Aspects of Stalinism

Subject 131-406 (2008)

Note: This is an archived Handbook entry from 2008.Search for this in the current handbookSearch for this in the current handbook

Credit Points: 12.500
Level: Undergraduate
Dates & Locations:

This subject is not offered in 2008.

Time Commitment: Contact Hours: A 2-hour seminar per week
Total Time Commitment: x
Prerequisites: x
Corequisites: x
Recommended Background Knowledge: x
Non Allowed Subjects: x
Core Participation Requirements: x


Prof Stephen Wheatcroft
Subject Overview:

This subject examines key aspects of the nature of the Soviet political system under Stalin, especially as we now understand them in the light of new archival materials. It also considers the way in which these problems have been viewed by historians in the past. The problem of labelling certain aspects and excluding them from further critical discussion is a key element both of Stalinism and of studies of this phenomena.

Assessment: An essay of 5000 words 100% (due at the end of semester).
Prescribed Texts: x
Recommended Texts:

Information Not Available

Breadth Options:

This subject is not available as a breadth subject.

Fees Information: Subject EFTSL, Level, Discipline & Census Date
Generic Skills:
  • show an advanced understanding of the changing knowledge base in the specialist area;

  • be able to evaluate and synthesise the research and professional literature in the discipline;

  • have an appreciation of the design, conduct and reporting of original research.

Related Course(s): Master of International Studies
Postgraduate Certificate in International Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in International Studies

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