Optical Networking

Subject 431-694 (2009)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2009. Search for this in the current handbook

Credit Points: 12.50
Level: 9 (Graduate/Postgraduate)
Dates & Locations:

This subject has the following teaching availabilities in 2009:

Semester 1, - Taught on campus.
Pre-teaching Period Start not applicable
Teaching Period not applicable
Assessment Period End not applicable
Last date to Self-Enrol not applicable
Census Date not applicable
Last date to Withdraw without fail not applicable

On campus.

Timetable can be viewed here. For information about these dates, click here.
Time Commitment: Contact Hours: Thirty-six hours.
Total Time Commitment: Estimated total time commitment of 120 hours.
Prerequisites: 4-year Electrical Engineering degree or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
Recommended Background Knowledge: None
Non Allowed Subjects: None
Core Participation Requirements:

For the purposes of considering request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education (Cwth 2005), and Student Support and Engagement Policy, academic requirements for this subject are articulated in the Subject Overview, Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Generic Skills sections of this entry.

It is University policy to take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of disability upon academic study, and reasonable adjustments will be made to enhance a student's participation in the University's programs. Students who feel their disability may impact on meeting the requirements of this subject are encouraged to discuss this matter with a Faculty Student Adviser and Student Equity and Disability Support: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/disability


Dr An Tran
Subject Overview:

This subject covers the basic areas of optical networks. In particular, it includes the following topics.

The topics covered include:

  • Optical network elements;
  • Optical transport network architecture and design;
  • Optical circuit switching, optical burst switching, and optical packet switching;
  • Optical network control and management;
  • Optical network survivability;
  • Traffic grooming in optical networks;
  • IP over WDM networks.
  • Free space optical networks;
  • Optical access networks (e..Active Ethernet, EPON, GPON, WDM PON);
  • Optical local area networks.

On completion of this subject, the students will develop skills and knowledge required to understand the fundamentals of optical networks and to be able to solve technical problems in the following areas:

  • Fundamental optical network elements;
  • Optical network architectures ranging from optical access networks to backbone optical transport networks;
  • Approaches and methodologies of optical network design optimisation;
  • Techniques of optical network survivability;
  • Problem solving skills and critical thinking in the discipline of optical networks.
The subject will also help students develop an enthusiasm towards research and development in the field of optical networks.
  • Formally surpervised written examination - 3 hours 60% (end of semester). This final examination is a hurdle. A student must pass the exam to pass the subject;
  • Written class test - 2 hour 30% (mid semester);
  • Assignments - 10%.
Prescribed Texts:


  • Optical Networks : A Parctical Perspective by Rajiv Ramaswami and Kuma Sivarajan.

Additional Reading:

  • Optical Communication Networks (Hardcover) by Biswanath Mukherjee;
  • Mesh-based Survivable Transport Networks: Options and Strategies for Optical, MPLS, SONET and ATM Networking (Hardcover) by Wayne D. Grover;
  • Ethernet Passive Optical Networks by Glen Kramer;
  • MPLS Technology and Applications by Bruce Davie and Yakov Rekhter.
Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:

On completion of this subject , the students should have developed:

  • Problem solving and analytical skills;
  • Critical and creative thinking, with and aptitude for continued sel-directed learning;
  • Sense of intellectual curiosity;
  • Ability to interpret data and research results;
  • Ability to learn in a range of ways, including through information and communication technologies;
  • Capacity to confront unfamiliar problems;
  • Ability to evaluate and synthesise the research and professional literature;
  • Ability to develop models of practical applications and evaluate their performance by rigorous analytical means.
Related Course(s): Master of Telecommunications Engineering

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