Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Systems
Course 269AA (2010)
Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2010.
Year and Campus: | 2010 - Parkville |
Fees Information: | Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date |
Level: | Undergraduate |
Duration & Credit Points: | 500 credit points taken over 60 months full time. This course is available as full or part time. |
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Eastern Precinct Student Centre
Course Overview: |
There is no further new student intake into this course after 2007. The combined Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Systems course provides a course of study for students who want to understand information systems from a technological perspective, the organisational contexts in which these systems are developed, and the business environments which determine how the systems can be used to create value. Graduates of this course should readily find employment across a spectrum of knowledge-intensive careers, including accounting, consulting, and general management. |
Objectives: | As for the Bachelor of Commerce and the Bachelor of Information Systems. It will be possible within the outlines of the BCom/BIS course to achieve either the approved undergraduate course of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICA) or the required subjects for associate status with CPA Australia. In commerce/information systems at the University of Melbourne, we expect to educate our students with the fundamental skill of managing information, its transformation into knowledge and being able to integrate this knowledge into a business environment. These outcomes are fully consistent with the University's general ambition for our graduates, and emphasise the transferability of the skills practised in commerce and information systems. Throughout their course, students will find that many of the abilities that they develop are shared by, and so are valued by and are applicable to, activities in all walks of life. In particular, these are the skills that are essential to providing leadership to the business and information-technology base of the Australian economy and culture. |
Course Structure & Available Subjects: | Students must complete a minimum (and maximum) of 500 points. Within the 500 points students must ensure that they satisfy the requirements of both the science component and the information systems component as specified below. The final first year intake into the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Systems course was at the start of 2007. In addition to the information below, current BIS students should refer to other resources regarding course requirements and appropriate subject selection:
The description of the BCom/BIS course has changed over recent years. Students may complete this course as defined by the current structure or a structure detailed in a previous year's handbook, applicable to any year the student was enrolled in the course. |
Subject Options: |
Students must complete a minimum (and maximum) of 500 points. Within the 500 points, students must ensure that they satisfy the requirements of both the commerce component and the information systems component as specified below. Commerce component
The 200 commerce points must be chosen from subjects taught by departments in the Faculty of Business and Economics, or subjects with a 732 prefix taught by the Faculty of Law. Information systems componentA minimum of 212.5 points of information systems subjects is required, which must include:
615-110 Foundations of Information Systems (enrolment by invitation of Head of Department) 615-150 Organisational Processes (enrolment by invitation of Head of Department) 600-151 Informatics 1: Practical Computing (replaces 615-145) 600-152 Informatics 2: People, Data and the Web (replaces 615-240) Students must include either 615-160 Tools of Analysis (prior to 2008) or any first year level mathematics and statistics subject as part of the total 500 course points in the BSc/BIS.
Second year level Core information systems subjects and approved alternatives offered in 2009 600-206 Informatics 3: Content Management (replaces 615-230) 615-237 Telecommunications Concepts 615-240 Concepts in Software Development II (enrolment by invitation of Head of Department) 615-245 Systems Analysis and Design 615-251 Organisational Analysis and Change Please note: the core subject 615-252 Electronic Commerce will not be offered in 2009. It will be replaced by a new third year level subject ICT Based Inter-organisational Processes to be offered for the first time in 2010 (subject to approval).
Third year level Core information systems subjects offered in 2009 615-346 Information Systems Architecture 615-355 Professional Issues in Info Systems
Second year level Elective information systems subjects offered in 2009 615-201 Information Visualisation 615-202 Reasoning with Informatics 615-281 Emerging Technologies for Transformation 615-282 Shaping the Organisation with ICT
Third year level Elective information systems subjects offered in 2009 615-330 Advanced Concepts in Database 615-348 Human Computer Interaction 615-351 Strategic IS Management 615-360 Organisational Information Security
Entry Requirements: |
There is no new student intake into this course after 2007. For enquiries about admission requirements for later year entry into this program, please contact the Faculty of Science Office. |
Core Participation Requirements: | It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study and reasonable steps will be made to enhance a student’s participation in the University’s programs. Students who feel their disability may impact upon their active and safe participation in a subject are encouraged to discuss this with the relevant subject coordinator and the Disability Liaison Unit. |
Further Study: |
Honours and Masters level studies are available as indicated at
Graduate Attributes: | Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Systems graduates have strong information technology skills with an awareness of the business environment. These graduates are able to:
From their training in information systems, graduates have five streams of knowledge and skills: information systems, information technology, organisations, analytical skills and professional competencies. These graduates comprehend the larger picture of how information systems collect, process, store, and distribute information so that it can be used to make decisions, keep track of resources, and plan for the future. In particular, they can imagine, specify, design, justify, build, implement, manage and use information systems to add value in a wide variety of public and private organisations. They are familiar and comfortable working with computer hardware and software, telecommunications, databases and data structures, information technology architectures, and information technology infrastructures. They have practical experience in these areas enabling them to assess the current and future capability of information technology. They therefore know the potential of information technology to add value in an organisation, knowledge that is vital to the successful implementation and use of information systems. A distinguishing characteristic of the Bachelor of Information Systems graduate is their ability to analyse and evaluate the organisational environment and its impact on information systems. They are able to implement information systems efficiently and effectively in organisations analyse and understand the functions, processes, environments, characteristics and cultures that give rise to a complete organisation. Graduates also have a broad range of analytical skills, including data classification and modeling, information mapping and representation, systems analysis and design, and statistics. These and other analytical skills are essential for understanding, and communicating about, complex organisational situations and the potential and performance of information systems, to ensure that effective design, development, and implementation of information systems in organisations occurs. Having been trained in professional skills within their program of study, graduates are able to interact effectively with people across the broad spectrum of technical and business interests and skills. The program gives graduates a set of personal competencies, including listening, collecting and synthesising information, writing, presenting, and working in teams, which are vital in any organisational context. Their studies in commercial disciplines enable graduates to accept and deal with a level of uncertainty in problem solving and decision making, particularly when access to information is limited. The need to manage the multiplicity of tasks (lectures, laboratory and assignment work), means that commerce/information systems graduates are aware of the need to structure and manage time effectively and efficiently, to retain balance and to prioritise their activities. They are able to juggle several tasks simultaneously, take responsibility for their own work, independently or within a group, and to plan their schedule appropriately. |
Generic Skills: | A detailed description of the generic skils expected of a graduate of the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Information Systems is included under 'Graduate Attributes'. |
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