Master of Veterinary Science

Course 872BB (2015)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2015.

Year and Campus: 2015 -
Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Level: Research Higher Degree
Duration & Credit Points: Students are expected to complete this research in 1.50 years full time, or equivalent part time.


Professor Ted Whittem


Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences
University of Melbourne, Victoria, 3010

T: +61 (0)3 8344 7357

Course Overview:

The Master of Veterinary Science (Clinical), or MVSc(Clinical), is a Research Higher Degree which can be undertaken in any of the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences' clinical research programs. Research training based on the conduct of experiments, or analysis of clinical cases, under appropriate supervision, is given in a selected field of veterinary science. Advanced professional training is obtained through participation in the clinical investigation and management of clinical cases under supervision of senior staff.

Candidates are expected to meet regularly with their supervisor(s) and to present their work in the Faculty’s research seminar program. They are assisted to participate in relevant national or international conferences. A thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree.

The thesis should demonstrate a critical application of specialist knowledge and make an independent contribution to existing scholarship in the area of research.

The duration of full-time candidature is 18 months, with the possibility of two three-month extensions. The duration of part-time candidature is three years, with the possibility of two six-month extensions. Students who enrol in this course as part of the Clinical Residency Training Program will be enrolled on a part-time basis.

For local students, RTS is available for a maximum of two years full-time equivalent.

Learning Outcomes:

The main objective of this research degree program is to train graduate veterinarians in clinical research and in advanced clinical skills. Its graduates:

  • have achieved a breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding in a particular field or set of related fields in veterinary science;
  • can apply scientific methods to the definition and solution of problems by research;
  • have acquired advanced technical skills relevant to the field of research;
  • have acquired skills in the searching and manipulation of scientific literature and other relevant data bases;
  • are effective in scientific communication through both the spoken and written medium and to both professional colleagues and the wider community;
  • can approach scientific research in a critical, perceptive and constructive way;
  • have an understanding of the financing and management of scientific research;
  • develop interpersonal skills to work as part of a team;
  • observe the appropriate research codes of practice; and
  • demonstrate a professional approach to all areas of responsibility.

Course Structure & Available Subjects:

Assessment will be weighted 75% to a research thesis and 25% to a practicum component. A pass is required in both components. Candidates whose progress in the course is not satisfactory may have their candidature terminated after appropriate counselling and an opportunity for appeal.

A candidate will have appropriately experienced supervisor(s) and an Advisory Committee who in consultation with the candidate, arranges a course of supervised research designed to suit the individual requirements and interests of the candidate. A candidate may be required to supplement their research program by attendance at, or enrolment in, additional subjects if considered necessary by the supervisor(s).

There are two components to the MVSc (Clinical):

1. Research thesis
Candidates will be required to undertake research culminating in the production of a thesis of no more than 30,000 words to be submitted for examination by two external examiners. The format of the thesis, including a statement on authorship, must follow prescriptions laid down by the University and found in the Masters by Research Generic Guidelines.

2. Practicum component
The practicum component will be undertaken during the duration of the enrolment in the MVSc (Clinical). It will involve participation in clinical rounds, tutorials, seminars, and other similar activities, according to the candidate’s area of interest. The practicum component must be clearly related to the research project. This will be in an area such as small animal medicine and surgery, anaesthesia, equine medicine and surgery, diagnostic imaging, dairy medicine, and pathology. The practicum component will be assessed by a three-hour written examination at the end of the candidacy and will contribute 25% to the final assessment for the degree.

Regular progress reporting requirements apply, such as a probationary period, confirmation report and seminar, and completion seminar.

Candidates in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences' Clinical Residency Training Program will be enrolled in this course on a part-time basis. They will be allocated a total of 30 weeks over a three-year period solely for pursuit of research for the degree. They will be expected to pursue components of the research, for example preparation of the literature review, collection of samples or other data, and some laboratory work, during the other 99 weeks of their candidacy. However, time will not be allocated specifically for this purpose and the candidate will not be given time off for this purpose. These 99 weeks will include annual and conference leave of 8 weeks during the candidacy.


