Bachelor of Commerce
Course B-COM (2010)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2010.
Year and Campus: | 2010 - Parkville |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Undergraduate |
Commerce Student CentreContact
Upper Ground Floor
ICT Building
111 Barry Street
The University of Melbourne
Tel: +61 3 8344 5317
Toll Free: 1800 666 300
Fax: +61 3 9347 3986
Faculty Mailing Address
Commerce Student Centre
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Course Overview: |
The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) at Melbourne equips graduates with the knowledge and technical skills necessary to understand and participate in the modern business world. The course also prepares students for subsequent graduate studies and allows them to achieve the highest level of success in their professional careers. The Bachelor of Commerce provides a solid foundation in economics, quantitative methods and organisational behaviour. The structure of the course requires students to study compulsory and elective subjects from the core program. These determine a student's major field of study. A feature of all the new generation undergraduate degrees is the compulsory breadth component. Students choose a number of subjects from disciplines outside of commerce, exposing them to multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills. The course allows students to meet accreditation requirements specified by accounting and actuarial professional bodies. Graduate options upon completion of the degree include proceeding directly to employment, an Honours year, or further professional or research related graduate studies. |
Objectives: |
The Bachelor of Commerce has the objective of preparing graduates who embody the University of Melbourne graduate attributes. It seeks to provide students with the knowledge and technical skills necessary to understand and participate in the modern business world, to prepare them for subsequent graduate studies and to allow them to achieve the highest level of success in their professional careers. 1. Learning goal: Graduates of this degree will be knowledgeable across the disciplines of the faculty. Objectives to achieve this goal
2. Learning goal: Graduates of this degree will be knowledgeable of disciplines outside the faculty. Objectives to achieve this goal
3. Learning goal: Graduates of this degree will be capable of using basic research methodologies and information sources. Objectives to achieve this goal
4. Learning goal: Graduates of this degree will be effective problem solvers. Objectives to achieve this goal
5. Learning goal: Graduates of this degree will be productive workplace communicators. Objectives to achieve this goal
Course Structure & Available Subjects: |
General Bachelor of Commerce Course Requirements • A total of 300 points must be completed. • No more than 125 level-1 points can be taken. • At least 75 level-3 points must be completed, of which at least 50 points must be commerce subjects undertake at the University of Melbourne. • At least 200 and no more than 225 commerce points must be completed. • At least 75 and no more than 100 breadth points must be completed, of which at least 12.5 points will normally be at level 3. (See special requirements for students pursuing accreditation in actuarial studies.) • The compulsory component must be completed. Further details about compulsory subjects are listed below. • At least one commerce major must be completed, and up to two commerce majors can be completed. • A complementary specialisation that includes 100 breadth points can be completed. • Students pursuing accounting accreditation must include three law subjects in the breadth component. • Students pursuing accreditation in actuarial studies (defined as those students who successfully complete 300-312 Actuarial Modelling I) need to undertake 75 non-commerce points including two mathematics subjects, 620-201 Probability, 620-202 Statistics and two breadth subjects that are not mathematics or statistics. • Students must satisfy prerequisites for subjects before enrolling in those subjects.
Commerce Component Students must complete the following compulsory subjects:
Breadth Component Quantitative requirement Option 1 – standard path: 316-206 Quantitative Methods 2 or 316-205 Introductory Econometrics or 325-210 Managerial Decision Analysis or Option 2 – mathematics path: Majors Available for the Bachelor of Commerce • Accounting: 306-301 Financial Accounting, 306-302 Enterprise Performance Management, 306-304 Auditing and Assurance Services • Actuarial Studies: 37.5 level-3 points chosen from: 300-312 Actuarial Modelling I, 300-313 Actuarial Modelling II, 300-314 Contingencies (double subject), 300-315 Actuarial Statistics, 300-316 Models for Insurance and Finance, 300-334 Financial Mathematics III • Business: 75 level-3 points from three or more areas of study within the BCom. • Economics: 316-312 Macroeconomics, 316-313 Microeconomics, 316-316 Basic Econometrics or 316-317 Econometrics • Finance: 333-301 Investments, 333-302 Corporate Finance, 333-309 Derivative Securities • Management: 37.5 level-3 points chosen from: 325-304 Managing in Contemporary Organisations, 325-312 International Human Resource Management, 325-313 Managing Strategic Change, 325-314 Managing Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 325-316 Organisations, Ethics and Society, 325-321 Supply Chain Management, 325-325 Governance and the International Firm, 325-330 Business Practicum, 325-331 Managing Conflict in Global Workplaces, 325-332 Chinese Business and Economy, 325-333 Strategic Management , 325-335 Career Management, 325-338 Business Communication. • Marketing: 37.5 level-3 points chosen from 325-306 Service and Relationship Marketing, 325-327 Retail Management, 325336 Marketing and Society, 325337 Neuromarketing, 325339 Product Management, 325340 Marketing Channels, 325341 Advertising and Promotions.
• Students must normally complete at least one level-3 breadth subject. In many cases this will require prerequisite first and second year level study; • Students may take all of their 75 to 100 points in one breadth discipline (such as a language, mathematics, engineering or music studies); • Certain breadth subjects in law or mathematics must be taken to gain accounting or actuarial accreditation; • Students pursuing accreditation in actuarial studies (defined as those students who successfully complete 300-312 Actuarial Modelling I) must take 75 non-commerce points including two mathematics subjects, 620-201 Probability, 620-202 Statistics and two breadth subjects that are not mathematics or statistics; • 2010 commencing students pursuing an approved engineering pathway will undertake 112.5 breadth and 187.5 commerce points. Breadth subjects available for Bachelor of Commerce students: Breadth subjects NOT available for Bachelor of Commerce students: Certain breadth subjects may be cross-credited toward a concurrent diploma. These diplomas offer specialised study in a range of areas. For further information, refer to the relevant website: • Diploma in Informatics • Diploma in Languages • Diploma in Mathematical Sciences • Diploma in Music (Practical) Commencing students interested in pursuing a diploma should seek advice from both the Commerce Student Centre and the owning faculty of the diploma. |
Breadth Options: | Breadth subjects offer you the opportunity to choose additional subjects from outside your major study area (learn more about breadth subjects) . |
Entry Requirements: |
For the most up-to-date admission requirements visit:
Core Participation Requirements: | For the purposes of considering requests for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Students Experiencing Academic Disadvantage Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Description, Subject Objectives, Generic Skills and Assessment Requirements for this entry. The University is dedicated to provide support to those with special requirements. Further details on the disability support scheme can be found at the Disability Liaison Unit website: |
Further Study: |
Graduate degrees offer the opportunity for graduates to obtain a professional qualification or develop their expertise in an individual field. Graduate studies in commerce are also available for non-commerce graduates. Graduate Professional Degrees are professional qualifications in disciplines including law, engineering and teaching. Fifty percent of designated places will be Commonwealth supported. Graduate Programs in Commerce are business qualifications open to graduates from any discipline. They also allow commerce graduates to broaden their knowledge of business and management or extend their expertise in a particular field. The Honours year provides advanced studies in individual commerce disciplines and is a gateway to research degrees such as the PhD. |
Graduate Attributes: |
Bachelor of Commerce graduates will have the following attributes and skills: Academically excellent
Knowledgeable across disciplines
Attuned to cultural diversity
Active global citizens
Leaders in communities
Generic Skills: |
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