Strategic Human Resource Management

Subject MGMT90213 (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Credit Points: 6.25
Level: 9 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2015:

June, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 15-Jun-2015 to 16-Jun-2015
Assessment Period End 16-Jul-2015
Last date to Self-Enrol 15-Jun-2015
Census Date 26-Jun-2015
Last date to Withdraw without fail 03-Jul-2015

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 16 hours
Total Time Commitment:

85 hours

Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering requests for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Commonwealth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Overview, Objectives, Assessment and Generic Skills sections of this entry.

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability may impact on meeting the requirements of this subject are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and the Disability Liaison Unit:


Prof Ian Williamson


Program Coordinator - Ms Julie Bourke

Phone - 9810 3154

Email -

Subject Overview:

In a global economy characterised by customisation, speed and innovation, effective human resource management (HRM) is key to successful strategy execution. In this course you will understand the strategic role HRM plays in providing organisations with a sustained competitive advantage by unlocking the productive potential of employees human and social capital. Through the use of exercises and case studies participants will learn: 1) how to assess the strategic alignment of firm HRM practices with company business strategy and market conditions and 2) how to evaluate the effectiveness of firm HRM initiative.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • Understand the empirical and conceptual link between HR strategy, firm business strategy, firm external environment and firm performance outcomes.
  • Identify key HR practices related to positive firm performance
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of HR-related initiatives in order to calculate a return on investment (ROI).
  • Reflective diary: Delegates to note down the two key ideas from the preceding two days that resonate most with their current organisational challenges; Diary will be debriefed in pairs; Diary will be collected and evaluated by facilitator. (250 words.) Due end of the second day (10%).
  • Essay: Participant will diagnose a people management challenge in their current or past organization and use course concepts to make a recommendation on addressing this issue (2000 words). Due 4 weeks after the prgram (80%).
  • Executive Summary: Participants will translate the key insights from the essay into a format that is compelling for board/executive-level colleagues (250 words). Due 4 weeks after the prgram (10%).
Prescribed Texts:

A study guide with readings and cases will be provided before the commencement of the subject.

Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:
  • Capacity to analyse and synthesize information and develop strategies.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Links to further information:
Related Course(s): Specialist Certificate in Executive Leadership

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