Primary Arts Education

Subject EDUC90372 (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Credit Points: 12.5
Level: 9 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2015:

July, Parkville - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period 27-Jul-2015 to 25-Sep-2015
Assessment Period End 30-Oct-2015
Last date to Self-Enrol 07-Aug-2015
Census Date 21-Aug-2015
Last date to Withdraw without fail 25-Sep-2015

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: 36 hours
Total Time Commitment:

170 hours


Admission to the Master of Teaching (Primary)

Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements of this entry.

The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison website:


Dr Marnee Watkins, Dr Richard Sallis


Contact Us
Call: 13 MELB (13 6352)

Subject Overview:

This subject presents the arts as a key learning area in primary education. Teacher candidates study teaching strategies and developmental learning in relation to children's education in the arts, with a particular focus on drama, music and visual arts. Teacher candidates will engage in theoretical studies and practical drama, music and visual arts workshops to inform their understanding and knowledge of the teaching of the arts in primary schools. Teacher candidates will develop a thorough understanding of VELS and the application of the sub-strands: creating and making, and exploring and responding to primary arts curriculum. The subject will focus on the skills required to design, implement and evaluate drama, music and visual arts programs for the primary school. Teacher candidates will attend a professional performance on campus created for primary school students.

Learning Outcomes:

On completing this subject, teacher candidates will:

  • Understand The Arts as a key learning area for children;
  • Have a knowledge of arts concepts and skills as they relate to the child’s development;
  • Understand the learning processes across the art forms of drama, music and visual arts;
  • Have a knowledge, understanding and skills needed to design, implement and evaluate arts learning programs for the primary curriculum; and
  • Have a knowledge of and be able to implement current primary curriculum and assessment policies.

There will be four assessment tasks. Students must receive at least a pass (50%) in each of them to pass the subject overall.

The assessment tasks are:

  • Drama presentation (1,000 words equivalent). Due throughout the semester depending on the sequence of arts study, 25%.
  • Music presentation (1,000 words equivalent). Due throughout the semester depending on the sequence of arts study, 25%.
  • Visual Arts folio (1,000 words equivalent). Due throughout the semester depending on the sequence of arts study, 25%.
  • Reflective Essay based on all three art forms (1,000 words). Due end of semester, 25%.

Attendance at all classes (tutorial/seminars/practical classes/lectures/labs) is obligatory. Failure to attend 80% of classes will normally result in failure in the subject.

Prescribed Texts:

Sinclair, C., Jeanneret, N. & O'Toole, J. (Eds.) (2012) Education in the Arts (Second edition). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

On completion of this subject, teacher candidates will have the knowledge, skills and understanding to enable them to:

  • Be skilled communicators who can effectively articulate and present their ideas and beliefs using words, images, sounds and gestures
  • Be flexible and able to adapt to change through creative learning strategies;
  • Develop research skills in collecting, processing, interpreting and applying data
  • Work effectively in teams and develop organisational and social competencies;
  • Be responsible, resilient and self-regulating;
  • Articulate personal ideas with confidence
  • Develop critical reflection strategies that inform a personal and social values base.
Related Course(s): Master of Teaching (Primary)

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