The topic of the research project and the practicum component will determine the candidate's specialisation in disciplines such as small animal medicine and surgery, anaesthesia, equine medicine and surgery, diagnostic imaging, dairy medicine, and pathology.

Subject Options:

Students enrolled in the MVSc (Clinical) will enrol in the Master Thesis in Vet Science (Clinical) and one practicum subject (either the full-time (FT) or part-time (PT) subject listed below):

Study Period Commencement:
Credit Points:
RHD First Half Year, RHD Second Half Year
Semester 1, Semester 2
Semester 1, Semester 2
Entry Requirements:

The usual entry requirement is a Bachelor of Veterinary Science (usually honours level) or recognised equivalent qualification.

Please note that all students must meet the University’s English language requirement and be eligible to register as a veterinarian with the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria.

Core Participation Requirements:

All MVSc (Clinical) candidates are required to complete the equivalent of at least six months full-time (12 months part-time) advanced study and research at the University unless studying at an outside institution approved by the Research Higher Degrees Committee (RHDC). The RHDC will not approve entirely distance supervision or entirely on-line supervision for research higher degree students.

Throughout their candidature candidates are expected to attend the University in order to benefit from planning, conducting and writing up their research within a University community and environment.

The residency requirement is deemed especially important during the first six months of candidature. During this time the student is expected to interact on a regular basis with the supervisor, the department (including staff and other research students) and the University, so as to:

  • build the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out the proposed research program,
  • acquire an understanding of the standards and requirements for an master by research awarded by the University, and
  • make use of support programs and facilities provided by the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences and the University throughout the period of candidature.

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability will impact on meeting the requirements of this course are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and the Disability Liaison Unit.

Graduate Attributes:

Research Masters degrees at the University of Melbourne seek to develop graduates who have a capacity for defining and managing a research project characterised by originality and independence.

The University expects its research Masters graduates to have the following qualities and skills:

  • An ability to initiate research projects and to formulate viable research questions;
  • A demonstrated capacity to design, conduct and report independent and original research on a closely-defined project;
  • An ability to manage time to maximise the quality of research;
  • An understanding of the major contours of international research in the research area;
  • A capacity for critical evaluation of relevant scholarly literature;
  • Well-developed and flexible problem-solving abilities appropriate to the discipline;
  • The ability to analyse research data within a changing disciplinary environment;
  • The capacity to communicate effectively the results of research and scholarship by oral and written communication;
  • An understanding of and facility with scholarly conventions in the discipline area;
  • A profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of research and scholarship;
  • A capacity to cooperate with other researchers; and
  • An ability to manage information effectively, including the application of computer systems and software where appropriate to the student’s field of study.

Application Procedure

Detailed information for prospective MVSc (Clinical) students regarding the application process, including the application form is available at Applications are accepted year-round.

MVSc (Clinical) applicants should identify a supervisor before lodging an application by completing an Expression of Interest.

The Find an Expert website may also assist you to find an appropriate supervisor.

Which scholarship can I apply for?

Students can find information about graduate research scholarships offered by the University of Melbourne at the Melbourne Scholarships Office.

Facilities and Support:

The Melbourne School of Graduate Research makes available a broad range of Programs & Services available to graduate research students.


Candidates undertake a period of supervised advanced study and research in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. The term of candidature is three years on a full-time study basis and six years on a part-time study basis. Candidates are expected to meet regularly with their supervisor and are required to submit an annual report on the progress of their work. They are expected to present their work in the Faculty's research seminar program. They are assisted to participate in relevant national or international conferences.


A thesis is submitted for examination by a minimum of two external examiners. The format of the thesis, including a statement on authorship, must follow prescriptions laid down by the University and advised to the candidate at the time of enrolment. Candidates whose progress in the course is not satisfactory may have their candidature terminated after appropriate counselling and an opportunity for appeal.

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