Science in Schools

Subject EDUC90839 (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Credit Points: 12.5
Level: 9 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2015:

Semester 1, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 02-Mar-2015 to 31-May-2015
Assessment Period End 26-Jun-2015
Last date to Self-Enrol 13-Mar-2015
Census Date 31-Mar-2015
Last date to Withdraw without fail 08-May-2015

Semester 2, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 27-Jul-2015 to 25-Oct-2015
Assessment Period End 20-Nov-2015
Last date to Self-Enrol 07-Aug-2015
Census Date 31-Aug-2015
Last date to Withdraw without fail 25-Sep-2015

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 36 Hours (16 hours workshops and 20 hours of placement)
Total Time Commitment:

170 hours


All applicants must have a valid Working with Children Check prior to the commencement of the subject:

This subject is only available to students admitted to the following courses:

Master of Science (Botany) (MC-SCIBOT)
Master of Science (Chemistry) (MC-SCICHE)
Master of Science (Computer Science) (MC-SCICMP)
Master of Science (Earth Sciences) (MC-SCIEAR)
Master of Science (Genetics) (MC-SCIGEN)
Master of Science (Zoology)(MC-SCIZOO)

Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Student Support and Engagement Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Overview, Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Generic Skills sections of this entry.

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability may impact on meeting the requirements of this subject are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and Student Equity and Disability Support:


Dr Rannah Hetherington



Subject Overview:

This subject will provide an understanding of your university studies within Victorian schools through a substantial school based experience.

The subject includes a placement of up to 20 hours within a Victorian school classroom, offering an opportunity to collaborate as a Tertiary Student Assistant (TSA) under the guidance of a qualified teacher.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this subject, students should:
• demonstrate a greater understanding of the conceptual challenges faced when science is taught in schools;
• understand the significance of how a science curriculum is taught and developed in contemporary Victorian school on the basis of research evidence;
• explore issues related to curriculum, teaching approaches and materials related to the learning needs and interests of science learners in schools, as demonstrated through the TSA experience;
• have a greater awareness of the complexity of issues impacting science education, young learners and schools;
• appreciate how schools and education systems contribute to society and articulate the range of purposes of communicating about science;
• demonstrate improved self-reflection and practical skills; and
• identify the common features of effective communication in written, oral and other forms of communication


1. Reflective Journal (total 2400 words) consisting of 4 x 600 word written observational reflections, commencing early semester:

• Personal / Professional Identity
• Guided Observation
• Teaching & Learning Activity
• Classroom Initiative or Challenge

Due mid semester (50%)

2. Case Study written proposal – 600 words. Due mid semester (10%)

3. Case Study Report - 2,000 words: A case study or placement project report based on a specific challenge experienced while working in schools, and how this was either resolved or led to new learning or understanding about Science and classroom student learning. Due end of semester (40%)

4. In workshop discussion forum, held during semester (hurdle requirement)

Prescribed Texts:

Digital readings will be provided through the LMS.

Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

This subject requires students to demonstrate and improve a range of generic skills. Students should:
• be skilled communicators who can effectively articulate and justify their practices in completion of a school based project through highly developed planning and organising skills;
• be able to use effective interpersonal and communication skills through interaction with a diverse range of colleagues, supervisors, and students;
• demonstrate improved analytical, problem-solving, research, and report-writing skills through dealing with, a range of issues that emerge within their placement;
• strengthen a conscious personal and social values base and develop an awareness of the legal and ethical frameworks of schools and the education sector;
• reflect on their own skills to communicate effectively in both written and oral forms;
• provide constructive feedback on other students’ work and contribute to professional discourse on how their discipline impacts on society through the perspective of schooling

Related Course(s): Master of Science (Botany)
Master of Science (Chemistry)
Master of Science (Computer Science)
Master of Science (Earth Sciences)
Master of Science (Zoology)

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