Master of Veterinary Studies
Course MC-VETSTDR (2015)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.
Year and Campus: | 2015 - |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Graduate/Postgraduate |
Duration & Credit Points: | 150 credit points taken over 36 months part time. |
Professor Ted Whittem
Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010 Australia
Course Overview: |
The Master of Veterinary Studies, or MVS, is a higher degree by coursework which provides students with advanced clinical training in a specialised area of veterinary science. The MVS course runs parallel with training for the Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (FANZCVS), or other equivalent American or European Colleges. The MVS provides invaluable preparation for the FANZCVS certifying examinations. Students must enrol in this course on a part-time basis. Students enrolled in the Master of Veterinary Studies may enrol concurrently in the Master of Veterinary Science (Clinical) (by research) as part of the residency training program. The MVS provides advanced clinical training under the mentorship of registered specialists in each discipline and is based on supervised management of clinical cases in a selected field of veterinary clinical science, attendance and participation in clinical rounds, seminars, journal club and post-mortem presentations. Staff who are members of the American, Australian and European specialty Colleges of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurology, Diagnostic Imaging, Clinical Pathology, Anaesthesiology, Equine Medicine, Equine Surgery and Clinical Pharmacology contribute to the training for each student. |
Learning Outcomes: |
This course has as its objectives that graduates:
Course Structure & Available Subjects: |
Students will enrol in this course on a part-time basis for a total of 50 points each year and must pass both subjects each year in order to progress in the course. The Master of Veterinary Studies comprises six subjects: Advanced Clinical Skills 1, 2, and 3, and Principles of Medicine & Surgery 1, 2, and 3. Students enrol in Advanced Clinical Skills and Principles of Medicine & Surgery in each semester of each year of the residency program and are assessed at the end of each subject. Most students enrolled in this course will be enrolled through the Residency Training Program. |
Subject Options: | All students will enrol in the following subjects: First YearSubject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: Second YearSubject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: Third YearSubject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: |
Entry Requirements: |
1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed:
Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection. 2. In ranking applications, the Selection Committee will consider:
3. The Selection Committee may seek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordance with the Academic Board Rules on the use of selection instruments. 4. The minimum English language requirements for this course are Band 6.5. Notes:
Core Participation Requirements: |
It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student’s participation in the University’s programs. Students who feel their disability may impact on meeting the requirements of this course are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and the Disability Liaison Unit. |
Graduate Attributes: |
Graduates will:
Generic Skills: |
Students will
Links to further information: | |
Notes: |
STANDING PROGRESSION RULES FOR THE MASTER OF VETERINARY STUDIES The evaluation period for progression in the Master of Veterinary Studies is one semester (for full-time candidates) or one year (for part time-candidates). 1. Hurdle components Candidates whose attendance falls below the hurdle requirement will be counselled by their supervisor. If after counselling the candidate fails to remedy the attendance deficit within one evaluation period the candidate may be terminated. 2. Assessed components Candidates will have failed a subject, either Principles of Medicine and Surgery (PMS) or Advanced Clinical Skills (ACS) if he or she achieves in any one evaluation period an average mark for all assessed components of the subject of less than 50% 3. Repeating an evaluation period Candidates will not be permitted to repeat a semester (full time) or year (part time). 4. Unsatisfactory Progress and Termination of Enrolment Candidates whose progress in the course is not satisfactory may have their candidature terminated in accordance with Statue 11.4 – Unsatisfactory Progress and the Academic Progress Review Procedure. A candidate will have made unsatisfactory progress if he or she: a. fails to meet the hurdle requirements in any two evaluation periods; b. fails to submit the Major Work for (ACS) prior to the end of the appropriate ACS unit; c. fails any subject; d. falls below a 70% average across assessed components of the subjects PMS and ACS in each evaluation period for any two consecutive evaluation periods. 5. The Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee The Residency Training Committee will report unsatisfactory student progress to the Master of Veterinary Studies Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee, which will comprise the dean of the appropriate faculty or the dean’s nominee (chair), two members of the full-time academic staff of the rank of senior lecturer or above with expertise relevant to the course; and where deemed appropriate by the chair of the progress committee, a senior member of the professional staff. The Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee will convene after the examination period to review the progress of any student who has made unsatisfactory progress. Students in this category will be invited to make an oral and/or written submission to the Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee. The Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee is authorised to make decisions on behalf of the Faculty with regard to the progress of individual students, including termination of enrolment, and to vary the Standing Rules for an individual student if it deems that progression of a student can be facilitated without adversely affecting academic standards. |
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