Bachelor of Commerce (Degree with Honours)
Course BH-COM (2015)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.
Year and Campus: | 2015 - Parkville |
CRICOS Code: | 014798G |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Undergraduate |
Duration & Credit Points: | 100 credit points taken over 12 months full time. This course is available as full or part time. |
Commerce Student Centre
Upper Ground Floor
FBE Building
111 Barry Street
The University of Melbourne
Tel: 13 MELB (13 63 52)
Fax: +61 3 9347 3986
Faculty Mailing Address
Commerce Student Centre
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010 Australia
Course Overview: |
The honours year is an additional (fourth) year of specialised study in one of the following disciplines: accounting, finance, actuarial studies or economics and related areas. It is an integrated program with small classes and an emphasis on research and specialised subject areas. The honours year is open to single commerce and double degree commerce students. Intending applicants should note that students must commence the honours year within two years of completing the requirements of the single commerce or double degree commerce course. Graduates of other institutions are also welcome to apply. Honours is normally taken on a full-time basis immediately after finishing the requirements for the three-year commerce degree or five-year commerce double degree. Provision exists for deferred entry in exceptional circumstances. The honours degree is an entry qualification for a masters degree and a PhD within Australia or overseas. A good honours degree also assists students in obtaining scholarships or other forms of financial support to undertake higher degrees. Career advancement has also tended to be more rapid for honours graduates. |
Learning Outcomes: |
The Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) has the objective of preparing graduates who embody the University of Melbourne graduate attributes. It seeks to provide students with the knowledge and technical skills necessary to understand and participate in the modern business and economics world, to prepare them for subsequent graduate studies and to allow them to achieve the highest level of success in their professional careers. 1. Learning goal Objectives to achieve this goal 2. Learning goal Objectives to achieve this goal 3. Learning goal Objectives to achieve this goal 4. Learning goal Objectives to achieve this goal 5. Learning goal Objectives to achieve this goal 6. Learning goal Objectives to achieve this goal |
Course Structure & Available Subjects: |
The BCom (Honours) course consists of the equivalent of eight subjects (100 points). Grades are awarded for each individual subject and an overall grade result is returned for the course. The honours degree is only awarded to students who pass all subjects of the course and who complete the year with an average grade of H3 (65 percent) or higher. Students are required to complete the equivalent of eight subjects and to obtain a minimum of a pass in each of them. Students are not allowed to repeat an honours subject/component for which they have received a mark of less than 50 per cent. In determining the final grade, individual subjects are weighted according to their points value. Students who do not meet these requirements will not be awarded the Honours degree. These students will still be able to take out the pass degree if previous commerce studies were undertaken at the University of Melbourne. Accounting Students are required to complete the equivalent of eight subjects (100 points) in fourth year honours. Students must take the following subjects: ACCT40004 Honours Research Methods; Students who have not previously completed either of ECOM30001 Basic Econometrics or ECOM30002 Econometrics or equivalent quantitative studies such as advanced studies in multivariate statistics or similar will be required to enrol in either ECOM30001 Basic Econometrics or ECOM30002 Econometrics in their first semester of Honours study. Actuarial Studies Students are required to successfully complete the equivalent of eight subjects (100 points) in fourth year honours. Students must complete the following subjects: One of ACTL40001 Actuarial Studies Research Essay or ACTL40005 Actuarial Studies Projects; and Economics Students are required to successfully complete the equivalent of eight subjects (100 points) in fourth year honours. Students must complete the following subjects: ECON40001 Advanced Microeconomics; and Students may choose up to two level-3 economics subjects (to include an econometrics subject) and one subject from another department within the University with the honours convenor's approval. Students who take ECON40015 Financial Economics cannot include ECON30024 Economics of Financial Markets in their final honours year program. Finance Students are required to successfully complete the equivalent of eight subjects (100 points). Students must complete the following: FNCE40001 Advanced Corporate Finance; and Level-3 subjects may not be taken with the exception of ECOM30004 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. |
Entry Requirements: |
1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed: • Within the last 2 years a Bachelor of Commerce or equivalent with a weighted average mark of at least H2B (70%), or equivalent, with a major relevant to the discipline stream within the Bachelor of Commerce (Degree with Honours) that they seek to enter. Applicants are also required to meet any specific subject prerequisites and prior academic performance requirements associated with the discipline stream that they seek to enter. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection. 2. In ranking applications, the Selection Committee will consider: • prior academic performance, and • the availability of supervision and resources in suitable project areas. 3. The Selection Committee may seek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordance with the Admission and Selection into Course Policy. 4. For applicants who have not completed the Victorian Certificate of Education or the International Baccalaureate Diploma, the undergraduate English language requirements must be met. The schedule below shows available discipline streams and additional conditions applicants must meet to be eligible for (but not automatically guaranteed) selection into Honours within that stream. Accounting: a grade of at least H2B (70%) in each of the third-year subjects within the major. (Students who have not completed in addition an appropriate 300-level subject in econometrics or equivalent quantitative studies such as advanced multivariate statistics will be required to take a 300-level econometrics subject in their first semester of honours study.) Actuarial Studies: a grade of at least H2B (70%) in any four third-year actuarial subjects. Economics: a grade of at least H2B (70%) in each of the third-year subjects within the major. Finance: a grade of at least H2B (70%) in each of the third-year subjects within the major, and successful completion of either of the third-year subjects Basic Econometrics or Econometrics. Students who have reached the required standard should lodge a formal online application. Graduates of other institutions should provide an original or certified copy of their transcript/s and syllabi of subjects needed to meet eligibility requirements to the Commerce Student Centre. More information about how to apply can be viewed at the Honours website: Applications close on Friday 21 November 2014 for 2015 entry. Graduates of other institutions are also welcome to apply. Additional discipline specifc information: Accounting The Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) is usually offered for full time, Semester 1 entry only. Part time honours may be offered to suitable candidates who meet the criteria for appointment to Senior Tutor within the Department of Accounting. These are subject to the approval of the Head of Department. Selection into honours is at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Accounting. Actuarial studies Selection into honours is at the discretion of the Director of the Centre for Actuarial Studies. Economics Students are strongly advised to give early consideration to a topic for their fourth year research essay. They will need to obtain approval for it from an advisor during semester one of their fourth year. Selection into honours is at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Economics. Students should note that a quota will be applied to the number of places available for honours in economics. Finance Selection into honours is at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Finance. Students should note that a quota will be applied to the number of places available for honours in finance. |
Core Participation Requirements: |
For the purposes of considering requests for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Course Description, Course Objectives and Generic Skills for this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison Unit website: |
Graduate Attributes: |
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) graduates will have the following attributes and skills: Academically excellent Knowledgeable across disciplines Attuned to cultural diversity Active global citizens Leaders in business and communities |
Generic Skills: |
• Effective communication on matters related to business and economics and to an area of specialisation |
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