Diploma in Mathematical Sciences
Course D-MATHSC (2015)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.
Year and Campus: | 2015 - Parkville |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Undergraduate |
Duration & Credit Points: | 100 credit points taken over 12 months full time. This course is available as full or part time. |
Dr Lawrence Reeves
Science Student Centre
The Eastern Precinct (building 138)
(between Doug McDonell building and Eastern Resource Centre)
Phone: 13 MELB (13 6352)
Email: 13MELB@unimelb.edu.au
Course Overview: | The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences is a 100-point diploma, normally taken concurrently with an undergraduate degree. |
Learning Outcomes: |
Students undertaking the Diploma in Mathematical Sciences concurrently with an undergraduate degree will generally achieve the objectives of the new generation BSc degree, but the following specific outcomes are particular objectives of the Diploma: (a) support the graduate attributes, under “academically excellent”:
(b) support the graduate attribute, under “knowledgeable across disciplines”:
(c) provide students who would not otherwise have the opportunity, access to professional masters or research-preparation masters programs in mathematics and statistics, while keeping open the pathways associated with the major chosen within the core of their undergraduate degree. |
Course Structure & Available Subjects: |
Students undertake the Diploma in Mathematical Sciences together with an undergraduate degree, to make a total program of between 350 and 400 points. Up to fifty points of appropriate Mathematics and Statistics subjects in the undergraduate degree program may also be attributed to the Diploma. Note that in some cases students will be required to complete a total of 125 points of mathematics and statistics study to complete a maths sequence as required by the Diploma. Note that only 100 points of this 125 points of study can be completed in the Diploma and therefore any additional points required must be completed within the bachelors degree or via the Community Access Program. To be awarded the Diploma students must have completed 100 points of Mathematics and Statistics subjects at post-VCE level, including 50 points at third year level. Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science majoring in Mathematics and Statistics or Mathematical Physics are not permitted to complete a Diploma in Mathematical Sciences. Students are required to select subjects in the undergraduate degree and the Diploma, so that all requirements of the undergraduate degree are met and, in addition through the Diploma, the student meets the specific requirements for the award of any one specialisation of the major in Mathematics and Statistics, as defined for the Bachelor of Science.
Pathways Depending on a student’s individual circumstances and their study preferences, the Diploma may be taken in a variety of ‘Fast Track’ modes or by adding the full 100 points (i.e. one full year) to their degree. The mode of undertaking the diploma, either Fast Track or by addition of a full year to their degree, will depend on each student’s particular circumstances and study preferences, including whether they meet the criteria for permission to overload. The overload policy requires a particular level of performance/achievement be attained for permission to overload. Fast Track modes will involve cross crediting of up to 50 points and/or overloading in one, two or all three years of the course. |
Entry Requirements: |
In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed:
Meeting this requirement does not guarantee selection. In ranking applications, the Selection Committee will consider:
The Academic Board may determine levels of prior academic performance which guarantee selection. The Selection Committee may seek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordance with the Admission and Selection into Course Policy. Applicants will satisfy the University’s English language requirements for the Diploma by meeting the English language requirements for the Bachelor degree in which they are enrolled concurrently.
Notes: • Students are permitted to enter the diploma at the start of any semester before the completion of the companion undergraduate degree. • Up to 50 points of advanced standing into the Diploma in Mathematical Sciences may be granted on request to students who complete appropriate first year and second year mathematics or statistics subjects within the degree. At the commencement of each individual mathematics or statistics subject, the subject is assigned to one of the degree or the diploma, according to the student’s approved enrolment for the semester in which the subject is taken. Once the subject has been successfully completed, credit points for the subject cannot be moved between the degree and the diploma to allow additional subjects to be taken in the degree. • The Diploma in Mathematical Sciences cannot be awarded until all requirements of both the diploma and the undergraduate degree have been met.
Core Participation Requirements: |
For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison Unit website: http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/disability/ |
Further Study: |
Any postgraduate program accessible to BSc students with a major in Mathematics and Statistics is open to students who successfully complete the Diploma and the accompanying undergraduate degree, since Diploma completion ensures that all academic requirements of a major in Mathematics and Statistics have been met. |
Graduate Attributes: |
The program allows students of high ability to complete the requirements of the major in Mathematics and Statistics (normally available within the BSc) in addition to the major selected for their undergraduate degree. Students with majors in two distinct disciplines will be “knowledgeable across disciplines” as required in the graduate attributes. They will also be prepared for a wider choice of postgraduate coursework and research programs at this and other universities. Refer also to the statement of course ‘Objectives’. |
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