
Major/Minor/Specialisation !290AA-MAJ+1022 (2012)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2012.

Year and Campus: 2012


Dr Graeme Coulson


Email: gcoulson@unimelb.edu.au


The coursework and research components of this Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Zoology) program allow students to tailor a program to further their knowledge of any of the research strengths of the Department in areas ranging from the structure and function of single cells through to the ecology, reproduction and evolution of animals, with special expertise in the following areas: population and community ecology, wildlife management, animal behaviour, conservation and climate change, environmental stress and adaptation, marine biology, reproductive physiology and developmental biology.


Entry Requirements: An undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline. Entry is also subject to the availability of an appropriate research topic and supervisor.


The program in Zoology is a course of advanced study and research occupying a full year. It is designed to give students an understanding of the research base underpinning modern zoological science. It also introduces students to hands-on research either in the field or in the laboratory, and will enable them to acquire current research skills in different areas of biological sciences.

Structure & Available Subjects:

The course consists of:

  • Advanced coursework (25 points); and
  • A major research project (75 points).

Coursework includes lectures and tutorials on experimental design and analysis, seminars in contemporary issues in zoology and workshops on oral and written communication skills.


Assessment is based on a research report of no more than 7,500 words (70%), a final oral presentation (5%) and coursework (25%).

Links to further information: http://graduate.science.unimelb.edu.au/
Related Course(s): Postgraduate Diploma in Science

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