Master of Public Infrastructure (Coursework)
Course N22AA (2010)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2010.
Year and Campus: | 2010 - Hawthorn |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Graduate/Postgraduate |
Duration & Credit Points: | 100 credit points taken over 12 months full time. This course is available as full or part time. |
To be advisedContact
Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs
Level 3, 442 Auburn Rd
Hawthorn VIC 3122
Phone: 9810 3300
Course Overview: |
note: Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs are not currently accepting new enrolments into this course. The Master of Infrastructure (coursework) is a highly specialised postgraduate program focusing on public infrastructure including the growing global infrastructure method of public private partnerships. |
Objectives: | The Master of Public Infrastructure (coursework) has as its goal that graduates: • Acquire an understanding of the structure and operation of the infrastructure sector that can be applied in the public and private sectors to new and existing investment in the areas of risk, project financing, industry regulation, project management and law, contract administration, industry economics and the public policy frameworks, • Achieve a well-rounded understanding of the economics and operation of the infrastructure sector at three distinct levels – the public sector policy and resource allocation process, the industry and the enterprise levels, and • Demonstrate an ability to critically appraise infrastructure investment proposals, be conversant with contemporary investment financing techniques, achieve an understanding of the financial and operational drivers of public and private investment in infrastructure and demonstrate a capability to independently evaluate industry specific issues including investment, operational, contractual and regulatory matters. |
Course Structure & Available Subjects: | To satisfy the requirements of the Master of Public Infrastructure, students must complete 100 points. |
Subject Options: | Subject Study Period Commencement: Credit Points: |
Entry Requirements: | Entry to the Master of Public Infrastructure coursework program requires: A four-year degree in an appropriate discipline Or A three-year undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline plus an appropriate graduate diploma at an overall standard of at least 70 per cent Or A three-year undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline plus a demonstrated employment experience of no less than 5 years in the infrastructure sector |
Core Participation Requirements: | For the purposes of considering requests for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements of this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison Unit website: |
Further Study: | NA |
Graduate Attributes: | Graduates of this course should: • Understand the technical content of the infrastructure sector and its relationship to the community that it serves, • Appreciate how to source and apply knowledge in this complex multi-disciplinary field, • Achieve a familiarity with the measurement of the key indicators of public procurement, investment, industry and enterprise efficiency and possess the skills necessary for the practical application of industry knowledge in both the public and private sectors, • Understand the important relationship between procurement, industry economics, investment, public policy and regulation in the various infrastructure industry sectors, the differences between sectors and projects and the broad implications of efficiency to national and regional economic performance and ultimately, living standards in the community, • Possess the skills to articulate their knowledge in an appropriate form, and • Be capable of independent critical thought and exhibit analytical and problem-solving skills. |
Professional Accreditation: | NA |
Generic Skills: | Refer to MCCP website. |
Links to further information: | |
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