context. Students will negotiate a contract with the subject coordinator, and, if the project is external to the VCA, with other relevant supervisors. Teaching experience contracts will be a minimum of 12 classes x 1.5 hours. Choreographic contracts will require the creation of a short dance between 4 and 7 minutes in length. For Research Contract students will design research topics allied to their central discipline and relating to, or incorporating pedagogy and teaching methodology. Independent Projects will normally be in the same dance style as the students course. Typical external self devised contracts may involve teaching/choreographing in a private Dance School , or for a community Dance Project. A typical Research Contract might investigate Dance Therapy or the teaching of Pas de Deux.

Learning Outcomes:


Teaching and Choreographic Contract observation and assessment of teaching/choreographic process/performance by course coordinator (and external supervisor where applicable) (60%); written paper of 1,500 words analyzing process and outcomes (40%); Research Contract research methods resulting in bibliography (20%); viva voce (20%); written paper of 2,000 words (60%).

Prescribed Texts:

Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

On completion of this subject students should have acquired the following skills:

  • The ability to solve problems

  • The ability to create and organise aesthetic material

  • The ability to interpret and analyse

  • The capacity for critical thinking

  • The ability to synthesise data and other information

Links to further information:

Not offered in 2009

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